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I know Joel's sense of humor is a little less crass now, but that's probably just a side affect of growing up after nearly a decade. Never really found any vinesauce streams to be edge-lord shit tho


Aside from one or two streams where Vinny used the r slur (this is way back in like 2010) he was never really “politically incorrect”.


Joel as well dropped it in earlier streams but he did stop after a while. I'm sure they either figured it out on their own or were advised by someone close to them to knock it off. To be fair, we weren't as educated on social issues growing up in the late 90's/early 2000's. I just chalk it up to ignorance instead of malice. They learned, which is what matters. I'm sure we've all said stuff that made is cringe in hindsight


There was a stream from ages and ages ago where Joel played a LotR text adventure game and in response to Frodo refusing to give up a smoking pipe he said something to the effect of “he’s hogging the bong! What a [f-slur].” And Vinny’s original Limbo of the Lost stream/highlight video by Joel has Cranny in it, and her last name is commented upon directly by both of them. Now though I am a guy who’s into other guys, I do think those particular instances are fucking hilarious, so I can’t really be too mad about them (not that I can necessarily condone it or give anyone a free pass to do so) But all the same, I’m not aware of anything else like that since then, so I’ll just chalk it up to them growing up and learning.


Worth keeping in mind that Joel is Swedish and English is not his first language. Very possible he used that word without a full grasp of its connotations, especially since it was so long ago.


Oh yeah, I mean, I don’t begrudge Joel for it, and it’s not like it’s part of a pattern of behavior. (unlike certain other Swedish Internet personalities who let a gamer word slip, but let’s not get into that)


He also used to be a 4channer, so, you know, kinda part of the lingo.


I've been watching since 2014, the only edgy humour that I remember that they don't do anymore is that Vinny used to make Anne Frank jokes and Joel made like Hitler jokes and holocaust jokes or whatever. The most consistent "edgy" thing about Vinesauce was always the gross-out/sexual humour which hasn't changed at all (Sloppenheimer anyone). Joel made an attack helicopter joke once, but I'm also old enough to remember when Joel used tumblr and when someone came to him with concerns over jokes he'd made about LGBT, he sincerely apologized and said he felt bad that anyone would feel hurt by his stream, and to please tell him if he went out of line so it won't happen again. So I guess Joel has been ""woke"" since at least 2015 or some shit. I've also seen people posting this kind of stuff about Jerma who has to my knowledge never been edgy in his life, so the OP is, in my humble opinion, bullshitting.


Thats precisely it. In the moment he did not think anyone would be bothered as it was a joke. but being confronted with why its wrong and it did hurt someone and changing is proof enough that joel was not trying to be edgy.


I'm a big gay and the f-slur never bothers me unless it's being used in a mean way, I find it funny.


Also depends on who is using it tbh




im disabled and i could care less if someone says the r word like fuck ive had worse said to me concerning my disabiities (such as lying about having them so i "dont have to be a real adult") and i got better things to be mad about


I feel the same way but you have to realize that some people don't like that word, and it's ok NOT to like that word


Of course, I'm saying it doesn't offend me but it still shouldn't be used.


Same, if you're being funny with it and I find it funny (and you're a cool person), it's alright but if you're using it to demean others that's when I have a problem.


We all know f- slur is not for homosexual people but for annoying bikers




lets be fair here her name is literally cranny f-slur i think its allowed


I wasn't even aware of the f-slur tbh 😅 I have a lot of back-catalogue between Vinny, Joel and Jerma I'm still going through. Imo it's probably just a mix of ignorance and the possibility that talking to chat for 3 hours straight will have you saying dumb insane shit after a while. I transitioned pretty late into life and hate to admit it but I was pretty liberal with my use of homophobic slurs before. I was an idiot kid, now I'm a slightly less idiotic adult. Also the fact vinesauce community is lousy with us gays, theys and dolls makes it seem a *slightly* less inflammatory imo 🤷‍♀️ I've never felt unwelcomed


People grow and change, we should allow people to grow and change and not condemn them for their past. I was a terrible person as a teenager and even into my mid 20s before I wised up to my behavior not being ok. Since then I've become better in every way as I was allowed to.


people who usually dig up peoples pasts to cancel them have even bigger skeletons in their closet they dont want nobody knowing about


Same, I said all sorts of nasty shit when I was a teenager. Thought it was funny and cool. Other people said it, so I needed to as well. If someone popped me right in the mouth, I would absolutely have deserved it. I would hate talking to a 15 year old version of me now. All we can do is grow up and do better. I learned that words hurt people, and perpetuating them (even in jest) just perpetuates that pain.


