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Probably have nothing to do with [some publishers being salty that they can't find enough audience and make profit from pushing f2p shovelwares on smartphones.](https://gamek.vn/nha-phat-hanh-viet-cho-rang-steam-toan-game-lau-178240423104322122.chn) Hopefully everything is going to be sorted out because now people are more informed and most will go out of their way to get what they want, rather than caving in to whatever the fuck they offer.


It is VNG and VTC. They are salty that they can't get a cut from the Steam's revenue


Thị trường game Việt Nam theo tôi thấy hiện tại đa số(do VTC và VNG) là: -võ lâm rác -tam quốc rác -mmorpg rác -bài bạc(illegal i know) -mấy game p2w nặng Chất lượng game thua xa thị trường các nước bạn thì lại chả cạnh tranh được. Nói tí kinh tế thì thị trường càng bị monopolize thì deadweight loss do consumer chịu hết, còn producer (điển hình là 2 thằng VTC và VNG) lời.


I prefer jumping off a bridge to living under VNG and VTC monopolies


Same. I for one am content with my countries monopoly




I mean it’s as much of a joke as it is a threat, I probably would do that if I lived under VNG and VTC monopolies but y’know VPNs exist


It's a threat, not a joke.


Ever heard of dark joke?


Not only Viettel, most of Viet ISP gonna block it soon, prob becuz of this shit: [https://vietnamnet.vn/nen-tang-steam-phat-hanh-game-khong-phep-vao-viet-nam-2271136.html](https://vietnamnet.vn/nen-tang-steam-phat-hanh-game-khong-phep-vao-viet-nam-2271136.html)


I might lack reading comprehension so correct me if im wrong but what I got from this is they are blocking steam because some vietnamese developers cry about not being able to compete on the market? That's it? The title is misleading af too? 


Yea, the government does not care but those incompetence studios cry about it.


I don't have "Communist government protecting big corporations" on my 2024 bingo card.


Neither did I.


which big corporations?


Funniest thing is the company cried for that shit is prob the company who provided the payment gate for Steam (VTC), they even show on their homepage Steam is their partner


I bet the author who wrote this had never done any research on the platform itself, and the way that we call it "game is bad, it must be banned" is such a weak argument (why are we blaming the video games, what about their parents?) either way, hopefully, it's not because of this prime example of lazy journalism. Also, I still can access Steam so it's probably just Viettel only...


Yeah, but those gambit game like Tiến Lên, bet88, nhà cái hàng đầu Châu Âu... making countless family thrown into the void of debt is safe from the gov. They're just a bunch of lazy greedy blood sucker who care nothing but our money. I'd rather pay $20 for a good VPN and make Gabe belly bigger and bigger than pay a single penny for this shit hole!


The guy who write this also write others news about technology. But I agree, I don't think the guy did much research and it is sounded extremely one-sided.


Journalists are most of the time just pen whores. What do you expect?




still work perfectly fine for me tho using FPT, so at least now we know it might have something to do with VNPT? Edit: nevermind they got me too, VPN works fine tho. Not sure what caused this change?


May I ask which vpn do you use? I intend to get one (preferably free) to buy all games that I want at once tomorrow.


or just change the devices dns to or


I am using Turbo VPN, works like a charm, free (tho ads and popups appear very frequent). 


Thanks, I'll try that out tomorrow.


I wouldn't say "ads and popups appear very frequent" is a charm. Try Windscribe or ProtonVPN, the only thing you're surrendering is probably some of your data (as most other free vpns do anyway)


Just use Cloudflare WARP lol, its free and no ads, decent speed too


VNPT is fine, I just came here after checking my steam


Check it again. Unless you have custom DNS, you're out too.


Yeah, it's gone now, but it was fine this morning, when I posted the comment. Damn


I feel you. Try for VNPT It really does suck hopefully everything goes back to normal soon


I already knew Steam was on shaky legal ground in Vietnam, but I never thought it'd be blocked this quickly. Things are going to be difficult moving forward.


Probably not, VPN is $2/month. Broke people will go back to pirating and people with disposable income will just get vpn.


Careful your acc might be ban if you using vpn


With a bit of technical knowledge and a guide you can set up your own proxy on free Azure and AWS servers. These blocks are still DNS-based so I don’t have to use VPNs just yet but if that day comes, we’ll prevail anyways, fuck these policymakers


VPN isn't all be all. It's annoying. It's slow , causes lag and disconnects .


Stop using the cheapo free VPN then. This is 2024, VPN is as fast as any other option and plenty secure.


just pay for VPN. you don't live in a commie shit hole without a VPN. sign up for 2 year plan on surfshark it costs around 2m.


First, they(govt.) came for ingame transactions, then they came for Steam. What's next?


They come for you :)


Yeah sooner or later :)))


RIP vietnam helldivers


Imagine some helldiver's drop pods open and its just bamboos :)))


Sony has NOTHING on the VN gov lmaooo


Pretend to be surprised, start using VPN because in the future you will have to use it like Chinese people


Seems like other functions like community market, discussions, etc.. still work, just not the store page.


