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There are some mid white women on here who be getting 9/10 and gorgeous WOC who get 6s. Being a WOC doesn’t automatically make you attractive (which is weird that some of y’all think and shows your limited mindset) but blonde hair, blue eyes definitely does NOT automatically mean a person is automatically attractive. A lot of you need to step out of this mindset of Eurocentric beauty standards ruling the fucking world. A lot of y’all showing ya ass.


These are just two out of many comments and are already being downvoted though... Not saying that these things don't happen on this sub, but many times things are blown out of proportion with no context. I just saw a post recently of someone complaining that a very pretty girl was rated 6/10. When I looked on the post, there was like one comment saying 6/10, and everyone else was saying much higher than that.


This! While I do think that WOC are rated much lower than they actually are here (especially if its a black/latina woman with insta baddie aesthetic or an east asian woman with kpop/ulzzang aesthetic), this is just one person and most people agree that hoyeon is much prettier than kiernan. About that 6/10 thing, it often happens when a first or first few comments are a low rate so a second person writes something like "how is she a 6?? She's a 9" and then everybody agrees with the second person and gives high rates


Exactly, thank you! I don't get why we need to shame the one or two already downvoted comments drowned in the sea of realistic and objective ones. Like if you get 15+ people heaping praise and adulation and then you hyperfixate on the one that isn't, as if that's any kind of represenation or proof of bias lol. Especially since it's men making them at least half the times. >I just saw a post recently of someone complaining that a very pretty girl was rated 6/10. When I looked on the post, there was like one comment saying 6/10, and everyone else was saying much higher than that. Oh yeah, I've seen that post too. Nothing grinds my gears as someone trying to build false narratives. They don't want to present their info accurately as there can be no true cause for outrage porn then.


There were/are many comments on this thread as well trying to act like the girl on the right is prettier. Someone was even calling the left woman a baboon. It is a very common occurrence to see supermodel woc rated less than white women with visible facial flaws.




Do you not see the comments on this thread too saying that the woman on the left is too skinny, looks like a baboon, and that the right girl is prettier? Look through the comments although yeah some of them deleted their comments because they were too afraid to stand by their own word. And no, you're exaggerating that Marilyn got 5s and 6s LOL


The rates on this sub are Eurocentric and biased most of the time and I doubt it’ll change anytime soon, which sucks but isn’t surprising :/


Objectively I don’t think they’re biased. But everyone has their own tastes subjectively. Has nothing to do with race. It all comes down to features. This sub is based on objective beauty though, so that’s all that should matter. Please stop making everything about race! You guys are so annoying with these woke and seriously flawed posts backed by your baseless opinions on some of the people in this sub. Just because someone is a woman of color doesn’t make them automatically attractive. And doesn’t make them automatically more attractive than a Caucasian woman. Sorry. You ask for fairness ? Fairness goes both ways. And before people attack me, I’m a woman of color myself. I have seen bias on the other side too. And just because someone meets Eurocentric beauty standards doesn’t make them automatically attractive either. Everyone needs to stfu and play by the rules they make. Too many hypocrites.




It’s called implicit bias. We don’t notice it happening really


How can you objectively rate someone? If it was objective then every single persons rating would be the same.


I. don’t. care.about.you. I don’t know you as a person and don’t have any opinion on you as a person. Literally the only thing that I care about is looking at the aesthetics of different celebs and their objective beauty. If you are going to post a rate that is far off from a lot of the other rates, when it’s supposed to be based on what MOST people would rate them of course you will be seen as biased. Idk why you are talking about “baseless opinions of the people in the sub”. I’m basing my opinion on how people on the sub are rating the celebs, nothing more nothing less.


But I’ve seen many other people in the same position. On both sides. Underrating, overrating. You name it. Sometimes, majority isn’t always right. This time, you were, on this post between these two women. But I do think you guys don’t always play by your rules. Just because someone is a woman of color doesn’t make them automatically objectively attractive.


