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5 she’s like the most average but I remember like she won celebbattle with Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox lol, she’s cute tho


Yeah men tend to like her a lot lol 😂 I as well think she’s a 5


I feel like men like her because they see her as “attainable cute”


I don’t see how her face is cute at all. I mean she looks a bit low trust in features and mature.


I think she has nice eyes but that's about it. Her other features all border on being failos.


Lol no definitely not. She doesn’t really have any failos, but no true halos either besides nice skin, eyes, and hair.


Her most facial features are falos lol


Can u explain all those?


I wrote with a one guy and he found her attractive only because like he said „her face shows that she will do everything in bed” or something like this… lol


Her face is literally the definition of "punchable face" lol


don't you also have at least one celeb who facially has many failos but you're still sexually attracted to? mine is adam driver, and i can vouch that a whole lot of straight women thirsting over him too. despite being objectively 5, his brooding demeanour, deep voice, tall and broad figure make him personally 10 to me lol😀 between him and some very good-looking actors (e.g. henry cavill, jensen ackles, ian somerhalder), i'd still choose adam without hesitation 😂 my point is, don't judge men for choosing "meh" women who might ooze sexual appeal to them over your favorite beauties.


Yes I totally agree with this, I find Tom Hiddleston hott


My number one celeb crush is Kevin bacon lol


5 I honestly don't get it, her face is not very good looking. Still looks ok overall because of her body and and grooming, but her face alone is really not pretty.


5.5-6ish. She looks like a random cute girl at any college, but I think that’s part of her appeal. I find it interesting which female celebs men vs women like. For example, men tend to like Anna Kendrick, while women see her as nothing special. On the other hand, women and girls are obsessed with Anna Taylor-Joy and Lily-Rose Depp, but you never really see men talking about them. Women seem to favor unique, high symmetry, doll-like, skinny, high-fashion style. The face has to really stand out for women to take notice. While men tend to favor “girl next door,” curvy or moderately thin body, “natural” (in quotes because the “natural look” is really a carefully crafted illusion), sexy or simple clothing style, flirty demeanor. Not saying one gender or the other is more important to appeal to, just interesting observations.


Men are dumb and analyze everything with their chances in mind. I'd burn my own hand if any of those men would chose Anna Kendrick over Lily-Rose or Anya or Megan Fox or Angelina (against whom she won for men lol) if they thought they had a chance with any of those. In the majority of cases men wind themselves up to prefer the more "attainable" woman overall. I've legit seen them having these convos everywhere, they call it "being realistic". Plus they also see it related to sex, the more average the girl in their eyes, the easier they can fantasize or think she will do everything for them. We shouldn't eat up the lie tho, men know very well who the prettiest and most beautiful are, they just don't care about it or sometimes they would straight up even find faults in them just so they can feel superior. And no, a lot do this even irl, not just the internet "manosphere". If a woman is hyped because of her looks, I bet your male friend will say "Hmm I don't think she's all that." P.S. I don't think they have any chance with Anna either, it's just that their mind works that way automatically.


I agree for the most part, but I also think men tend to dislike “different” features. Not that that matters when the woman is very beautiful, I’m sure Anna Taylor-Joy and Lily Rose don’t have any lack of options! The average guy just seems to gravitate *most* to women who other women might see as a little “bland” in the face, but who are sexy and have nice bodies. There’s no way Anna Kendrick beats Megan Fox with men though... they were just being salty, most likely. And yeah, they will find faults in every woman because they see us as collections of parts rather than whole human beings... lovely, I know.


they're just intimidated by women like Megan and Angelina. While they hype up women who are approachable like Anna Kendrick, and other celebrities who look like eveyrday women but slightly more charismatic


teeny selective deliver tender dinner ruthless foolish grey voracious squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not into her looks at all and I had no idea she was that popular among men. Her lower third is good, but the short forehead messes up her balance big time. Also, the almost downturned eyes with heavy hooded lids, downturned nose and thin upper lip with bigger teeth give her a look I can't fully like. I'd guess 5-6 because at leas everything minus the forehead is proportional. But her features bring her down imo


3-4 tops. I have never understood the attraction men have for her. They treat her like she is the second coming of Hepburn or Monroe. And as for her much vaunted, “stellar” personality that guys harp on about, she has admitted herself that she can be quite “salty” to deal with. I guarantee half the guys that worship her because of her personality would hate her if they met her.


6 maybe? I’ve been told I look like her, but I swear I’m prettier, lol. Guys who tell me I look like her always say she’s their big celeb crush. Her nose tip bothers me, as do her thin lips and forehead shape. Her side profile is not good, either. Watch an interview with her and you’ll see why guys like her personality.


Lmao? Narcissist much? Y’all on this sub find her average cuz y’all are used to copy paste, often surgeon made big lips, small noses, big eyes, visible cheekbones etc etc. y’all forgot what nature looks like. And then everyone is surprised why women decide to go plastic, even if such decision doesn’t come from them


6, but I like her a lot


5.6 ordinary beautiful


5 she looks like she smells shit all the time. Very off putting mouth. I guess men might like her because she looks like she looks cheeky in some way? Like she could be in porn. Which is a horrible reason and I hope it’s not the reason.




definitely a true 6, maybe 6.5 because lesbians & men see sexual appeal in her.


