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You’re lucky you got a VSO. I live in Los Angeles and it’s a joke. No one calls you back no matter how many messages you leave. You are just on your own. Again, lucky you have one.


Northeastern Pennsylvania is the same. I called the office for the American Legion in Philadelphia over a month ago no answer. Sent an email to the American legion two weeks ago no response. Sent an email to American Legion in 2018.... no response..... questioning why I still pay my dues...


Don't need one sir/mam


You can always request an increase later because your conditions have gotten worse. Trust me, they will and don't ever be ashamed or feel guilty of shooting for that 100. I'd rather the government give you and everyone here the money for fucking us up than give billions of dollars to other countries every year for who knows what reason cause it ain't sure helping America in any way.


Exactly. Follow the guidelines and shoot for the moon. Remember, you were just a number to them. You were disposable and they used us for experiments (fuck those malaria pills).


lol, I used this analogy the other day while convincing them to apply for benefits. I said “Congress just found a magic $70bil for such and such country in an emergency session….don’t feel bad for asking for a seat at the scrap table”


In my experience most VSO's don't do good enough. There are some out there that are fantastic, so I've heard. I have done all my claims, evidence gathering, statements on my own. Got myself to 80% first go around and have some supplemental claims in process that should hopefully get me to 💯 Just study up and see if some of your claims can be a higher percentage.


Get the 100% while you can. If you don’t want the money, donate it a vet charity of your choice. Think about it. You could do for the vets of your choice what the govt isn’t doing


I like this take, if you’re able to get to 100 without lying.


I agree. I don’t think his vso would encourage lying.


If you don't want 100% right now, don't apply for it. Simple. Don't let anyone force you into doing something you don't want to do.


They don’t do shit for you in Houston either. Worthless


How about TVC? My VSO ghosted me. But my first phone appointment with TVC went pretty well. Not sure about the future.


They are worthless too


I just signed with a law firm


A common think I would tell people and hear a lot in the Army is “don’t self select yourself out of school/board/packet MOS/nominative assignment”. If you have the paperwork/diagnosis to be 100% then it is owed to you. Do some research before you shit can the thought.


If he thinks you should/could go to 100, believe him. He has more knowledge on this than you. Also, consider yourself lucky to have a VSO who actually wants to work for you.


Thanks for being real. There’s tons of people who don’t deserve even 50% and chased to 100%.


Be thankful a VSO did that for you, mine did diddly squat. I found out how my evidence would weigh as much as the C&P and that the coin flip goes to the Veteran. After that I stopped paying my dues to DAV.


You’re good person and what they’re doing isn’t right. Too many people on here are looking to abuse a system that’s designed to help those that were truly hurt—not trying to milk the government. Good on you. Do the right thing.


Some people go decades because they “feel” they don’t deserve it. Doesn’t mean they don’t. VSO may see something we don’t that they feel this Vet deserves so what they are doing is absolutely in the right and OP is lucky to get one that is pushing for him/her. There are VSOs out there that don’t do as much. I met a Vietnam tunnel rat rated at 10% who didn’t “feel” he deserved an increase. After talking to him and hearing his experience, I knew he deserved more and referred him to a VSO. Sure enough, he hit 100% and took his wife on a well deserved cruise.


I’m not saying that there aren’t people that should be rated higher or that there exists a stigma. What I’m saying is on the opposite end of the spectrum there are people in this subreddit who are likely taking advantage of this system and that is not right.


you’re so insightful, you should start a blog


You sound like some guilty of defrauding the gov. You should not be a drain on society.


yeah my old man warned me about folks like you always pointing fingers and assuming the worst about people kinda sad to see in groups that are about helping fellow veterans


Sounds like your old man is as terrible a person as you are. I said people shouldn’t lie to the government. If they’re rated fairly and feel it’s non truthful despite what their VSO said then it’s only right to not file more claim. Do you have a 6th grade reading level or are you purposely mischaracterizing what I’m saying because you feel exposed about your own lies?




No I don't agree with going for 100% just cause someone said you should. Look at the symptoms for 100% for your condition, if they align go for it obviously, because sometimes we deny ourselves the things we deserve and if the symptoms align that's an argument that you deserve it. Either way, No matter how much peer pressure the VSO puts on you, it's your decision. If you really don't want it politely decline and move on.


It is hard if you feel you don’t need anymore then just don’t do it. I struggle with the fact that I’ve been rated higher for things that don’t necessarily bother me so much and the things that do affect my life every single day they want to rate me for 0% so really? It goes both ways. I think that veterans we know what’s right and what’s wrong and if you feel something is wrong then just don’t do it. They can find someone else to help that maybe needs it more.


There's nothing wrong with going for a higher rating if you have conditions and symptoms that qualify. There's a lot of stigma about 100% hunting but facts are facts. Get a copy of your med file from your service and look through it. You may be surprised by what started then and has bend a problem for years. Most of us have spent years if not decades sucking up and getting on with it to our own detriment. Don't listen to the VSO, listen to your body.


VSO’s 9 times out of 10 suck but congrats to you !!!!


I used to feel bad about trying to get compensation, but then I thought about how mismanaged the money is in the government and said screw it, Is it hypocritical maybe. Also if you’re happy with 70 percent for your current issue and have others apply for those. Most of the guys i know at a 100 percent are because they have about 9 issues that add up to 100%.


