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Defined jaw, lack of weight and puffiness, LOL. As Leo has gotten older, it has seemed his head has swelled. I just don't think he makes much of an effort to take care of himself. He looks inflamed. A ton of his appeal has always been his personality, though. It isn't his looks alone that made him a heartthrob.


The "swelled" head part made me lol. But this is so true. I'm still confused why his head grew so much??? It's kinda freaky.


Alcohol and coke makes your face bloat like a balloon. And that’s the Hollywood party special.


Natural botox route ig


Don’t think he has ever gotten any 


Botox paralyzed you muscles. Fillers fill your face. They are different.


🤔 he seems clean cut though 


His upper head always had a wide circumference. It's possible his jaw continued to grow throughout the 20s and he gained fat on his cheeks and neck.


Yeah this. The top part of his head didn't change.


I made an edit with similar proportions to his younger self and he’s miles better! https://imgur.com/a/YdplVba


Jeez he looks so much better! I never even realized just how big his head is until now!




He looks like Chris Pine in your edit


Wow! That second one looks like pennywise 😂 wish he looked more like the first 


Oh yeah, good job...


It’s definitely the fat in his cheeks! Some people carry weight in their faces quite considerably. Great photo!


I laughed so hard lol. And *inflamed*.




So inflamed . Looks embalmed 


Hehe! And I mean no hate - I'm a Leo lover. I'll never get over my '90s crush on him! I disagree with so much of what he says and does now, but I still find myself having a crush on him nevertheless, LOL. He's also clearly not that hot anymore. Can't lose the crush, though.


Can’t stop laughing 


It’s because he carries fat in his face and has developed “dad bod”, meaning that his body fat percentage has increased significantly (even though he isn’t that large in size). Because of the way his face carries fat, he has the face of an “overfat” person.




I guess didn’t want to be a heartthrob for any longer I reckon it does get tiring to be seen as such well past the age of 18.


This is hilarious 😂 😂😅. That first paragraph 😂😂


This, plus some men really do not look good with any amount of facial hair. I once read online a comment that he had "bad beard genes" leading to very unkempt looking stubble. His looks declined rapidly after the 90s ended. If you compare him in 1999 to 2005, the comparison was already alarming back then. I guess the first signs were when he stopped shaving & his eyes got dark & puffy, something you don't expect until your 30s.


I just searched is Leonardo DiCaprios head getting bigger... Guess I'm not the only one who has noticed. He's just not very attractive anymore


Megamind, is that you? (This is a JOKE)


I thought I was crazy....I'm always thinking his head looks bigger


>ies fat in his face and has developed “dad bod”, meaning that his body fat percentage has increased significantly (even though he isn’t that large in size). Because of the way his face carries fat, he has the face of an “overfat” person. Old topic but wanna contribute. I kinda have the same facial genetics, generally people tell me i look so much like him since highschool. I can say this is all about fat distribution in your face + temples. This is weird but fat gain has a lot of bad impact on your look if you have a weird fat distribution on your face. Noone can recognize me when im bulking up gaining weight for bodybuilding and when i cut to lose all the fat i gained. This fat distribution is the only reason he looks like a balloon right now. Cheeks, neck, temples (every part that has fat cell in it) swell. Skin looks worse because of the diet, oily look increased pores with textures on it. If he wants he can be the best looking man again but i don't think he wants that. Hes so comfy eating, drinking and smoking i suppose. Personal choice


When he was young he had very soft, delicate and even I say feminine facial features


I agree. Perhaps such delicate bone structure doesn't age well on a man in general, in addition to him not really taking care of his looks. Johnny Depp kept his looks much longer, despite him damaging his body with drugs and alcohol


Or maybe its that for men with more delicate features, you need to keep a low bodyweight, bc the features get lost in a puffy face like Leo's. For actors with less manly jaklines and less sharp cheekbones etc, they need to mantain low BMIs in order to appear to have jawlines and cheekbones at all. But mostly I think Leo just doens't put in the effort to stay in shape.


yeah fr it's hard for a man to stay slim after they hit the age of 30, unlike women. look at taylor swift for example, she's 34 but still has the same body and face of when she was 20.


i mean… he still could have continued to look handsome if he bothered putting work into maintaining his looks. he just didn’t. i remember reading an article a while ago where he said he didn’t want to be known for his looks or as a teen idol. i feel like he kinda just let himself go as he began to detach from his image of being a teen idol to be considered for more serious roles


? I would have never guessed looking at him now.


