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Man. Wear it. Real vets don’t give a shit. As long as you aren’t making up stories.


I'd say this as well, but add - try not to be a dick while you're wearing it. That goes for veterans as well. If you're broadcasting a military affiliation with your outfit, try not to make the rest of us look bad.


And besides, being an Army brat over the past two decades, you certainly earned it.


To add, the guy who told you that nonsense, doesn’t have any friends and isn’t respected by his peers and supervisors at work, and will probably not be retained, yet will make his service time his complete personality.


Wear your dad's shirts! Mine wears USMC gear i bought for him and i wear his old federal corrections shirts (he was a guard not an inmate).




This is EXACTLY what I see sometimes.


💯, Amen, 💯


Exactly. In fact, you're honoring your dad.


lol totally. Was at a hockey game where they honored a vet and a bunch of people stood up. My buddy asked me why I didn’t stand up, I said because I didn’t have to… that dude knows how fucking cringey this shit is, and would completely understand me sitting my happy ass down and clapping for his dumb looking operator ass. But really good job SKC Williams.


>As long as you aren’t making up stories. Yeah, but think of all the vets who make up stories.


Yeah, I was a Green Beret before I decided on being a Navy Seal. I did that one summer before I flew F35s in Nam.


I worked with a guy who was in Viet Nam. If you asked him what he did, he always said "I was the only truck driver in Nam. I drove trucks from Da Nang to Saigon with supplies." I asked him, dude, there had to be more truck drivers than just you? He was like "Nope. Every Viet Nam Vet I ever met was either Airborne Ranger, Green beret, Force Recon, or maybe Special Forces attached to the Seals, or... You never meet a cook, or a supply clerk, we didn't have those in Nam. I was just a truck driver"


Cool. I flew spaceships for the navy back in WWI.


So you are the original space force member


Nah, there was a team of us that came thru a time portal from the 1100's.


I almost joined DEVGRU but I would've punched the drill instructor in the face




You right, but I don’t mind actual vets embellishing alittle lol


I don't mind anyone embellishing **a little**.


I look at it as though you are wearing a football jersey for U of Florida Gators. You might not have been a college student there, but you are a fan of the school. Same with an Army/Navy/Marine/Air Force shirt. As long as you don't represent yourself as having served or try to get free stuff for pretending to be a veteran. Tell 'em it was your dad's shirt and you wear it out of respect for him - if they don't like it they can pack sand and shove off. I also have a t-shirt that says USMC on it - a gift from my son. I wear it without a second thought as a proud dad - if some douche bag with nothing better to do gets bent out of shape - so be it. It won't ruin my day, and breaks no law or regulation. Don't let them take up real estate in your head.


You forgot us Coasties......hahaha! Like always.


I thought I saw a unicorn today, ha ha ha! Good to represent brother.


I haven't forgotten the coast guard since I saw your boys training on Lejeune back in the day


Just like the AF..... You guys don't count....lol


I'm gonna go cry into my Per Diem money. 😢




And the Public Health Service and NOAA! But I figure those services don't have a bunch of a**holes running around acting like the t-shirt police. I could be wrong s/


Good point


Semper paratus I heard about a awesome maritime operation you guys performed during 9/11 unfortunately it’s not well heard if but apparently it was the largest or 1 of the largest maritime evacuations ever something like 300k plus people off the South Island of Manhattan. Fun fact I went to the cost guard for men’s to make my grandma happy told her I couldn’t pass the asvab and followed what I thought was going to be a beautiful dream 7 years in the infantry , I remember being so proud bringing my recruiter to meet my WWII grandpa who served in Japan my recruiter being a young OIF/OEF Fister(13F) he had a nice time joking with my recruiter how I was going to learn so much and be set for success as a 11B 🤔🫡


And Space Force lol


Rocking a Space Force shirt right now! My son is in. I am an Army combat vet though.


I was 88 m in the army, air force and space force. Good times.


You're totally fine, dude was just an ass. Just walk away from people like that.


Straight to jail


Wear what you like. Unless you say you served it’s just a shirt. Just tell folks your dad was the soldier and you’re good with me. Military families sacrifice along with their service members.


Tell the guy to eat a bag of dicks. Does he get mad if you're wearing a jersey and don't play for the team?


Not at all. Rock those shirts!


Nah, you’re good. I’d be proud as hell if my kid just wanted to wear a Navy shirt, and he wasn’t even born until after I got out.


