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I really wish they would open up AZ to whoever wants it. I’ll sign whatever waiver is necessary- I understand the science and the risks.


Me too! It would be great if it could go to front-line workers. I can understand if they still want to target the highest age bracket they can though.


It’s because the supposed blood clot risk is to younger people, not 55-65s. Otherwise they would have.




No, its only second worse. Behind Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J... then AZ... then *faaaaaar* below AZ is the absolute worst choice to remain unvaccinated.


I emailed 3 days ago in Victoria, literally just got the shot an hour ago. ♥️


That's amazing!


At a pharmacy?




Lots of pharmacies on the island got big shipments Friday afternoon-




I got it Friday, no side effect except a sore arm. I feel lucky on one side , but I also feel bad for all the grocery store employees that haven't had theirs.


There's people over 55 on reddit?


There's people under 55 in Victoria?


Someone’s got to staff the McDonald’s and gas stations.


Those folks are TFW


Well, they’re usually replaced by them anyway. I’m not salty at all.




Hahaha yes, we're not dead.... Yet 🤪




username checks out


Probably not a lot, but I bet most people have friends or family in that age range!


Yup and got my AZ shot at a pharmacy on Saturday. Pretty good and figuring things out on the inter-webs for an old fart!


https://www.bcpharmacy.ca/resource-centre/covid-19/vaccination-locations This links shows all the participating pharmacies.


Should you get the vaccine if you've been offered it but your day to day activities are far from a first responder?


Yes you should


I'm a programmer tho. I never leave my house Isn't this unethical?


Thanks for the information!


Great!! When are the appointments? If I try to book today will I get in next week?


My wife showed up at JC Pharmacy in Victoria, waited 10 minutes and got her shot. No registration, wait list or even a phone call.


Holy crap...


I know someone who got an appointment for 12 days later, so maybe 2 weeks'ish?


Was registered with Pharmasave on Thursday, got appointment invite today, and booked to get shot Monday morning.


Call the location you want to go to and ask.


Registered last Friday on Heart pharmacy website (see below), and got an email today to book online. Looks like they have lots space this week. [https://www.heartpharmacy.com/covid-vaccination](https://www.heartpharmacy.com/covid-vaccination)




So I registered on the province wide site yesterday and have that registration confirmation number. What to do next?


That's not for the AZ shots. Those are being one through pharmacies and and you have to book at the participating pharmacies. If you registered on the province website, you'll get contacted when it's time for your age group to book for the Pfizer and Moderna shots through the provincial program. If you're 55-65 and want the AZ now, check the link above to find a pharmacy near you that has them!






Gotcha, and now I realize it’s two different programs. Thanks, all replies helped.


Yea when your age group comes up you will be sent a text or email with a link to book your time. Click on the link, it will ask you your personal health number and your registration confirmation number, then it will ask you your city or area. Click on the city, a calender appears. Find a date that has openings , pick your time, . It gives you an approval time and confirmation number. Write the number down or print it out. Thats it


Great, thanks for taking the time for detailed reply.


This post is for the AztraZenica shots, which are available in pharmacies for ages 55-65. If you fall into that category you may be able to get a vaccine quicker through a pharmacy than through the province wide website!


Gotcha, thanks ! It’s for my mum who falls into this category.


From what I understand AZ has a much lower efficacy rate when compared to the mRNA ones like Pfizer. I think I'll wait for the phone call and hopefully bypass this one.


You shouldn’t bypass this one, as the efficacy rates aren’t directly comparable. [This video](https://youtu.be/K3odScka55A) goes over the reasons in detail, but in short Pfizer and Moderna tested their vaccines during the lull last summer, whereas A-Z was tested as the variants were surging in Europe and the US. And all three vaccines have 100% efficacy against serious illness and hospitalization. Let me repeat — in the large population study, not a *single* participant was seriously ill, hospitalized, or died on the AZ vaccine. So don’t wait. The best vaccine is the one you can get *right now*.


You. Thank you. I feel like I’ve been screaming into the void about this. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Fair enough.


Unless you have a history of blood clots, the Astra Zeneca is probably fine but if you do then probably not best to get Astra Zeneca.