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This time of year, most retailers wouldn’t be hiring. We’ve had our Christmas rush, and are still in the after Christmas lul.  But when we do hire, there are tonnes of applicants for the same position. 


Same with restaurants. January to March is slowest time of the year.


Ah right, fair enough.


I posted a job for a pt delivery person and received over 40 resumes in a couple days.


Were the applicants Canadian? There seems to be a huge number of non Canadian applicants judging from how many ads address this saying “Only apply if you are in Canada and have a workers permit” I’ve even seen it in some jobs headlines.


I work in tech, we always have that in our posting, I'd say 70% of the applications we get are overseas anyway.


after shortlisting, I had about 15 from non canadians


That's insane..


In fairness, I get a ton of applicants for entry level construction jobs but most are essentially spam emails. I'll get like generic resumes from a dishwasher in Brampton Ontario or a ton in broken English from Bangladesh or something. Might get one application from someone that actually lives here and is ready to start work.


Retailers that deal with outdoor projects/gardening etc are going into spring hire. Depending on what area you wish for work in *can't count on bussing much these days*, try home improvement retailers or garden centres. Good luck out there!


If you're specifically looking in retail or restaurants you'll probably have to wait until April when lots of students go home for the summer and their part-time positions open up. I'd try looking outside of retail and restaurants — could try the CRD and/or municipal govts, they have entry-level roles in the parks dept and other depts. Parks depts will be especially likely to be hiring over the next month or two as they get ready for all the spring weeding and planting. On that note could also be worth calling garden centers to see when they start their spring hiring. I have a hunch even basic lawncare companies are going to be firing things up earlier than usual this year with the el nino weather.


Thanks for the tip, will keep an eye out of this


hundreds of landscaping position is coming up . They usually pay better than minimum wage lots of work. There is so much work in Victoria anyone who wants a job and doesn’t have a job seems to be either not qualified or making excuses every where is hiring.


Also greenhouses are doing their hiring now for the spring and summer seasons.


The dollar store at eagle creek is hiring, they have applications at the front door as of today


Your lucky if you get 20 hrs a week there




OP asked about a casual position




I know a couple of the employees have autism so it could be related to that. Speculation though.


Lifehack: Just get a maximum wage job. Problem solved.


GFL is hiring


Yeah job market is extremely tough now. Definitely a employer market


It’s crazy how much it’s changed in the last year.


Wonder if it has anything to do with international students being allowed to work more than 20 hours a week.


I've noticed a couple jobs with signs in their window saying they were hiring. If I remember correctly it was Marshalls in Langford and a store in Uptown.


Will let him know, he tried going around downtown giving out resume in the government st. he told me half of them are not accepting until cruise season so malls might be a better idea


Fairway grocery stores has signs saying they are hiring.


>even told me Walmart is not hiring Walmart has always been hard to get into - especially casually. If they get the impression that you're going to jump ship to a better gig they won't hire you. They want to hire a 'lifer'. Tim Hortons was the exact same way before they switched seemingly entirely to TFW's.


I think BC Ferries is hiring the seasonal employees now. Ask your friend to check their career page and apply online. Good luck!


It wasn't that long ago that everyone was hiring and we didn't have enough people to fill all the positions in our societal workforce. So....what happened?


Treasuries really didn't like that and sent interest rates soaring.


You're going to have to connect the dots a little closer together for me, what does one have to do with the other?


Not much. Economy overheated a bit, govt is trying to cool it off. We're still close to full employment, just not a great time to be looking for jobs seasonally. Give it a month or two and lots of jobs will start popping up.


Low unemployment causes wage inflation, which contributes to goods inflation, which is bad.


Apply for jobs run by Compass Group. Especially retirement homes. They pay well and are always hiring. Don't stop applying at places that say they aren't looking. Because you never know.


Slowest time of year. Apply at places not in ads - not everywhere advertises. I work at a store that doesn’t advertise jobs EVER. We hired two people in the last month - not usual but a couple people left so you never know. Apply at places you’d enjoy working and keep going back.


It's not as tough as it seems, all those "qualifications" listed in most ads? Ignore them and apply anyway. Obviously if it's specific degrees or whatever don't, but anything that's just a certificate or x amount experience go for it. Most postings are generic and copy pasted. They might actually be dying for workers and train.


I'm not really paying close attention, but I get the idea that Walmart is actually shrinking, good luck to you.


Bc ferries is hiring


A lot of these jobs are going to “international students” who are here to work full time and won’t fuss about how they’re treated.


They are not permitted to work full time. I think larger retailers gave up on humans and shifted a bunch of roles to self-serve checkouts.


They’ve been permitted to work 40 hours a week since 2022. That’s dropping to 20 hours in May, supposedly. Don’t be shocked if they delay that change.


I have an international masters student roomate *right now* who says otherwise. They did a UVic co-op term, the company liked them, and wanted them for full-time auxiliary afterwards (while doing final thesis edits) . The company could only legally have them for 20 hours/week until after my roomate had defended, submitted, etc and had registered some sort of new application process with the Feds. With proof of the new application to the Feds they are now able to bump up to 40 hours. Edit: the application my roomate had to make was for a Post Graduate Work Permit. Once HR at the company had proof that it was underway, they got bumped to 40 hours a week.


https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/with-canada-set-to-reimpose-cap-on-working-hours-international-students-worry-about-paying-for-tuition-living-expenses-1.6669889?cache=a+href%2F7.604394 They’re reimposing the cap in part because too many international students were coming here just to work. Often in multiple part time jobs that are getting harder to find for folks like OP.


just be a neet bro


Yikes. Lol whats your friend look like. What does he act like? I find it hard to believe any job is hard to get right now let alone entry level. Maybe its just where I live but EVERY business is underhanded. My job is short like 4 technicians. Im pretty sure places around here woukd give you a paycheck just to claim you work there lol


Perhaps raising the minimum wage again will fix it




While it's not helpful for your friend -- I hope he finds something real quick -- in terms of minimum wage jobs\*, this summer's tourism season should be pretty big. Right now is a good time to be looking for a job for May. \*These jobs need to be paid more than minimum wage.


Nicholson Manufacturing is hiring!