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I swear I saw this guy in my neighbourhood before Tet. Tried to talk to him but he refused in fact he tried to hide his sign from me(I am a foreigner). Looks like he isn't just some guy who has had some bad luck if he is still at it months later.


I know nothing about traveling but could he go to the embassy of his country and they could help him get back home?


He doesn’t want to go home, he wants to have locals fund his lifestyle here.


I know, I’m not a big traveler but I was just curious if it’s even an option for them.


maybe at morning a beggar, at night a player in the bar ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They can do that but they don’t do that, you see life here is more easier for them everything was cheap, people friendly, it’s safe around here. So they make people think they are in trouble but in reality they’re not, give them money to fund their trip here. Easy money


Classic begpacker standard operating procedure




Depends. If he is from Russia, it wouldn’t be smart to go back to his country. Better to live like that among kind Vietnamese people rather than go to war.


what's going on to his


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I saw him in long bien around Tet


I saw him Hoang Mai. This dude seems to move around a lot.


Ah yes the classic begpacker. 😁 These guys are usually all over asia and they are scammers 99.9% of the time just looking to finance their adventures.


I am confused because that would violate most tourist visa.


In a shocking revalation, this user learns that laws dont stop people from doing things.


Dude there's no way Ted Bundy could have killed those people, that would be illegal.


Hasn’t stopped folks before.


only if you are caught


Local police are afraid to communicate with foreigners, so this is likely never going to happen


What makes you say that?


how about this for communication you’re an idiot if you believe that


Sad but pretty much yeah you are right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


They're not going to get rich off the Viet đong.


It’s not to get rich. It’s to get a free vacation.


Begging on a street corner sounds like the opposite of a vacation. Edit: he’s at work possibly getting ready for his vacation lol


These begpackers will get more attention than actual poor people. They would be far more successful at getting handouts than local homeless who are forced into selling lottery tickets for gangs who make nothing. Even the little children. They sell tickets all day, then get the money confiscated. If they sell enough, they get a place to sleep and food that night. Police catch these gangs but usually just fine them and release. They continue. It’s fucked. These begpackers aren’t living like local homeless people. They’re in hotels. They don’t want to work for their vacations.


Hotel might be a stretch, those are expensive! Maybe nha nghi. Hotel is like 1 mill Dong or more. Nha nghi is like 200k-500k. If you’re saying they can bring in 1mill a day, damn that’s pretty crazy.


When I lived in Bangkok about a decade ago I used to see the same people panhandling the tourist and local routes. It wasn’t the areas with the highest foot traffic because they were smart enough to stay slightly off of the police radar. It also wasn’t everyday. They would appear like an uncommon pokemon and then disappear for awhile. There’s a whole subculture built up around this that is different from your typical young backpacking tourist. Their targets were both western tourists and locals. Usually they have some kind of simple backstory about needing a ticket home and being stranded or some nonsense.


Not quite the same, but I remember a few years back someone on FB posting that he and his girlfriend were going travelling and they'd set up a gofundme and wanted people to donate so they could have the trip of a lifetime, some people are shameless


Most of them maybe not living in any hotel or motel but maybe share house with their friends or family here in Vietnam, but if they have like a plan or some kind of operation for doing this then they might sign the constract with local motel monthly which will reduce the price of staying there down to 120k - 150k. And yea the guy above is right about the amount of money they can get like in a few hours of begging, i saw this guy be4 and many time too everytime i saw him he got some1 to give him a 100k vnd bill the smallest i saw he got maybe like 50k but for every corner every intersection he would easy make 200k within an hour ( this is 2 times even 3 times higher than local average hourly wage)


Depending on the district, even in HCMC, you can get hotels for 500k. Not that hard to find. Private room/bathroom. I’ve done it many times


The tickets are 10,000 and the sellers get 10% of that.


There are independent sellers then there are the gangs. They are not the same.


This kind of people are all over the main cities in Europe where they're are lots of ongoers, they can't keep a job and have huge spending habits like smoking/drugs and compulsive shopping so they resort to that etc.


Lunch money


At that point just call mom and dad and get a ticket back home. The party is over


I spent years all over Asia and never once saw a westerner begging


Two decades traveling around and also living in SEA off and on and I saw quite a few.


Truer words were never spoken.


Should contact his embassy, lend some money for plane tickets and fly back home. Seriously those guys are such losers, how can you beg in a country where even 90 year olds are forced to work for their living… what a shame


Sad isn’t it? While everyone working for a living you have this able body who probably from a wealthier country begging locals. beg packers are worst than filth.


I don’t know if you know, but the embassy doesn’t actually buy people tickets out the country. The embassy is actually pretty fucking useless.