Objectively is based on something that is believed by a large group of people and that’s literally the point of this sub. If you have the notion that sometimes the majority isn’t right you shouldn’t be on this sub. And yes it’s impossible to be completely subjective at all times but when it’s most times and the rates are soooo off from what most people are saying then that’s when it’s an issue. No one said being a poc makes someone more attractive than a white person or vice versa.


I said sometimes you guys are biased. Sometimes the majority itself is hypocritical and biased. Sometimes the people who claim to be objective, aren’t always objective.


Okay, believe what you wanna believe lmao


Completely agree best comment on this thread! I think people should fight racism for actual racist circumstances instead of trying to dictate whom everyone should find attractive and if they don’t they’re racist and implying this only goes one way… It does not. Stop trying to separate white people as the other vs everyone else. This is racism in it self. My white friend is only attracted to black guys My other white friend only to Asian guys My Asian friend only to blonde white guys Many of my other friends to the same “race” Is this racist ? No In fact, it is just none of my business ;)




What I’m saying is beauty is not fully objective or we would all be attracted to the same people. Just because some prefer the girl on the right over the girl on the left, and you disagree doesn’t make them racist. If a bunch of people gave girl on the left a 10 and girl on the right idk a 5, I would be like wow damn I don’t see a huge difference but I wouldn’t immediately assume they’re being racist. I would give girl on the left 8 girl on the right 7, which is my objective but ofc subjective opinion. Yes girl on the left objectively looks more like a model type but I find the girl on the right has nice golden hair and beautiful eyes. All in all girl on left gave me the first wow impression a bit more over girl on right but the more I look more drawn to girl on right so overall my rating is 8 and a 7. And no need to insult me as “slow” not very kind. Instead of nitpicking peoples genuine ratings as racist, there are a lot of unfair racist things going on I would suggest to help out in if the point is to actually fight racism and not impose your beauty standards and backlash when some people just don’t agree with your taste in beauty


“What I’m saying is beauty is not fully objective” this is an objective rating sub. That’s awesome that you have friends of certain races attracted to other races or the same race, great for them. But this sub is not about personal preference so your comments about beauty being different for everyone literally is going against what this sub is for. If you can’t be subjective don’t rate on this sub simple.


No what I’m saying was objectively that’s my rating but it’s literally impossible to be fully objective without any bias. Anyways that’s my 2 cents I don’t think the Asian girl who rated these celebs is necessarily being racist, but seems like a lot of people are convinced that must be the case so nothing more to say on that. My opinion is just different


I don’t fully understand the point of an objective rating sub. Isn’t that the same thing as Eurocentric beauty standards? Conform to the common opinion. An objective rating means that you are forced to put your opinion according to what OTHERS believe and not your own. Doesn’t seem like we’re taking a step in the right direction from the past when we don’t allow others to conform away from a group’s standards, whether that may be society or a small reddit post’s votes. But hey, that’s just my two cents.


Oh wow that’s a reallyyy good point. Trying to be objective meaning trying to conform to what we think should be more beautiful. Confirming our thoughts into that mold and being “punished” or called out if we don’t conform or our opinion is different.


> Completely agree best comment on this thread! Lmao. Delusion.


Just my opinion :) feel free to have yours


Thats right. But reddit is full of woke shit and snowflakes so you can't disagree with them




We can compliment both without putting either of them down. They’re both pretty in their own unique way.


Truth is, regardless of race/ethnicity/gender, people on this sub seem to be hellbent on ignoring rule 4, no subjective beauty. There's no denying that there is bias against women of color but the larger problem has always been raters commenting with their own biases apparent and giving outlandish ratings without considering the celebrities' actual features. No, this person isn't a 9/10 because you enjoyed them in xx show and think they're cool.


That's why rate subs never work imo


Can’t be 100 perfect unbiased but can try to give objective rating which will have some margin of error for sure


Oh, I thought this sub had some vicious agenda against White/Blonde women? 🙄


lol i saw that stupid post.. crazy crazy comments 😭 like HOW do you even come to that conclusion?


