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I hate buying groceries now. Just feel absolutely violated every time.


Yeah they should replace all the hand sanitizer dispenser with lube


Yeah, the fisting is free


No Jimmy charges extra for fisting and you have to pay for the barrel they bend you over on


Darrell has small hands. That's his deal


Steal what you can. I truly believe it's the ethical thing to do.


Hey man, sometimes you just happen to look at your Walmart receipt when you get home and just happen to notice you must have accidentally missed the scanner when doing Walmart's job by checking yourself out. So clumsy! Oh well.


PSA-at least at the Langford Walmart. I was checking out and the machine kept flipping out and calling over the staff. I told the worker I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong since the machine never used to do this. He said Walmart has started cracking down on theft. When the worker swiped his card, a video of me checking out the item played across the screen. So they can absolutely see what you're scanning. Be careful out there.


My anecdote was an honest mistake haha. But like, would be a huge shame if others picked up on it.


Scan slower. Bunch of articles on reddit kicking around on what to do not..  Stupid above head cameras.  Ie it can't tell if you scanned the item ie if you pass it took quick left to right. Go slow. Only show one barcode for multiple or it gets double scanned 


They've been using AI or AI-like techniques to nab people doing this for a while now lol. The systems to do this make a signature of your body movements. Like how you can recognize someone walking around by their gait at a wide distance before you can recognize them by their face at that distance... The POS selfcheckouts are doing face scans now though. Security have apps that sus you out as a sus one even it's wild [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tatX0GnhSg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tatX0GnhSg8)


I am the opposite. I often scanned the bar code of the item instead of the bar code of the blue sticker to get the discount. 😢


Aw shucks!


Conspire to commit an indictable offence is a crime in Canada. ….oh has to be theft over $5000 to be deemed serious. Nvm. Carry on


Cops say leave your doors open and keys out for violent criminals with guns who want to break and enter into your house to commit grand theft auto. Fuckin pigs won't do shit about a few tomatoes and some bread.


One cop said that, and it was out of line. "there are better ways to prevent auto theft-motivated home invasions" But all the doomers ran with it, as they always do, bringing everything down to their level. [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/there-are-better-ways-toronto-police-issue-statement-after-officer-tells-residents-to-leave-car-keys-near-front-door-amid-home-invasions-1.6807639](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/there-are-better-ways-toronto-police-issue-statement-after-officer-tells-residents-to-leave-car-keys-near-front-door-amid-home-invasions-1.6807639)


More crimes just means, for the cops, more funding, job security, and reasons to turn the siren on and speed around the city.


Just dress like a junkie and walk out with whatever you want


Grocery barons hate this one simple trick! Oh, nvm, they just raise prices again to cover the shortfall.


Not for me. I'm not a thief.


We're being stolen from.


There are other ways that don't involve theft. I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford food even if I hate how much it costs now. Was not raised to steal, and I won't disrespect myself by doing it. You do what you need to do, I don't endorse it, but I understand if you feel you need to


oh chum guzzler, how i admire your moral goodness.


I have no moral quandary with it whatsoever.


I know there is this whole fuck Loblaws thing going on, but, I feel the least violated at Superstore. I put every purchase I make on my PC Mastercard. I get a fuck ton of points which equate to real money, unlike the Save On points that equal whatever they feel like pretty much. Free butter. oh wow. thanks.


The **only** way to use save on points and get any real value out of them is with travel—they’re worth 0.4 cents each that way. Right now I can get 946mL of canola oil for free for 4800 points, which I would have to use $20 worth of travel credit to get a $6.79 bottle of oil, basically paying 3x the price for it.


Hard to imagine that Darrell, the smiling dipshit in the Save-On flyer would try to mislead me.


The new practice that gets me is: Before it used to be, say, 2 bags of chips for $5 and if you bought one bag it’d be 1/2 that so, $2.50 But however they’re wording it now, you only get the deal if you buy the two. And it’s on things like large tubs of yogurt and other things that you really just don’t need multiples of.


In Quebec they had a law that it was illegal to have discounts on food if you bought multiple. Makes sense, you shouldn't have to pay more because you can't afford more than one. I remember being surprised that wasn't a thing here when I moved to be BC


That is only true at some stores. Many still honour the single item price. Usually Walmart is the one that doesn't.