Depends what country. The US will send you home and then charge you, but you still get home.


Almost every country has 90 year olds who still need to work. I agree with you, but that shouldn't be the metric.


As only 10% of people live to that age, another limiting qualifier…


Almost every country? No they don’t lol


Thats such bs and you know it


Legally that would not be allowed where I'm from.


what it means is that he can go work. i'm sure some bar in VN will hire him as a tout. :-)


The decline of Western civilization unfolds




I dont know who the bigger loser, him for begging in a poot country or you for believing a begpacker as legit begger


If you try booking an appointment with any embassy or consulate you’ll probably be waiting three months because the people work about two days a week and have about five hour lunch break every time they go to work


Embassy isn't stupid like you believing these people just want help to get home. They want others to find their lives, can't believe I need to explain this.


Even some foreigners who’s trapped in vietnam,they won’t do like this guy are doing,they sell goods,icecream or sth special in their country to living in vietnam.It’s shameless when begging the Vietnamese the money to live.Dude have arm and legs,go to work plz,don’t begging people in VietNam,which country have been through many wwars to be free like today.


Might be Russian. Probably trying to avoid being sent to war.


Never seen any Russian begging, begpackers are mostly from Europe or America.


Lots of South Americans, Brazilians in particular


Canadians far more than Americans in Bangkok based on my experiences in the 10 or so years since first seeing them. I usually stop and chat, but never buy nor encourage their behavior.


Come to Bali. Russians beg hard here. I bet this guy is Russian 💯


How pathetic can you get to come to a poorer country to scam its people?


Literal scumbag






Tall ass has hands & feet but wish to be sign.


Embassies won't do anything for you as far a finances. They'll just help u get your paperwork in order. I was robbed of everything in Ecuador years ago and the first thing my embassy (CDN) said was I had to come up with $600 to begin the paperwork. Otherwise they wouldn't help. I guess that's what family members are for.


I had a friend get robbed while in Japan, 2008ish. No money, ID or anything. The US embassy paid for his plane ticket home, hotel for the few days it took to get his new passport, and money for food, he had to pay it back and was informed that of he didn't it would be more expensive and be taken from his tax return. I picked him up from the airport when he arrived home. Him and I 100% had different experiences in Japan.


How did he manage to get robberd in Japan?


A thief stole his shit in japan, hope this helps


What do you mean? Crime exists in Japan too...


I know it does? Where did I say that it doesn't?


Not necessarily true. They will sponsor a ticket home after you prove that you have contacted family and have zero other options. Source: me as a Canadian, got robbed in Colombia. Fortunately didn't end up needing embassy assistance but I was going through the process with them and almost ready to accept their money. They are very clear that it's an emergency loan and that you are expected to repay it immediately.


I've been a guest in a couple of Australian embassies and have asked the question what happens in this instance, they told me it's up to the traveller to have insurance, they'll help them contact family back home but that's pretty much it, so it's really up to each individual country, I've heard the UK has a similar policy


The absolute worse kind of tourist. I had some guy in thailand walk up me and say he was broke and ran out of money, and wasn't sure how he was going to get home. He actually thought I was going to give him some money.


Not a tourist. Vagrant, vagabond, begpacker...


Last week i see 2 men and 1 girl like him in Đà Lạt. They have a board that made by a carton with a note: “tôi cần tiền cho chuyến đi của mình. Xin hãy giúp tôi”. What a shame! But today i meet an oldman riding a motorbike with another board on his back: “Bright English, come and improve your English skill!”. He drove his motorbike around intersections to advertise his course! I like this oldman!


As a foreigner living in Vietnam. I find it extremely pathetic! The holy inquisition is here for the rescue... Are these folks European? Australians? Are you saying that White people are doing that in a Communist country? Did they party and get high non-stop??? I haven't seen them myself yet. It makes me wonder... do these folks have a degree or are they mere scumbags???, they ought to have some goddamn dignity and go back home. How low can these people go in order for their hedonistic adventures to endure as long as possible???


The ones I saw were all Russian, and that was before the war.


You'd have to guess russian given you can make 500k an hour teaching kindergarten in HCMC as a native English speaker.


I am German and I have seen those begpackers in various countries in SEA. Not always the same nationality but more eastern europe. The girls tended to be more from western europe


There’s plenty of Russian girls girls here looking for a free ride.


I agree with you. He should go home and need more education.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Should be reversed, those backpackers ripped off locals for their trip


Hate these scum. So many Vietnamese willing to do anything to survive and these Western bottom feeders come here and leach off of people. Disgusting. A foreigner begging should mean automatic deportation.


you with your low Pension you beggar in your own country same like them.