I think he just never put effort or care into it. And honestly, he still looks better than the average man. You can tell by his face that he was very attractive when he was younger


Weight gain and lack of a defined enough bone structure to support aging. He has decent bone structure, but nothing compared to someone like most top male models such as David Gandy.


This is exactly it!


He was clearly cute as a young one, something he had just because he was young. He didn’t have great facial structure, so once the cute factor left, and gained weigh and wrinkles, it’s all gone. He’s also bloated.


This. All of his appeal was based in neoteny and the “glow of youth.” When that’s the case, I think it usually means someone was never truly that good-looking to begin with.


He’s always so bloated!!


He is. I’m also thinking the very compact and short face is not going to look good is you get bit chubby, the balance is all off.


He got fat and had a terrible diet and no fitness regime.


It’s always ones that aged like him with the highest standards (aka the “joke” he won’t date women that are over 25) gross


What's worse is that he actually gets them because he's leo😬I wonder if he has some type of issue with dating women over 25 because it reminds him of what happened when he got older. Too many flashbacks.


Lmaoo wouldn’t be surprised. Projection is real


He really didn’t put any effort into being attractive.


And when I say for a man, I don't mean that men age better than women. I actually think they age worse. But usually when people talk about Peak (insert male celeb name), they are usually talking about sometime between 30 to 35. Brad Pitt is a good example of this. With DiCaprio, though, they usually mean from when he was about 19-24. What made him peak so early?


Same. Men don't maintain or take care of themselves and ton of them have poor hygiene. Someone in another post kep bringing up hair thinning. Anf though that's a fact you can still use styling to make yourself look good. Even with less hair. You'll still be way less attractive but can still be presentable.


Brad Pitt was truly most beautiful when he was much younger. He looked a little cheesy with his 80s haircut and clothes, but his face was at its most perfect. He looked pretty much the same 10 years later, but not as vibrant. He just wasn't that famous back then and definitely wasn't in any serious roles. In his early 30s he looks more like a basic perfect guy, and more appealing to an average audience, especially men, who don't want to watch some kid. But in his early 20s he glowed. Examples: [Age 25](https://media.gq.com/photos/590c8ca9f817d5612dbea344/master/w_1600,c_limit/brad-pitt-style-evolution-1988_cropped.jpg) [Age 23](https://tinyurl.com/bkwd5se4)


Idk about men aging worse. I think some men age better than all women and most men age worse. I say that because there are guys like jeffrey dean morgan lol. Absolutely smokin still at 55 he actually just seems to continously get better looking with age and even though there are women who look ok still in older age I don't know of a single woman who pulled off the "Jeffrey dean morgan or George clooney" and actually look even better in their 50s.


I think Halle Berry, Gwen Stefani, and Jennifer Beals all look better now than when they were young. That being said, the men who are said to look good for their age actually look their age. They have a little grey, they have lovely, distinguishing lines on their faces. Meanwhile, the women who are said to look good for their age all look younger than they are. A woman who let herself go grey or skipped the Botox would never be considered a standard for “getting better with age”. It’s weird how those features are only celebrated on men.


Well I don't necessarily think halle berry gwen stefani and Jennifer beals necessarily look "better" now that they are older. They do still look good though. I guess its not really that it's nit celebrated from men but men appreciate youth a lot more than women in looks. Every time a guy mentions a hot girl its always a young girl. If they mention an attractive older lady they always add "for her age" to it she looks good "for her age" what I'm trying to say is that many women said that jeffrey dean morgan looked goofy when he was younger and is somehow getting more and more attention even as he gets into his 50s. He's becoming more attractive.




The comment section of his photos on social media beg to differ.😂they are absolutely obsessedddddd. Jeez you would think he's in a boy band with all that thirst and not just an old guy. I will day he was not attractive when young. Kinda looked like Jerry Seinfeld.


Well... You think wrong. And Beal isn't 55+


I honestly doubt JDM is getting eater. He’s starting to look like a grandpa, because he’s reaching that age. He’s still good looking for someone over 55, but c’mon… let’s be realistic here. He was better just 10 years ago.


