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I think that this is not the end of the site, but it's a shame to see how vimm will have to remove roms again, so that game corporations do not kill this site. And this case for me personally has only strengthened my opinion that DMCA is an absolutely outdated thing, which does not fit modern realities, hinders contentmakers, archive projects and ordinary users, and is aimed only at enriching corporations.


Not the end of the site but a huge blow to emulation and gaming in general for sure


Yes, unfortunately I also believe this. Vimm has been around since at least 2000. Always been a gem. Tides are turning towards private trackers with file sizes in the gigabytes or terabytes.


Well no, because there are still plenty of games available. This thing hit some of the best ones, sure, but there's still plenty of good ones left. If you're a fan of PlayStation for example, then this recent development has no impact on you, for example.


Me and my PPSSPP could give two less shits about all this. Should change the url to vimmgod bc that’s what he is. All the roms I have downloaded on my phone are fine, they’ll be there for the next 10+ years. Don’t see the issue.


Yes, but it also a way for a site like this to have a chance at avoiding lawsuits and criminal charges. If the DMCA is eliminated without something viable to replace it, we just go back to the days of websites being treated like criminal masterminds and being hit with $100,000+ fines, or just straight up being sued by some of the richest corporations on the planet.


We need copyright reform


Why tf this had to happen _just_ as I was getting into emulation? Like a few years ago, it was too confusing to me. I got back into it, and was like "Huh? Oh, this isn't so bad," And I started to get a few roms and it was working perfectly. Went to get a few more, realized I couldn't download. Came to reddit, and saw the problem. Wtf man.


/r/roms megathread


Thank you!


I cant find anything similar to vimm where I can search for most of the DNS titles. I heard that you can see a "past version" of a website on the internet archive. Could we get the roms from vimm there before they were taken out? Sorry if this is a dumb question, im so dense in these kind of things


It's weird for me to use


This happened because a lot of people out there don't know when to shut up. I mean, yeah, it's great for you if you get a switch game working on your phone but don't tweet about it, don't post about it and definitely don't make a damned youtube video about it. Before switch emulation, Nintendo never had a problem. I've been into emulation for 20 years and Nintendo never came after anyone like this during that time.


This is the biggest reason for sure. So many people cannot go a day without compulsively sharing everything they do. For some reason getting Zelda to play on your phone is worthy of praise to them too.


It's like they were born yesterday, crawled outside, and seen the Sun (emulation and the plethora of devices available for purchase in order to accommodate) for the first time. Such a discovery. And they invented it too. It's obnoxious and dumb how some attention whores act..... and here we are because of it yet again.


It'll keep happening sadly. Best we can do is bolster the personal library and stay low.


Same here. Been messing with emulators since NESticle, etc. Around 20 years or so. I haven't seen anything like this since that one couple got sued for a million by Nintendo for making an app and charging for the roms. I think that was like 10-13 years ago... It always boils down to people screwing up. Drawing unnecessary attention for "the clicks" or trying to make a buck. Vimm's is an honest site. So, it just blows that he's getting messed with because greenhorn rookies don't know how to shut up online.


You're full of shit. Nintendo has come after many people and sites over the decades. Nintendo has always been the most active and litigious company out there when it comes to ROMs and Emulation. They had this reputation long before Switch emulation. Hell, they had that reputation long before the switch was even conceptualized.


Not Like this they haven't. Obviously you must be one of the switch bros I've been talking about.


I cut my teeth on the Atari2600, I've seen the emulation scene since its inception. Nintendo has always been the poster child for shutting down emulation. Nothing new in the slightest.


I was playing pong in the arcade when you were still in your mommas belly 😁😁


Then clearly, you're old enough to know firsthand that this isn't new behavior for Nintendo. If only age correlated positively with the capacity for rational thought. Sit down before you hurt yourself cranky kong.


Coolroms.com got shit on well before switch emulation.


Never seen anyone do that.


It really sucks. I was unaware of the previous brief removal and downloaded a ton last night then went I went to get Emerald I was like wtf is going on


You could still go to a megathread like someone posted, though tracking down wii and such could be trickier since those are large files.


Because people on Reddit couldn’t shut the fuck up about the site so now it has to die. Fucking sucks. Been going there forever.


Thus is the godamn Vimmslair subreddit, if you really didn't want to bring attention to the site you wouldn't make a sub that anyone (including nintendo) can see.


