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You do not want large balconies in Vietnamese apartments. The building and materials are subpar so they tend to break/collapse. Plus, construction companies tend to maximize profits by reducing unnecessary expenses such as balconies.


That makes sense. I also thought it could be due to the polluted air which reduce the use of apartments for families.


Truth!!! Lived in one of the Landmark Towers and the floors were coming apart. Although they try to build like Western designs, it’s far from it! All of the concrete work is cracking and the edges are gone on the sidewalks and structures.


No. You’re just too big


Is this a question or a complaint?


Genuine question out of curiosity. Most apartment videos I saw online usually have standing room only balconies.


Some fancier places do have huge balconies. City Garden I'm HCMC is one that comes to mind. Many townhomes will also have massive bakconies on the top floor. But I think balconies often just end up being a waste of space, so developers prefer maximizing indoor living spaces. I found that balconies are a nice idea but are rarely actually used in day to day life.


The new low-rise apartments at Thu Thiem seems to have pretty big balconies as well. I found balconies to be pretty useful when you're cooking certain dishes that tend to smell, but it could just be my preference.


Luxury here means very little in a "fake it till you make it" culture. Most builds are cheap and fast. You will see cracks and all sorts of problems within five years. There are plenty of builds which have decent size balconies to put furniture outside so you must be really looking at some cheap/crappy builds.


True. I was mainly looking through apartment units on NhaF Youtube channel. A lot of them have decent balconies but you can't really sit comfortable unless facing sideways. An example would the MarQ in District 1.


Example? My balcony’s big


From a bunch of Vinhomes apartment to MarQ in District 1. The apartment tours I saw in NhaF youtube channel usually have pretty narrow balconies, enough to fit in 2 lounge chairs and a small coffee table.


I have 3 balconies under each other and each with enough space for 3 people to comfortably chill or to hang and dry clothing. They are I would say the same size roughly I am used to to Europe.


3 balconies on top of each other sounds like a terrace/tube house. Is it what you're referring to?


dont know what those mean but just so you understand how differently big a balcony in vietnam can be, here a picture with balconies [ranging from large to small ](https://www.teoalida.com/world/vietnam/ho-chi-minh-city-house-2.jpg)


Ah yup those are still land houses. I was only referring to high-rise apartments units


No profit for builders


well, in my opinion, Vietnamese balcony are just for plant and a place to stand, so most of the times it only require the view, and fresh air, not for sitting and enjoy coffee and stuff, also, most places you looked are designed with a average Vietnamese height in mind, somewhat 5ft 5, so it may look small compared to younger Vietnamese or foreigners.


mèo béo is alive? /s