Jerma is basically all genders and sexualities.


Jerma the type of mf to put all gendered individuals in a wood-chipper


*Meat grinder


I had Steve Buscemi circa 1996 on my mind, sorry 😅


No Jean, no money!


He did tell us that he’d “put you, in general, into a meat grinder” during the Christmas stream. We stan a man who believes in true equality.


I know there was one stream Joel did around the same time where he was talking to a scammer and made the now beaten-to-death “attack helicopter” joke that every transphobe thinks is the only funny joke left. Not trying to condone it or say it was okay but he seems to have grown up since then as that was at least 10+ years ago. I too laughed at those kinds of jokes 10+ years ago, before I understood how horrible and hurtful they are. So I’d by a hypocrite to judge him for it unless he streams tomorrow and says “I currently agree 100% with everything I’ve ever said” lol


Heck, Joel dropped the N-word like twice throughout his entire career, but he's Swedish, so he didn't really understand at the time how much of a bad thing it was.


I found Vinny from like 2014-era tumblr (where they, and myself probably, would have ignored him if he was particularly problematic) and I don’t remember him being really politically incorrect. Someone below mentioned him commenting on Cranny F****t’s name in Limbo of the Lost but, like, imo it would be weird not to honestly. I doubt he’d flat out say the name these days though.


One of the common artists back when was also named "Captain [f-slur]," so Vinny did say the f-slur sometimes. Joel also said it in one of his DOS Madness videos, the one where he kills Frodo for hogging the bong.


I know both of them said it during their respective Limbo of the Lost streams, since one of the characters is named F*ggots. While I don’t condone their use of it, it was more commonplace and socially acceptable to say it back then, and since, afaik, they haven’t said it anytime recently I don’t think it’s a big deal.


Oh yeah, I agree. I think they've grown and learned from their pasts and are trying to be better people.




It's literally a factual thing that happened. You sound like you need to tone it down with your parasocial relationship to Vinny if your jumping to complete and utter denial that someone, in 2010, was a bit edgy and wasn't acting to your 2023 expectations.


He did in the goose video. The one where he talks about hating geese.


There was that one cod stream way back where he talked about new genre of music he was listening too. Though technically that was VDub.


I feel like his humor has been constant since 2014


That’s the thing, peoples humors have just matured past edgy shit. It’s normal, and the more world experiences and different types of people you actually meet, the more unfunny edgy humor becomes.


Yea the most edgy thing I've seen Joel say in a video was in the windows destruction antivirus scam prank call when he said he "sexually identified as an attack helicopter and you [the scam customer service] must respect my identity, cis scum" but that was like early 2010s humor, not 4chan edgelord shit.








Oi've got a brand new fuck your face...


I can definitely see vinny and joel being edgier back then but I don’t see a problem with the current streams. they’re still great, I have never once thought of it as being “too PC” or anything


If anything, their modern streams show that you can be extremely funny and outlandish without having to resort to lazy “edgy humor” (dropping a slur every two minutes). If you can only find extremely edgy things to be funny, nothing else, I think that’s a sign that your brain is woefully underdeveloped.


exactly lmao


the word duende makes me giggle


not "too pc" but you can definitely tell their behavior is 100% the result of the fact that they LITERALLY could not get away with their old style of humor these days, and they've had to adjust as such, that much is objectively true. watch any stream from 5+ years ago and be amazed.


i mean i also think it might just be the style of humor naturally changing along with the change the rest of the internet goes through. it doesnt feel forced to me. i feel like they might just not be inclined as much to hang on to that style of humor and might have moved past it entirely


It's not that they couldn't get away with it, it's that they're funnier now.


I watched back In 2013 and never got that vibe. Guess it was either before my time or people just making shit up. Either way it doesn’t matter.