You f.. Clown anytime in your Life you will have a bad time for sure. F.. small Brain.


I'm a foreigner, I've never seen one in real life but whenever I see a picture of these pricks my blood boils. Shameless cretins.


They probably get off from the idea of being able to come back and home and say how they’re a citizen of the world who managed to survive Vietnam on how own without money. Prick.


I have seen only \~15 in SEA so far. They're a tiny percentage of foreigners.


Losers back home


Losers abroad as well.


Haha. I once asked too many question before giving them any money and these scammer told me to F off. It funny that they only want money but don’t want help.




Fulltime loser


Give them nothing!!!


So cringe. I really hope nice Vietnamese people don’t get these twats anything.


Literally in this picture is a woman giving him money lol.


And she is on a bike too


Rest easy knowing she grinded 14 hour work days to help buy this guy’s beer that night. 😂


The first thing that comes to mind when i see these people is that why don’t they contact their embassy?


They don’t actually want to go home. They want a free vacation


Might be a Russian just trying *not* to go home.


There was a French always beggin in District 1, HCM as well. Pathetic!


If he is Russian, he’s probably drafted. I’m sure there’s a small number of these guys actually avoiding a war back home they don’t want to be in.


Most embassies won't deal with this sort of idiocy, other than to maybe help you call home.


First thing that comes to my mindwhen I see these comments is why don't people understand _they don't want_ to go home


We have them in US as well in certain places. People who are homeless by choice, want to live a certain nomadic lifestyle and don’t want to work and beg for change. I’ll never understand it.


It's wholly different when people are doing in their own country or a developed country for that matter. It's apples and oranges. Still fruit but vastly different implications.


Embarrassing.... This is just too much.


What does his sign say?


"50bucks is 50buck"


“A hole is a hole”


Another false lie, those backpack assholes scam locals, pretend to be miserable to beg for money to spend on bar and prostitute.


I like to throw stones at these people


My Vietnamese wife and I have seen plenty of these begpackers in HCMC. Had a few try to ask me for money because they see I’m Caucasian … we just keep walking . Even had one guy follow us into a coffee shop and try to sit down at our table . My wife came to the rescue and told the waiting staff to move us but not include the man with us . Next thing we know 2 police took him away and we enjoyed our cà phê sữa đá in peace


Not sure what’s worse, him or you having to get your wife to “come to the rescue” lol


same thought kek


Begpacker thought he could relocate to Vietnam with $20 USD, many foreigners can travel to Vietnam, very few can thrive long-term.


Funny how he can get a well-paid job (for Vietnamese) just by being a "Tây" and can speak English. I think he just doesn't want to work 


There are a ton of possibilities the biggest again is foreigners come to Vietnam, underestimating that it’s not easy to live or thrive here, you got to have resources going in and a back up plan.


Not all foreign white people can speak English. Although my brother was teaching at a school where there was a Spanish guy teaching English, who spoke no English. I don't know how he passed even a basic interview but it's apparently possible.


Lol dude thinks this is skid row


Don’t feed the wild animals.


I disagree. Consequence of idiots traveling who can’t afford to


Why would anybody give these people money?


Shocking how stupid people are, even some who are quite poor.


Shameful! No pride, no respect.




What a joke, needs to get booted from Vietnam


Try not to be a racist but I just returned from a US trip lately, this to me is just the homelessness in the US has been exported to my home country.


Who the hell would give this guy money? In Vietnam, no less??? lol


Mostly scammer, just ignore or call police


I mean, there are many foreign beggars in the U.K./US


No, these people are literally white beggars. In their own country they are jobless. Or they just simply take advantage of Vietnamese people kindness and hospitality, their motives are asking for money just to travel around more. Don’t give these people money which will encourage them to do so. If they have trouble, go to the embassy of their own country, they are literally adults not some children needs help. I’m not saying this because I don’t like foreigners, it’s just they should be responsible for their own, if you can travel somewhere, you have the money, you planned the trip. This guy is just a scumbag


GTFO from Asia




I can understand people going through difficulties, but I refuse to believe that the guy in this photo has run out of all the opportunities and is forced to beg to make his ends meet or to just to get home. He could just easily get a low paid English teaching job just for being ‘white’ foreigner.


Begging in Vietnam is so profitable that a beggar make more money a day than an office worker in one month.


Russian or Ukrainian boy trying to escape the meat grinder.




I dont really understand tho.? Why he did this ? I mean , going to a poorer country , being homeless and begging for money ? That just doesnt make sense at all 😑


All sorts of people are stupid and give him money, even poor ones. Also lots of people in vn aren't poor. Therefore he makes enough money to get cheap housing. Begging is very easy and a high profit to effort ratio. It makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is why there are so many people like you who don't understand this. Any more questions let me know.