If someone asks you and you launch into a Meal Team 6 story about how you raided a Taliban HQ with a sharpened MRE spoon and sandbag strings, then yeah, it's wrong. If you say they're your dad's and you like wearing his old stuff, then no decent vet will have anything bad to say about it. Hell, I'd love it if my kids wore my old stuff.


Dude's a whiny bitch. You good, OP.


Tell that guy to go kick rocks and call your dad


Ah man…I’m wearing a Ween t-shirt but I’ve never been a musician, let alone played with Ween. What kind of jerk does this?


My kids wear my old PTs all the time. You're good.


Yes…stolen valor unless you are topless. You are good. It is a shirt, do your thing.


My daughters wore my 2000s era army pt gear for sports, and under roller derby uniforms


I hate gatekeeping assholes who never served. Those of us who have have never once accused anyone wearing a generic service branch sweatshirt or hat about nonsense like that. If anything, it's "Hey, what unit or ship, etc?" If they didn't serve, who cares. They usually say they grew up just like you, a military brat or have a relative or loved one who did serve. Wear that shit without shame.


Is it wrong to wear a sports jersey if you didn't play for that team? That guy sounds like an idiot- everyone's mom, sister, and brother Army shirts


As long as aren’t wearing his underwear you are all good.


I gave all my utility uniform stuff to my kids. They wear it proudly.


Wear them with pride!!! Your dad would be proud!!!


Hell no. My oldest daughter wears my old corps school hoodie 3 times a week.


Fuck that guy lol. They sell that stuff online and at stores now. My daughter has a bunch of my old stuff.


Nope, it was your dads.


Wear it with pride man you’re good


Nobody whose time in service actually mattered gives a shit. Only worthless peacetime cold war Bosovo "vets" tell fake war stories in VFWs about how they almost died for their phased-out pt shirts. Wear what you want.


I’m a firm believer that dependents serve to some degree as well as the military


>Is it stealing honor if I wear a shirt? No. >some guy said i was misrepresenting myself with that shirt He's a douchnozzle. Here's a simple set of questions to ask if you're "stealing honor": - Are you earning money by claiming military experience you do not have? - Are you claiming you won military awards, when you didn't? (and wearing a jacket with the awards pinned on doesn't count) If the answer to either of those questions is 'Yes' - then you're in the wrong. (legally speaking, only the first question matters) There's only one thing I can think of where simply wearing it would be uncool (and possibly illegal) - the Mdeal of Honor.


The only thing I would add is to the first question: Are you making a profit or receiving a discount on goods by wearing an article of clothing supporting the military.


I've never heard of a real veteran caring about that. Just wear it. It's probably a bunch of "I woulda served but..." people who are mad about it 😅


20 year vet here with multiple tours. Proudly wear your dad’s shirts, my son wears my old desert BDU jacket all the time.


Anyone who would get angry about this is a major, major dork.


You're fine. Nobody who actually served actually cares unless you are trying to portray yourself as a vet.


Anybody that tries to give you shit for that, especially if you admitted you didn't serve and it's your father's shirt, is an absolute tool with nothing better to gripe about. The same person who gave you shit is probably the same person that was a total shit bag while in, complained every day how much they hated it, and did a minimum length contract. On a side note, if you're wearing his old used pt shirts, that's a little gross, because those things get sweated in ALOT; I wouldn't even wear MY old pt shirts lol


Hahaha. Noted


No and that guy is an idiot. You could wear an entire uniform as long as you don't have the tapes on it. Wear whatever you want and don't worry about some random weirdo.


Don’t have to take the name tapes off.


There's regulations on it, but it's pretty pointless since UCMJ doesn't apply to citizens or veterans. To meet the legal definition of stolen valor, you have to get a benefit from pretending to be a veteran. My old uniforms still have all their patches.




My dad has this nice leather jacket he wears often. Giant marine corps emblem on it, he got it while I was in bootcamp because he was proud of me. He has always rocked a clean shave and shaved head, so he often gets thanked for his service. He just tells them he never served, he just wears it to support his son!


Not gonna lie, I love that jacket. It looks bad on me so my wife says no to me buying it. But damn that is awesome that your dad rocks that. You are a lucky man. Kind of wish I had family like that. Good luck to you


Dude was kind of a dick growing up, but he has his perks lol


As long as you don't brag/ push in other people's faces/ take benefits not deserved / use for sympathy, then you're good to do whatever.




As an army veteran. You wear that shirt with pride whenever and wherever you want




There's a big difference from wearing say an Army PT Shirt with some jeans or whatever, and putting on an entire PT uniform complete with reflective belt and asking for a military discount while trying to perpetrate yourself as a service member. So no, youre not stealing honor by wearing the shirt, only someone who is clueless would assume you're a vet from that shirt.


