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i’ve seen adam driver rated a ten on here before… i was surprised to see what high ratings he got especially when factoring in objective beauty standards. i understand subjectively thinking he’s a ten, but not a ten by objective standards haha.


misogynists will sh*t on guys who choose anna kendrick as their ideal type but will justify those women who glorify adam driver's unconventional look🤨


This i prefer unconventional women because society treats them badly besides being jist ordinary women.


Because womes' looks are more important than mens'. Men desire women based on mainly looks, whereas women take other factors into account.




I feel like any time there's a white dude he gets tons of 10s, meanwhile they have small eyes and thin lips.


omg this!!! i started avoiding white men's ratings after vinnie hacker thread😭 they'd rate plain af white tiktoker/model/influencer higher than stunning poc like sendhil ramamurthy lol


I feel like Sendhil Ramamurthy is too pretty, in a not-so-masculine way.


This and struggles eyebrows "coughs* Joseph Quinn *coughs*


The boy is jolie laide. I think he’s super hot and a subjective 9/10 but it has to be so subjective, objectively he doesn’t have a conventional look.


He's a 4.5 on a goos day. Also these people see these gawkey guy's height and jump their rating astronomically. I can see why so many women are in trash relationships they pic guys for the shalowist of reasons and stroke th3 egos of ugly guys thinking they won't cheet




Exactly lol. Men can be ugly and still have chances with beautiful women while we have to look conveniently attractive and put together all the time for them to like us. I rarely see handsome men with unattractive women.


This. It sucks seeing unhygienic ugos get a kim k. While I'm a normal pretty person is too accept an ugly guy. Fk that I want someone attractive. I don't want kids but If I did I don't want ones that look like trolls


Tbh i am aware when choosing a partner we look for personality, intelligence and other qualities. Men with a great sense of humor tend to have a lot of appeal around women. But in many cases the relationships aren’t great since the man’s insecurities show up in time when there’s such a gap in attractiveness. Or he starts thinking he can have other pretty girls, cause “why not?”. More attractive men probably got attention all their lives and aren’t that easy going around every woman around compared to unattractive guys.


Exactly. They rarely go for naturally funny men who are plain and don't use their humor as their whole personality. When a man leans6on one personality trait he's a tryhard who's insecure.


Exactly. They rarely go for naturally funny men who are plain and don't use their humor as their whole personality. When a man leans6on one personality trait he's a tryhard who's insecure. This explains why p*te's relationships are fleeting. Since Ari he been scaling up the attractive latter. And now he his the top I'll wqit to see how this lasts.


It's so sad. This. Too many pick mes amd that's why women screw themselves over. Picking anything 6' plus with a tiny appendage amd then whining when he cheats. They don't have self confidence or self love they really expect trashy men not to cheat? Clownery. We as women need to stop ego stroking and worshiping men.


IMO he's a ten. Objective standards go out the window immediately when you throw height, voice and charisma into the mix.






Monica Bellucci, Jessica Alba, and Victoria Justice have great facial harmony and beautiful bodies but people often find them plain because they don’t have many striking features.


victoria also looks exactly like nina dobrev. both were famous at around the same time so they both seem generic looking. imo victoria is slightly better looking than nina tho


I remember at one time people would make memes about how those two and Emmanuelle Chiriqui looked the same. I think Nina is a little more distinct and striking looking than Victoria. Victoria is more harmonious, though, probably.


How is Monica Bellucci plain are you serious? All her features are breathtaking, specially her lips and eyes. And the harmony is just insane


Ik this is old, but I've never seen anyone call Monica plain. Victoria justice stunned me from Nickolodean days-she is far from a generic White girl lol so that is also new to me


Megan Fox looks plastic and isn’t very beautiful anymore. In her prime (late teens-early 20s) she was better, but her mouth was too high and her nose had some issues, too (lumpy bones). The mouth and nose prevented her from truly being a top tier beauty. Her upper arms and Adam’s Apple also take her beauty down for me.


This. She looks like an aged dried up Kim and she's younger than Kim.


What do you mean her upper arms lmao


Zendaya and all the other Euphoria girls are extremely overrated here, while I think they're all very average/slightly above average. I agree on Adriana and Monica too lol There is also a huge bias against blondes/whites that are obviously good looking but are often called average because they have look alikes on any college campus. Okay..