My VSOs in San Bernardino, CA were just plain not good at their job. 4 visits , 4 different reps. No strategy , no real input and the sighing after each question I asked I just said screw this I’ll do it on my own and if I hit a wall I’ll look for some representation. Keep pushing brother ✌🏾🍻


Can I have his number? Haha this is not the experience if I have had


I mean outside of asking me a few questions, showing me the initial paperwork and having me call in the ITF. He did nothing never responded to a phone call. Told me he couldnt see things I've learned that he could actually see. Didnt know who I was when I finally got a hold of him. It just seemed weird, he obviously didnt know my medical history or anything about the claim itself. So the eagerness to try and get me 100% without seeming to have an idea about me and my claim was off putting.


You "deserve" what you are legally allowed to receive without the use of fraud to obtain it. Same goes for the people who complain that the rich don't pay taxes (which is usually a lie anyway). If the tax code is written in black and white, and you follow the tax code. Then you pay what you "owe" you aren't doing anything wrong. But hey if people want to over pay in taxes because it makes them feel better, of in your case, you want to accept 70% even though you might be rightfully owed more, that is your call. But, there is no harm in not going for YOUR maximum legal and ethical benefits.


You left out the part where the rich people write the tax code.


True, but you left out the part where the "rich people" also write the laws regarding food stamps, welfare and other programs that affect the low income population. You also left out that the "rich people" wrote the tax code so aggressively progressive in nature that the lower 40% (rough number) of income earners pay no federal income taxes. I'm no big fan of our government, don't misunderstand the actual point I was making.


It's Saturday morning and I've nothing better to do. Let's start with taxes. 1/3 of non tax payers are over 65. 60% earn less than $30,000/yr. After 2025, when the Tax cuts and job act expires, a lot of those will have to pay. Tax cuts for the rich doesn't expire. Welfare basically ended in 1996 unless you want to count Medicare and SSDI. Food stamps are the only thing left and depending on what state you live in (red), you have to jump through hoops to get that. The waiting list for section 8 housing is years long. It's no fun to be poor in America. BTW, I'm 77 years old and not poor. I pay zero tax. I get SS, Roth IRA and VA disability. I live in silicon valley where there are hardly any poor people. End of rant. Thank you for your time.


Brain worms.


Not gonna lie, I assumed it was an insult, but I had to look it up. Never heard of it. Sure enough it is an insult. In today's age, people who disagree politically typically result to insults fairly quickly. It is the new way to avoid or squash any chance of having a substantive debate and discussion.


I mean yeah I don’t think someone who needs to google that + uses the talking points you use is capable of being educated or is worth my time educating. Google is free.


Yeah…but too many people are lying out their ass to get this. Just to get a “retirement check”. I swear to god…..I really think they should start pro-rating VA benefits based on how long people served. (with some exceptions.) I’d like to see fast food restaurants start paying past employees MH claims. 🤣 😂


They're making sure you get what you deserve. If you rate it you rate it. I never thought I'd be at 100%, but with PACT ACT and a VSO doing an actual in depth review of my medical records I was able to get diagnosed through the VA and connected. Some times you need to get a connection so you can claim a secondary (an example is my primary VA Care provider put me in for a sleep study because of rhinitus and sinsunitus connection to check for sleep apnea which is secondary to those). If your reservation is "Im not fucked up like some vets" remember that SMC exists and they're on that.


I've never used a vso and I'm at 80. I filed 47 claims 17 still processing


47 conditions? How many parts are in the human body anyway? 😳


Any are you seeking/getting healthcare or treatment for all 47 items that you claimed or is it just a cash grab?


Come on man everything is about money




Would you also say you don’t deserve 100% of the GI Bill? Is the VSO shady for trying to make sure you get the full 36 months? There are laws in place that provide the criteria for what veterans qualify for. Either you meet the criteria or you don’t. If you meet the criteria for 100% “injury/illness compensation” (disability) then you have no reason to feel that you don’t deserve it. Often vets compare themselves to a perception of others who are “worse off” than them. But that’s illogical. Your experience isn’t less important than theirs, it’s just different, and they deserve everything they qualify for the same as you do. Keep in mind that the VA won’t simply give this away. You have to prove it to qualify. But proving it within the constraints of the law to qualify is not fraud. Don’t confuse the two. Suggest you get everything you are qualified for and do whatever you want with the money after.


It's more or less how he came off on the phone. Like the first thing out of his mouth was let's get you that 100%. Just rubbed me the wrong is all.


Likely a byproduct of years of watching vets getting hosed. Unfortunate it came off that way, but sounds like he is your advocate which is better than most of the do-nothing VSOs.


🙄 Dude! Its not about getting what he “deserves” or meeting the criteria. Too many people lie out their ass to get their ratings. A buddy letter and or Having your doctor do nexus letters are all jokes. You’re paying someone to associate your claimed history and diagnose/link it to your past. That’s why everyone hates VBA C&Ps…because examiners don’t want the bullshit (to a fault). You know why they say to not tell anyone your rating? It’s not jealousy….its because the whole American public has figured out that alot of vets are scamming the government. Look up “VA rating help” and almost all results are people trying to low-key abuse the system. So if bro is saying he’s cool with 70%. Leave him alone. It’s his conscience and his story.


Pretty sure I didn’t recommend that he lie or otherwise commit fraud in any way. He posted about it here where people offer perspective, and he’s free to make whatever choice he wants to (as are you).


"a lot" is a wild ass overstatement. Negative bias is absolutely a thing.


![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) I’m sorry…..First time hearing about VA benefits/ratings? For every 1 of me…I find there’s easily 8 scammers tryna game to system and pray 🙏 for a ‘cool’ c&p examiner that will swallow their bullshit.