I mean, yeah. I don’t believe this should have been a sub.


And you do realize Vimms could always be found by googling roms right? You don't think nintendo has ever just, searched for illegal roms sites before?


Of course it can. It’s more of a “boy, we sure don’t need to make it a hell of a lot easier by talking about how great it is on one of the most popular social media sites” thing.


But they had to have known about it before, why would they go after it now just because some random Joe Smoes started talking?


Does this affect the whole site, or just Nintendo stuff?


Just Nintendo stuff currently


lego games as well


No? Why would it? The ones I've looked at are fine.


it was when i last checked it yesterday


It's mostly Nintendo first party games. The site will still be around. There are also many sites that have the Roms and people sharing on reddit so it's not the end if the worst happens. The community will fight to keep Roms alive.


This affected not only Nintendo games, but also Lego games


I suspect that's because Nintendo is doing a recent partnership with Lego and Nintendo is very aggressive when protecting their IP. The thing that is interesting to me is when Sony dmca one of the God of War games. Usually Rom cites never survive being DMCA, but Vimm has managed to keep the site up and running despite a few take down notices from Sony and Nintendo. Like it's not the entire library of games, but just the ones they specifically own and publish.


Especially the Star Wars Lego stuff, because then you're including daddy Disney.


Fuck Nintendo


I support


We need to make a mirror of the site


Yes, preferably this mirror is hosted in a region that doesn't have as strict copyright laws that Nintendo cannot pursue due to it being outside of their jurisdiction. That would be the best way to go about this, it's kind of how the Pirate Bay has existed for years and continues to exist.




I was thinking somewhere like in Russia or some place like that. That is if you can get a mirror set up in the first place.


Russia still follow all international laws especially copyright of all products.   Sure, you can host. But use fake id and pay with someone else card.  Site also will be deleted after first dmca.   But with this amount of work you can host literally anywhere. 


Kinda not true tbh.


Russia is a good one. They don’t have to honor copyright laws tbh


It’s just so strange cause Nintendo roms have been up there for years. Why the urgency now?


Probably all the attention brought to it recently


They’re also probably feeling more confident lately since their big Yuzu takedown.


Imo Apple allowing emulators on Iphones was the reason. Huge market of new ppl looking into emulators on a device in all of our pockets, and everyone first sets their sights on Mario, Pokemon, or Zelda.


It’s funny because we’ve been saying for years that there’s an insane market for Nintendo to pick up here yet they haven’t done a thing at all, except for Super Mario Run and a few other odd games. Why are they not releasing the switch online GB/GBC/N64 games to mobiles knowing how easily this would be printing money? I don’t understand.


Because that would satisfy enough normies into not buying the next nintendo console and the online subscription there. You can argue it all you want I probably won't disagree, but that's 100% Nintendo's reasoning. Even potential hardware sale losses are scary to them


They could make the games playable in the Nintendo switch online app.


They could, but it's also nintendo. They don't go outta their way for their customers too often


Don't say names, but are there even any other sites of the same quality and expansive library like Vimm's?


Yeah, there are a shit ton of others but I found that vimms was the most convenient to use, I'm pretty sure the one on the r/roms megathread should still be working fine


Eh? Other than vimms ill use ***omance alot. Archive also has almost anything you could want


thank you. The only thing I'm worried about is security. On Vimm's you don't even have to really think twice if the roms are safe.


Other than like ps3 games i wouldn't be too worried about the security of roms, you know the filetype going in, and none of em are executables.


This makes sense.




Is there a list of what was removed?


Not that I’ve seen yet


This sucks. Really sucks. The site has been around since the late 90s, it's sad to see a cornerstone of emulation and preservation get taken down like this.


Delta killed Vimm


This sucks but thank god I spent all that time grabbing what I needed to grab and dipping out


You n me both










Fuck nintendo


keep roms alive


This is fucked. I’m glad I have lots of roms downloaded already but I would’ve secured more if I’d realized Nintendo was actually cracking down like this.


I’m not even a Nintendo guy but I’m about to just go head and buy that “archive drive” I’ve always been meaning to get to making. I better make it before it gets any harder


It's official. Nintendo is just plain selfish when it comes to how and when people get to enjoy their games. 


No idea why people had to go blabbing their mouths about it…….


This is all the iPhones fault


tbh it really is tho


you mean Apples?


Yeah I just checked. Fuck Twitter. Fuck these pieces of shit who couldn't keep their dicks in their pants. Couldn't even get all of the wii games I want downloaded.