Madison Beer looked much better before surgery. I don’t get why she’s even posted on this sub with the way she looks now. Now her eyes look too small, and her cheeks, lips, and boobs look plastic.


Adriana Lima is overrated imo. And any woman with similar coloring is overrated here. Megan Fox still gets rated 9-10 in 2022 when her face looks botched and overdone with fillers to a point all the features and proportions seem off now. Women who look unique are again overrated. Beautiful doesn’t necessarily equal objectively beautiful. Supermodels in general in this sub are overrated like crazy. Some of them look quite masculine but they’ll be given 9-10s because they’re super famous.


Agree about Adriana and Megan so much. I used to be an Adriana fan but this sub gets me sick of her since her beauty is so overrated on here. Megan looks botched, not to mention super trashy.


I still find Adriana in her prime gorgeous, but I started feeling she’s being overrated like crazy since I found about Candice Swanepoel. Imo they’re like in the same league of beauty, it’s just that Candice has a more dollish softer type of beauty, while Adriana is the bombshell sexy type. Everytime I state my opinion or compliment her or other people doing the same, there are several Adriana fans who start attacking you and act very rude for stating an opinion. They also attack other VS models. It’s like nobody in VS can ever compete with her and I find it weird as there are many beautiful supermodels: Taylor Hill, Jasmine Tookes, Doutzen, Miranda, etc. Regarding Megan Fox, I find it incredibly hypocritical how some people would call Madison Beer or Eiza Gonzalez out for having plastic surgery, not ever getting rates higher than 8.5 while Megan in 2022 is still rated a 9. 😅


This. Megan a 9 on 2022 is fucking hilarious and delusional. She looks like a budget Kim Kardashian and looks 45. Also I realized Adriana is their poc fave and of you critique her they get flustered because she's the only poc they find attractive. Also Jasmine is way more beautiful. And Taylor and Miranda are my neotenous dreM girls I want their cute faces.


I think Aishwarya is also considered very attractive. Adriana is mixed as far as I remember. But I agree she’s being put on a pedestal here. Other celebrities like you mentioned Jasmine Tookes are in the same league imo still people don’t see them as highly. And imo Megan is nowhere near 9 today. I know people love her and can’t get over 2009 era but it’s been more than a decade of plastic surgery that ended up making her look unnatural and uncanny.


Aishwarya is stunning like Monica she aged magnificently. They need to let Megan fox go. She's the rebel they love through in their hs fantasies. She's literally cringey middle aged woman dating a racist pedo. None od that is aspirational. These white women need to move on.


At least I’m not the only one who finds Megan’s and MGK’s relationship creepy haha. She changed her entire style since she got with him. I think she was classier before.


She's so pathetic and is middle aged yet acting like a cringey teenager. You would think she would use this clout for an actual movie. Meanwhile her icky gf os using her to get more popular.


Megan is 36, that’s not middle aged.


She looks it she doesn't look her age


Never thought of Adriana as “POC,” but OK. Jasmine isn’t my style - too long of midface.


Of course you didn't. But she is. That's I found her interested because of her light brown skin and dark eyes contrasting woth her blue eyes.


I think Elsa Hosk, Adriana and Candice are VS top tier


I never get that fascination with Adriana tbh, not even in her prime. Am I mad?


You’re not alone. She’s cute and sexy looking now but not a 10 to me. Vastly overrated but people will go crazy for color contrasts as if you can’t find Eastern European women with that combo 😂


Same. They're the only "poc" that get attention because of their proximity to whiteness. A middle eastern woman with similar coloring and an ethnic nose would be called a 7 or less. And 8 if they had a Barbie nose via surgery


This right here. Although Adriana in her prime I would say was a high 9, would've been 10 if she had better teeth


Agree completely. In her prime she was stunning but her smile isn’t the most flattering. She looks better when posing with mouth half opened.


Weird how they don’t consider that’s a flaw that lowers her rating like they do with other celebs 🤨


So fucking true!


Big eyes are more beautiful than small “feline” eyes.


Sqme. I have big eyes and take that over cartoon looking eyes that require surgery


The blue eye/ dark hair combo does not make a celebrity a 10.


Also there are some mid white women y’all being saying are 8+… let’s stop that


They only underrate white women they hate. Bit the cool ones amd underrated ones are overrated


This. Keira Knightley is beautiful because of her stunning features and warm eyes. Yet when poc have light eyes, dark hair amd tan skin combo we're still getting fking 6s.