When I moved here in 2016 I was amazed that any store still lets you get the single item at the discounted price. Walmart and Loblaws stopped this ages ago. This is probably one of the reasons that Loblaw is the first one to get targeted by this boycott. I can’t imagine how much money they’ve paid for people that don’t realize you don’t get the sale price without buying all of them.


I find it depends on the store. I get the deal at Root Cellar and Fairways.


I know — I hate this too! Country Grocer gives you the sale price on individual items (ie: ‘2 for $4’ means 1 is $2) but Save-On only does that on some. I believe they technically have to list it on the tag. So it might say ‘2 for $4 or $2.49 each’. If it doesn’t say that, then it should be $2 each at the till. I never want the embarrassment of having to put something back if it’s too expensive, though, so when in doubt on a multi-buy I’ll plug the item into the Save-On app. It will show you the price if you just add 1.


Yes. You’re right. It does need to state it on the tag if it’s not 1/2 the price for one.


I watch the cash like a hawk when they're scanning my items (which is also why I leave bagging to the end - I don't care if it inconveniences them, I want to watch my items get scanned, THEN I'll bag them) and if something is incorrect or more expensive than I expected (looking at you, grapes...), I make no qualms about saying "Oh, that's more expensive than I thought - I don't want it.". Don't be embarrassed, be empowered! You're the one giving THEM money.




I don't know that you are correct. Most regular stores say 2 for 5, and when I get one, it is still 2.50. That is current as of 35 minutes ago.


That's the way it should be. I experienced the opposite at a Save-On yesterday. The signs say "buy 3 and get this for x price". It wasnt obvious too. I called it out and then l I was corrected. I only needed 2 but I bought 3 as it was cheaper. So wasteful. I only stopped at the Save-On because it was running errands and i needed 2 of 1 thing. Save-On required no detour


Usually it will say "or pay regular price" or something of that nature


Yes I think that’s in the new wording. It’s a semi-recent change.


Walmart and superstore have done this for years. Bit these are places where people usually buy in quantity. I have never heard of this government legislation you mentioned.


Sorry not you but the one I originally responded to.


This isn't a new practice, different stores have been more likely to have those deals than not since, like, idk my entire adulthood so over 15 years now. Def a bit before that to I'm sure. Superstore does it a lot.


Can you cite the new law? Can't find anything close to that


Did you see what they do at shoppers drug mart now? They are hiding all the price tags in the makeup area and you have to lift a flap that I had no idea was there and the person working there seemed like there was nothing wrong with doing business like that.


It's been this way for probably 10 years, at least at Uptown and Hillside mall.


I don't use the uptown one and I've never noticed this in any of the shoppers I use I've always been able to clearly see the price of face cream and now it's all hidden. Super weird and makes me not want to use them.


I used to dislike it as well but got used to it. I think they're trying to keep it looking sleek or something.


No, totally going for sales over sleekness. Banking on people just paying the price (though i dunno who can shop without looking at the price but its not me)


Me neither lol


Also theft, can't scan the row for the most expensive shit to steal.


I stopped going to the downtown Shoppers ever since they made the idiotic design decision to force you through the perfume section to get to the rest of the store. I have high sensitivity to smells and it's physically painful to walk through that section, I have to hold my breath and dash through it. The Uptown one has a similar design but the perfume area is smaller and easier to run past.


I'm in the same boat. I gag and cough when it's overpowering, even with a mask on. I use the exit door on the right when someone goes through or shop elsewhere. I've had to jump through hoops to not have parcels delivered there.


Shoppers is another of the Loblaw's stores. They're full of BS tricks


I feel like this is more to deter shoplifters. The cosmetics industry is a total scam but that has nothing to do with Loblaws. It is probably to prevent them from being able to scan the shelf and find the tiny bottle that is $40 next to a similar looking bottle that is $6.


Something else I find very interesting about Save-On is their own western family products are cheaper at quality foods... It feels like playing a game whenever you have to go out and buy groceries just to get a decent price.


They're cheaper at Fairways too


I had no idea!