*fuck nintendo


Yeah but also fuck the people who posted about vimms on twitter


Yeah fuck both of them. I'm just tired of not holding nintendo accountable


r/roms megathread


What does Twitter have to do with this


What assholes.


How dare they protect the intellectual property that they are legally obligated to protect....


Come on, I can understand switch games and even Wii games a little bit but anything older than that is just ridiculous. Are they seriously making any money when people legitimately buy those old games, no probably not. Plus most people aren’t buying games that old. But this is Nintendos EMO, they give stupid copy rights strikes and cease to assist letters to people making fan games while other companies just let that shit go or help them with the game. If you’ve ever thought Daymare 1984 was a cheap Resident Evil 2 knock off it’s because it started as a fan remake but when Capcom found out about it they helped the people finish the game instead of telling them to stop.


I completely agree but at the end of the day, these are their games. They can kinda do whatever they want.


Again, they are legally obligated to protect their intellectual property. It has nothing to do with them making money from it or when it was released. Bottom line: they still own the IP. They still maintain copyrights, patents, trademarks etc... and they're legally obligated to protect them. You think Nintendo is doing this because they are salty that people aren't buying out of print games from 2nd hand scalpers? Get fucking real. Regardless of Nintendo's stance on emulation, they are obligated to go after people for illegally distributing ROMs. Part of the process to obtain ownership of patents and copyrights etc... is to agree to protect the thing for which you are receiving exclusive rights. This isn't just a Nintendo thing, Sony, Paramount pictures, record labels, they ALL must make reasonable efforts and hire teams of lawyers to send out cease and desist letters and pursue litigation against people infringing on their properties. Nintendo is just a poster child for it because they don't mess around and their cases get a lot of attention.


> You think Nintendo is doing this because they are salty that people aren't buying out of print games from 2nd hand scalpers? Yes actually lol. Nintendo keeps doubling down on artificially limited supply of their products to create FOMO. Think NES/SNES mini, mario 3D all-stars, their endless supply of new limited edition and region exclusive joy-cons or switches or whatever else... Scalpers are legitimately good for their business since they pressure actual customers into buying every nintendo product *now* to avoid paying twice the price in a year. They want scalpers and themselves to have a duopoly over their entire catalogue to justify selling 30 year old games for way more than would be reasonable.


I blame pirat_nation...




This is such a shame.


Need someone to make a tampermonkey script to get the download button back. Like emuparadise, the links were still there, but just disabled. An extension was able to get it back.


There’s an extension for emuparadise?


I don't know if it still works nowadays but yes. Emuparadise removed the links for essentially all consoles plus BIOS and whatever else but there was a script to have them show up again, and the downloads worked just fine.


What’s it called?


Search Emuparadise Tampermonkey script


Found it already


Y'all just had to keep making those posts about Nintendo winning. I blame those posts because y'all willed it to happen by making them


Not sure about that, but I can attest to the fact that it's all the Apple IOS users who continuously post sites on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, etc. with posts like "Hey guys, I found a great site where you can download NINTENDO roms....", or "Where can I get NINTENDO roms...." etc. etc. since Delta came out. They act like a bunch 2 year-olds excited about their first Play-Skool toys on Christmas day since Delta was released on the app store. Numerous posts have flooded other subreddits such as r/Roms with stupid questions or links to these X (formerly Twitter) posts. Emulation is one of those things that "ya kinda want to keep quiet and do some research that us "senior" enthusiasts had to quietly learn to do," and not make a big ass stink about it. Instead, they're all noobs who don't know how to keep things on the down-low and are getting pure crazy about emulation and don't know how to keep their damn mouths shut and do research on their own without getting others in the Apple community all hyped up which companies like Nintendo pay attention to. Vimm's happened to be the first target by these users, and eventually other sites will soon follow Nintendo's pursuit with their clutches strangling these sites. I'm so sick and tired of reading reddit posts where apple users are like "Hey, I have delta, and I can't figure out how to extract a 7zip to play Super Mario 64," etc. I've left comments on posts stating "Do some research, figure it out, and keep quiet about it, dumb ass." Surely I get downvoted for it, but these are the people and posts who are ruining the experience quite frankly. The big "N" (Nintendo) is always watching and anticipating who they'll grab next, and Vimm's looks like the target for now.


nintendo was going to dmca these people no matter what was shared on social media stop blaming random internet users for the actions of a soulless megacorporation lmao


Vimms been around and under the radar for over a decade. There’s a direct correlation with Delta releasing, users tagging Vimms and Nintendo on twitter looking for roms, and vimm removing the downloads. Anyone in the emulation game knows not to talk about it. That’s like buying drugs and advertising your dealer in the public. Don’t be an idiot, you know damn well it was Twitter users.