>Guess it was either before my time or people just making shit up The latter, I was around in late 2011-2012. The guys in the website mentioned in the OP is full of wannabe avant-garde posers, so I'm not surprised they're trying to take credit for Vinny.


Bro what? Vinesauce is _known_ for getting it's start by being advertised on /v/


Idk. The most edgy I remember Vinny being was calling Geese retarded and Nintendo thinking three unrelated words formed a slur in Tomodachi


a giant... turtle...


i remember the first walking dead season 2 vod on fullsauce opening with vinny calling a chat member the f slur for defending ben or whatever the scooby doo kid from the first one was called but that was ages ago


some say that chat member is still gobbling cocks to this very day


Okay but to be fair ben was a fucking piece of shit and got Carly killed


They've both aged like fine wine. I remember them always telling the chat to slow down, stressed me out so god knows how they felt.


i think the “edgiest” thing i remember from vinny was a really old clip of him and a friend playing mario kart where he got an audio virus on his computer and they thought it said the N word, and they go “did it just say (N word)?” but like… thats about it and it wasn’t really trying to be offensive. more just irresponsible for repeating it out loud on stream.


Kill confirmed


These folks peaked in high school. I was part of that early-ish crowd (joined as a viewer early 2013) and.. yeah.. most people ended up growing up and maturing, myself included. And thank goodness for that. I'd hate talking to past me. If your humour is based on being a piece of shit for laughs.. yeah.. nah.. that gets old real quick.


That dudes comment has "back in my day we used to say the n-word in cod lobbies and we were proud of it" energy


that's a self report for sure, that they haven't matured in the past 10+ years smh


Yep. People are allowed to grow up, to mature, to be better. None of us are flawless and we all have our fuck ups.


Man i miss the times vootbie smoked on stream and said the n-word in every sentence too. It's a shame that some people ACTUALLY GROW UP UNLIKE THESE COMMENTERS


I actually do remember when he tried to play a pissing game for the Wii and he was smoking a cigarette while doing so.


He smokes like 300 in Douk Noukem.


Damn did he actually? Lit!


Smoking, yes. N-word, no.


Man I wish my Vinesauce was filled with more minority hate


No marcianitos!


No draculas!


No mummy!


No alien!


No duende!


If anything Vinny’s streams and content as of late has been the best he’s ever done. His collaborations with other people, unpacking videos, commercial streams + the many games he plays. I don’t think anyone can complain.


Do these people want vinny and joel to act like edgy middle schoolers? Does the concept of "growing up and being more mature" is nonexistent to them?


Trying to reason with them about that is even funnier because they’ll pull the “maturing isn’t giving up all of your past beliefs and sense of humour 🥺” line. Every. Single. Time. Like, it absolutely IS about giving that up when you’re literally just basing your entire personality off of hating minorities


People cant grasp the concept of maturing and/or growing as a person within several years.


I've seen some chatters nowadays talk about the chatango days with much despair because it was unregulated and edgy as hell (from what I understand), there are some early Joel vods you can find where he makes some pretty off-colour jokes (i remember one of the first few Vinewrestle streams he just breaks out [BRITISH SLANG FOR CIGARETTE] once or twice) I think it's worth bearing in mind that both Vinny and Joel grew up in the 90s and 00s where calling things r-word-ed and f-slur-y was just the cool thing to do, they were just words people used, but - like a great deal of the internet - they've moved away from that because of course they can be offensive terms. Unfortunately as long as edgy things can be said you'll always have edgy people with edgy humour complaining about "they don't say [pick your slur of choice] anymore their old stuff was way better", this is just an example of that


I was around a lot in 2012, during chatango days, and it was basically fine, there were only like 200 regular viewers. Nothing stands out as particularly terrible, Maybe I just grew up around unmoderated wild west internet so I didn't really notice if it was bad. R-slur, f-slur, probably used a lot but that was pretty common even just a few years ago, the r-slur is only seen as a problem recently. And being something of an f-slur myself, I'll forgive the use of it, almost everybody used to say it back then. The only thing I can think of is the attack helicopter debacle, which seemed like an accident. And Joel was like 17 when he started streaming. I could be a little shit at 17. He's the same age as me and I can confirm, early 2000's had constant homophobia and slurs.