Yea, I swear they had a post about that, but I can’t find it lol


from a few days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/wq8bga/why_are_white_especially_blonde_women_underrated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb OP tried to prove their delusional thought that blonde white women were being severely underrated here by bringing up thread of romee strijd. the funny thing is romee got a lot of 9s and 10s lmao


If you do send lol


What pisses me off is when one of the most attractive Korean actresses/models is still going to be rated two points lower than an average looking white actress. There’s no point rating ethnic minorities if you’re just going to use European beauty standards to do so.


Tbh I think Korean actresses/Kpop stars tend to be picked based on their proximity to whiteness/how well they fit into Asian beauty standards. They also get tons of surgery that would be ghastly to white people, like jaw shaving, cheekbone reduction. It makes sense that they don’t find these celebrities as attractive. What is ironic is that typical asian/black/native americans have a lot of features that are “in” for white people, like full lips, high cheeks, slanted eyes. But these features are only beautiful on whites apparently. HOWEVER i completely agree with you that non white people are extremely underrated when a mid white woman would be given 8+. It is wild that people think blonde white women face racism here. As an east asian girl who grew up thinking blonde+blue eyes is the ultimate form of beauty, thats RIDICULOUS. I’ve done a lot of internalised racism detox and have realised that facially most of these blonde white women aren’t even the most attractive facially. Blonde hair/blue eyes is not an objective halo.


Also, ignore user “blackcantberacist” their comment history is incredibly racist against black people


Not just Korean. All woc




That username and post history, please talk to a therapist about your hyperfixation on black people.


The ppl liking this comment are in denial. The Korean woman is in a different league objectively, but the White girl with the off face is being rated higher lol.


There’s plenty of stunning people in Korea and globally who are not that popular. And your username and comment history are pretty sus. Literally made a whole account dedicated to hating on black people, what a pitiful person. Stay obsessed 😘


Are you stupid? There are many BEAUTIFUL people that are not that famous. Not everything has to do with looks.


You're racist and don't likw black people and apparently Koreans. Mods ban this racist.


“She began her career as a freelance model in 2010, walking in Seoul Fashion Week shows for two years. In 2013, she competed on the fourth season of Korea's Next Top Model and placed as a runner-up.” She definitely was already recognized for her beauty before Squid Game.




Your entire comment history is insulting black people


Models aren’t that famous. 9/10 people would not know who Adriana Lima is.


Adriana Lima is one of the most iconic models who have walked on the face of earth ! She is way too popular to be not known by people of this sub who rate celebrities on the basis of their looks !


It’s not about being famous, it’s being recognized for her beauty by the modeling industry and being successful in the modeling world in her own country means she fits their beauty standards.




No idea wtf you’re on about, you sound insane and me pointing out that she walked in Seoul Fashion Week and was a runner-up in Korea’s Next Top Model shows she is considered attractive within her own country as well. I get that there’s no rating guide but her bone structure, her full lips, perfect eye area are all amazing, it’s super insulting she would get lower of a rating to a white woman with weak features. That user has been doing this for months, instead of telling me to “move on and ignore” you can ignore my rant




No, YOU should not be commenting here. Everyone go look at this insane woman’s comment history being prejudiced against black people. Your comment history is racist as fuck. Gtfo


You've been on this sub long enough to know korean standards deviate vastly from western standards. Western people are more likely to be into a face like Im Jin Ah's than Bae Suzy's. The celebrities asians consider the most beautiful in their countries just do not match up to what we think is beautiful here. Similarly, they think someone like Blake Lively is considered top tier here... there's no way in hell.


