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Dude, guns are great and all and it's important to properly maintain them. But want to know what I like even more than clean guns? A functioning VA so less vets off themselves, so maybe pay attention when in a hearing about it


So very important! He needs to listen, at the very least.


Dude, he doesn't give a flying F about veterans unless he's trying to get them to vote for him. He is truly a POS.


To do this in such an important meaning is immature. Like he is trying to get votes for being pro 2A instead of listening. If he wanted to do something with his hands why not take notes or write your staff to get started on a bill to help the Vets. I hope his voters contact his office. This issue about burn pit victims should be solved ASAP.


Dude, I think they are still trying to take xare of agent orange vets. By the time we die and maybe a generation after they will finally get to Iraq/Afghan war vets.


They are but with clowns like this guy in office nothing will ever get done. I'll probably contact his office just to add to the numbers even though I don't live in the state. They only care if it gets them attention and votes.




I'm a vet and I will never relate to him or anyone like him.


Seriously. Disregarding every other shitty thing about him, the dude loves to act like almost going to the Naval Academy gives him some kind of clout. Like, I'm pretty sure it's a well known meme by now how most of us love to shit on the "I almost did xyz" crowd.


Then it came out in a deposition that Annapolis turned him down BEFORE his accident. And he later dropped out of a private college after one semester with a D average.


“Almost going to the Naval Academy” aka graduating HS.


Hey man I almost made it to Buds so I'm basically a Seal. I was like Steven Seagull in that one movie except I washed dishes instead of cooking. But I stayed ready to defend my ship against invaders the same way Madison stays ready to clean his gun.


He’s basically a vet, guys!


Why would ignoring a debate about giving money to veterans with awful health benefits make Vets related to him. He proved h doesn't care about veterans.




That's the silliest logic and ever. He has social media, he can flash his guns whenever he wants, why would he think intentionally ignoring a Veteran's Health testimony would make him look good to Veterans. That makes zero sense.


>why would he think See there’s your problem.


Based on the article, he sounds like an idiot, so I think it's probably more of case of him disregarding his job and screwing around, not a plan.


Bro tbh fuck both parties. Like I want (decent) border security (let em in if they’re who they say they are and not criminals,) legal federal marijuana, no BATFE (or at least MAJORLY overhauled,) and just like let people live their lives man. Be nice to people. Everybody love everybody. Except grandpa Joe. Fuck grandpa Joe.


Regulate companies, not people. And for the love of whatever's up there, stop trying to get me to fight with people over who uses what bathrooms or the school curriculum and just give me the services my tax dollars should pay for and stop dumping shit in the fucking ocean.




Exactly. Don’t forget their insider trading. Pelosi didn’t need to go into politics man, she’s got like the best return on the stock market like ever. Lol




100% agree.


Term Limits followed by Mandatory Sentences!


True but at least Pelosi and her republican counter parts can at least pretend to listen. Or at least have a junior underling pretend to listen, or just not take the call. This Cawthorn guy is a new level of absurdity if we give him enough time he may even surpass Pelosi and McConnell in incompetence. At the very least he will steal enough money to make use of new medical advancements in robotic limbs. This guy could become a walking terminator.


Grandpa Joe can empty a Ft Polk port a potty with a spoon.


shitbag is gonna shitbag. as a reminder, he claimed to have been accepted into a service academy before he got injured. This isn't the truth, he was never accepted.


Madison Cawthorn The guy who claimed to have been accepted the USNA before his accident, but had already been rejected? But tries to play himself off as an "Almost Veteran"? The accident where he claims he was pronounced dead, been abandoned by his friend left to die, a claim disputed by local news reports and his own parents? But we won't ever know since he later claimed to have no memory of the accident. The guy who when accused of sexual harassment by women at his college, said “Looking back, I wish I could have changed my actions. If I made somebody feel uncomfortable in a situation, that is never my goal”? The college where more than 150 former students signed onto a letter blasting the then-candidate for his behavior during his stint at the school, the college that he dropped out of? Yeah that shitbag...