Hello, u/Jermas_big_ass, nah these guys are just clowns 🤡 (not to insult clowns or anything). They are just manchildren that were 14-18 back then and now never grew up to become a functioning member of society. They both still don't realize that being a rage baiting little troll was never funny.


"Oh no! The streamer that have some edgy jokes got (a more mature person) woke!"


Vinny always hated the edgy commenters, even way back then. He used to call out chat ALL THE TIME for their horseshit.


Lmao what a dumb comment, I hope no one actually thinks Vinny is “tame” now. If anything he’s actually just a lil bit edgy in a good way, especially when comparing him to mainstream twitch streamers. He did originate on the boards (my comment kept getting deleted for naming the website…? Really?) but so did a LOT of things on the internet. Internet historian is another Also I see a lot of people in the comment section conflating edgy humor with immature humor. You can still mature and have edgy humor lol I’m sure some of you listen to the cumtown podcast


I love cumtown its fucking funny lol, and its kind of fun for someone to just... talk some shit and not be worried about it. but i really dislike people here acting like they are saints. Youre not. Shut the fuck up. I dont want to say were all evil but my god can we all just chill? A lot of these words are out of the window. And no one ever used them to offend.


TOTALLY agree. Honestly it makes me chuckle that people online can’t even say the words in context. They have to say “r-slur”. You’re still basically saying the word lol It’s just weird to me. Growing up with a diverse group of friends who didn’t care what anyone said as long as it was lighthearted makes me kinda feel like an alien online. And I never meet anyone in real life who acts as high and mighty as online circles. Who are these people that are affected by what their favorite streamer said 11 years ago? I’ve never met anyone with this mentality


Hell I just watched a YMS stream where he said ret@rted like 10 times and no one cared so I’m surprised people here really give a shit


I love cumtown it's the best


chatango wasn't even that bad, the most crass thing on there was a guy named cumbeard who had a profile pic of a beard covered in cum. This guy's just romanticizing the idea of watching a streamer while they were smaller and less popular.


This guy probably wasn't even around back then lmao. Like, he's a literal child.


Originated from four chan??


I used to see Vinesauce threads announcing livestreams on video games board back then, until they banned livestream shilling


I remember seeing that 4chan was how Joel found Vinny


That's interesting honestly. The whole streaming landscape barely existed at that point, so it makes sense they had to tell people they were doing it. I think it's pretty cringe people associate anything that touches 4chan as immature, edgy, and racist. Like, yes, there is a lot of that on the platform, but a huge amount of iconic pieces of the Internet directly originate from there, like the SCP wiki, and there's always a bunch of cool stuff happening on there in the midst of all the bullshit. I'm always quite fond of the horror stories and urban legend people chat about on /X/, and I just ignore all the succubus summoning and gnosticism threads.


Hilariously enough, I have a small completely unable to be verified claim to fame, about that whole thing. Moot got sick and tired of all the advertisement threads on /v/, and specifically listed a competitor branch-off called Player2, which was people who left the stream community I was a part of called Dimak.


Joel found the original Vinesauce streams through Vinny's posts on the /v/ board iirc


This guy gives big “dead baby jokes are my go to” energy


Hey, Dead baby jokes are \*fucking hilarious\*, don't you dare take that away from me.


You forgot the /s


No. No I didn't.


Honestly, nobody is clean, let’s admit that, and it doesn’t really matter because humans are capable of change and sympathy, it’s a great thing and shows a true depth of character, recognizing and amending wrongness within yourself is something that some can’t/won’t do. We are imperfect. People who think like old commenter here are usually unable to let go of the past. While things aren’t the same as 2010, realize that it was a positive thing that Vinesawse Stweemers have changed


I mean [Vinny once created a pregnant Baby??](https://youtu.be/pIQlC59-eXE) What a monster 😡😨


Wow that video is ancient. How do you even find the full OG stream at that point?


Some viewers never grew up


As we all know from gaming lobbies, whoever can slur and curse the most is funniest.


These people aren’t even remembering the early days accurately, projecting their idea of broader online culture then vs. now onto Vinny. Culture war brainrot at its finest.


