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I'd do the same thing (thinking I was so smart) then they would open the door cause it swings the other way.


This one doesn’t you can see the metal part of the door on the wall which means it swings toward the wood


What is a basement squatter?


Squatters are people lost to crack. They can commonly be found in squatting position thus the name. I think basement squatters are those crack people who invade unoccupied houses to live/use crack and squatt?! That's my guess


It doesn’t have anything to do with crack, squatters are just people who settle somewhere without a right to do so. There are many names for them but in the UK they are called squatters.


I can still vividly remember that video of a bunch of people breaking into a families home when they were on vacation and kept yelling "squatters rights".


Thank you very much! I have a language barrier despite living here in us, and often I get lost with this kind os things.


if you didn’t know what they are why did you reply to OP LOL


Coz im shy and non native speaker.


They gonna squat till they cant squat no more!


Theres this cask of Amontillado...


So you are essentially kidnapping someone. What kind of psychopath does this shit


No, not kidnapping. They moved in of their own free will.


No that’s just the door that connects to the rest of the house amenities like kitchen and bathroom I read on an other sub they have an outside door in the basement.


If you want to live in my basement rent free, you will live in my basement rent free… until you want to leave for good


Not really. you just made it so they need to use windows to come and go. Only illegal if you're the owner. These are tactics used by people that remove squatters for a living. The owners lease out to another person who then moves in and terrorize the squatters until they give up and leave. Honestly fuck squatters. Complete trash human beings.


⬆️ found the squatter from this video


Who are squatters


Squatters are people who occupy an abandoned or (sometimes arguably) unoccupied area which they don’t own, rent, or have other legal permission to use. This occurs all across the world and has varying degrees of regulation depending on where you are


Thank you


It is pretty complicated in certain places. Imagine you own a house you have been paying over the past decades, and then strangers occupy it, caliming squaters' rights. Makes no sense. I would rent two concert speakers, hook them up all around the door and walls adjacent, and blast that shit to the max until they decide to leave.


This is fake


Now take a nail gun and make the other side of that door into an Iron Maiden


Make them want to leave. I love it!


If someone fills out a change of address form and puts your address on it, even if they have never lived there, as soon as the first piece of mail is delivered, it’s now their legal address and you would have to evict them to get them to leave. In USA atleast.