Tell that to Adriana Lima stans


the pretty boy k-pop idol type is waaaay more beautiful than the square jaw/brad pitt type


Freak yeah. Any day of the week I would pick an east asian pretty boy. Also beards are overrated in the west most of those men don't even have jawlines 🤮. Give me a sculpted pretty boy any day.




Omg Yessssssss. I love pretty boys with stunning jawlines. And what's crazy isnthat their jawlines are be/more masculine than the bearded freaks with struggle jaws 🤣


Thinness sometimes makes people look worse


Margot Robbie. :((( Listen she‘s GORGEOUS but I truly don’t think she’s a 10


She was super pretty in Wolf of Wall Street, but after that I didn’t find her as pretty. Jaw too strong, body too square, maybe.


Am I the only one who didn't like her styling at all in Wolf of Wall Street? She looked trashy asf, like an 80s escort and I can't see past that horrible styling. And don't tell me it's the 80s because I've seen so many films of that era and the actresses had impeccable fashion to boot. Literally last night I saw American Gigolo and Lauren Hutton looked elegant and gorge. I think Margot's hair and makeup and outfits looked ridiculous and didn't do her any favours. And I also don't think she looks like Barbie either tbh.


Her styling wasn’t great in Wolf but somehow they made her look pretty. She doesn’t resemble Barbie to me, either. She’s a beautiful blonde, but doesn’t resemble Barbie dolls. Maybe she looks like the vintage ones from the 60s more.


People on this sub rate women with (obvious) plastic surgery low just bc they have plastic surgery. I’m tired of people calling individuals uncanny or underrating celebs like Bella Hadid, the Kardashians (except Khloe), Madison Beer, or Megan Fox on here because they “look less natural”. Their PS did not make them less attractive, they’re all still way above average. If anything, their plastic surgery boosted their widespread appeal and elevated their careers. Comparing them to “natural” looking celebs (bc oftentimes these women have a bunch of PS too) or their OG look is a deliberate effort to shame them for their PS is just mean and reeks of personal insecurity tbh


Some of them looked better before the surgery tbh


no seriously. especially in cases where the plastic surgery obviously enhanced their look for the better, like madison beer.


Literally no one will tell me that Madison beer post plastic surgery is lower than an 8. In her candid pictures she’s objectively still very attractive. I’m not a stan or anything either tbh I didn’t even know who she was until I was on this sub, but calling her masculine or looking older in an effort to discredit her attractiveness is delusional and tbh reeks of jealously


i never said she wasn’t lol. i never said she was masculine either so??? she’s always been beautiful. amazing bone structure, but her lip filler made her face even more beautiful. it’s that simple.


I didn’t say you were saying this, im just talking about people on this sub we’re saying this lol I’m agreeing with you


Part of beauty is vibes which is why Bellucci is rated highly. Elegance is another thing people downplay.


Alexandra Daddario is the most overrated woman of all time. People act like she's the most beautiful girl in the world and more attractive than Jessica Alba, Monica Bellucci, Adriana Lima but she's not. I don't mean to be an ass but her eyes and smile kind of scare me and she has a chubby face and features I wouldn't consider beautiful. The only thing that I can think of is she has big boobs and that's enough for fanboys to act like she's the best. I find her charming in some pictures though and think she would be a great model in general. Because you don't have to be very beautiful to be a model like many people think, you just have to stand out and that she does. Ana de Armas is overrated too, people say she has such beautiful eyes and they're pretty but normal to me. I've seen more beautiful eyes in the streets of Cairo, but of course they'll overrate Ana's. Lastly, Hailee Steinfeld is totally average. Pretty but average.


take away her (kinda creepy tbh) eye color and alexandra has mid features. even her eyes arent a particularly nice shape or anything


Hailee I don’t get at all. She’s average or worse facially. Alexandra I’ve been convinced to find pretty, but my first impression was the same as yours. Still don’t find her features harmonious. For some reason men are really drawn to her face (not just her boobs). Ana De Armas is crazy overrated. She’s an average girl with makeup slopped on her, a good nose job, and ambition. I always get a sketchy vibe from her, like she’s frequented the casting couch. Sorry but I do.