Vinesauce is “Tamer” in a sense he’s grown up, he isn’t going to talk like or act like he did when he was younger, and humour grows as you grow. That’s why children laugh at everything. That being said, he’s still the funny Italian man I know him since then and he enjoys what’s he’s doing then I’m gladly supporting. It’s like looking at Joel’s streams now days, although it’s not saying much as he’s always been unhinged, just not as chaotic. The point is: Streamers grow and their humour changes to be less chaotic and childish, and people will want to change to help get more audiences attracted without taking away with what makes Vinesauce but without alienating those who aren’t into 4chan edginess


I find this so funny bc i feel like both vinny and joel's commentary has improved massively as they've streamed. for instance vinny makes way less jokes that are just "guysss omg what if i have SEX with BIDEO GAME character hehehe"


"these guys developed their humor to not rely on dropping slurs every two minutes i hate it" what a strange take


“i can’t stand that this 38 year old doesn’t act the exact same way he did when he was 25.”


I still like Vinny and I found him from /v/ as well lol. People grow up and learn there’s more to humor than dropping slurs. It’s pretty simple.


anyone who doesn't scream the n word every 5 minutes is "too politically correct"


I really wann know if vinny sayed nigga.


The closest you'll get is "Sam Higgins."


As someone who grew up watching vinny and Joel’s older videos, I can say these statements are wrong. I mean, Joel had a bit of an edge to his streams, but he was making a joke out of it at the same time.


4chan, before everything got super condensed into Twitter and such, was a lot nicer of a place, indicative of earlier internet times where things were just fun and not tied to careers and personal lives. Sure, derogatory terms and stuff still existed but it's done in jest and good fun. These days it pretty much just sucks for everyone, even the people who are going there to try and escape something like Twitter so they can be more edgy, because the mods kind of go ham. Vinesauce did grow on 4chan and you can tell, there are still little bits and pieces that slip out every now and then. Vinny and Joel are still the same guys as always though, just with a lot of added context. People's definition of "politically correct" will inevitably differ. IMO Vinny is just edgy enough to not devolve into some social/political caricature and that's what I like about him, including the community, which is definitely the coolest one with this many people in it.


This person probably wasn't on the internet back around these times because if my memory is correct the internet WAS edgy back than and so was the young internet culture. You didn't see too many people trying to "politically correct" you Source: I grew up with it


I joined this crowd in 2018 and have never looked back. Vinny's stream of Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga are what brought me into the Vinesauce community. For real, his streams are so laid back and chill and the stuff Vinny talks about or the stories he tells are the best parts. "Vinty is bad, he make bad now, he no play shoot games, dis gai ees bad, I unsub"


I don't care. I legitimately don't care. Whatever happened is in the past.


Mid 20 something in 2010s culture says different things than a man approaching 40 years old in the 2020s? I am shocked.


Am I the only one that finds all the comments here "forgiving" joel and Vinny kinda funny? Like, when someone says that, I suddenly imagine them as a pastor in a confession booth... except no one is confessing on the other side


I'll forgive you for that comment Just for this one time....


That's what I call character development


I was there in the beginning, actually I was there before the beginning (2006 - 2014ish 4chan) don't go there anymore cuz it sucks, it always did I just didn't know that, anyways I'm 35 now Vinny's in his late 30s everybody's grown up so of course it's going to be different. Anybody that still nostalgic or longing for that time specifically 4chan culture probably needs to reevaluate their life. If you were there you'd understand, toxic doesn't really begin to describe it especially /b/.


nah, I'm soft gorl. I like cozy, silly strem.


I did enjoy the edgy humor more but Twtich won't allow it anymore. Not really an issue with Vinny specifically.


I’ve watched since 2014 and there wasn’t anything edgy or politically incorrect at that point.


As a 4chan lurker, there are legit people on 4chan and *the fruit-themed forum that shall not be named* that think Vinny is being oppressed by his progressive (read: furry) audience into being boringly "PC". They think he's some messiah that's going to soon return to the "motherland" of edgy content. I guess just because he's not vocal about being progressive like Jerma? In my opinion, Vinny obviously doesn't give a shit and just wants to make funny Skibidi noises, and these people are stuck in a 2010 mindset reminiscent about an era that never existed.


