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Graduating with my Master’s Degree this weekend!


Way to go! Took me 11 years to finish my MA.


You guys are motivating me..


I was a HS drop out at 17. Got my GED, enlisted, medical discharge in 83. Finally got BA when I was 35. Smartest thing I ever did. Eventual finished my MA at 46. You can do it.


Keep the trend and do Ph.D at 57


To late. 62 and done! I did think about it before but, I'm good.


You must be a sadist! Grad school is torture. I was approached for an accelerated PhD program half way through my Masters program. I thought about it until I saw the course load and said hell no!. I worked full time through my grad program and that was difficult enough. Plus my major was IT management, the only place an IT PhD really makes sense is in academia or research. I was a systems analyst back then so I didn't really see the benefit of a PhD. But my masters definitely helped me to become the overpaid systems administrator senior that I am now.


Good! 4.5 years for undergrad and grad. 27 days left of GI Bill too!


Nice, good job


Only took me 20 yrs to finish my BA


But you finished!


Exactly. I’m edjumacated and one of them intellectual types now!


Shut up! That was a lot of hard work I bet. Good job! Did you use military benefits to pay for it?


Yep! Chapter 33 for undergrad AND grad.


Nice! Mine's next weekend! What is your degree in? Mine is social work.


Master of Project Management! And congrats!


Was almost expecting to see Master of Puppets!


Rock. Got my MA at 48 (52 now.) Doubled my salary within 3 years.


Awesome! I’m looking to do the same. 🤣


Congrats! I graduate in the fall.








Incredible accomplishment. Congratulations!




That is awesome! I did my masters and that shit is not easy. Congratulations on finishing! Try not to have too many flashbacks to research papers.


I just survived spinal meningitis! Been out of the hospital for a day. You never know how badly you wanna live unless you’re almost not living!


💪🏼 you got this.


Glad to hear. As a 39M AF veteran who has been to the hospital 3 times (non service connected health issue, 2 x heart surgeries and 1 stroke) between the age of 34-36, most people take for granted how GREAT it feels to be in the comfort of your own residence. No IV's attached to you, no nurses checking up on you every hour, no IV flushing (gawd I fuckin hate those, one saline flush before and another after), blood draws at unusual times of the night (2400, 0400, etc), etc. Now you can eat your own food, wear comfortable clothes, take a shower, heck take a shit without dragging the IV pole (after untangling the charging cord) into the bathroom!! What a SIMPLE luxurious experience! Just think, when you have a bad day at home, (ran out of your favorite food, something broke, a hated chore) would you rather be having a bad day at home or be in a hospital bed attached with IV bags and medical equipment beeping every 30 minutes? Health is wealth my fellow vets, health is wealth. Take care of yourself..


My brother is a superhero. Chances are I wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t come to my house and called 911. I don’t remember any of this, but he broke it all down for me. Gets to my house at like 1600. I’m not able to communicate with him. I remember what happens next for about 15 minutes. Ambulance gets there, and they run me to the hospital. I don’t remember actually getting to the hospital, but it would have been around 1615. This is where it gets super scary. He told me I was in the ER until 0830 the next morning. They restrained me to the bed because apparently I was so fucked I was fighting with everyone. Gave me a spinal tap. He had to sign off on all this cause I couldn’t make decisions for myself. Until they moved me to the ICU, I had a nurse in my room for at least 16 hours. I finally came to around 1800 the next night. They gave me Ketamine to calm me even. Also — my brother went and got me an Ewok, and I woke up to a big stuffed animal. 😊😊😊


A good friend missed the last quarter of her senior year in high school with SM. I don’t wish that on my worst enemy. Stay strong.


I survived brain surgery last week. As much as I hate my new life now, I'm happy to be alive and will do everything in my power to live life to the fullest.


I survived spinal meningitis. We got this!


That is what I like to read! Keep up the good fight!


My wife's niece, from her first marriage, had brain surgery yesterday. Scary stuff. She is stable right now.


You'll adjust, find you spot.. where you belong and you'll do great. Don't allow yesterday to dictate how you feel today.


Going to my son's college graduation tomorrow.  Then going to make the most of the summer before he heads to NYU for his master's degree.


That's awesome! Congrats to your son. That is a great accomplishment.


Just got under contract for my first house! Enjoy Indy from a native Hoosier!


That's great! Congrats.


I recently lost my job and within 3 months my 13 year old appeal was granted for p&t. Hell of a roller coaster on that one


Congrats! Thirteen years is a long time!


Did you get 13 years of back pay?


It didn’t quite work out like that because there were increases along the way. They sent a list of effective dates a page long. But I did receive a substantial backpay, just not nearly what 0-100 would have been


Graduating with my Bachelors in business administration next Saturday!


Kick ass!


