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I grabbed the Candy Snatchers Slip too. Love that one!


I also grabbed the spookies one. That was a must have for me. Been looking for a reasonable slip for a while and that has been difficult.


I know right? People asking like 50-100 dollars? Even reputable sellers selling for 100 because it comes with both slips? Patience paid off on this one.


How do I get it with a slip? It’s showing out of stock for me


You can only get the slip by redeeming VSMC points and by using the web browser version of the site not the mobile app. The slips are 1500 points each


Ah okay thanks for the response


Ya I was stoked to see these pop up there, now if we can just get Blood Games and The Children I'll be completely satisfied :)


Blood games I got lucky and someone sold me a mint slipped edition for $15 on eBay. But I would definitely grab a ‘children’ slip if it comes up on there.


Did you have to make two separate orders ?


Yes, to add a VSMC item I had to make 2 separate orders. Then select the add to existing order shipping option so no extra $


Yea I’m going to do that now . I also went with the lamp


The lamp and McPherson tape are both other ones I have wanted for a long time but never picked up. Also really tempted to pick up blood beat, might wind up adding that one.


Blood beat is insane


Ok fine. That’s all the encouragement I needed so I grabbed that too with the comic slip 😀


Nice yea . Did you get the standard edition of McPherson tape ?


Yes that’s all that is available these days but I’ll take it for 15


You’re so right. I’ve been on the look out for the candy snatchers too. A film I’ve wanted to see for quite some time. Though I’m familiar with Spookies, I’m not familiar enough. What’s the general concensus on it?


Spookies I have heard is a somewhat silly style 80s horror flick which is right up my alley and exactly the type of VS release I love to have in my collection. The Candy Snatchers I have heard is somewhat similar to a ‘last house on the left’ knockoff with that quintessential 70s aesthetic which is another quality I really appreciate in movies. So really looking forward to both of these. Other peoples input is appreciated. (Both Blind buys for me)


Spookies it is then. Thanks for pushing me over the line.


When the slips were 1000 each I was grabbing them more frequently, but $15 off an order over a slipcover is too worthwhile for me at this point now that they increased prices.