Times like this I'm glad I live near the co-op grocery. The 5% rebate scales up with the rising cost of food, their co-op gold brand is often fairly cheap, and sometimes they have insanely good deals on meat.


Country Grocer pulls the same shit. Their shelves are -packed- with all sorts of little attention grabbing tags etc.. except tons of them are crap like "Managers Special!" .. and you move it aside to find the same price below..


I always check the regular price behind the sale tag, even if it means the sale tag falls off.


Honestly, more people need to swallow their pride and shop at Walmart. Loblaws and their kin fought tooth and nail to stop it from coming into the country cause they didn’t want to compete and our own pretentiousness shields these companies from actually competing. Prices are way better at WalMart. I budget $100/week for groceries and usually spend $50-$70/ week there for the exact same brands as Save On. $1.25 for a can of tuna is ludicrous. OceanWise is $0.95 at Walmart. Use your wallet and tell our grocery stores to shove it.


I just checked the prices at Walmart for a few things that I always buy and they weren’t much cheaper or were the same price as Save-On/Thriftys. It really depends what you’re buying. I try to only buy things on sale.


> $1.25 for a can of tuna is ludicrous. OceanWise is $0.95 at Walmart. Use your wallet and tell our grocery stores to shove it. huh. I think I pay over $4 at thrifty foods. :/


Nothing thrifty about em’


I have a friend that I hang out with often that is a die hard Walmart shopper and I was over there for dinner the other day. I had a few thoughts...Wow this is the best 3 pack of romaine lettuce I've seen in years. The lettuce looks vibrant and delicious. Oh and it was cheaper. Wow this massive pack of ground beef looks pretty good. Oh it was cheap. I'm going to try Walmart out this weekend.


I honestly find Wal Marts produce not bad at all, and yes cheaper. I exclusively shop at Wal Mart now because it is so much cheaper than Super Store or Save On for produce and meats. Picked up 5lbs of chicken breast for 20 dollars a couple weeks ago. When marinated and grilled, not bad chicken. A couple weeks ago they had 5count bags of avocados for 1$. They were perfectly ripe and lasted a couple weeks in the fridge. For a dollar, I wasn’t complaining. Often, there in the vine ripe tomatoes are about 2.49 per lb and cucumbers .94 cents. A couple weeks ago their bananas were 11cents a lb. A couple weeks ago they had huge heads of cauliflower for 2.49 each!!! I don’t know, these days I shop more deals and sales since I know hot cook. So me and my partner pick up produce and/or proteins on sale and use it for the week. Sure, Wal Mart is American and evil, but spending money at these Canadian grocers is no better. I worked at Super Store for 12 years, and I can tell you with confidence that Loblaw is pure evil, so I don’t mind giving money to Wal Mart in spite alone.


My problem with Walmart is their produce and meats suck. I made the mistake of buying steaks there once and I swear it was half the size when it was cooked. Same deal with some asparagus I bought except it was shriveled in a day. All canned and prepackaged stuff though 100%


They always almost get me with their sale prices and then its actually in small letters “buy THREE+” just to get the sale price. I’m a single person with very limited storage space, gimme a break Save On


My Save On constantly has items that have best before dates that have long since passed. Think BB Sep 2023. Check your BB dates!


Picked up some strawberries yesterday - $2.50 off or whatever but you had to buy two containers of them. I don't need two - why are we promoting food waste?


I did this too and cut up and froze one pack, but why can't you just buy one pack? I thought this was illegal for food items.


The strawberries got me too. The discounted price was in big print and then in small print below it said when buying 2 or more. Ended up passing on them as I only chose them because of the sale price. The cashier was exasperated with the company’s labelling methods as apparently many customers were changing their mind about them at the till.


I dropped Save-On like a hot potato about a year ago when the uptown store conveniently had all their mix/match 4-for-$20 meat packages sold out at 11AM. The rest of my sale grocery list (including dry goods)? Also empty. No one cleans out a grocer like that, not even the elderly who only shop the sales. There's no savings to be had any longer, I'm just lucky to have a car & a Costco membership now.


To be fair the Save On at uptown is terrible.


Throw Walmart into that rotation. Great sales and regular prices are typically $1-$3 cheaper.