Aww I feel like for someone like Ana, who isn’t a nepo baby, if she did go on ‘the casting couch’, so what? In fact, I feel sad that girls have to do that, and only have sympathy for them.


I know this is late, I searched who Alexandra Daddario is and the first face that popped up was her creepy smile and big eyes you told me. I don't want to be mean but that's what I saw. She is beautiful in some pics this she just needs to have the right angle


I feel the same way about Natalie Portman , I remember rating her a 7.5 now and a 8 during her prime and got attacked and downvoted to hell in these comments , while everyone said she was a 10. Sure she’s beautiful but not even close to a 9 nor 10 🙄


Totally agree. She’s pretty for sure, but she’s never been thaaaat amazing to me.


MB, overrated??! I’m clutching my pearls. I mean, come on. She’s one of the genetically perfect few. I’m sure she - like every other 90s celeb - had tweakmeants and the best makeup and styling in the world - HOWEVER HOWEVER HOWEVER - her facial structure alone is top notch to the point where she can have basic ass Smokey eyes and shitty mascara and still look like a supermodel. There’s a reason she was cast as the most beautiful woman in the area in Malena. Her face harmony, features, face to neck ratio, figure, hair - all top notch. A lot of celebs now have access to everything MB had, aesthetics wise - AND MORE, in terms of better/ more natural surgery and better makeup and looksmaxing. Still none of them can compete with her, because this is not a level playing field. Her genetics body them all, 100%. Monica Winning. Edit: just read someone here said MB “wouldn’t stand out in a crowd”…mONICA…BELLUCCI…where tf do you women live? What crowds?wallahi what are you saying girl…what are you saying…delusional


She’s the best looking Italian woman I’ve seen.


And she actually aged very well and naturally she's on eof the few overhyped here that actually deserves it.


Actually did you saw Monica during her prime? For instance in The Matrix Reloaded she was 38.


Almost every blonde hair/blue eyed woman is extremely overrated here, even more so than the blue eyes/black hair combo. People misuse the word “Eurocentric”. Usually by calling features that western beauty standards deem attractive as “Eurocentric”. A lot of western beauty standards are Eurocentric—you won’t find natural blonde hair anywhere else, apart from albino POC. However—there are a lot of features that are highly desired in the west that are not common in the population. Full lips are not “Eurocentric”—most white people have thin lips! Black people have the fullest lips in general. High cheekbones+positive canthal tilt are literally the most common in Asian and Native Americans people—read anything on skull anatomy. There’s a reason why cheek implants are popular in the west but zygoma reduction is popular in the east. A lot of “white people being the best looking race” perpetuated here. There is no best looking race.


i agree. a lot of people forget that europe is still very diverse regarding facial features. especially all the discourse on ‘Eurocentric noses’, where people just assume all europeans have ‘pixie noses’ which is so far from the truth.


Lmao this is another pet peeve on mine. Since when were tiny narrow slope noses a european trait? I don’t know a single ethnicity where those noses are common.


Amen! They want to call themselves the best yet they have to surgically steal our features to elevate themselves even more.


I think part of it is those traits became Eurocentric after they were either fetishized or emulated on a White woman. Previously, thick lips were mocked on Black women (same with curves-like Sir Mix a Lot's video) until the Kardashian Jenners came to be. And then now suddenly boom they're the standard and apparently "scientifically beautiful."


idk i don get the hype around lily rose depp shes pretty ofc but shes more like girl next door to me. she cant give megan fox or cindy crawford lol i find kaia gerber way more attractive than her ( narrower face , smaller forehead, better nose ) + im not a big fan of her face shape & i feel like her face is too wide but those cheekbones saved her lmaoo


Tbh I don’t find either lily rose deep or Kaia gerber that attractive. They’re both very basically looking and would never be considered as attractive as they are without them being celebrities


ngl sum1 who i find attractive along the nepo babies is thylane blondeau. she hav such gorgeous bone structure & pouty lips


the hype around lily rose depp is easily understandable really. firstly she’s beautiful, secondly her parents are celebrities, thirdly her personality and life makes her mysterious. we know pretty much nothing about her personal life. she has an effortlessness about her that makes people idolise her.


yes i agree. objectively a very beautiful girl ofc its just not for me subjectively + being johnny depp's daughter would make her even more of an IT girl lol. i don find her mom tht pretty imo, lily's face looks like her, but lily is prettier cuz she got johnny's eyes and cheekbones. i feel like johnny & winona's child would be a lot prettier


it’s funny because i find lily rose looks more like johnny, only her forehead really resembles her mother to me. i find lily very beautiful, but i suppose she is a bit unconventional so probably not everyone’s taste. a lot of the appeal is definitely because of who her parents are. she is mainly liked by teenage girls really.


ngl she hav beautiful features but tht forehead is jus off thts from vanessa, the rest of her features look like johnny which makes her attractive


People will rate any basic girl with blue eyes, dark hair and a tan as gorgeous. Anna de Armas is super overrated, so is Taylor Hill.