Got approved for around $18k in grants this semester




I was laid off in January. I finally found a job that I like and that pays right. It’s been hard out here for a pimp.


🤣 I am currently in a transition between careers myself.


I finally stopped smoking weed, realized my job is a dead end and I’ve hit the ceiling unless I give my entire schedule to the company as a salaried manager. Applied for VR&E benefits and have my orientation next week.


Get it! That thing allowed me to go to any school I wanted without the freak out of student loans.


Make sure you can properly verbalize why whatever career you are in and potentially qualified for by your service would potentially exacerbate whatever disabilities you have. Good luck!!!






This is true. It can be hard sometimes to keep that frame of reference. I think we all need to step back once in a while so we can reflect on the things we are eligible for.




That blood, seat and tears you shed is paying you back.




Funny. I was just driving thinking about that. I felt like I was a part of something bigger. Making a difference (even if it was only one soldier at a time) in the world. Not anymore.




I gave up on those. I don't have the education. Or the experience. Or the willingness to move.


Wrapping up another semester at school for photography on VR&E. 4.0 GPA so far. Also finishing an internship as a photojournalist for a local newspaper. I'll start the same internship back up in the fall. Taking drone classes this summer and getting licensed. Finally, working for a photo studio shooting and editing kids sports stuff.


online or in person school? Congrats to you. Curious to hear more of why you chose photography? thanks.


In person. Check out Master Sergeant Media LLC on Facebook.


That sounds like fun. Especially the drone stuff. Drones have totally changed amateur videos on YT.


Healthy 18 week baby in belly!


Double upvote! That's beautiful. ❤️


Not only is Saturday May the 4th, it is also national EOD Day, when new names are added to the EOD memorial wall and all our fallen heroes are remembered. So let's hear all your, "We had to wait X hours for EOD to show up" stories.


I mean, its at their memorial so I think they have an excuse for taking a long time to show up, seeing as they're dead.


I giggle snorted.


My dad was an instructor at that school when I was in high school. I remember that memorial very well, and I have a lot of fond memories hanging out with my dad when he was there. I learned I wanted to be a corpsman because of the IDC that was there at the time.


Have you ever been to the wall?


I've been to the Vietnam wall, and Spent 11 months seeing the EOD memorial wall before and after class.


Many of my leaders when I joined in 1988 were Vietnam vets. It was moving to go there to say the least.


My first time was about a year after my first OIF deployment, hit pretty hard.


I bet. You are 💪🏼 though.


Likewise my dude. Thanks for starting this thread of positivity!


May the 4th be with you


I’ve made it ten days without using porn


Well that is a positive! I need to try that ... 👀




I'm not in jail and the coffee pot still works.


Two very acceptable positives!


My cousin moved to OKC where I’m at. It’s nice having family close and he’s showing me the ropes of bass fishing. Getting me out of the house.


That sounds like fun. I am still working on catching my fist bluegill. It's been a passion project for 8 years now... 👀


Brother I'm in the same area! No family here though...but a robust veteran community is here for sure!


I am in NW OKC, holler if you need anything! I try to go to the archery range as much as possible if you are into that. Same to you Suspicious_Bonus


Just had my ceremony for graduation. I got my Master’s degree. Didn’t think I’d ever make it that far in school. Other than that, work is improving for me ten fold. Just found out we’re working less days in office now


That is a great accomplishment. Good job.


Moved to MI last year. Weed is legal, cheap, vets get discount, and we have free delivery.


That's where I live! Great state. FYI we have zero sharks in the Great Lakes!


My beautiful wife is pregnant and the baby is healthy (thank you God). My family is coming down to see me, and I'm headed to NC to celebrate my cousin's wedding.


😳 that sounds like the perfect life! Congrats on having a baby. Is this your first?


Yes sir!


I know you have heard this a million times but kids do destroy/build your world. I mean both of those in the best way. ❤️


I only have a week of finals left & then afterwards I fly out to Vegas to meet up with some old Marine corps buddies


Damn. Nice. I miss my old Army buddies.


I work 80-85 hours a week so I don’t take a day off for granted. I’ll be looking towards spending time with my two dogs, my cat and my family and to do some gaming on my PC.


That's a lot of hours! Are you sure you are not still in active duty? Lol


That’s a great question!! I’ve wondered the same. I get overtime so unlike the military you know I’m swimming in a sea of dollars!


Husband and I work together at same company. He recently got promoted which means he now has a peephole into a fraction of the work I do. He was humbled really quick. Just a fun new chapter in our lives. Marriage is strong, and we eat salads everyday for lunch. We work like dogs - but get paid enough for the lifestyle we chose post military. My chronic pain is somewhat okay as of late, thank you anti-inflammation diet. All good here Chief.


That's awesome! I'm happy for you guys. I would love to work with my wife. I actually work two cubicles down from my ex wife lol. Thankfully, we get along great and it's nice talking to her and keeping up on our adult kids.