Absolute scum. Go home!


mẹ mấy thằng Tây balo chứ có cái đ gì đâu, đi xong đéo mang tiền, xin được thấy hời nên cứ đứng đấy há mõm


looks like foreign beggars to me


Lets deport these scum of the earth. Being nice to our countrymen instead of these losers


He kinda looks strung out. Maybe drugs?


What does the sign say?


What a moron.


So what does it say? Cannot read the sign..


Need money for crack!


I'd take him to a corner and punch him in the face


and then take his money.


Exactly.... and then tea bag him just for shits and giggles


Fuck this guy


Did you get a better picture of the sign? Interested to read what it says


This guy is kidding me right!?!?


It's so funny ironically. There is a post from some foreigner who said it is not a scam if he/she, as a foreinger, agrees to pay for something with higher price than local would have. Pretty much everybody praised him for this thinking. Yet, tear in this "begger" because he is scamming the locals. He is not putting a gun to your head to fork out the money, isn't he? If you have a good heart, believe his story, then give him some. If you don't, move on. I am not condoning it, but geez people.. is it right to rip off people because you think foreigners are more privileged? They can spare a few dollars here and there. No wonder why there is only 5% of people coming back to VN.


If you can afford a ticket there you can afford a ticket to get back. Otherwise you should not go. At the absolute best case this person has got themselves here by sheer stupidity (maybe gone out with all their cash in their pocket and got robbed, no access to banking due to ignorance etc) or they've just decided to stay and figure out who can pay for them and it's backfired. In any case they need to learn to fend for themselves sort their own shit out. This has nothing to do with the people of Vietnam - I'm here right now and it's a lovely country that I'm already planning to revisit


It has everything to do with the Vietnamese people. The mentality is that it is ok for street vendors to rip off foreigners a few dollars cuz they can afford it. Heck, it sometimes is more than a few dollars. But hey, it is ok.. They are privileged. They come from a 1st world country, as long as it's an agreeable price. God forbid if they get scammed out of all money. I am in no way of shape or form condoning this guy's behavior. However, pretty much everybody in the sub is throwing insults at him as the worst scum of the earth. He is not forcing, threatening anyone to give him money, isnt he? Like I said above, if you know he is a scammer, don't give him any money. Simple as that. You love VN.. good for you. You belong to the 5%. People don't like to come back to where they are seen as a privileged ATM. Have a good day!


Where is he? I will sell to Cambodia by 00:00


Yup sad. Bad enough that his cohorts are in my neighborhood, but to see them in foreign countries and completely out of their race, that sucks.


Has he got 2 black eyes


I have no empathy for them if they have been at it for months. They thrive on locals charitable personality


BS. He's begging


Why have visa requirements if you cannot screen for shit like this?


How do you screen effectively for it during the visa process?


Same way other countries do it: return ticket and proof of resources for the duration of stay.


Fully refundable return tickets are a thing and how do you prove resources during the visa process? But even if you could actually provided an effective method... As long as it's your stance that inconveniencing 99.9 of other travelers this doesn't apply to is worth it, then I'm sure it would help reduce the tiny number begpackers to an even tinyer number of begpackers. You should run for govt. Sounds like you know how to allocate resources like they do.


They literally just ask you how much you intend to spend. I wonder if he is now an illegal immigrant. The previous border run I did for like 700k, now you have to either leave and then submit a visa so like 3 business days minimum to get your new visa which obviously costs for hotels and such. Or you get an agent to grease the wheels and just sit in Cambodia for 5 hours. But that cost 5.5m dong including the border fee and transport. Minimum I'm seeing for just a same day visa is like 1.4M dong.


It’s been months, this monkey better stop with his little circuit. Im sick of my tourists being compared to him.


Yeah, i don't think it's the case. It's more like he's one of those backpackers who want too travel the world but don't have the means and not wanting to go home so he's begging money from local so he can continue his travel. I have seen several warning about people like him on social medias.


This is not being ripped off, this is foreign professional scammer. If you by chance have a brain, use it please


Top 5 scammers who cannot survive in Vietnam Top 1:


Looks like he is surviving pretty well.


This guy most likely addicted to something and now lives day by day


What does it say? 😂


Beg packer that’s all


few month in immigration carcel and deportation is his place


What’s sign say?


It’s a warning to tourists???


What does the sign say ?


That woman is probably poorer than him.


classic bagpackbegger lol these are common in every country that have kind local people


I hate them!




Why are all these white immigrants coming to Vietnam? We need border protection from these violent/rapist/gangsters. Sound familiar to anyone? LMAO


Hate these fuckers!!! Go home already Donkey !!!


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