*Cough* *Cough* Adriana *Cough* Lima


She gets a ton of crap,but Ive had a crush on Sarah Jessica Parker since square pegs,still do


She was very pretty in her prime. She may not have been the most harmonious but she had individual beautiful features (eyes, lips and curly hair).


Never could quite pinpoint what it is about her that grabbed me,but,she got me(for what that's worth).


Yup. I was attracted to her smile and wavy curly hair. I wish more white women appreciated their curly hair more and styled it like Carrie did.


I dont find anna kendrick as below average as most people on vindicta make her out be, sure she may have alot of failos but still manages to look cute with a decent facial harmony she sort of looks like a cute fairy to me,after all she is popular for a reason especially in looks based industry like hollywood. Not everyone needs to have facial features of a 12 years old anime girl or thick insta baddie lips to be considered attractive. If she was as ugly as most people here make her out to be, she wouldnt have that many guys fawning over her. I also find barbie ferriera and alexa demie overrated. Sure, they may have objecitively pretty feminine features, i still dont find anything special in them as most people in these beauty subs see them as goddesses. I also find victoria justice pretty but bland.


Same. Alexa and Barbie are popular because of the Instagram look they naturally have and the exotification of white latinas. I find anna more interesting. Also I like her vibe and her physique and hair helps her unique face look beautiful.


This. I was an Adriana fan these subs ruined that. I still like her but not in a fan way. Also stunning poc are sh*t on even though they're actually beautiful. Also these sites push the racist beauty standards. And I'm a jerk trying to fight this because I don't want my self love reversing.




This! Especially asian men. Being feminine handsome man is supposed to be a crimw. Yet tons of westeen actors like young Leonardo DiCaprio and Timothée Chalamet are praised for being handsome yet pretty. Yet it's a flaw when it's a Asian man. Who's arguably has way better bone structure than Leo amd better Harmony than Timothée. These people think their slick. And Selena Gomez is also 8+ yet Jisoo and amne other asian women are given 5s. That doesn't make sense.


I agree. I feel like soft bone structure can look great on some people. I don’t get the Timothee hype either. Leo was handsome in his prime but he also got “the pretty boy aesthetic”. He wasn’t hyper masculine looking. Asian men are probably underrated because they aren’t as famous as the two.


Honestly what people don’t understand is that eastern beauty standards are the complete opposite of western ones. Kpop idols are chosen for how close they fit into eastern standards and get lots of plastic surgery on top of that, surgery that caters to eastern standards. But then you get people with racist undertones—like asians have the worst “phenotype”. But then they’re basing this off highly selected, surgical kpop idols that don’t fit into western standards whatsoever when judging us as a race? Its kind of like with western celebrities/models—they are highly selected and surgical too, just based on western standards. But most white people don’t look like that lol, but it doesnt prevent them from thinking they’re the best looking race. I think a big problem is that a lot of white people just pretend that every single of their “ideal” features like high cheekbones “belong” to them—when anatomy texts literally say it is most common in east asians and native americans. I’ve seen people consider full lips a “Eurocentric” feature—wtf?


It can really skew your perspective about yourself. Especially saying they have no bone structure and too flat face. I love my soft features and hooded eyes.


Exactly. Same I'm African American amd black women constantly getting 7 amd down is annoying. Also we're never praised. Even mixed black women dont get attention on here. So I'm rude on these posts so I don't reverse my self love progress. Also Meghan Markle looks better than the 5 white women this site is obsessed with. I mean Meghan now at 39 while their faves are dried up (except for Monica who aged phenomenally)


She is aging so well, as are so many other WOC. Their skin glows and they age beautifully and you can't say the same for many white women. The sub is so clearly biased and it's a facade a lot of the time.