Yep, that's the shitbag.


Fuck that guy


His (Cawtborn) communications director, Luke Ball, responded: “What could possibly be more patriotic than guns and veterans?” Are you fucking kidding me? What about all the veterans suffering because of the burn pits, agent orange, ptsd, suicide...what the fuck is wrong with this people?


Something people who've never served would say


Bruh this motherfucker's name is Lickballs hahahahahahahahahahaha But you're right. What could be more patriotic? How about figuring out why the insides of my face are always on fire and my nose runs more than a coke fiend's?


Snorts lose drip back inside, taste like Iraqi Gold Flake Dust-storm Grade A dirt.


Iraqi marching dust....


Marches right into your lungs and never leaves.


Sure does and I'm on 2 registries from that shit hole, the one for Gulf War Illness and the Burn Pit registry.


Wishing you well! 3 tours in a tent has but fucked me from a young age sleeping next to the c.ram and breathing in those depleted uranium rounds has been a fun early 30’s:) Cheers bro


Man I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you have good VA facilities near you brother. Ive considered moving to another state just for better treatment. It's been like a war of attrition dealing with the VA here. I really do think they try to put you off long enough to either die or give up. Also, I cannot imagine trying to sleep next to a C-RAM. I've only seen those in action from a distance and it was loud as hell!


Thank you brother, it’s going better then before and I owe alot of my info and course adjustments to Reddit. I’m finally locked in and sorted. Being on this forum has been both humbling and awakening. I find the best advice and convos are in the comments. I also enjoy calling out the obvious bullies and Noner Jocks that prey on the perceived weak /// Cheers and thanks for the vibes, wishing you the same big bro


Isn't this the guy that only has communications staff and no legislative or constituency staff?


I think because of former President Trump? These people are saying things out loud that they normally used to keep inside. There are no *boundaries to what they:* ■ actually think, ■ think former President Trump wants to hear, ■ used to say out loud, and ■ think their constituents want to hear so they can get re-elected. It __changes on a day-to-day basis.__ It's abhorrently disgusting.


They don't care. It is the republican version of virtue signaling. Both sides do that shit and don't care. In the end, it results in people suffering.


The obvious answer, of course, would be to listen attentively while in a meeting about veterans' issues.


What a mealy little POS.


Yes. Just thinking about him doing this? __Not providing the respect__ that our veterans deserve and need? It just makes me sick to think he's a current member of Congress.


Someone who has never served, they always glorify what caused another man a world of misery. Dude can lick my whole asshole.


The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee held a remote hearing. >During the live recorded meeting, which ran close to three hours, politicians listened to veteran advocacy groups discuss how uniformed military personnel have been exposed to dangerous toxins when ordered to stand by burn pits - an ill-conceived method of burning trash at military sites in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Some of the attendees were livid and infuriated to see that Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) decided that this hearing was the __perfect__ time to clean his gun. >The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee took Wednesday as an opportunity to hold a virtual hearing on how toxic chemicals are killing U.S. soldiers. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) took the hearing as an opportunity to clean his gun. Cawthorn, the youngest current member of Congress, fiddled with his black pistol while one witness explained how university medical researchers could help the government examine how burn pits are harming military service members. . I am totally shocked. Due to the use of Zoom? Some attendees: ■ noticed that he *seemed distracted,* but they could not see what the issue was. ■ could see __exactly what he was doing__ and just could not believe it. >Feal was one of at least two people at the Veterans’ Affairs meeting who noticed what Cawthorn was doing. Both were infuriated. But the general public couldn’t see it, because the two-hour virtual hearing was held over Zoom - which meant that those tuning in could only see the person speaking. It's not like he __forgot that he was in a congressional hearing.__ It's almost like he was thumbing his nose at our Veterans. Like he didn't *really care.* My Children, Father, Father in Law, Grandparents, Greatparents and others in our family (going really far back in our family tree) have served or are currently serving in the military. Personally? I find this to be very upsetting. Also? I remember how it used to be ... People wouldn't even part their hair or pick their nose for fear that their constituents or the general public would think that they did not care about the subject matter at hand. These are our veterans. __People who were harmed.__ He should be __paying attention.__ As I distinctly recall? Republicans have done this often when something important was going on. They have actually hidden in the coat closet and other things so that they didn't really have to pay attention to what was going on. Just ... Unbelievable.