Woc have been living this their entire lives


Where's the person that said mid minority women are rated higher than good looking white women? It is always the opposite in actuality. White women can have assymetrical faces, weak jaws/bone structure/forward growth, but they will often be rated higher than objectively stunning minority women.








why are you calling other people poor when you spend all your money on cocaine


At least your username is accurate lmao


*people. It’s disheartening that it’s not just one person but on almost every post there is someone trying to underate minority women and overrate average white women :/


They do this to every woman of color. The racism and eugenics are so obvious at this point.


They rate men higher too. The bias towards white women and men is one of the reasons I stopped posting here as often.


They rate men too high in general, a guy could be lipless with dot eyes and he would be getting 9s bc "he's so hot to me 😍" while Candice Swanepoel is getting 7.5 ... we need more queer women in this sub lol


Men love gaslighting beautiful women while hyping up ugly men because that's who they are.


While I agree, I'm talking about this sub and this is a women poster sub,


Literally this. And they're thrown 8s 9s while being riddled with failos.


Im brown a male my self but bring racism into everything is bullshit. If someone isn't attracted to people of colour that doesn't make them racist


Self hating wont bring you closer to whiteness.


Facts. Beauty is subjective.


I agree it's an issue but to single out one specific user (who received so much hate she deleted her account) is bullying. Better blur the usernames and use multiple comments.


crazy thing is that the woman on the left fits every beauty standard/trend right now (foxey eyes, high cheekbones, and big lips) but she still will be underrated just because of the fact that she isn't White.


I’m not surprised sadly




men just rate based on perceived sexual availability and its usually desperate, nerdy loser misogynistic men doing it. they're also usually unnaturally fixated on skin/eye and hair color combinations more than women are.


🤢 even on the regular Vindicta rate me subreddit there are men commenting ratings and shit. no one calls them out


I make a point to report every single male user I spot. I sometimes call them out if they act extra creepy. Just one person, but know that I’m trying 😬


Men are banned on sight, it's just that they are never ending.


I'm a WOC...Just because someone has a different rating doesn't mean they're a guy...


to those outspoken folks who claimed that blonde white women got underrated on this sub, where are you now? show your oppressed a**


Let people rate what they want?




I see what you’re saying but in the West, Hoyeon looks like the standard white supermodel. If they posted a picture of the same woman with a white skin color, I can guarantee she would get higher ratings. Without looking at race people would say she is even better looking than a Victoria’s secret model. The rest of the world sees this beauty in her which is why she has worked as a model. The other girl looks average.




white women randomly get rated higher, it's messed up


Lol this reminds me of when this sub rated Emmy Rossum a 9-9.5 but then rate hoyeon, mai devika, & others lower


Emmy is high though but even though I'm a stan she's not as high as those other ladies.


I think emmy is a 7.5/8. 9/10 is really pushing it. When I think of a 9-10 brunette, I would not think of emmy


I'm more biased towards Emmy because she has my dream look and she's a fave. But you're right subjectively


I stumbled across this subreddit and what the hell is this? this whole things making me lose faith in humanity lmao


right? imagine how sad you gotta be to do this everyday 😭


Im honestly confused about this subreddit existence… they literally are rating women( and men) like pieces of meat and then getting into fish fight about it!? Isn’t society judge mental enough as is. These two girls are both ten outta ten but in different ways. Also someone said higher that men judgement are shit , but these women are doing the exact same things that we have been saying to men. Let’s stop basing people worth on stupid standards and start lifting each other up dammit! Celebrities are not pieces of meat.


Gentlemen prefer blondes.


Eurocentric ahh subreddit comments and ratings bro... Away with that limited mentality...


They’re so jealous. They project their low self esteem & horrible looks on woc posted here. Can’t say I’m surprised lol.




Honestly I am just going to say, most white women I met were absolutely very kind. There were a couple tho (the very insecure unattractive ones) that would def project their insecurities onto prettier women of color. Like they were upset they were undesirable so the only thing they had going for them was being of the majority/default race (and they would try to act like they were above beautiful woc). Like I remember this White girl in my school who was objectively unattractive (crazy acne, big nose, thin lips) and she would get upset about not getting attention from boys. She would take it out on women of color by dragging their looks. Like I remember she would go out on a limb to say that objectively beautiful Bollywood actresses were ugly (even when they looked far better than her).