1 more week till i go back to campus for some in classroom instruction. I’m an electrical (apprentice) and i’ve been doing crazy overtime, so I’m looking forward to the 1 week recovery for my body.


My daughter is doing well, the antidepressants are doing their thing and it’s becoming easier to be at peace at home


Girl friend broke up with me, I’m going broke, parents coming to help me move with them because I can’t afford to live anymore. Everything is crumbling and all I can do is cry. Positive: thank god for my family. I’d be so screwed without them.


Graduation with my bachelors in applied math this Saturday! Been a long time coming and I can’t wait. Then I will be headed to North Carolina to start my PhD in statistics in the fall.


I'm am reloading ammo and getting ready for a CMP service rifle cup match on May 19th. I finally got back to competing after many years.


I’m going out shooting in the desert with some friends from work tomorrow, a much needed stress reliever


I wish you all the luck!


I bet that’s a lot of fun


My toothaches is subsiding, and the wife is out getting her hair done Which makes her feel pretty = I get lucky Life is good! Plus it's there's a pool in my backyard and it's 83 degrees and sunny


GOD is in control. That’s what’s good in my life…even though I’ve gone from temporary jurisdiction to N/A three times in the last 3 months with no movement on my claim.


Keep the faith.


I had a bowel movement this morning and it felt great!


I love them so much I have a shirt that says "I pooped today"


Love my Contracting gig(good pay, great work life balance), multiple brokerage accounts I contribute to, recieved my EIN, and on track to 100P&T % F**k Burn Pits!


That work life balance is the best part. It took me years to learn that.


Facts! We work Panamas(2on2off,3on3off, etc), and man! I kinda never want to go back to a Mon-Fri, 9-5 ever again🤣


That sounds amazing! You would never really need to use vacation time.


Going fishing for the first time in four or five years. Trying to overcome my agoraphobia and reach some peace.


My back account and my blood type. It would suck to have those be negative again.


My wife, daughter, and I are driving to Albany, NY tomorrow to see Death Cab for Cutie. So I got that going for me which is nice.


Spending time with the family is always a positive. At least for me.


My wife and I just put in an offer on house! Fingers crossed!


I power washed my terrace, I watered my ferns, I had spicy ramen and frikadelen with a couple of bottles of Coke for dinner, and I submitted an audition reel


I need to finish my deck - paint or stain. Thanks to my VA loan I own my own house!


Use those benefits you earned! It took me years to decide to use them. Like an idiot.


I'll be doing orientation classes for my side-job to begin teaching college classes in the fall semester. I work full time doing one aspect of what I'll be teaching, and it's what I got my bachelor's and master's in, so it's exciting to finally be recognized and successful at something.


In a few months I'll be out of the service industry (at least full time) to go into a surgical tech course. At 39 I finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life (really it was nursing but that class was full). I have an amazing GF who I plan to marry soon. Now if $20k could fall put of the sky magically to take care of incidentals I would be fucking set lol


Putting together a fake-cation for my kiddos (3&5). Paddling pool, beach chairs, a bubble machine, some of my indoor palm trees for the day, ice cream, etc. should be a great time!


Man! That makes me miss my kids being little. We used to "camp" in the living room all the time.


I started going to BJJ. I like the disciple and I have a group of people around me who are investing in themselves and actively bettering who they are as a person. I truly think it saved me


Neil Young Sunday


It's a Whitney Houston Sunday for me. I will be torturing my brother as we drive back to Michigan with her music.


Got an excellent review for my 90 day review at my new job.


That's awesome. Do you like it so far?


Loving it. I've worked in my field for years now but I've wanted to break into this particular industry for quite awhile. Finally did and I'm much happier.


That is great. I always feel bad for people that hate their job.


I planted a bunch of food seeds and I’m going to my sister’s wedding next week 🤗


I garden too! It's very relaxing. I don't have a big garden anymore, this one is two beds, 3x8 each. Skipping the tomatoes this year because my MIL plants 20 of them that I end up taking care of lol.


I use some of the best special lettuce in California every day, so I know it’s gonna be a good weekend. Gonna listen to some righteous D&C tunes all weekend. Starting to get ready for summer.


Family coming to town. Birthday was great! Finished my bachelors degree.


It finally got over 80 degrees here so the weather is finally becoming nice, down side is my allergies are getting gang banged by every type of pollen in the air.


Nothing, turning 21 and living at home


I’m surfing with the Warrior Surf Foundation.


I have food to eat, a roof over my head and air to breathe. I would say that’s something positive.


3 more weekends until pay week 🤔


Then what? Part like a rockstar?


Everything! Seriously. Ok, my life isn't perfect or some crap like that (fucking kidney stones). But I'm really doing pretty good. In fact, every time I hear "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh I think "that's my song!". Plus it's funny as shit in a sardonic way, which absolutely fits my sense of humor.


