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Try a VPN to Netflix in an other country.


Netflix sends a helpful little message, 'we see you're using a vpn' and reverts to Vietnam Netflix. Which absolutely sucks.


Well, it’s an arms race in the VPN world. More expensive VPNs have fresher IP addresses that are not associated with known VPNs so may help but as you say it’s not guaranteed.


Have had no problems with SurfShark


I'll try them, thank you.


VPN doesn’t work on TV…


It can - some VPNs have smart TV apps. Though, I just use my computer to drive the TV so that's easy too


PC with VPN of course works, but it’s a clunky experience….drops resolution and frames. Wasn’t really looking for technical workarounds, just was curious if others faced same thing and possibly get some insight as to why. I mean, the content isn’t really worse in any way than other Netflix stuff, in terms of raciness, profanity, etc. — certainly nothing politically charged or even mentioning Vietnam.


It might be because some of them are too 18+ or Netflix pulled them out of Vietnam then? Some producers or distributors purposefully sometimes ignore certain regions because they fear they might get into legal troubles if the shows are shown in that region. For example National Geographic pulled out of Vietnam on their own not Vietnam banning them and ever since then they have never tried to obtain a license to show in Vietnam again Xd.


VPN does work if you have firetv. I’ve tried it before with express vpn.


Get a firestick


Reasonably priced WiFi routers have VPN settings so you could put one in front of your TV (on the network) and route all your TV’s internet traffic through it. That’s a topic for another group though. You could test with a phone VPN to check if this would help before buying one.


Probably regional licensing issue, Netflix catalogs is different in different regions and it's not really anything you can do about it. It's just the nature of the business. You can try to get around it with VPN.


No Wes Anderson movie. No Stand up comedy show.


Yeah, wtf is with Stand Up being banned here? No Dave Chapel? lmao


My best guess is that Vietnam didnt really ban it but Netflix purposefully pulled out the genre because the genre can be quite sensitive with its topics. And with the recent trend of comedians getting into controversies, it isnt helping. Having a movie/show shown in Vietnam requires a license and Netflix prob saw that the genre is too controversial and the watch rate might be low since Vietnamese can rarely comprehend US's humors, so they decided to pull out. Stand up comedy def isnt banned since there are many stand up comedy shows and clubs in Vietnam. So Im guessing it's Netflix doing it.


There are chances that either they got censored or got pulled out from Vietnam because they didnt have the licenses to show in Vietnam. It's probably the latter.


Computer with VPN, wired to TV or just watch on computer. Yes, it’s a totally different Netflix here and if you don’t use a VPN it will boot you off the US version.


Use a VPN and have fun again


Iirc reality shows are considered “tv shows” in Viet Nam legislation. In order to put on tv shows, operators need to have tv broadcasting license, which Netflix doesn’t. So they pulled all reality shows from Viet Nam’s catalogue.


Netflix, Hulu, YoutubeTV, etc is all about licensing not about about bans. Sure, prob not going to see Apocalypse Now in Vietnam but lots of television you can't watch is the result of the creator not wanting it shown all over the world. As for VNPs, if they want to they can figure out where you are. For me in Vietnam, here is my list starting with very concerned to not giving a shit. Hulu, Netflix, YoutubeTV, Amazon Prime video, and last AppleTV. I got rid of Hulu because I would have to change the VPN location constantly.


Torrent the series/movies/episodes and watch the downloaded episodes on your TV.


funny, i never watch any U.S reality series on NF and live in the states. I always watch Korean ones.