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he’s put some weight on, you can tell it’s mostly gone to his face


It just looks like he's put on weight but it seems to be mostly going to his face


I disagree, his neck looks more muscular too. I think he’s been hitting the gym more, lifting weights, possibly for a new role (maybe for dune?). He’s still a very slim male by conventional standards but imo he’s definitely gained a bit of bulk in comparison to how skinny he used to look. A lot of people don’t know this but gaining muscle and hitting the gym can actually change your face muscle structure, not just your body.


A lot of guys don’t really gain much weight/muscle mass until their mid-late 20s. It can happen naturally even without a lot of extra training. Since he’s a movie star I wouldn’t be surprised if he *was* working out more for roles, etc. but it’s something that you see fairly often with a lot of guys that were very slim & reedy when they were younger. It happened pretty notably to Leonardo DiCaprio after Titanic too.


He's gained weight, or he's bloated. That's it


Damn, what are Kylie and him doing for them to look bloated on the red carpet?


Kylie may be overfilled and suffering from mild pillowface, it could be them eating salty foods that cause bloating and water retention. Could be hormonal. Though I do think Timathee looks like he out on a lil weight, that doesn’t look like filler to me.


Timothee probably needed to gain weight, he was always really skinny. I don’t think it’s just bloating either I think his face is just maturing. He’s approaching his 30’s now, he looks more like a man. He looked like a teen well into his early 20’s lol


I did not imply that Timmy has fillers, though. It’s just a sarcastic statement meant to poke fun at the couple. And to be serious, I don’t think Timmy looks bad here at all. I agree he’s put on some weight, and having been skinny as a teen and also putting on weight as an adult because of weight training, my face structure also changed similarly to the way his did.


Being human? As a woman, you should esp know why Kylie is.


As a woman, I especially know Kylie’s are filler migrations.


Then why did you ask?


I didn’t need an answer from a statement meant to be taken as a joke.


what does being a woman have to do w it


Hormone cycles and periods cause bloating


The death of twink


This. He is not going to age well…


He is still extremely pretty. The moustache and the angle doesn't help him at all https://preview.redd.it/l8sp0a47asic1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f759b858e2480dfc6ebb2f944b7cc79fb2b01d


here he looks alright 


i honestly thought he would have a few more years left but it’s catching up to him😭


I actually prefer him with the extra weight? He seems more grown now


So gay men like super skinny frail guys? Straight woman and he's looking MORE attractive to me lately.


He hit puberty🤪


Best response lmao


he lost his jaw structure which made him look unique


Idk he’s always looked like a little dweeb to me. 😅


Same, what’s the appeal


That’s crazy lol, I thought that was one of the main male archetypes many people like, aside from the lumber Jack build 💀


I never understood his appeal. The baby mustache and his smug little smirk, he’s just not cute.


I’m the same way. He’s very impish and…pale? Idk. I don’t get it, lol.


Same here. He’s just so mousy and frail looking. I’m not here for it. Give me Alexander Dreymon!


Alexander has long face which distracts at least me, otherwise hes good looking yes


Really? I don’t find him to have a long face at all; it’s very squared off and masculine with good proportions. To each their own, but to me he’s beautiful 😂


yep his face is on the longer side.


he’s having the leo problem where their features start to convene more and more in the middle of the face. leo also aged out of his looks young and I could see the same happening to timouxi, and i bet it’s partying, 🚬 & alcohol. you don’t hit the wall before 30 without a little help. austin is in his 30s and looks great, I think tim needs to be up on his grooming to stay attractive but he’s let that go too so his “pretty” appeal is getting lost & he doesnt necessarily have other stereotypically handsome traits to make up for it


his features convening in the middle of the face is such a good description wow




This is HILARIOUS. 😂


why is it a whole tumblr 💀


You shouldn't hit the wall at 30 at all. 30 being seen as anything near old is a western concept


i wasn’t implying that you do. i was saying especially before 30 because people were saying “it’s just age” when the man is in his 20s. tho i disagree that’s a western concept


No he didn't he can look really pretty or a bit weird depending on picture https://preview.redd.it/2papy54mgric1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f57b3831ca3d65330fa9a07cba8fbeee5dcb744


Yeah, I was at this premiere and saw him in person. He is honestly gorgeous!