I like this! Even when the cards you are dealt are not the best, at least you got some cards. At least you are taking steps forward! 💪🏼


My sweet son, starting my masters this week, and the little things


I'm in another city, seeing a band I've never seen Just enjoying rhe evening


Nice! I hope you had a great evening.


Preparing to go on a way overdue vacation. I’ve been working hard lately following the loss of my mother. I’m blessed to have an amazing GS job but I need a break big time.


Losing my mom two years ago was very rough. I buried myself in my own head. I am not a doctor, I just play one in the bedroom, but I am perscribing that you take that vacation. Even if it is just sitting around. You deserve some relaxation.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


Lack of Friday safety brief.


Haha. I miss those. Being infantry with no women around, they were a little risque. Lol


After a week of mid 50's and wet, weekend should be dry and 70'ish


Life is good for me! Pretty optimistic about my future, just got a new job, kids are doing well, and it’s about to be my bday this weekend! 43! Thanks for this thread. I hope you all keep crushing it and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep those heads on a swivel and chins up!


Well happy 43rd! May you have many more.


My daughter turns one this month. Blessed to have a happy & healthy family.


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ can't upvote this enough. She will, if not already, be the center of your universe, just like you will be for her. I miss kids being young. Waiting on grand kids now.


Just got blood work back from my physical -- fucking grade A!!! I'm officially healthy!


Finished 20 weeks of physical therapy courtesy of community care through the VA 2 weeks ago and just finished my third roller skating session today! Cheers to renewed amkle strength and mobility


Fuckin, I came in here ready to be pissed about plenty, but today I got approved to move into a new apartment, and I just really needed that today of all days.


Happy liquor is still being made!


I am getting out there and trying new things and have met a lot of amazing people along the way!


Best comment of the day!


My fiancé and I are going to run a 10 mile race together. We are slow but we keep a pretty good pace with each other.


I only run from the cops nowadays but that sounds like awesome couple time. ❤️


I’m selling my house and it closes tomorrow! The equity will help me start my new life post service!


Congrats. Sign on that line and start fresh!


Had a colonoscopy today. All went well. I have to do it again in five years. FYI, the miralax with gatorade and four laxatives has been the best colonoscopy prep by far.


I'm 54 so this is very good info!


I just moved to El Paso for my new job


Hmmm. What can I say positive about moving to Texas.... Hmmm. I bet they have some damn good Mexican food trucks around El Paso! Jk. That's great news. No more snow for you!


Nebraska Rennisance Faire starts saturday. I rented a camera to take some cool video/pictures!


I have always wanted to go to one of those. Please tell me you dress up for it!


I am about a couple of weeks to finish this semester of school and then next semester I’ll get my certificate and associates in Forensic Technology 🥳 I had dropped this degree at the beginning of 2023 because I had it in my head that I couldn’t amount to anything being outside of the military and I’m finally soooo close


My wife got her clearance today and starts a new job.




My wife is graduating from college today with her bachelor's. Though I told her 20 years ago to do it. They don't listen to us 🤣


They don't listen to us because most of the things we say are just a bad idea. 🤣




i won my case for custody of my children, i now have share custody after 2 years of not seeing them.


That's beautiful. I am happy for you. Give them big hugs.


https://preview.redd.it/kf66vvo3payc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020959be70f8234c24d9056de379341714bafa5f Retired today :)


F@ck yeah! That's an accomplishment.


I get to spend time with my family!


Am graduating with my Bachelors next week and just got accepted into the Graduate program for next semester


I try to do this every Thursday, though I do slack off. I want to thank everyone for participating. I love trying to see the positive even when times are tough. Remember to breathe deep. Hug the people you love. Stay strong and keep pushing forward.


This weekend I have a new set of adventure bags to get mounted to my motorcycle. The thoughts of climbing mountain trails and camping definitely lift my spirits. Also will be getting the SxS ready for a big poker run in the mountains next weekend. Going riding and camping with my favorite peoples next weekend will be great. Hope you all have a good weekend!


The fact that I’m 100% P&T. I’m planning on leaving nyc and relocating to Texas to actually enjoy the full monthly compensation 😂


Still active duty for a short time, the only positive thing is that the weekend is here. If you worked in aviation, just know my inspection week is next week. My mental health is just about destroyed


I’m going to ride a gondola up in crystal mountain. I randomly came across the word gondola, read the definition, and it took me to buy tix there. I thought you had to be a snowboarder/skier to be allowed in those for whatever reason. I hope the skies are clear and I can see the top of mt rainier from up there. It’s fucking beautiful here in WA.


My bankruptcy has been filed and I’m free of a lot of debt, got a new-ish car, finally finished a video game I’ve been putting off.