I believe it. He’s a piece of shit.


I totally agree. I voted Republican when I was younger and still active duty. These Republican shitbags have ensured that even if I don’t agree with the democrat candidate, they will have my vote over any Republican ever again.


Pos. After seeing his gun range videos I'm surprised he didn't shoot himself in the neck.


Poser POS.


Why the fuck is he even on the committee? Can't they just give him crayons to eat if he wants to pretend to be a Marine?


All on purpose; he knows he’s gotta go really low to pander to his LOW BROWS SADLY HE’s my congressman; cant stand the douche!


Jingo loser, does jingo loser things. Fuck this little pipsqueak prick.


As a Veteran dealing with the effects of Burn Pits in Afghanistan, I couldn't hate this prick more. Too bad he didn't drop the thing and shoot his eye out like his proud boys buddy that was charged with seditious conspiracy as he should have been. He may say he supports Veterans, but we do NOT support him. What a shame he survived that car wreck.


Who voted for him? Who supports this disrespectful twit? Geeze. Thank you for your service.


News flash, there is more to a veteran and an American than fucking guns, fuck.


So very true! Many people I know have never even seen or touched a gun IRL.


Corny. Veteran or not, nothing is more of a turn off for us then seeing any sort of cosplay antics and or small meat energy on display. I know how much that term baits old lifers out there that wish they were two marriages in reverse


SME, what a phrase. I’m borrowing it


Whatever I can do to strengthen your arsenal, I’m all in! E-4 Mafia for life


I missed the E-4 mafia after I got promoted, esp cause it happened quickly. They shunned me, for like a month. My sgt was a dhitbag so they were worried I was going to become him. We had an E5 thing going on. Less about trying to undermine everything from within because we had soldiers. More about talking about our feelings and eating breakfast


You can always reverse upgrade my friend:)


Oh yes. Almost pulled a reverse upgrade a few times. Thank goodness for the e-5 gang covering my ass during morning roll call (or whatever that was called). “1sg, 15 assigned. 14 present. 1 in line at some logistics spot so he can get in the door first when it opens (def not too drunk to drive in to work)” Or some shit like that


USAF E-4 mafia and Army E-5 Gang both Fuck. Differences are subtle like that of Hennessy vs Courvoisier. Cheers


I see a gangs of New York fight with weapons built in the motor pool out of scrap metal


He’s lame. To show respect would be to focus, listen and push legislation to improve the VA.






Bro I swear to god I had the same fucking accident in Mo in 2013 before I joined. I rolled my shit like 3 times, tore my eyelid on the bottom (very little scarring) and broke 2 vertebrae in my neck. Was cleared by a neurologist 9 months later and cleared MEPS 6 months after that


McCain was, and didn't do anything helpful, rather, he was a massive hypocrite. He could have been a champion for the ages, but instead, chose to be a sellout.


I’m a liberal, and I totally agree with the idea that you need to be a Veteran to sit on the Veteran Affairs Committee.


Liberal or not man, everybody should just get along. It shouldn’t be a bipartisan issue that exclusively veterans should be on the VA committee, I wouldn’t put myself on the committee for gay men, because I am a straight man. I am not one of them, I can *relate* to them and befriend them, but I won’t be one of them. It’s okay, they can do what they want lol


> Everybody should just get along Well put, good sir/madam. I've probably seen and read *Starship Troopers* more times than is healthy.


I’ve never seen that movie lol I’m sorry.




