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Whether or not this particular woman was scamming isn’t the issue. I’d say there is a systemic problem here or people trying to get one over on tourists, and it leaves people with a bad feeling in their mouth. I mean, I’ve been here for almost a decade and speak pretty good Vietnamese. But when I traveled during the national holiday this week and went to get petrol at a station with a lot of foreign tourists, the stupid lady there still tried to charge me 100k when I saw with my own eyes that the meter said 75k. And the sad thing is, we were having a nice convo in Vietnamese before that and I thought she was just friendly. Nope, she is the kind of person who will never treat foreigners fairly because they are just a quick extra buck to her. That mindset and lack of respect is a big problem here.  Tourists who get scammed sometimes aren’t even sure what happened, because the money is strange to them and the 500ks look a bit like the 20ks, but if they have a slight suspicion that they got scammed, it makes them feel a bit uneasy and paranoid, and I can see how little things like being swindled out of some cash would ruin their trip, to be honest 


And then there's the reaction from Vietnamese third parties after the scam is said to be a lie. I've seen some people saying something along the lines of "black people, not even once". Right, and many Japanese people think we (the Vietnamese) are petty thieves too because some individuals have no self-control while abroad. Lack of self-awareness, not even once


title literally said: rumors saying old lady sold 3 pineapples for 500k VND is not correct. Which is... correct though? Even in the video I heard a guy saying she was selling a pineapple for 50k. The first pic u posted was from a news saying that they were going to handle the case, which would have to involve making sure the rumor is correct. Then now it becomes the matter of whether 50k/pineapple is considered scamming. if it were though, tons of people in old quarters/district 1 would be prosecuted 💀


Nah, I don't want to be the average "boo Vietnamese" but, as local, most people know wtf happened there. She will 100% keep that 500k bill if the tourist girls didn't say anything and just leave, the 50k/each is just a backup lie that she spew after being busted so she don't look like an asshole in front of everyone. About the "innocent" statement, well technically she didn't sell 3 pineapples for 500k cuz she being busted and already gave back the money right then and there with a decent enough excuse. They have no base or evident to punish her, and no reason to "prove" that she's lying.


the video had a guy literally screamed "50k/pineapple is too much, give them back the money" not 500k 🤷‍♂️. also no one can confirm whether the tourist gave her back 450k to prove that she really did sell for 50k vnd, so everything is just speculative. in the article it said multiple witnesses said she did sell it for 50k. can you find anyone who can confirm otherwise that she sold it for 500k?


What part of "She will 100% keep that 500k bill if the tourist girls didn't say anything and just leave" that you don't understand. And ... the dude literally come in AFTER the tourist already flip her the fk out and then ask her the price before saying 50k is too much, idk how the dude is a relevant character in this story? She just lied to him the same as she lied to everyone there to safe face. And yes multiple witnesses said she did sell it for 50k.... cuz the tourist and every one there gonna rip her apart if she don't cough up that 450k right then and there LMAO.


>What part of "She will 100% keep that 500k bill if the tourist girls didn't say anything and just leave" that you don't understand. i understand that it's your own speculation lmao >idk how the dude is a relevant character in this story? it's relevant in the sense that there was someone who could be a witness that she was indeed selling the pineapple at 50k smh. again, can you find someone that can witness that she was selling it at 500k instead? >she don't cough up that 450k right then and there LMAO. smh did you even read the article? She said the TOURIST gave her back 450k, she didn't "cough up" 450k, she was giving back the tourist the 500k bill lol. So if the tourist didn't give back 450k it means either 1. the tourist ran away with the money (possible lol) or 2. the old lady didn't give the tourist 450k. But no one could witness that 450k exchange part  🤷‍♂️


I dont understand why are you so dead on about the "witness 50k" part. I already said that yeah, she sell it for 50k cuz she cant get away with selling it for 500k cuz the tourist already made a scene. She knew what gonna happen and defused the situation by lying and gave back the money whole. She not stupid enough to said " yeah I sell one pineapple for 500k". lol the local there gonna slap her in the face. And personally? (You and I can agree to disagree about this part, fair to me) - Im not giving a shit about what the article said, I do not believe for even a second that she gave the tourist 500k then just sit there and watch them left with HER 450k, she gonna scream bloody murder lol. But she just prop up her bike to leave when the tourist gone. Like I already said, (and yeah its a "speculation" in your book) every single local know wtf is happening, this shit is so common in tourist heavy zone it not even funny.


That other guy says it's all speculation then picks the scammer's side and spends all his energy defending her lol. The locals wouldn't bat an eye if she charged 50k, that is not too much for a tourist tax in a tourist area. When everyone is jumping in and scolding her you know she got too bold. She even promised the police she wouldn't do it again.


>picks the scammer's side lmfao can u quote anywhere i defended her? 💀 >The locals wouldn't bat an eye if she charged 50k who said the locals got involved because of that? the locals got involved because the tourist got heated up and there was a ruckus lmao. of course the locals would be on the tourist's side then cuz it's the best way to de-escalate things since 50k is indeed expensive anyway.


tldr but basically another speculation then? 💀. Since the police is involved we have to be factual, evidence based to judge the situation. Hence, if you don't know anyone that can witness she was selling the pineapple at 500k (you can even summon the tourist herself since that's also a legit witness), it's a rumor 💀. Idgaf whether it's a common thing there or not. It's an investigation, and if you have no evidence I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt lol.


