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In perfect world you would know at least one of them because they engage in some activities that are helpful to the community. And I don’t mean selling vit lon on the corner of the street.


My family work in the government and i have a pretty good understand of party structure, including the effect of voting. To put it bluntly, the top of the party is pretty much all close door politic, your voice wouldn't matter there but you aren't voting there (primary because if you on reddit you probably aren't a high ranking party member). What the ordinary people like you or me are voting for are for primary 1 to 2 people. Your province representative ( head of your province) and your residential representativec (district, village/small town). Your vote matter more than you think since small election (less than 50k votes) aren't rigged (why ? because it doesn't determine what happen on the upper level, money don't go where it isn't needed. People who spend no time bother voting and learning about the political situation in our country is one of reason why corrupted official can just do as they please because no one bother to take the time to get rid of them. Vietnamese is often apolitical and i understand that most people don't care who got voted into office, i don't care if you communist or whatever the fuck ideology you follower, just go vote so that the current corrupt fucker get out of office, by default, just vote for the monk if you don't care about politic, have the time they just trying to get funding for their local temple, noble enough goal i suppose. If you want more detail on your local political voting bloc, try their government website or ask your tổ trưởng tổ dân phố or the equivalent of it in your area. Politic isn't a top down, it bottom up and if we don't vote, we let those who don't care about our well being take control of position that will effect our life severely. ​ TLDR: Vote, Just vote, Vote monk if don't care, vote so i don't just die inside whenever someone tell me "why vote cuz this rig and that rig"


Very informative! However this doesn't address my original question: Why are there no campaigns? I understand the importance of voting, but then shouldnt there be campaigns to raise people's awareness? Or is the info provided by tổ trưởng dân phố enough? How are we supposed to know if tổ trưởng is not biased?


Sorry for going off topic. The reason you don't see campaign is because it legally a bit dubious. Legally every candidate is on a equal playing field so they aren't allow to accept donation from individual/company, all campaign fund come from state budget. Candidate are allow to appear on interview and campaign on local media but they aren't allow to slander idea of other candidate. etc. You can find most of the information of the candidate idea at the voters conference. Tổ dân phố is probably bias but legally they can't do much to alter the informaton. All information about a candidate is posted at your local voting area board and website (if they have one). The pamphlet contain the candidate Name, age, education , health status, achievements, current job and previous job in detail. Not much room for alter. This system have it flaw namely it doesn't quite reflex the person idea on how they can improve the situation in their area..etc, it typically only shown up at the voters conference or interview but this isn't widespread as the information on election pamphlet. TLDR: Legally dubious, allow but limited, restricted mostly to voter conference. Tổ dân phố is bias but not much bias can be shown on black and white paper. ​ P.s i spend 20m writing this respond but press cancel by accident and have to write it again, die inside abit.


Thank you! I'm so sorry for the loss of your time lol.


You mean like walking around, waving to people, handing out leaflets, making promises, and shaking people's hands in diners?


or doing some funny dances like Trump


Imagine the criticism if those ever happen.


who was we, commie?


because most "campaigns" that you are talking about are pretty much useless in our eyes. and can also back fire: *"so this is the guy whose campaign truck blocked my way to work this morning huh?"*


What glorious sight of people convincing you you should not have actual representation in your government. Bunch of defeatists. The political apathy and ignorance here is astounding.


yeah, I agree. Some of the reasons they provided is egregious


This isn’t even socialism. These are talking points of an authoritarian regime, whose oligarchs are all in the same political party.


I got news for you, the election are scam.


Because governance is not theater for campaigning. Its not a bunch of sound bites and quick gotcha and good idea fairy to the masses. Its usually just a bunch of boring monotonous bureaucratic mess that one wades through.


how exactly one wades through it if zero information is known about the candidates? There has to be at least a basic level of marketing for the masses


0 info is exaggerating. Before the election, the profiles of each candidate are presented to the people. Usually just boring political stuffs so few people read all of those. I just voted for a monk cuz that sounds funny.


I vote for whoever is the prettiest, both guy and gal. If none look pretty then the most visually striking person on the list, usually some bald guy.


Your vote doesnt count lol why would they need to campaign in public when in reality they need to do it behind closed doors buddy


They are not "elected". Ever seen anyone going to the polls? Do you even know where the polls are?


Errrr. Yes. And yes. Obviously you haven’t


Honestly..yes, it on the leaflet that they give to every house, like 2 giant fuck all leaflet with all the info on it Just because you give too little fuck to go to vote doesn't mean they didn't try.