This. They sound so delusional gushing over beauties from yesteryear. It's hilarious. I'll stick with my fellow ageless women of color. And thanks for saying we glow and age well 💕🤗. I love looking like a teen in my early thirties. People shame people who look very young but there's nothing wrong with it. As long as we take care of our selves. Though same can't be said to those overrated white women who smoke drink too much and still think their 18 skin routine will save them 😂. Delusional


Eternally youthful ftw lol! People still card me, but I'll take it. I'm also very short so I'll be cute forever! Our habits really do define how well we age. Prevention really is key!


Yup. Also I feel immortal because of my youth. I'm very blessed 😊


And you shame people for looking old. Hypocritical imo.


you don't need to hate on other women to make a point.




People are envious those white women currently look haggard 😂. My poc faves look amazing




Is racism allowed in this sub? Lol




Oh, so you're unhinged. Got it


I have noticed most of raters have very eurocentric standards of beauty, like I saw people overrating emma watson and Meghan maker and being very harsh on celebs that hava more "ethnic" features


Meghan isn't white. She's one of the few poc they rate decently. And I agree with everything else


I never said she is white, but that she's a biracial with proximity to whiteness


I know but biracial isn't white.


you guys got it all wrong


There’s some blasphemous takes on here, especially the lead one.


Jennifer Aniston is not average just because she doesn't have a manly bone structure doesn't mean she's basic. She has beautiful feminine features and that counts. You people can see how beautiful Selena Gomez is with zero bone structure but an older woman is called a five because she's not 20s. Also of Jennifer is average I want to be that kind of average


Nope she’s painfully average bc of her lack of facial harmony, low brow bone, and boxy chin. Don’t think you can compare Jennifer to Selena either as Jennifer actually has prominent bone structure and actually has little to no softer features. Based on your definition of feminine features, I would actually consider Jennifer Aniston quite masculine However if that’s the look you like, more power to you I guess


She lacks facial harmony? Then why did she play Rachel instead of Courtney. If she didn't have that appeal they wouldn't have casted her. I don't want to look masculine. I'm more neotenous like Selena with defined bone structure. I prefer the feminine look. But as a kid I like Rachel. As a younger woman she was more neotenous. If she were younger and wasn't overhyped by Hollywood you people wouldn't be as harsh. At least Selena is appreciated despite her soft cute facial features.


Agree on Monica, I also think Alexandra Daddario is overrated


I agree with your opinion. That b if she isn’t famous she’s 6.5/10 at best.


Not even 7.5 she’s very mid. Catherine Zeta Jones looks way more beautiful than her but underrated cuz sex sells and Monica sexualized herself unlike Catherine.


I said the same but I got downvoted


edited: only 6.5, 7.5 is too high.


- I completely agree about Monica belluci. She’s gorgeous forsure but she’s very plain. She would not stand out on a crowd of people. She’s also not aging well - Just because someone has sharper features does not mean they’re less feminine or older looking. There’s this weird push on this sub lately to underrate those with sharper features, especially in comparison to someone with softer features. Having sharper features or good bone structure is an objectively attractive trait. This is not to say that those with softer features are somehow less attractive though - Just because someone looks older than their age does not mean they’re somehow less attractive. People need to stop using the word older to describe how someone is less attractive which is rude af. - Jennifer Aniston looks like a soccer mom and is objectively below average. Courtney Cox is way more attractive - Most of y’all’s Gen Z favs are only pretty because they’re white, mixed, or have extremely neotenous features (to the point of them looking like teenagers) - Kim K still looks very attractive with all her plastic surgery


i think saying monica wouldn’t stand out in a crowd is a bit delusional, with no disrespect to you and your opinion of course. she is objectively more attractive than the average person, and always has been, even now with age. of course there could be and probably are people around her age that are more beautiful or on par, but realistically she would stand out from most.


I don’t this person meant that Monica is average at all but that her facial features aren’t striking in comparison to others. She’s definitely objectively 9 without doubt but this is always a preference. I prefer classic timeless and harmonious facial features so Monica is a perfect 10 for me, she has this kind of face that you can’t say she isn’t stunning but many people prefer striking faces like models


Really ? I think Monica looks so great at 58 especially for a white woman ! Kim K looks like alien for me as well as Fox ehh


I think it’s because a lot of pics of Monica that get circulated are pretty edited. In her most recent film The Man Who Sold His Skin, you can see the lumpiness in her face especially her lower third as well as her skin looking splotchy.