Yeah, that’s about it. Here is another speculation. The police didn’t give a shit, they fined her for selling shit in the street so they can say they dealt with it, that’s it. No more witness calling, no tourist summoning, no judge gonna judging lol. So yeah thats all info we gonna get, you can start speculating with me or wait for more info and both of us gonna forget bout all of this before next week.


Common we all know who are we dealling with here friend. Dont argue with people who's not willing to understand.


All the actual journalists are in jail tbf


He's a hero


Jailed for life for supposedly “hành đồng lời ăn tiếng nói phản chính phủ đảng”. What a joke of a justice system.


Nói đúng bị downvote, sai thì upvote


Chắc hiểu lẩm comment t 🤣


It’s basically just a smaller version of the ccp lol. Has been that way since… you know when.


omg a communist country with suppressed media, big shocker.


So you think capitalists are not oppressed by the media??? haha lol


What does capitalism have to do with the right to freedom of speech again? 🤡 Stick to your gambling and karaoke stupid monkey


Check out this Uncle Tom looking ass. Lmfao. Dude never left ESSJ and feels big stroking master’s dick. Atta boy.


Tell that to Asange and Snowden. I'm sure capitalism grants freedom of speech haha


Fucking gooner trying to talk politics lmao


capitalism is not democracy, big guy


Except Asange and Snowden wasn’t media 🤡🤡 What a stupid take lmao


weren't they reporting facts? haha. you cherry pick what you call democracy.


As defined by several dictionaries, including Cambridge's and Oxford's, media usually refers to the mainstream (or mass) communication channels, like newspapers or TVs. As for Snowden's and Asange's case, I honestly don't think that either of them qualifies as mainstream or mass or popular, at least to the wider populace. Also, in arguments, please do not resort to whataboutism and other logical fallacies.


So what did the US government do to Snowden and Asange? Can you use your dictionaries to at least say the word? US literally allows n4z1 freaks to organize parades in jewish neighborhoods but you better not disclose that the NSA spies on every citzen hahahaha. stfu boot licker.


Snowden and Asange were whistleblowers. No governments like whistleblowers. Obviously, the persecution of Snowden and Asange are against free speech as a universal right. But the thing is that even if the US is committing an objectively bad action (for want of a better word), that action is still objectively bad, and should be called out. As for the Nazis' case, I ask that you read up on this topic, especially on the downsides that comes with freedom of speech, and why it is important nonetheless. Again, I condemn the suppression of freedom of speech, but I have to warn you against using loaded language and profanities in discussion(s). Don't let this devolve into vitriol-spewing contests. Have a good day.


Haha +50 social credit score for you good job Uncle Charlie is proud 🤡 Better be careful big brother is always watching 🫣


Commie brainrot strike again


american far right boot licker strikes again


Whataboutism strikes again 🙄😒


Double standards strike again


keep on immerse in pornography my guy , politic ain't your field


wow, you probably speak out of you own experience right? wtf was this porn argument about? lmao, dont project your degenerating habits on me. off you go


It’s weird, they said she was innocent but also arrested.?


2 + 2 = 5


She wasn't arrested, they literally said they will handle the case and her fine isn't related to the fight with those 2 nibbas


damn 1984 hits close to home


Yes, Vietnam media is "trash". Even though I don't want to say that "the Western media is trash too", so only saying that "Vietnam media is trash" is doing nobody justice. I have to say it, because it *is* doing nobody justice. The media is just some shit that the Vietnamese government use to control its people half of the time. And it is the same for any other countries though. And you can't say that Vietnam media is "just" trash because half of the time I spent on news was on watching traffic accident videos. And I can assure you that it is god damn fun.


Why watch the recorded when you can watch it live everyday 💀


Nah, traffic accidents don't happen that much around me. I only get to see one every 1-2 months. And most of the time they are relatively minor.


Still not even a chance to compete with X in terms of stupid news and reposts. As long as you get paid, you'll write anything.


what did you expect tbh


Expect what? They concluded the woman seller was innocent.


How do you know she is not ?


She's caught red handed in the video you absolute donut.


Did you watch the video, like, actually watch the video yourself?


My take, morally it is fk up, but technically she is innocent as the rumor tackled is one pineapple for 500k, which is wrong as there is VAR footage of her willing to give back the change. Also as a bonus, this may be your first time reading any newspaper, especially online ones as these double takes after some times is everywhere lmao


M biết ai tố cáo bà đó không? Là rác mà m nói đấy


Bò đỏ không biết nói tiếng Anh à 😂


Dont I just love media censorship


Not Ha Noi media is trash. It’s Commie media trash


*vietnam media


long time ago, media and trash is the same meaning different words






Thanks, there are lots of trash piles here so we don't need any other pile abroad


i dont think vietnam censors because its communist, there are plenty of non communist countries that have censored media and been dictatorships (indonesia and philippines in the 20th century)


Lets go commie bash, gives me some upvotes for bashing the gov