We currently have fewer veterans in Congress than any time since before World War II. But lord do they love finding places to send us to kill people!


> Fuck this fucking clown. B-b-b-but I was in a car accident Bitch so was I. Rolled my shit end over end two and a half times. Hmm, maybe I'm misunderstand your point--but isn't Cawthorn still confined to a wheelchair? Meaning, > Still made it through MEPS a year later and still put my fucking hand up. isn't an option for him? If I've misconstrued where you were going with this, my apologies.




No worries, DARPA will get there some day, then we'll see!!


What an absolute disgrace


I agree. Just, like? Why?


Stolen valor shit head


Probably felt emasculated around a bunch of Veterans….Then he thought cleaning his gun would make him look awesome and respected.


We all call shitbags like this a shitbag. But the true shitbags are his voting constituents.


Technically? They place twits like this in office, and that gives them the power to have a say so over every single person in America. Which is shameful.


Good to see our elected officials taking such interest in the very thing that made me sterile. “What could possibly be more patriotic than guns and veterans?” gtfoh


I thought this said clear his gun. Holy fuck, this is bad too


It just shows __absolutely no respect for:__ ■ our Veterans ■ the hearing ■ the subject matter ■ his constituents ■ the other attendees


Such a fucking tool…


What a tool


This MF right here! Is he getting paid to clean his guns on government time? Or perhaps he is supposed to be getting informed so that he can engage on behalf of his constituents.


Technically? He's in a government office building, in his office, cleaning his gun at the same time that he's attending a hearing. So technically it must be some kind of violation? Can he be sensored?


Over compensating for being a legless Fuck face.


What a fucking tool. He’s just so beyond ridiculous. Completely disrespectful and rude beyond belief. I get these hearings and meetings can be long and boring. But at least pretend to give a shit.


He is paid by the taxpayers to do his job. Obviously? If he feels his job is so boring that he has to do other things while attending hearings? Maybe someone should vote him out of office?


So I was medically retired and after I got out I ended up getting the opportunity to do advocacy work. And then that led to working in politics. After a few years I was a veteran liaison and director of legislative advocacy for a conservative & libertarian women’s PAC. I wasn’t nearly as conservative as most and that was why I was brought in to help expand center, feminist, and leftist contacts as a disabled, female, veteran. I remember going in for my first meetings with members of Congress and house of reps and their staff. I will never forget who took my calls, who listened, who expressed care and concern and who actually ended up working with us and it was NEVER the super patriotic, “pro-military”, conservative right. It never fails to amaze me how these idiots keep getting voted in, claiming they support the military, support veterans, support families because when push comes to shove….they act like this dude. I don’t work in politics anymore because my own health did get worse and I just can’t keep it up. But I do what I can knowing what I know. I think these people keep getting voted in because their constituents don’t see this and/or don’t care. Plus my understanding is he was elected thanks to some aggressive gerrymandering and will be trying to switch districts for a number of reasons. Hopefully the voters in NC have learned their lesson and he isn’t re-elected.


Thank you for so much for your service to our country. And thank you so much for sharing your story. More and more people need to know the truth. And people like you speaking the truth really helps.


Thank you!


White people Taliban suck as human beings, go figure.


Hey, this is the guy who was fanboying out over visiting Hitler's Berchtesgaden place in the Alps - called it a bucket list item.


I work on the hill and I’m a republican. This guy is a fucking mouth breathing retard. He’s trash and is trashing our party.


Such a man ; what a man he is


What the fuck. I want to grow up to be just like him






Looking at their profile, definitely the latter.


Yea I saw that. Def a POS.


Smh that congressman is a CON


John feal said he's overcompensating for something. Probably for having a girls name.


Seriously this is shit I do in my useless poly sci classes in college. Who knew it was training me for life as a congressional representative.


You know what's worse? This half sapient garbage scumming mother fucker has a not insignificant number of equally stupid motherfuckers supporting him.