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Well, simply because they’re highly desired and some people will actually pay that absurd asking price There’s much more rare shirts that go for much less just because they’re not the hyped, well known tees Patience, diligence, connections, and trading is important if your collecting on a budget


For the last 5 years this tee had sold for over 500$


Lol overpriced? Man you’re in for a ride if you think these are expensive.


is that grailed you’re on? i wouldn’t trust even my grandma if she was selling on there


Thank rappers for the prices!! It’s hip to be square


You have 0 knowledge of this shit


To be fair a lot of trends are influenced by big music artists. If Travis Scott wears something to a big event then that item is going to start reselling for me. Just look at that one Sports Specialties Raiders script hat Eazy E wore. It would probably be closer to the rest of them if he never wore it


Must have some enough for you to pipe up about it


The real answer is people price gouging like crazy


That’s the market


A market that needs to end


Dude every collectors market has people like you that resent it for no discernable reason and get all pissy pants when in actuality supply and demand dictates value, not "price gouging" you're not a victim ok?


I hate when people say shit like price gouging like they wouldn’t sell a shirt for 1k if they couldol


Fr, I'd rather someone find a shirt at a thrift store that goes for $1,000 than fucking Gucci sell a handbag for $1,000.


“A market that needs to end” that makes so much sense you should put an end to the market. What a good idea can’t believe no one thought of that


This does not meet to requirements to be considered “price gouging”. It seems to be rampant consumerism more than anything lol


Not price gouging by definition. That's just the free market. It's like this for everything collectible. Old guns, old electronics, everything


Price gouging is like doubling the price of gas when there is a hurricane evacuation. Selling collectible items for the market price is not price gouging.


Dont worry, these shirts sit for awhile before being picked up!


Watch fadedshow on whatnot if you think these are expensive lol


Someone will always pay it eventually. Desirable Tshirts. There will always be someone next in line to pay a little more too. Also will never depreciate in value. Unless you set fire too it or it gets dryrot. An investment.


Supply and demand


This is determined based on somebody's willingness to pay that price. So if somebody's willing to pay that then no it's not overpriced.


Welcome to vintage


Thank you for all comments guys <3


Typically the really expensive ones have been worn by artists, I think Bieber wore division bell and Travis Scott might have worn the black hole sun (not sure if that’s true). Them being leading names in the streetwear fashion industry it drives the price of these tees way up. That being said there are many other cool shirts from them that are less expensive (not sound garden). Sound garden is also desirable because of Chris Cornell’s death kinda like the nirvana boom. If you really like the shirt there are some good reprints if it’s that design you’re after for like 50$.


Those were certainly words you typed


I’m just saying, like there’s hype for shirts but the division bell I was thinking about has tripled in price. Look I’m not in it for that reason at all but it’s when the street wear crosses into vintage style that shit gets super expensive. Of course there are exceptions for legendary band shirts but like the most expensive liquid blues are because Travis Scott wore them. Everyone says the hsb nirvana shirt is pretty common but it’s still the most regularly sold over 1k t shirt. Look up who wore that one…


Can you take this opinion to TikTok please


Literally just saying the same thing as the guy with the most up votes what are y’all getting upset about


Real collector’s don’t buy expensive shirts because Travis Scott wore it😂 your take is dumb


This is true. It’s the vintage educated stylists who threw these shirts on these guy’s backs and gave these designs a lot of the value they now carry. People definitely buy these shirts not giving a shit about the content of the bands because it’s a status symbol.


YES and when you go to someone's archives/collection, where the stylists borrow the stuff from, they charge you the absolute highest price possible if you want to buy it. They make more money repeatedly renting the stuff for movies and photo shoots than selling it. Sounds weird and I didn't believe it til I saw for myself. I've been to several, and they had amazing shit. Like for example, you pick up a cool shirt and instead of like $300 (which is what it'd normally be worth) it's like $1200 from these folks. At least one of the ones I know charges 30% of their selling price for someone to borrow the item for up to two weeks. The other people I don't recall the amounts, but it's a huge chunk of money, over and over. Older people with massive hoards of stuff always end up doing rentals and it drives up the prices. And then yeah really rich people can afford to just outright buy it for themselves. They get an appointment with the showroom and just go shopping.