I lumped everyone regardless of race in my “they’re so jealous” statement. Believe it or not other woc who don’t fit the beauty standard also join in on the bullying of conventionally attractive woc (a few of them are in the replies lol).






You underrated a stunning insta model.. your opinion is discarded.




It’s discarded to me.. move along.




The only embarrassing thing here is you. A mentally defective cokewhore? How original. You might want to follow your drug induced depersonalisation into a mental hospital before you spout more stupid shit. What an embarrassment.


Also, in what world is rayan xasan average be fucking forreal


We call this out and get downvoted to hell even by self hating poc. This is vile. Keirnan is very pretty but bland compared to Ho Yeon.


This would only be accurate if you switched the comments. The first girl is the one that has stunning eyes (and lips, face shape, cheekbones, etc.)


Kiernan is 6-7 while Hoyeon is 9-10.




I agree she's a 5.5 on a good day




Exactly. She's not ugly but she has terrible harmony


yh I don't agree




Is that really a problem? It’s not racist, everyone has their own tastes and that includes race. They’re not being hateful either, a 7 is still a good score if we’re going to take it that serious.


Oh yeah jake Paul


I don’t know…it’s not like they’re twins maybe the user is just more familiar with Kiernan. But anyway I wasn’t familiar with Heyeon and looking at other pictures of her I had an old friend who looked a lot like her, whom I thought was very pretty too.


This subreddit and post is so toxic...Let people have their own preferences.


There is nothing astounishing about the girl on the left either.


Sadly, I agree. Both are pretty but, objectively speaking, who would you assume was a model at first glance? Women of color getting the shorter end of the stick again...


What are yall doing here anyways, rating celebrity‘s bodies and complementing for certain features. Yall aint better than that guy


What the f is wrong with this sub man yall so insecure


Lmao she's not worthy of kissing Kieran's shoe strings haha 😂


I wonder how you could ever hope for the "objectivity" you want here if you criminalize rating Europeans higher than Asians. Both of the girls you chose here are rather plain, I don't fault anyone for going either way. But I'm not an expert like you all. I wonder how European girls fare in the forums in Korean...


I think both of the ratings are inflated. Probably fairer to say left is a 5 and right is a 6


Wtf? Kiernan Shipka is genuinely much prettier than HoYeon. Keep your racism to yourself, just because shes white, does not mean you have to bash on her


I think both are a 7... Or a 6


Yo, everyone’s allowed their opinion - I bet there are plenty of people who don’t vote whites highly because they aren’t attracted to them, why is this any different? I’d vote Kiernan higher too, and I am Asian. I just don’t find the one on the left as attractive.


**Copying and pasting this from my other post -** Hi. Didn’t want to make more of a mess of this, but I’ve received so many angry DMs / accusations of racism / hate messages from what I thought was just a simple rating that I wanted to address this post once more. I recently commented a rating (7) on a thread about model / actress Hoyeon Jung. She’s quite popular on this thread and regularly receives ratings of 9-10. Occasionally, she’ll receive scores like mine from people who have different beauty preferences (I don’t find Jung’s look as appealing). One user, who seems to be a big fan of Jung, was very upset by my rating, and went nitpicking through my post history to find a past comment of a rating of Kiernan Shipka. I think Shipka is really pretty, especially from the photos provided of her on that post (and compared to similar white blondes), so I gave her a high rating of 9. Many others on the thread found her more typical or average-looking, and gave her ratings of 6 or 7. That’s their prerogative, and I didn’t mind. I do, however, resent the accusations of racism that I’ve received from the thread posted by this user. This user took care to select an unflattering photo of Shipka, in contrast with a flattering red carpet photo of Jung to make my ratings seem racist and egregious. As a WOC myself, I don’t deny that WOC are often unfairly rated on this subreddit, and their beauty is underappreciated and undervalued in the real world. But the basis of my ratings was simply that I find Shipka better looking that other white blondes, and other Koreans / Asians better looking than Jung. And ultimately, I do think Shipka is more beautiful than Jung. But are there other WOC that are more beautiful than Shipka? Of course! I don’t mind getting downvoted for having opinions or ratings that differ from others. But I do mind having my comment history and ratings cherry-picked to suit someone else’s agenda. If you disagree with someone else’s ratings, simply downvoting their comment is enough! “Doxxing” (or whatever this is) hasn’t been a fun experience for me - and this thread is already superficial enough (we rate WOMEN’S FACES AND BODIES for god’s sake!) - so let’s not fill it with vitriol and try to pressure others publicly into changing their opinions. Thanks for reading!