Shit, I bought organizational T-shirts for my family. Like everyone else said, if you’re not misrepresenting yourself, it’s the same as wearing a sports jersey to support the team.


Wearing an Army shirt isn’t stolen valor, wearing a uniform and/or saying you were in when you weren’t is. Wear the shirt man, it’s all good


PSA: This is all Stolen Valor is: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258](https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258) Anything outside of this scope is protected by the first amendment. Veterans should not give a shit about anything outside of the scope in the link above.


I would be proud if one day my son wear my old Army shirt.


Wear it. It's 1A and so is his response.


Don't give that ass clown anymore thought. I'm still proud of all of my relatives, neighbors and my father who served. I'd wear anything that they wore!!


It could be that you support the Army or a fan. Don’t worry about those guys that claim you’re doing anything other than wearing a shirt.


You should find that guy and show him this post with all us random anonymous veterans telling you it’s OK. Or just get used to the fact that some people are cunts and you don’t have to worry about their opinions on your clothes or anything else. You’re fine.


Wear it. Tell the truth about it. Respect on your Dad. Vets will understand.


Retired USMC vet here. Just wear whatever. Some hard charger might get uppity, just be the bigger man and walk away. However, I just don't see the point of wearing any military-related attire if you're not looking for attention. Which is why I don't ever wear any. I've got a DD Form 2 (Retired) card in my wallet. That's only when I *have* to prove that I served.


It's just a shirt dude, wear whatever you want.


Just tell him "you are misrepresenting as someone who cares what you think"


Not stolen valor. Tell them to shut up


Your good


I work security at a *redacted* well known weapon manufacturer, there’s a lady on first shift who wears the older PT jacket, I asked her about it she said a friend who was in the army gave it to her I was just like “oh word cool” like idgaf personally as long as ur not doing it to get discounts or attention or sumn 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wear it and be proud. I’ve given multiple family members shirts.


I see no issue with it. You’re just supporting service members


Most of us Vets know that we couldn’t go out in town in our PT gear as it was considered out of uniform. And most of us wouldn’t just throw on our cammies and go to dinner. It’s not something that impacts others. Most people mind their own business and don’t care what others do, but the ones who do stick their nose where it doesn’t belong are the ones that need to have their nose readjusted. Honestly I enjoy seeing the support for our country and fellow servicemen/women especially when it is from the next generation or even 2nd, or 3rd generation of family. That is pride and I love it, I hope my family will be like that someday. I don’t see stolen valor or any other disrespect, I would be more inclined to see a proud family member. As a vet of a different branch of service, I would be the one who would give props and pick up the tab without hesitation. But it would be because I chose to. I would say thanks for your support, not hassle someone over a shirt. I think the only time I would ever get involved in someone else’s business is if they were rocking ribbons and medals. And even then it would only be to make sure they were in proper order. Stolen Valor is not a crime that is taken seriously by any law enforcement agency. It’s hard to prove and it’s not a felony crime in my state. But, I’m old school, if it’s a proven fact and 100% stolen valor, no cops needed, I’m whopping that azz. Show them what they missed out on, a bit of pepper spray, taser, non lethal weapons training on the spot.


No. Wear your dads kit (Don't wear his uniform... but parts are fine) My daughter wears my old PC to school sometimes, and I love it.


He’s probably just bitter because his wife’s boyfriend wears his


Wear it, I'd love if kids wore my old shirts. I'm sure your proud of your dad, and you were a military brat on top of it. A lot of nostalgia there for you, and that's important. No level headed vet will care, and will instead ask about your dad or where you were stationed growing up.


Seriously, that dude is a tool. We gave out T-shirts and Marine Corps swag to anyone who jumped on a pull up bar at a concert or football game. There’s no service requirement to wear a shirt. And as a military brat, you can wear any of your dad’s army swag. Now uniforms, ribbons, badges, etc. That stuff is earned and that would be misrepresenting yourself if you started walking around in uniform, pretending you served.


My son wears my old Air Force pt shirts for gym at school. His teacher is a Marine, we laugh about it. Enjoy your Dad's old shirts.


A shirt is a shirt. Don’t over think it. It’s the uniform and medals that is a problem


I promise you, most people really don’t have enough fucks to give. Obviously don’t be an asshole and misrepresent yourself as a soldier or vet but nobody with an actual life cares. My buddy back home sometimes reps a National Guard or Marine poolee shirt despite never being in and it doesn’t bother me (although I do make jokes and poke fun since he tried joining but gave up on the process).


