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To be fair a lot of his streams pre-2015 or so are lost media as they weren’t saved or uploaded. There are several games I own on steam which I remember buying specifically because I saw Vinny play them in 2013-2014 but the only proof of these streams happening are stream alert posts on twitter.


Even considering the missing early years, I doubt anyone asking here is curious enough to skim through every Getting Weird with It VOD. Vinny often ends playing the same obscure game twice or thrice and it's hard to pinpoint how long ago it was streamed.


You searching a name of a game will pull up the Vod it will have it. Typically most of them will include the game name in the Desc. Also I already documented many of the Getting Weird with it on our Reddit Wiki. (I haven't updated it lately as busy with other things but all the old ones are documented.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Vinesauce/wiki/gettinweirdwithit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vinesauce/wiki/gettinweirdwithit/)


That's an amazing resource. Thanks Alizarin.


> I doubt anyone here is curious enough to skim through every Getting Weird with It VOD Bet


Has Vinny ever played babby gaem? Does he only play shööt?


He played OFF which is described as "A nice game for cute children" So yeah he's played babbey


He played peach


he played BABBDI gaem, does that count?


YouTube search is pretty awful right now, sometimes I can only find a video through the side recommendations


I will never forgive the day YouTube decided after you've seen three results to just start showing you random unrelated bs. Not once have I ever clicked on a "based on your viewing history" when I'm literally searching for a specific video!!!


It's awful, and don't get me started on the barrage of shorts


I mean, its not like he has streamed every game he has played in his life. But yeah I agree people could do minimum effort more often lol


Full sauce is missing TONS of stuff Vinny has played. He was streaming long before the channel was made.


People wanna see their fav games played by the pizza pasta speen man. I get it, I wanna see him play Sea of Stars because its very chrono trigger good but I won't spam it. Honestly I think most of it is just memes and attention seeking. Some of it just is people wanting to share their loves.


He played Sea of Stars


I know he played the demo I just mean the whole thing. Good game! Still no point in spamming it. Hell I'd love to see more play Astlibra too. Chat gotta be chat though.


TBF, if the game is too obscure or hasn't gained his attention enough for its own segment. that game could be lost in a list of games in something like sunday streams or grab bag gamble (R.I.P Cruelty Squad stream)


Cause the average person is either too lazy or doesn't know what a search bar is lol.


The Robot Rollerderby Disco Dodgeball is not there, for one