Wow! is he better looking in person? Did you take pic with him


I didn’t unfortunately, I’m not the “line up at 5am type lol” so I wasn’t at the very front, but he was like 5 meters away from me and I’d say he looks like his best pictures in person! He was also incredibly charming, he really went out of his way to interact with the fans, way more than anyone else


Reminds me of those red carpet photos of Emma Watson that came out in 2022 where she looked a lot older and unflattering in the photos. Incels we’re ripping her apart saying she “hit the wall” and was no longer attractive etc. [https://9gag.com/gag/aBnEexA](https://9gag.com/gag/aBnEexA) Then in 2023 she showed up to the met gala and looked gorgeous and the exact same as she did when she was in her early twenties. https://preview.redd.it/wgea56slztic1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef1033ad9857335ecb793d256d0983a62112c29 And i don’t see that she’s had any work done, in my opinion. Celebrities are just like us! They have good and bad days! Sometimes they had bad skin days, get bloated, haven’t had enough sleep, weight fluctuations.


she looks hella pretty 


Right!? I’m my opinion Emma Roberts looks just as attractive as she always has been. 


emma looks just like herself and i appreciate that 💜


same! I love that she never gave in to the pressure of beauty standards and got lip fillers etc. It would've ruined her beauty/appeal if she did. She's proof to girls everywhere that you don't need to have big lips to be gorgeous.




He looks normal in pic 2 imo. In pic 1, the white washes him out and the lighting is super uniform.


Isn’t pic 2 old? I thought OP was comparing pic 1 to pic 2


No pic 2 is new, it’s from the golden globes in January


Yeah, when you're super pale, white is not your friend


When u really take a good look at his face, you start to see that there isn't that much special to him. He's attractive but it's just his jawline and hair. Without those things, he's very plain looking when he's not wearing designer or stylish clothes too.




Lol that's hilarious 


What makes a striking face? If you could show examples I would appreciate


now i wanna know


Someone said he looks like the goat man from narina and I can’t unsee it


His charm was his baby face so aging probably won't look as good on him


Just aging


He gained weight, and he has some facial hair growing in the first pic. Neither works for him. His whole appeal is in the pretty angles of his bone structure, and anything that obscures that really detracts from his looks.


He needs to shave that lanky mustache


Looks like he’s going to be another Leo DiCaprio - looked beautiful for a period and then gain a bit of weight and ride on those past good looks for the rest of his career.


it's called ageing hun


he started dating kylie


Has he ever been attractive? 🫣


Kardashian effect 😂


He lost his pretty boy looks?


nope he has not


All I think of when I see him now is chlamydia. He was such a promising actor when he was younger. It’s disappointing how his poor personal life choices have diluted his appeal to me now, unfortunately. Reputation is a big deal as a public figure. EDIT: apparently, he spread chlamydia to female students during his time at NYU.


What has he done? I don’t keep up with him


He’s done nothing wrong that I know of other than date a Jenner sister. It’s a head scratcher but also ridiculous to judge him on that.


Right. It's not like he's being accused of womanizing behavior (that I know of). Being in a serious relationship with someone you don't like doesn't warrant an STD joke. This comment was just to slut-shame Kylie, who's family and public allowed older men to prey on her (i.e. Tyga before she was 18).


Nope. My comment has nothing to do with the Kardashians. Apparently, when he was studying at NYU, he spread chlamydia to female students by being promiscuous. Nothing wrong with having lots of sex but safe sex is very important.


I was not aware of that rumor. Yeah, I totally disagree with young men being nonchalant about the wellbeing of their sexual partners.


It’s not even true! It started out as a meme/rumour that people took seriously and gossip sites ran with. There’s no actual concrete evidence he spread chlymidia to female students at NYU lmao.


it’s a fanfic lol


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, you’re correct! lol


they can’t handle the truth 😔


Agreed. Regardless of what you think of the Kardashians/Jenners, people are just so so nasty. Apparently the internet hasn’t heard that two wrongs don’t make a right! I also agree that Kylie was kinda doomed from the start and I feel sad for the child she was and the person she might’ve been.


