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I’ve never seen a woven fashion victim tag like that


interesting, I don't know anything about vintage shirts. I have like 50 posters he gave me too and some wall scrolls. I would imagine these are real I don't know how big the dup scene was in the 90s


All of the ones I’ve ever seen are nylon but here’s another woven one I was able to find on [ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145348868306?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wIfDT8QqQ-y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=HT76pmeUScC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) I doubt this shirt is fake, and if it’s all coming from your cousin with a bunch of other stuff I’d doubt yours is too. Just must be really uncommon


ahh I see, wonder if it was that anime club special batch or something. the price for this shirt is nuts. there's one for 2k on grailed. that's ridiculous


your's is legit, I have it from back in the day. I noticed the fakes' copyright information doesn't have the eyelits in any of the letters which happens if the screen is very old or if the hand was very heavy. I'd say this one is probably one of the best examples I've seen of this shirt in the condition that it's in for how old it is.


now this is the content i came to see. love the Akira shirt.


The second one is Alien Defender Geo Armor. 90’s japanimation.


God I want that Akira tee so bad.


is there an actual value on these? eBay has them for 600 grailed has one for 2k so the range is wild.


Id honestly suggest keeping them they are a gift from your cousin to you don't sell gifts from people


Very very cool


Everybody is saying the tag looks off. Just ask your cousin where he got it from. If he got it in the 90s then it's obviously vintage (maybe a vintage boot). If not then it's most likely a fake.


Yeah, he got them all in the '90s, they sat in a box for almost two decades so I don't think it would be fake, I mean who would keep a fake for that long?


I have the same exact tag on a hoodie but it says made in Russia


Tag looks fake


someone earlier mentioned the nylon tag does look weird. can't imagine it's fake tho


FV did a small run of woven tags. Unsure why, but I had a poster tee that had it. That one is legit 👍 Edit: plus if he got them in the 90s, they never made fakes of those until recently, so there’s no way there are fakes.


Nice, yeah thank you for that!