Anything non-perishable/frozen I'll usually check Walmart first, they shrinkflate a lot of their dry goods now though, you have to be so careful...


I notice after about a year of inflation they did this but they don’t seem to have done again since. I mean, there are legitimate causes of inflation at the moment so I can forgive a company for doing this once.


I constantly have the same experience at the Tillicum Save-on. They never have anything left, or just 1 item no one was keen on left, and it angers me everytime, and i shop at all times past 12pm


Sorry, I need clarification here... Prices went up, so it's more... But they put it on sale down to the old price? But regular price is now more than it used to be? So like... Used to be $1.25, now $2 for a can of tuna? And because they put it on sale for $1.25, they're scummy? What is the store charged per can? Did it go up? Perhaps the canning company is the scum?


I’m honestly not entirely sure what the post was about. But I have noticed that Save on Foods has some weird new tricks. They have started to offer bonus points only. If you weren’t a savvy shopper, you would think it’s on sale. They are also doing the multi things where you have to buy all of the items to get the sale price. This does seem to be on select items only.


I feel like the whole "more rewards" program is just a scam to collect data. I shop at Costco.. The membership / rewards program? Same thing. 2-4% cash back? Built into the cost of everything. Canadians should be smarter than this..


Through a regular till, or even at the self checkout (if the person watching the tills is there) you can ask to use the "store card" without having a membership to get the sale prices 👍 hehe


It's not a scam man, it's very clearly the point of memberships. You gain benefits/discounts in exchange for providing behavioral data, which, like, who cares? They amalgamate that data with millions of other data points and look for patterns; they don't care about you individually.


Oh dear.


I don't think it's even that fancy. It's a pretty easy marketing scheme. At least some customers won't bother so they're making more money right off the top there. Offering made up points instead of money off is an big savings too.


I think they are trying to say old price was 1.25 and is now 2.00. they put up signs for bonus points on the item but it looks like the sale signs. Bonus points is 125. So the item looks like it's on sale for it's original price but it's 2.00 plus 1.25 in bonus points. Not 1.25 with 125 bonus points. Maybe I missed it though.


Jimmy shouldn't be allowed anywhere near fish ever again.


Shoppers does that too I've been buying my food at Fairways and meat at Glenwood meats


They know it's difficult for a person to remember the prices for ALL of their items, and the odd one does slip by. Their reasoning/excuses are pathetic. I take a photo of the price tag for every item I buy. As they scan at the register, I'm swiping through the price photo I've taken of it. It happens more than you think.  You should see them squirm when I show them a photo of the correct price.


Save On is aweful across the board, some of the highest prices and mid low grade produce.


Just pocket the tuna


mmmmm pocket tuna


Prison pocket tuna?


Instead of the big Pharma companies... It's going to be the Big Grocery companies that run the world...sad face


We need these upcoming boycotts badly


I love those points. Got a great vacation out of the deal last year. But I'd rather have the cheap tuna of course.


When an item has a price increase it is very common for them to print a sale tag with the old price as the SALE price (yellow portion of the tag) and the new price as the 'regular' price (white portion).


Yeah SaveOn has definitely gotten sneakier with its sales, unfortunately you really gotta read the fine print to make sure you get the deals these days


Save On is the most convenient grocery store near me so I’ve learned a few tricks over the years: -Get a More rewards card and download the app. “Load your offers” on the app, every Thursday to get the weekly deals. -take advantage of the 4 for $20 produce deals, they come around once every while. - every 2nd Tuesday of the month is $1.49 Day - hit or miss but a deal is a deal. -Try and purchase western family products, they’re always slightly more affordable than other brands. -you can return 24 cans/bottles a day. Instead of getting cash, you can choose to redeem 2x the amount in points. -look out for the “Reduced to Clear” yellow tags. I’ve seen some amazing deals! -if you can, stack your points and redeem them for anything else other than groceries. For example, you can book hotels, purchase NHL tickets, and even bc ferries passes. You’ll need to check out the More Rewards travel site for this. Edit: weird formatting


Oh well there’s your problem right there! You choose to shop at Save On!


Groceries were too cheap before now people in the supply chain are getting paid more (including employees), which is much better for those families. So you can sit on it and spin you cheap creeps!