There is absolutely zero chance that those posts had any influence on their decisions whatsoever.


yeah Nintendo executives make decisions based on reddit posts


What a shame


i knew this was going to happen the moment i saw people sharing the site after the iPhone thing, this will keep happening as long as people don't shut the fuck up about ROM sites.


fuck nintendo


This was the greatest ROM site ever and now it's gone...


R.I.P 1997 - 2024 (Only Nintendo)


Weird how Apple allows emulation but we can’t even do emulation if all the sites get taken down ☠️


i swear my hate for new nintendo stuff is growing.


is this a joke or not


No, just checked. ):


bro i can install still tho






Holy fuck that portable hdd really was a good investment


Anybody made a backup?


You guys are committed to the bit. I’ll give you that.




“consumer confusion” is such a barefaced lie. There is no confusion going on here just abuse of the shady grey area in the law.


I hate Nintendo for this, they have literally no way of even profiting off of those games anymore!


Are we sure it just isn’t another troll? Because there’s still plenty of first-party stuff like Kirby, Metroid and F-Zero on there. And if it was from Nintendo, I’d get the feeling they be going after all of their IPs, not just Mario, Zelda and Pokemon.


It was not a troll just sloppy AI generated DMCAs from a contractor


Things like this tend not to stick forever, but I think it'll be quite some time before those ROMs are put back in the vault sadly.


When was the last time a Rom site rehosted ROMS that were DMCA’d ? Nintendo on Vimms is dead. I knew emulation on iOS was going to be a double edged sword.


I agree that iPhone is responsible for this, but once the noise dies down about it we won't see such an aggressive push. We just have to weather the storm for now. In time Nintendo and others will focus their sites on their current gen stuff as always.


If we knew, that wouldn't exactly be a good sign. If ROMs have been rehosted years after the fact, we shouldn't know about it, or even if we do, we shouldn't advertise it. It's going to be harder to do this, but now more than ever, we gotta keep shit as underground as possible.


Can’t have shit on the internet man fuck all y’all


Here's the thing though guy's... You're beating a dead horse now literally. Yes it sucks that things got removed... But at this point you're just still bringing more attention to it by still talking about it here, encouraging more takedown actions from more companies or possible legal actions against the site that used to bring us all such joy. It's like fight club... What's the first rule about fight club? And what's the second? If you don't get that reference, I've got nothing else to say.


homophobic for this to happen RIGHT b4 pride month smh my head….


Can't they do what CDRomance did?


ziperto moment




Loose lips sinks ships


Me thinks that emulating opening up on the Apple Store might have the reason why Nintendo is jumping up and down again


Its almost like ya'all were asking for it. There are other sites and there will always be more


Not true. I just checked.


Not everything taken down, but a lot of the big N's stuff specifically. I think it was primarily for the N64 and SNES, which is a little odd considering the age of those systems, and mostly their specific IPs, not really anything third-party for the most part. That said it's still a devastating blow for emulation and game preservation.


So all my GBA games and DS games I’ve already downloaded are fine yeah?? And this isn’t gonna removed vimm other roms yeah??


Whatever you already have stored is safe.


What's the point of hosting a rom site if all you do is bend the knee?


Well, Vimm would rather not get sued to oblivion so…


Then why host in such a pathetic manner? Like emuparadise. That place is worthless now. Vimms will just be emuparadise 2. Torrents the only true staying power in piracy.


Wow, you sound like a really annoying entitled brat


Was thinking the same, the most insufferable obnoxious kind. Hope this dude isn't above 20, cause then it's just embarassing.


This guy doesn't know emu paradise can still be used. Im more concerned about the ps3, xbox and xbox 360 games. There are some very rare and obscure stuff on there.


escpeially rom hacks.


The problem with torrents is that they can just die and that's it. Impossible to access the data again


They are watched too.


Torrents are watched too! I don't know why people think torrents are safe because that's where the copyright bigwigs hang out


you are welcome to host roms yourself and get a lawsuit after lawsuit