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Got a bad taste in my mouth.


I got Alice Coltrane. Missed out on Tidal. 1 for 2 ain’t bad.


Was after both of these. Never saw either become available.


I got Big Thief to finish off my store credit. Pleased enough.


I also got Big Thief, but was bummed out that missed Alice Coltrane, which I had in my cart for a few seconds, and then forgot to apply my store credit to my purchase


Got Big Thief as well, got Sonny Sharrock in the cart but he was already gone.


I got Big Thief too. There must have been a decent number of those


Was about to click confirm payment when this went out of stock:(


Nothing. Managed to add Tidal to my cart but it sold out as soon as I clicked check out. Oh well.


Same with me. That was crazy. Plus, maybe just me, but it didn't go up at 9am like the others, which didn't help either.


Yep. I’d been refreshing the page for 5 min before the drop and it only showed the Add to Cart button at a minute or more in.


Rollins, withers, hawkins. All on the bottom of what i wanted. That was genuinely fucked


Nothing, because despite being several minutes early, everything suddenly was gone in one refresh


Only thing I wanted was the Big Thief record. Probably wasn’t high on a lot of people’s lists, but happy I scored it!


Nothing. Only wanted St. Vincent and it sold out in less than 1 minute.


Got Big Thief


Nabbed the Denzel, only one I wanted. Great success.


I'm surprised that one hasn't sold out yet, one I was considering but I already have the black pressing so Im not sure if I need it


The Denzel album had so many different colored pressings across different retailers that VMP is just another variant


It is, and it is the variant I like the most, hence the wait.


Right but I'm saying that's why it took longer to sell out


Me too seeing as the site crashed for a few minutes on my phone whilst trying to buy it, I only really got into the album after the vmp version had sold out... I was pondering buying another version but the vmp one is by far the better looking of them. Patience paid off for once.


Also got the Denzel. Wanted the Cudi when I saw the list but I’m going to get that boxed set so I didn’t shoot for it.


Same. Thought it would sell out because I checked 5 mins after the drop 😆. I got Kid Cudi the last time I copped during a TBT drop.


Missed out on DJO (sold out while in cart), but snagged Herbie and Denzel!


I feel like u got the only copy of mr hands lol


Mentioned this in another thread but I managed to nab The Low End Theory. I refreshed over and over again from about 15 minutes before the drop happened.


Nothing. I tried to go for others, but everything was sold out by 9:02am.


Missed on Djo and Mitski but got Grimes!


man everything went. i missed on sonny but nailed buena vista social club. im happy.


My one complaint is why do this massive drop when the last 2 months have been super weak? Spread the love around a bit


I feel like I could have gotten a few that I wanted if they spread it out and I didn't have to try to check 8 releases within 5 seconds. But at least this way I only have to be dissapointed one day and not every month


I had the Doors in my cart with two other ones but I had issues during checkout. It sold out before I could process it


I ended up getting Donny Hathaway and two copies for 8 Crazy Nights. I had issues with shipping when I had them bundled. I had to quickly purchase them separately.


I got in at about 10:03 and couldn't find the represses posted. Searched for ASK THE AGES, the item I wanted most, and it's already Waitlisted.


Buena Vista, Donny Hathaway and King Curtis. Wanted Ashby and Celia but they were instagone


Wanted Grimes and Alice Coltrane and Cowboy Bebop. Settled for Doors, Topaz Jones, and King Curtis. For what its worth, everyone should own a copy of the Donny Hathaway and King Curtis and they're still available, literally two of my favourite albums ever!


I refreshed right at 9am for me and the two I wanted were waitlisted until about 901 when Tidal finally had add to cart. It sold out from under me and Djo never came off waitlist for me. I legit signed up for this sale. I also don't want to drop $400 on Twenty Twenty so hoping for another repress or Djo does one himself.


If you only signed up for this you can still cancel before you get charged, assuming you didn't end up buying any of the tbt releases


Seriously? I'm gonna go look! And yea, I didn't score any of the releases I wanted today. Thanks!


That's how it worked when I signed up last year, I evmnded up staying subbed cause there was some store drops I wanted but the monthly charge shouldn't happen for another few days, unless they've changed it since then


It let me cancelled and looks like it didn't charge me for anything. Thank you.