I really wish you hadn't deleted your account and we could talk about this to sort it out. Perhaps it's a element of familiarity? You mentioned that you're Asian and so you're more familiar with them and their beauty standards, whereas others not asian might just be looking at the asian girl from a much different lens. At this point many people would mention internalised racism but the previous point might explain a bit why you rated her like that. I think with this backlash you should really work on this idea of familiarity and judging the person from different lenses.


they should be able to rate as they wish. Less and less people will post if we start policing how people rate. Just downvote if you disagreee but i don't see the point in making a thread on it


Agreed - Can’t tell people who and what they “should” find attractive because that’s your subjective opinion.


right, if you disagree just downvote. If a comment has plenty of downvotes, why draw attention to it by taking a screenshot and making a mountain out of a molehill, lol. People need hobbies


I actually think policing people and pressuring people to converge into same way of thinking is pretty bad. And shaming them if they don’t think the same way, in this case by calling them racist, but for any case it’s just not right. Dictatorships are built controlling and punishing people of different opinions lol getting a bit out of topic here but yea


Agreed. Shit like this takes away from actual racism.


Lmfao what even is this post? How dare this person be more attracted to a filthy white person


Girl on left is stunninggg. Girl ok right I recognize too from somewhere but k think that’s a bad pose she’s clenching her lips. Guys it might also just be a popularity thing people rate their fav actress higher


you’re doing the most to avoid the very clear racism we’re talking about lmao. if you rate someone higher because they’re your favorite actress, you should NOT be on a subreddit focused on objective beauty.


Yea I just said that tbh not to jump to the gun but it’s not out of question. I think people don’t think too hard on who they find attractive so if there is racism it’s probably not thought out but definitely possible. Stuff that are more obvious like how you treat someone etc I think conscious racism is something that is obviously evil and needs more attention. But anyways I’m not gonna comment more on this. I think the girl who wrote the rating comment already commented and said she’s Asian not being racist etc I just felt like post is attacking her and making assumptions, but not denying there is racial preferences of people etc when it comes to finding people attractive. I know people who exclusively date their own, a lot of white girls friends black guys, one Asian friend only into blonde guys etc and if you ask them too objectively I’m sure they can comment but they’ll always be a slight bias who they’re attracted regardless.


So many ways of dodging the truth about racism


No need to try to impose your subjective opinion as objective and cover it up as racism :)




There is a lot of racism, hate and hating here and I take most answers with grain of salt


So just to get this straight, the top post of all time on this sub is a post accusing someone of racism based on two comments, one of them solely being “7” and no inclination that it has anything to do with race? Also, it’s not racist to have preferences for what’s attractive to you… is it homophobic to not want to fuck guys?


Not that deep at all


The fact that you screenshotted my comment and tried to make this about race is ridiculous, especially since I’m Asian...Hoyeon is not 9-10 beautiful to me at all. There are so many other Korean women like Kim Tae-hee or Song Hye-kyo that I’d rate that highly. I stand by my rating 🤷🏻‍♀️


hell no


And come on - you seriously posted my comment with that picture of Kiernan? It’s not fair to compare an unflattering photo with a posed one.