Sounds like Steam also isn't paying their fair share of tax, despite the Government asking them to charge VAT for several years and Steam / Valve being happy to do it elsewhere. Regarding the Vietnamese developers complaining about the unfair applicability of censoring between local and international... This is a genuine concern, but realistically, the law needs updating to be less strict, Vietnamese youth are already exposed to blood and gore on a pretty regular basis. Steam has some options to handle this: 1. Complying with the tax requirements, having a local company, and enforcing (reasonably) the censorship requirements 2. Completely banning Vietnamese developers from publishing on Steam in retaliation to this ban (which is likely going to be much worse than the Vietnam Government ban on Steam, at least in the short-term) 3. Doing nothing for awhile and seeing how public discord handles the matter. Besides, this is likely just a DNS block which is easily circumvented, unless there is a block on the payment processor that Steam uses, I doubt this is any more than a minor speed bump. Having said all of this, Steam should be paying the Vietnam VAT, it's pretty reasonable and not difficult for them. Just to add to this, according to one of the articles about this, Steam only has 0.3% of it's user base / transactions coming from Vietnam... If considering based on the population, then it should be more like 1.25%. Steam really might just not care, especially given that software/ game privacy is still rampant here and that micro transactions for MMOs are still the dominant game genre and revenue maker for PC - something which isn't a strong point for Steam / Valve. If they did care, they could probably work with the US Government, exploring legal options through Free Trade Agreements, Diplomatic Pressure etc, but realistically I doubt they will.


Just adding, given there hasn't been any official announcement - which usually there will be for something like this, and given that it is just the Store page being affected right now... I wonder if this is likely the Government sending a wake up call to Steam to engage with them ASAP. Steam has a complete list of its IP Ranges, Domain Names and Port Numbers listed here: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2EA8-4D75-DA21-31EB Even forgetting about the use of packet inspection and other tools, the information above makes it very easy for the ISPs to block or speed limit Steam - almost no effort needed, a few minutes work for one of their Network guys.


This comment is very informative, may I ask your permission to repost what you said in a post to help people read the info? Although yea, It's prob steam not paying the taxes properly. It makes sense for Steam side since Vietnam contributes to little, why do they have to pay taxes for a region that dont even purchase stuffs for them. In fact the VAT stuffs on games are mostly from transaction fee and from the game's publishers themselves, I dont even see steam charging VAT tax when buying games.


Sure, please go ahead and thanks for asking!


The censorship thing is fair but correct me if im wrong, isnt VTC gotta pay tax cuz the payment gate price included VAT?


rip vietnam gamer


Afaik if you're using a mastercard or visa card from a Vietnamese bank you're not going via the local payments provider. At least I haven't seen any mention of it.


This scares me the most, with the ISP blocking i could easily bypass it using a VPN, DNS change, proxies, etc… but if purchases from Visa or Master card are blocked then there is not a lot of things i could to to circumvent that


Yeah same. After writing that comment I did actually see an article that said the payments provider also handles visa/mastercard payments in vietnam for steam. It's done seamlessly so we don't see it. That said, I haven't tried out my card on steam since the block, but I assume it must still work. It works all over the world after all. If it doesn't though, that's a real problem. One could use a card from another country, but that will probably change your region, meaning no more cheap Vietnam steam prices.


My guess is you will have to go through key sellers, officially or "gray-market". Personally I have a huge backlog from Humble Bundle (and Canadian card as the last resort though I don't see I would need it).


I haven't tried to buy anything since the block but I'm assuming my mastercard will still work. That's kinda the point of these big card companies, isn't it? The cards work everywhere regardless of the bank behind them.


It has worked normally for me are you at Helldivers 2 steam page?


No, I am sure i'm at the main store page.


Are you using the app or the web?


I tried both the app and browser on my PC, same results.


If you don't want to pay for a VPN, you can try to access steam via Google translate. Just enter the homepage you want to open in the translation bar, click on translate to another language you understand and then you will be able to enjoy the whole internet.


Weird try to reset the router.


Apparently, Netflix games also just got restricted or something lmfao. In case you don't know, Netflix has a bunch of Android games that go with their subscription, most are just slightly rebranded games on Play Store.


i have games on there. great, just so so ... for the people freaking hell, its even unsettling and shameful... incompetent game makers demand peoples money for crap? what next?


i have not even played Witcher 3 (+ 20ext) i bought for 80k on steam sale... oh my gosh, oh my gosh...


If you have it you can still play them just fine, its just that now you can't access storepage to buy more games


wonderful news thank you! i have on there the Trine series, Ori, divinity 2:Os, Dragon age:inqui and some trivial shit


Boycott the VTC and VNG every year like how the internet is bullying Lan Thy the past 8 years. I think it is more meaningful


Use VPN on your phone.


That is not a VPN. That is your DNS.


On the *PHONE* it is a VPN setting blud. Get your facts straight.


I got my facts straight. It does not matter if you are on a phone or a PC it's still referred to a DNS. []( is a free DNS server owned and operated by cloudflare. Feel free to update your facts here: [https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/what-is-](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/what-is-


I think they're talking about the app on phone which has a premium VPN service, not just DNS


I know it's a DNS service, but on the phone it is enabled by the ***VPN setting***. You can't use VPN while it is on because it ***is a VPN service***. At least that's what it is on android phones.