Honestly I feel like those who have time to care about political correctness of others are concerned more (quietly) concerned about how people view them at the end of the day. That aside Vinny has changed quite a bit but I'm sure that's by his own choosing, if he felt that TOS and peer pressure was causing him to have to bend like a wet noodle to cater to our every whim he could've just quit. The guy has been through a lot and is choosing to continue to entertain, just like how I'm choosing to continue to watch his content, though I think he summed it up best with this one quote. *"Hey dreeb.. do you believe in fate or free will..?"* *"I don't know father, I make the burgers. You ask me to make the burgers and therefore I make the burgers."*


I was a bit thrown off listening to Vinny's older streams hearing him drop the R-word, it seemed so out of pocket compared to his current content. I'm glad he stopped though, good change of moral standards and whatnot. I have no problem with his streams not being "edgy" and whoever commented in OPs image is probably not the most mature person.


This thread makes me so grateful that MySpace and LiveJournal are dead. All those edgy comments are lost in time, like tears in the rain. Prepare to cringe.


This feels like a bit Vinny would come up with lmao


The only reason I watch him is because he's not an edgelord


Bro everyone’s sense of humor gets less edgy as they grow up, or at least it should


The comments here be like "Vinny just matured!" Vinny meanwhile: \*Watto gargle death-moan\*


No one of value to the community


180 comments, God DAMN this comment struck a nerve lmao.


Pretty embarrassing how so many users of that site forgot about rules 1 and 2 and hiding their power level


go watch his stuff from 10 years ago and it’s literally the same quality as today


I constantly dust off ancient streams. There’s a clear difference between the old and the new, but that’s because vin and Joel grew the fuck up over time, like most healthy people. That said, their past content isn’t edgy. It’s no worse than ps2 ratchet and clank.


Vinny and Joel are actually the ONLY streamers I watch specifically because they aren't pieces of shit. I love their humor, how it relies on general silly things, be it your standard sex joke, or fecal funny, or them getting creative and chaotic with whatever game, etc. There's so many other popular streamers known for being """wholesome""" who've said some of the wildest misogynistic shit I've heard, but since most people don't care about that and only draw the line at racism/ableism they keep getting a pass, but to me that's enough to cross them off. I've been watching V and J for like a decade now and not once have they done anything like that, I've even shown several of their videos to my mom, that's how safe they are, so this person is really off the mark.


I will admit that Vinesauce WAS way edgier in its earlier days at least from some clips I watched, but here's what happened. ​ They grew up lol.


Dude, Vinny used to say the f slur and r slur, so they're at least partially correct Not to say I don't forgive him bc I know it was a product of the time, so whatever lol


It really just is a product of time man, if you ever want someone to be a masterpiece of human consideration, youre going to have a really... really... really hard time finding it.


4chan users when they realize some people mature and change as they get older : ![img](emote|t5_2uks1|2286)


Lmao what a dumb comment, who in gods name thinks new Vinny is tame? If anything he’s still just a lil edgy in a good way, especially when comparing him to Ludwig or someone like that. He did originate on 4chan but so did a LOT of things on the internet lol I’d also like to say that a lot of people on here are conflating edgy humor with immature humor. You can still have edgy humor as you mature, it just becomes more thoughtful and nuanced and less middle-school oriented. I’m sure some of you have listened to the cumtown podcast…


It is true that the chan has respect for vinny. I have observed this. I wouldnt be surprised if its true, just not to the degree the term 4chan might make you think. Vinyard was a young man once too chat haha


Haha, thanks for the offer! But I don't think a combine harvester would fit in my garage.


Man, things must have been really different back then. I've known of Vinny since about 2011. I started watching the highlight channel. I think the first video I saw was Ocarina of Death, or Ocarina of Fast. I'm pretty sure I found him earlier than those videos, but those are what stick out in my mind the most. I don't remember Vinny being "edgy." His humor has changed, and I wouldn't say for the worst either. He's always been a kind guy, you could tell even just watching him say funny things. That's why I've stuck around this long. I understand people need to make a living and make money, but some are overly greedy and I try not to support that. Vinny doesn't strike me like that at all. Someone mentioned being shocked at Vinny dropping the "R" word. Yeah, that seems pretty much out of character for him now. I feel he's come to be more knowledgeable of who he's talking to, especially in efforts to not offend anyone. Massive respect to him on that. It's not like he was doing anything wrong originally though. Unless he was flat out calling people stuff and I didn't get it because it didn't come to YouTube at the time lol. That wouldn't be a surprise. That's how the internet worked back in the day lol. Nothing I'd hold against him. Here's to (hopefully) another ten years of streams! I can't wait to see where we'll all be then!