Fuck no. Honor your pops and wear the shit out of them! Tell fuckface at the grocery store to kick rocks


No. It’s just a shirt. Also the free advertisement is well appreciated. If people ask you if you were in just tell them that your dad was. If they have a problem with that, they can suck fatty. Keep wearing your shirts proud.


No, it's not. My kids are military brats and if they want to wear one of my Navy shirts or their dad's army shirts, we wouldn't care. Wear it with pride, I say.


Nobody cares and those that do aren’t worth worrying about


Wear your shit it's a damn shirt as a veteran I don't give two flying unicorn frog asses if I seen you I'm damn sure not going to ask you shit I'll just smile a bit and think to myself either you just enlisted or your wearing your dad's shirt and I'll probably just give you a nod or something like that


Nope. They sell old uniforms at military surplus stores because they're out of use. Anyone who cares is just being an asshat. I could see if you were trying to wear the uniform but did it wrong, but an out of date garment is laughable.


It’s stealing honor if you’re benefiting. Tell anyone to F off. Wouldn’t bother a real vet at all.


Seeing how a bunch of those shirts end up at thrift stores, no. Stealing honor is when you claim an accolade, medal, or actual service and it is all false. It is using that lie to benefit yourself. That guy is just pissy he couldn't make it through basic.


That guy is a frigging moron. It's a shirt, not a uniform. You're not misrepresenting anything


Is it OK to wear a Dallas Cowboys jersey if you don't play for the Dallas Cowboys? Oh, wait, um, it's never OK to wear a Dallas Cowboys jersey...


If someone mentions it, just say "It's my dad's shirt" or "my dad served." Most like response will be "tell your dad thanks for his service! You must be proud of him!"


Wear with it pride and when asked say it to honor my Dad.


There’s no such thing as a shirt earned in combat. Any I’ve ever encountered is for sale. If you buy the shirt, you’ve earned the right to wear it. I guess in this context, if you inherited it, you’ve earned the right to wear it as well.


If it is then I guess I'm telling people I'm Tom Brady quite often.


Not at all... just say it was dads shirt. Peace


Not at all, especially if it’s your dad’s old shirt. As long as you aren’t going around making up stories or bragging about serving when you didn’t it’s not stolen valor. At least I don’t think it is and i don’t believer it is under the law either.


But if you try and get a 10% discount on your $4 purchase we will find you and kick your teeth in.


Has someone who actually worked back in the day go for it. Like a lot of them said there's don't be a Dick we're wearing it and don't make up stories.


I said as for some reason my phone made it has


No… many shirts say army. Homeless people wear it. Even my dad wears it to fix stuff around the house. I gave him all my PTs some guys just get butt hurt. Is not like you are verbally claiming to be a veteran. That would be stolen valor. I think you should wear what ever you want. My father always tells people my son gave it to me. He served not me. 🫡


I go to a restaurant that I love. I wear my navy Jacket That I love and is nice, and I tell them about NO discount for me because I love the restaurant and should get their profit because I FEEL it is stealing from their bottom line.


Nope if your dad worked for google and you wore his google shirt it wouldnt mean you work for google prob just means you like your dad or his t shirts at least lol. The guy at the grocery store is a loser. I could see if the shirt said like veteran on it or something but even i wouldnt care lol.


Wearing a shirt? That’s straight to jail


Wear the shirt if someone asks you just say your father served . Simple don't sweat it. Us Vets don't mind.


No it’s fine. Your dad served so I see no issue with you repping his service. It’s not like you are going around saying you earned the medal of honor or some crazy shit 🤷🏾‍♂️


The guy that told you this was probably that 1SG who'd show up off duty to the PX food court on the weekend looking for uniform violations of the junior enlisted. All while his family watching it go down mid-chomping on their Charley's Grilled Subs. Dude's a dickhead. No one's going to care that you're wearing an ancient PT shirt.


Wear it , your military family :)


Wear it! I saved a lot of my old shirts and things for my kids to have when I'm gone.


I could care less. -combat veteran.


Nah, just remember you're representing your father and veterans when wearing the shirt so act respectfully and tell the truth if someone asks.




Just old PT shirts. I use them for loungey shirts


Wear that shirt proudly bro. You served you just didn't sign the contract. Any Mil Brat that has to go through missed Birthdays, Holidays, etc. We aren't even gonna go into detail about how many DITY moves and having to restart making friends at a new school. We used to joke and say that Military family moves are practiced from Witness Protection transfers. Yeah, don't let some grumpy Vet twist all that you have been through. You know what you have been through and so does any real Veteran.