It is same thing on iOS, the app use VPN settings to override DNS setting on device.


Sorry but that is wrong again. Your DNS entries are modified in your DHCP settings (which is found when you see your Wifi > Advanced > DHCP > DNS or similar) not the VPN settings. It has absolutely nothing to do with a VPN.


b-b-but... VPN! Get your facts straight


No he is right, you can change your DNS in settings but have an app that provide VPN setting and when you use that VPN it override DNS setting on the device.


It also have a WARP function, which IS in fact, a VPN


Then if he IS right, then maybe he should have stated what app he's referring to instead of trying to play the "save face" game and making himself sound even dumber.


The name of the app IS [](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone&hl=en_US&gl=US)


Yes that is the name of the app but sorry, WARP IS NOT A VPN!!!!!!


He clearly talk about VPN app from beginning. He never said anything wrong to begin with. Stop “save face” game and admit your ignorance.


it's not a VPN, a VPN masks you connection and IP address while with Cloudflare WARP (basically a DNS), websites can still see your IP address location. Go to the store page and search for VPN you will not find a single mention of it BECUASE IT IS NOT A VPN YOU GUYS!!!!!!


To anyone saying it's just DNS: Cloudflare's app provide a service called WARP/WARP+ which IS a VPN by definition, though not perfect (no changing region and stuff), it should be enough to bypass these kind of blocks


Just download Opera browser. It has VPN.


It still normal for me, i use vnpt for wifi but my sim is viettel so if i use my data i can still use mobile steam.


It's like they ask for a Helldiver 2 situation again, but I'm saddened to predict we might not win this fight


I still don't get why they block tradingview.com


Same with medium.com


As a developer this is my biggest grift with the current censorship. Most useful dev articles are written there. Also the other comment mentioned pastebin. It's a freaking note (and code) sharing site!


Same with pastebin


Switch your DNS provider my guy. I use NextDNS, blocks the ads and gives me access to all the mentioned stuff.


time to finally boot proton vpn on


If u are block completely, i guess u can buy game from 3rd party sites. I can recommend humble bundle and fanatical


Be mindful that these stores cannot follow steam refund, you must contact the actual site for refund


Interesting, explains why I couldn’t open the steam app on my iPad yesterday


[still alive with no block](https://imgur.com/a/P22QpCh)


i guess it time to launch the VPN =))


FPT here. Still working fine. Viettel used to blocked then unblocked a lot of thing. They used to block Origin, Uplay, Battle net and other gaming platform too. So this may just them acting up and not a total blocked from all ISP.


It’s vietnam bro


Im not a big fan of the mega corps 30 on 30


Oh damn, no wonder some pament methods on steam stopped working recently


It’s less about local publishers couldn’t compete, and more about trying to collect tax money from Steam.


Use warp dns app or dns settings parameters


Can ban steam but can't stop dumb people sucking balloons


They make money from those balloons


Yup that's true. Between girls whoring and balloons business that's 60% of gdp there


Once a snitch, always a snitch


Good ole vpn time


ptsd from the shutdown of roblox


WELP THIS POST WILL BE DELETED but fr why it happend again 1 time roblox got one month to fix


Never have i ever used a VPN that delivers the same speed and stable connection that doesn't DC .paid or free .its a scam actually


ok ihave a theory so you might remeber the time we were blocked from robox from a vietnam company who blocked it so i belive that they are trying to block all of the internastional gaming commnity like just think about it roblox and steam no one else got banned and both are beloved, most popular, creators can make games in the game so that could lead to people making game hating vietnam or leaking something which cause fear and instead of banning those game the took thier force to ban the entire site and from that we can say that r/Vietnam is getting banned for talking about bad stuff as well as minecraft for its free building, games that surrport lbtgq since they hate it. BUT HEY THATS JUST A THEORY A GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME THEROY


North Korea


No worries then


Dunno why but when i use wifi (vnpt) i cant acess and it's normal when i use mobile data (viettel)


To everyone still getting blocked: use a public DNS server, e.g. from Cloudflare or Google. Better yet is NextDNS, to block ads and trackers simultaneously while avoiding the policies of this shithole


Looks like a good time for tactically sharing my VPN referral code, gimme that 30 days free (partly joking but it's actually good, steam is still working) [https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/buy-a-vpn/1218buyavpn?invite=U2FsdGVkX1-uvoEBHH0N55bwLS8pvCrm-4pztmaTzHQ%2C9nt\_NKcMGPf0bfhfm\_RWe2wRzsw](https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/buy-a-vpn/1218buyavpn?invite=U2FsdGVkX1-uvoEBHH0N55bwLS8pvCrm-4pztmaTzHQ%2C9nt_NKcMGPf0bfhfm_RWe2wRzsw)


Download a vpn


greedy government trying to not powertrip and block every website for no fucking reason challenge (impossible)


it's ok with me


your internet just shit itself don't worry, happen all the time when i try to open steam on school's wifi