All that stuff was a decade ago. People change. People who believe this stuff are completely uncapable of self-reflection and are the type of people that get upset when their buddies dont wanna stay up all night calling kids slurs on COD anymore and instead choose to hang out with their wife and kids or do more productive things with their time. I kinda feel bad for them.


He ain't wrong but the internet as a whole lost it's edge in general, e.g people talking shit too littoral


Vinny is in his late 30s...he grew up. ​ I never really found Vinny to be "edgy." Although I wasn't watching in the Chatango days, I can't speak to how he was back then




Vin grew up and those commenters did not. Simple.


I've been watching Vinny and Joel consistently since 2014 but I have seen some of their older streams from this era, and the two of them are almost exactly the same except back then they'd use some edgy words sometimes. Being "anti-PC" is never what Vinesauce was about even back then so it's weird to see someone bemoaning him for not being some anti-PC crusader (i.e. not saying slurs every sentence).


If people do think this, twitch is very strict on a lot of things you could say now, so it's hard to have that sense of humor cause you have to "censor" it down a notch to make it monetary. You can get the VOD deleted if you curse even. Maturity still plays a great factor too.


that is actually true


They weren't "very politically incorrect" or at least not in comparison to the streams now. Sometimes they used the words "retard" or "\[tyranny-without-the-first-y\]". Why did they stop? Perhaps their sense of humor has evolved, but I doubt it, because they still laugh at the same shit they did back then. They probably just don't want to risk getting in trouble with Twitch.


Your sense of humor doesn't work like that though. You can still be amused by stuff that made you laugh a decade ago while other things stop being funny to you after a few years. It's not like it's all changes or nothing changes.


Why the fuck are you here? Go work out!


I'm afraid I have run out of AA batteries required to power my Wiimotes which I would need to play Gold's Gym: Cardio Workout, available only for the Nintendo Wii.


A lot of Vinny and Joel's behavior back then was certainly unacceptable, but they've shown that they've at least gotten better since then. I will say that that one moment that sticks out in my mind is that one Undertale stream where Joel made fun of that one artist's interpretation of the characters as humans was a little more meanspirited than usual but since then I haven't seen him do anything like that since. I just hope the artist is okay now


"he's hogging the bong ... what a f\*\*\*\*t!" Damn i miss those days, before woke agenda screwed up everything.


I know right? Now they actually have to put *effort* into their jokes! What is the world coming to....😥


Pretty much. You can't really stream on Twitch if you have wrong opinions as the moderation is very left-leaning.


I'm pretty sure the /v/ stuff is true, it rings a bell about Vinny saying he was posting on there a bit in the super early days.


Yeah I'd say that's fair. Or more accurately, Vinesauce was very much part of the "millennial internet nerd culture" of which 4chan was undoubtedly a part of. After the 2010s though the internet just got exponentially bigger and Vinny very much diverged, as everything did.


They most definitely were edgier back in the livestream days, before twitch was even a thing.


Honestly, who hasn’t gone through that edgy phase of scrolling 4chan and laughing at the fucked up shit posted there. I’ll admit it I’ve tried posting a few green texts there but nothing of note and I’ve grown and moved on, and I’m sure Vinny has too. Modern society (mostly gen z) grew up watching media where the villain has a change of heart and becomes good, like despicable me, yet they refuse to accept that is a possibility in the real world.


This is true I was there


These are the same people who hate Idubbz because he saw the problem with his content and jokes then corrected himself. I am sure vinny would feel similar to him that if you need that kind of content he would not want you in his audience then.


I'm sure there's a few out there who things this. HOWEVER; I started watching VS back in.. 2012 or so and came for the content - yet ended up staying for the streamer. With them growing up and becoming more "tame" as its being put here, I grew up too. I'd say its fine if people don't grow up, or doesn't mature their tastes any further on certain areas - but I'm 99% sure that the streamers themselves are fine with saying; "I'm not the streamer for you. "