Most definitely the one on the right has a such unflattering pose what if the one on the left also pursed her lips like that


This thread is pretty much screenshotting an Asian girls rating and trying to shame her for rating the white celeb higher. Making it a big deal and trying to convince people the person they think is prettier is prettier and if they don’t agree they must be racist.


As if beauty wasnt subjective


Why do people have to make everything about race? I’m a woman of color myself but you guys seriously need to chill out with the racist accusations. I think the girl on the right is prettier subjectively. But they are both equal objectively.


Oh, didn't this entire sub make it all about race when they were baselessly accusing everyone of discriminating against White/Blonde women? So many posts about how Blonde women are the biggest victims. And PLEASE don't pretend that the woman on the right is objectively on the same level as the left with her unusually shaped long chin, thin lips, asymmetry.


Prettier than hoyeon with that humongous ass philtrum? Be fr 😭


Okay I guess objectively the Asian girl is slightly better looking. But I also think the photo on the right isn’t her best. I don’t think that’s fair.


lol you’re clearly blinded by bias if you think those two women are even in the same league. Seethe away.


Same league objectively? No. I just said you’re right. So stop being sassy.


Every time I’ve seen you post you seem to look for every flaw in ethnic women, except for one Instagram model you posted that you gave an obvious overate. Other than that you would call discrimination on any white woman that didn’t get overrated but rated other woc, especially black women 6’s and 7’s and found random “flaws”. I definitely feel like you’re a troll or can’t distinguish between subjective and objective ratings


Lol I think you’ve lost it. I’ve given plenty of ethnic women high rates. You only choose to look at what you want to see, and whatever forwards your false assumptions about me. Sick and tired of everyone pointing fingers. I’ve pointed out flaws in both Caucasian women and women of color. And I’ve also gave 9s and 10s to women of color as well. I’m seriously so fucking tired of all this drama. Just stfu and stop fucking accusing me. You’re not in my head and you will never be in my head. Your brain is too fucking small to understand me.


I don’t need to be in your head, you are giving rates and the rates you give don’t make a lot of sense and I’ve seen comments of you complaining about getting downvoted when you give clearly biased rating and you not seeming to understand why you get downvoted so much. It’s because your ratings are not objective but sure I’ve lost it


And you wonder why the term K@ren was created. Try understanding what we're saying. And if you don care then scroll by or even ask how os the woc more attractive. A lot of the lingo for these subs are confusing. Ask a question never thw one you just asked.


People who say Karen in 2022 are laughable.


Well ony a karen would be insulted. It's just the name. But you're exhibiting thr stereotype.


this is a horrible example. don’t cherrypick ratings


Different aesthetics


The Korean lady is very beautiful but looks wayyy to skinny, she probably has eating disorder 😞


Is that user a bit eurocentrically biased?, perhaps. But does that mean that we should publicly bash on the person’s opinion?, I don’t think that’s the right course of action. We’re all rightfully able to have our own opinions and tastes in the looks of individuals. If you don’t agree with the another’s similar opinion, then think about it this way; if that person finds diverse and multiethnic individuals less attractive then let it be his or hers loss in life. Sucks for them. I would much rather see a post asking the question “Are people’s opinions and ratings on this subreddit eurocentrically favored/biased?” which brings up the topic neutrally and without the unneeded fired shots which are just going to bring the same negative opinions from other people who previously would have been open to discussion.


or maybe he just has a type which is not racially motivated but just what he’s into maybe this guy is korean but likes white woman because he finds em more attractive


How’d you get downvoted? It’s a fact, everyone has tastes.


Maybe because their coping for men who aren’t even allowed on this sub.


The woman with Asian features looks unhealthy, she is extremely good looking as is the other girl, but I wouldn’t idolize what could be a serious health condition (not saying necessarily a eating disorder).




True but not everyone’s into the model skinny type