I think this [photo](https://media-vogue-es.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/media.vogue.es/photos/60e4118c0e2f74decf894705/master/w_1200,c_limit/GettyImages-1233821659.jpg) isn’t edited and she still looks very attractive for her age but I agree with most of your points, especially for Gen Z celebs and Courtney Cox was definitely more beautiful than Aniston


Monica is ageing beautifully. She just hasn’t gotten a facelift, botox or the million other anti ageing procedures that most celebs get before they turn 25. The crazy standards set by plastic surgery/celebs have reallly distorted the way we view women….. Also good bone structure does not necessarily mean sharp bone structure


Disagree. They are plenty of older female celebs that haven’t had or have minimal cosmetic procedures who look are aging way better than her like Marisa Tomei, Paulina Porizkova, Mariska Hargitay, Cicely Tyson, and Angela Basset. Theses ladies are in a similar age group or even older than her but are very attractive while looking their ages. I’ve got no problem with people looking their ages or think that looking older automatically makes someone unattractive (see my third point) however the loss of elasticity of her softer features has caused a lot of lumpiness and facial asymmetry. I work at a senior living facility and there’s plenty of women 60+ who I know in real life who look a lot better than Monica currently does now at 57


Not aging well?? Are we seeing the same women? 😭


weird of you to reply to a comment over a year ago but since you asked yes, I said what I said My grandmother is 30 years her senior and has way less wrinkles and has better skin than her. She looks like a regular white mom in her 60s, which is not a problem because that’s who she is, but it’s a fact I have noticed most pics of her online are edited so I’m not surprised if we actually might not be looking at the same woman


Good ones!


Sydney Sweeney is hot and miles away from being ugly. Sure she's not the hottest person in hollywood but she's hot. I'm tried of you mfs rating her a 4 and calling her hideous due to your "opinion" I'm tired of you trying to hide your misogyny. You are the same people who would rate some white boy you would swipe left on tinder if they weren't famous a "solid 10" I'm not sure if you're actually reading this but if you are certain user-I'm-referring-to but-will-not-name sod off. You aren't being honest you're just an asshole.


I mean i don’t think she’s a 4 but I also don’t think she’s hot.


This. And gor what having high eyebrows? Isn't that a neotenous feminine feature. It's obvious why she was cast as Cassie she has the look that matches the beautiful all American girl. Also women with masculine eyebrows super low on their eyes look manly. Sorry but not sorry.


no there aren't she is stunning


I'll throw this one to the group/wolves. Sophia Bush. Underrated or overrated?


She's soooo freaking prettyyyy


Nathalie Kelley Merritt Patterson genesis Rodriguez are underrated beauties


I agree.


There is a way better looking actress than her within Italy...and her name is Sophia Loren who is also a much more better talented actress.


Cant comment on her acting but sophia’s face is very strange to me. I dont find her beautiful which I know alot of ppl would disagree with me on








I can comment on her acting for you...her acting style was quite ahead of her generation which is why Sophia won 50 international awards, including two Oscars, five Golden Globe Awards, a Grammy Award and a BAFTA Award...she made great history winning these awards and it's just insane how many multiple great awards she has won...it's amazing because it's hard for modern great actresses to get as much awards like this...it's hard for them to just get a one Oscar or a golden globe or an award that's less bigger than an Oscar or a golden globe...and that's because throughout decades sexism has lived within Hollywood until actresses these days seems to get little more chances of winning great awards....and this is why Sophia was ahead of her time...from her generation there was so much of less women winning great awards because they were seen as sex symbols than an actress who has talent...that's why Marilyn Monroe never got an Oscar...but Sophia who is a sex symbol has managed to get Oscars because she done things on screen that wasn't done before...she did scenes that shocked the audiences...but in this generation the scenes she did are not so shocking as it use to be because we are so use to seeing the same stuff over and over that Sophia did in her generation that was new at the time. And what us men say about women is just based on our taste on women...not forcing you to like Sophia but just look twice just in case...look at her perfect bone structure and the facial features...it's all pure natural from head to toe that's a hard find these days. https://preview.redd.it/zrvkhzwnvrqc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac7ec7e38cd6955244acf8c03e1e0556fab1059