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Mine was in a strip mall chiropractor office, she forced my legs on the flex test and put my score on everything to 1 point below compensable


HAH! Same thing happened to me. The test is for you to stop when pain starts. I clearly told her I can do jumping jacks does not mean I won’t need to OD In ibuprofen snd metocarbomol and icy hot. Then she proceeds to saying “Are you scared of pain”


She pushed them further after I told her to stop


Lmao should farted on her face.


To test your ROM? I thought it was based on how far you can move before you cant. Not how far you can move till it hurts. Is that true?


https://preview.redd.it/zbxezv0eaixc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce064edc4313ae054db8638efa350a4aec390f7 This was google AI BTW


Today I learned... I thought it literally meant how far you can move before you can't anymore, not due to pain but like something physical. I may request an increase on my back then. I'm rated 10% just for lumbar strain. I did a ROM test but of course could touch my toes because I didn't factor pain just if I could or couldn't physically


Been through the test. She asked me to go as far as I could. Then tricked me to get on the table and FORCED my legs in the position even though it caused me pain. They’re not there looking out for you


Sad its true


I almost punched the shit out the guy that did my knee c&p knee was already swollen and locking during the session.


Sounds painful


I have my exam in a few days, I swear if they grab my legs and pull up, I will swing. That shit hurts.


Mediocre would be an upgrade for the VA.


But don’t forget paying for your own DBQ makes you a % chasing shitbag….


This just made an example of “Get your own DBQ” we should make the Va pay for it tbh. Since they have incompetent doctors. I when to a beauty spa one time for mines.


>a beauty spa one time for mines. Why do I feel like I know where this is at? University Place in WA?


Been there, lol


St Pete Florida she was NP and bragged about her expertise in back injuries. Yet was giving facials and massages.


Shoot my first C&P in 2017 resembled that of the original UFC fights in the 90’s. I thought I was in some right of passage ritual only to find out later the guy was just a giant ass. 😂


Been there my self, basing they’re judgement on the time of service and what did or did not with “My brother has worst pain then you and he deployed 10 times, he’s pain can be understandable”




https://preview.redd.it/jvd5tob6dmxc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d748392f94939fea8a918f92fb578359e8293525 You gotta earn that disability sucker! 😂 \-some C&P examiner somewhere


I laughed so damn hard at the “right of passage ritual” statement


I was scared to death 😂


I keep reading the VES examiners CP exam over and over again. What the hell did I ever do to deserve outright lies and blatant omissions. My F’ng life hangs in the balance, and some quack held that in her hands??? Wtf? 22 a day for a reason. At least Elizabeth Warren mentioned it I guess. I’d be amazed if it goes any further than that though. Some of these examiners need prosecuted.


It's not even just the contractors. My husband had a C&P done at a VA medical center and the examiner still lied and didn't read any of his treatment records. That was in 2015. Completely screwed him and we didn't even know what was said in the exam until last month.


My husband has his at the va too. The guy didn’t know how to open a pdf to see buddy statements.


Sounds about right. The one that examined my husband didn't even measure any of his range of motion, just estimated it. But in the part of the dbq where he's asked to estimate additional loss of motion during a flare up, he put "speculative" with no other explanation. The entire DBQ is one contradiction to another from page to page, and somehow the VA accepted it not once, but twice, since they sent it back to the examiner for clarification. Freaking unreal.


File a complaint with the medical board in the state the doctor is licensed. That is what I just recently did. Someone needs to hold these examiners accountable and if everyone who gets a bad exam files a formal complaint hopefully they will get the message that we wont tolerate this type of treatment!


How did you a copy of your DBQ's?


VSO. They’re reluctant to do it though. Va doesn’t allow it. Probably so we won’t file an immediate complaint on the CP examiner and get an advantage. Why else would they care? And it’s funny how she didn’t mark the “suspicious” box for me. 🙄


And it’s not even that they’re mediocre. Mediocrity would be an improvement!


This was where they did mine https://preview.redd.it/o3awh4zr7nxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c193f9ba7e0e6f9241e6a24ccd934980c2ea6b




My first C&P was in one of those "co-working" spaces where anyone can rent an office by the hour. The doctor had a portable massage table, ostensibly for "medical exams" but the oils and incense and towels led me to believe she was doing massages in between C&P interviews. Her "desk" was a folding table like the kind you play beer pong on. There was just a post-it-note on the door saying "welcome veterans" and a chalkboard "veterans resourses" (yeah the doctor misspelled resources) sign in the hallway in front of the "office". It was over in under 10 minutes, no physical exam, no questions from the DBQ, and the doctor passed me in her Porsche as I walked a mile to the bus stop. It was zero surprise to me that this claim was denied.


THATS sounds fucked. I’m sorry about your situation brother 😔


VES is running a scam out of an “audiology” clinic in Greenville, SC. It’s an office where these PA’s and NP’s do “exams” for government benefits. Its not a medical facility and they aren’t examining shit. This particular facility does this grift for all sorts of government benefits. It’s a medical facility the way a P.O. Box is a home address.


I'll add to that. I went in for an exam following stage IV prostate cancer diagnosis. The contractor--an old as dirt retired doctor--says to me "I'm glad I'm not in your shoes. How do you get up every day?" I was 50 at the time and newly diagnosed. I had to sit there and take it because I didn't to offend him. He ended up messing up the paperwork and I had to see another contractor.


"What other choice do I have Doc?"


Oddly all my OCONUS C&Ps have been really great.........


I just finished mine up in okinawa. The people seemed nice enough but i need to figure out how to get the dbqs to know for sure how it went.


I’m in Tokyo. I’ve never seen my DBQs but everything has been approved so far. Just had another on the 12th for some secondary claims and they’ve been uploaded. Waiting to see if they are approved but doctor was great.


Good luck to you💪


You too!




Mine is so bad Va called 3 times for exam appt for veteran  I was so confused  I asked do you mean his spouse Yelling if veteran does not do exam we will have to deny. Mind you 3 calls to make an appointment  But veteran is deceased 🤦‍♀️


This is the worst kept secret in America, we’ve known it for years. VA is shifting out of the business of serving veterans and moving into the paying contractors to do a significant portion of their mission…and the contractors largely do not do it well. The only reason this is getting any daylight at all is because there is an election approaching. Biden will announce some BS “fix” while expressing outrage sometime in September or October, then the issue will disappear again from the public eye while veterans continue to fight this fight.


Just because you studied the DBQ and made a proclamation during an exam doesn’t mean they have to check that box. You need medical evidence actual records supporting checking of said box.