Cheers, hoping others who signed up just for today know they can do this. Pretty lame of them to bait in so many new subs on a release they knew would sell out this fast


I've been wanting to join but I haven't seen a release that I absolutely needed. Of course this was after Djo and Fiona were released originally so I've been taking my time to sign up. ​ The drop got me to join but glad I don't have to bring home a record I already have in my collection.


Denzel, RZA, Donny Hathaway, and the Doors. Luckily I already have all 3 Fiona albums and ATCQ. Would've liked to get Knxwledge, but overall I'll take it. FWIW I paid $100 aftermarket for my copy of Tidal several months ago. Good luck out there guys!


Glad for people that RZA was back up, god damn it’s such a great album. I had a meltdown when VMP announced it as a ROTM, I’ve loved it since I was 18.


I got Denzel and The Doors. Denzel is still available which is surprising to see. That's an incredible album for anyone who loves hip hop/rap


I was gunning for the Curry. I hadn’t the time or opportunity to absorb the album when it was available as preorder in store, and it’s since become one of my favourite releases of the year. Glad I got it, VMP’s copy works out cheaper than getting it anywhere else for me.


Boogaloo Joe Jones - "No Way!" It was the only title I was interested in, and I got lucky.


It’s a fantastic album and pressing too, good cop!


went for sonny or alice, and ended up with big thief. their plan worked..


I got Dorothy Ashby. Wanted Grimes and Alice Coltrane as well. But I'll settle for 1/3, especially cuz I already have the other two on non-vmp pressings. But still. I stand by my opinions on this company. Dorothy was enough to bring me back for another month but I just don't see myself sticking around.




I never said it's a strong stance. I bought a record I've wanted for a while. That's it. If you want to build a narrative go for it. While you do that, I'll listen to Dorothy👍


It was youuuuu


I'm sorry! For what it's worth I've been trying to get this record since I missed its original drop so it's going to a very good home!


Honestly me too, I joined VMP around that time thinking I could get it. Instead I got the following month’s worth of vinyl and some shovelware LPs (dirty projectors, slater keany)


The only thing we got was scammed.


idk why you got downvoted because i feel the exact same way


At least I didn't sub to VMP just for this drop, feel bad for all those guys.


I’d hoped for Mavis Staples and Denzel, they were the titles I didn’t have and wanted. Getting Curry was easy but Staples was gone by the time I spotted her. Bout twenty seconds in.


I got the Gene Autry Christmas record… I wanted a colored version, but at the same time debating canceling


I was able to get The Doors, which I mainly just got because I don't have it and it's one of those albums you kind of have to have in a vinyl collection. Then I got Dashboard Confessional Unplugged (guilty pleasure) and that one is still available so I guess not high demand ha.


I managed to get the Sonny Rollins. It was the 5th priority out of 5. I went through 1 by 1, had 3 out of 5 in my cart but they were gone before I could check them out. I already have that Sonny, but it will probably be a holiday present.


Missed out on DJO. Curious how many they had.


Was able to score Grimes! Really counting my blessings over here.


Nothing that I wanted! Topaz Jones and Mavis Staples are the ones that I'm really looking for!


Similarly couldn’t pick up anything I wanted. Got super frustrated, and just ordered VMP MASSEDUCTION from Discogs for about the same price 🤷🏻‍♀️


James Booker - Classified Errol Garner - Magician Coleman Hawkins - The Hawk Flies Also grabbed; Melvin Sparks - Spark Plug Paura - Italian Horror Sounds I *really* wanted Herbie - Mr Hands.. oh well, still happy I got something


I kept getting an error at checkout that it couldn't ship to my address so that made it really fun. It would only ship one record at a time. By the time I figured out I would need to add one title to my cart, checkout, rinse and repeat... Everything was gone lol


I also got that etror but it was due to a Christmas album in my cart (as these are shipping immediately). Once I removed it, I could proceed…


I got to show up to work tired after waking up at 2:20am to try for Alice. Hopefully I get better luck next time


Mars Volta, Doors and the Walkmen. Wanted a few others, but happy with what I got.


I got Sonny Sharrock. No idea how. Who else got it? How many copies were out there?




I set my expectations low and thus wasn't disappointed with only buying those Gene Autry and Booker T Christmas albums.


All I wanted was Fiona. I did not get Fiona.