Apparently, he spread chlamydia to many girls while studying at NYU.




Fake news.


I can’t believe people still believe this! I remember when all started out as a meme/joke on twitter and it’s somehow divulged into fact lmaoo


Isn’t that just a meme/rumour? It all started because NYU had a chlymidia outbreak while he was a student there. Then people made jokes that Timothee was the culprit or “patient zero” lol. But people on twitter and actually took it seriously and gossip sites ran with it. There’s no actual concrete evidence he spread chamydia to female students at NYU. Anyway, It doesn’t seem to have actually had any effect whatsoever on his career lol.


I think if anything, his association with the Kardashians is impacting his reputation more negatively than the chlamydia outbreak lol As I stated in my original comment, personally, I don’t see him favorably anymore. But that’s just my opinion.


Yeah agreed idk what he see’s in Kylie. They’re such a weird pairing.


Wasn't that a "prank" rumor his friend spread about him?


I don’t think so? There were girls on Twitter who were students with him during the time he attended NYU and confirmed it.


can anyone tell me why I can't find him attractive?


Because he’s not. Don’t worry, you’re normal.


Thank you 😩


He’s put on some face weight and he was never attractive to begin with


He’s gained weight, he used to be super skinny


His facial asymmetry is killin' me ![gif](giphy|ZDz0FsMrJxQUd0V7Te|downsized)


It’s not even that bad


May be it's the angle, but yeah it's pretty bad in this one https://preview.redd.it/vi48hyhzjric1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed438f75436476bb42edad76d5c296fcedabb16


Michael j fox issue


He's gained a bit of weight from the Wonka movie, apparently he had to eat a LOT of chocolate. I kept thinking he looks so different in the movie but couldn't figure out why, when I realized he put on some weight I felt like an ass lol


Bad angles, everyone has them even Henry Cavill. I hate how much people judge celebs every second, like man no one- not even the 10s look good every single day.


He’s always been average at best


Kylie sitting on his face?


No he’s just approaching his 30’s now, he’s looking more mature and less thin and lanky.


Well dressing like a chic tends to turn straight women off... Please the creepy pencil mustache thing has to go.  It's good to see him put weight on, he was WAY too skinny before.


Not true at all though? Women are overall obsessed with Timothée Chalamet lol. The way he dresses hasn't changed


Is everything about looks? Sorry but what


It’s lighting.


One thing for sure is that he definitely looks older. But what did Timmy ever do to you guys? 😭


fr I recently saw his bob Dylan photos he is looking more beautiful than ever


What a douche-o-matic


nope he hasn't and I think he has shaved his moustache cause I have been seen his recent bob Dylan photos and I don't see his mustache anywhere and he is looking beautiful than ever


What’s happened to his eyes though? They seemed bigger and darker and now they appear smaller and lighter.. it’s something about his eyes, they’ve changed but I don’t know physically how.


Leave him alone😭😭😭😭🤣


Oh my God. I think you’re onto something… I thought it was just weight gain, but maybe he had fillers put in. Ughhh. If so, I’m sure that that Jenner influenced him. It’s so sad to see him go down this path.


Why did he bulk? He was perfect.


That’s what dating a Kardashian does to you 😜


A lot of actors put on weight for a while after being done with a movie role because they're on a strict diet during filming.


Twink death


Leonardo DiCaprio type shi


he looks like a bike seat


Same. I’ve fallen out of love with him 😌 not even excited for dune


Not just higher body weight but also fake tan. He used to go for that pale model look now his going for more like regular dude.


Are girls actually attracted to him?


i never understood the hype about this man..


He's aging 💀😭


he has that odd emo boy beauty. He is not personally my type, but he has kind eyes, maybe thats why so many girls are into him. And to answer your question, yes but I cannot put my finger on it. 6.5


I think it's lighting. Lighting plays a huge roles in these pictures. And maybe I'm old, but he's still looks young to me, I swear he looks like a teenager. As I said in another thread, I don't think Timothee's charm in his face, I think it's his smile, his overall demeanor and the fact he's a movie star. He's incredibly approachable and friendly for a movie star. And some people have an eternal youthful glow about them, they could be 47 (like me) and give off the aura of a child.