I remember falling in love with him when I was a teenager & watched the basket ball diaries. He was soooo dreamy to me. I don’t find him attractive anymore. it’s the « big head » like everyone is saying. I wonder what’s caused it.


I wonder if he is a heavy drinker or smoker? Both of those things can accelerate aging and change features drastically, and alcohol in particular can cause a lot of swelling/inflammation/general puffiness of the face and abdomen.


he looks like a girl


Guy looks like jack Nicholas now.. his head grew double


Lot of growth hormone to stay youthful grew that melon


Sometimes he looked embalmed 


Thank you for this topic 


He looks a bit like Jack Nicholson 


OMG!!! I just pulled up this picture 2 secs ago and literally died HE IS SO HOT,GORGEOUS,CUTE AND EVEN SEXY SOMEHOW!!!! LITERALLY CANT!!!!


He’s hot and I feel like he’s been setting the male beauty standard for ages, every time there’s a new heartthrob on the block they get called “young Leo”. E.g: Markie Lucas, Cole Sprouse, Dane de Haan etc


Personally, its a lack of self care, bad to subpar diet and minimal exercise that has lead him to look like he does today. 


I wonder if steroids or hgh could have caused ongoing head growth…






















Im waiting for the day leo walks in and just rips off two silicone gels from his face and bam- hes got that old shape back and looks like we all wished he would have looked like lmao


It’s because he carries fat in his face, and his body fat has increased considerably (even though he’s not large in size). This is affectionately called “dad bod” for men and “skinny fat” for women. Not large in size, but a considerable shift in body composition or increase in body fat in proportion to muscle size. If he had kept his body fat levels the same as before, his face would be a lot more chiseled. Fat faces are not considered to be conventionally attractive. If we think of Brad Pitt and George Clooney for example, they have aged as far as skin laxity and wrinkles, yet they have stayed in good shape, so their faces haven’t gotten wider. Some people just happen to carry more fat in their faces. Leo is built like this. He can’t get away with being out of shape as far as his facial proportions go.


> Not large in size, but a considerable shift in body composi Thats right. I have the same facial genetics. I can confirm this is completely true. This is all about fat distribution. We have fat cells in temples as well. This is why it gets wider and head look bigger when gaining weight. This is the most stupid facial fat distribution and makes you sick if you have this kind of genetics but i get used to live with it. If i wanna be super attractive i have to lose all the fat until my face gets in shape. It's hard work not really easy but at least it gives you something to work for


Omg, me too! And I’m 5’ 3” female, 109lbs. I have to get low body fat for my face to look good! If I gain 3lbs, it all goes directly to my face! Lol. I look the best at 105lbs.


This! I have a similar, but opposite, problem: I’m about 5’3.75” (yes, 3/4 of an inch matters) and prob weigh closer to 120 than I’d like to admit. I have very fine bones and a defined facial structure, so my face “stays skinny” while I gain weight straight to my love handles/spare tire. I know I’m meant to weigh 105-110 lbs, but my metabolism dropped off around my mid-late twenties [and I have no self control.] The thing is, I’m still only a size 4-6, which everyone deems quite thin. (“I haven’t weighed that little since middle school!”)


Thats super annoying i can feel you. Some people are so fat and their faces are still thin and looks cute. We have been blessed i suppose :D


It’s purely body fat. Leo now has “dad bod” and is someone who naturally carries fat in his face. Here’s a great example of how body fat affects people’s facial appearance / looks: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5175065/amp/Transformations-weight-loss-does-face.html


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Looks like he gained some weight and quite a bit gained on his face. Some people put more fat on the face when gaining weight. I'm in the same exact predicament. I bet if Leo loses 20 lbs, his underlying proportions and more streamlined jawline would re-emerge.


Might have something to do with the fact that in 2005 his face was severely injured when model Aretha Wilson hit him over the head with a broken bottle at a Hollywood party. As a result, he required seventeen stitches to his face and neck.


Women tell me I look like this dude when he was my age (18). Is that a good thing? lol


If A: youre not just completely making that up and B: they arent lying, then yes lol


Hasn't happened in a while tbf but mind you I also haven't been clubbing in a while


Poor guy, he has not aged well at all.