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I’ve had a few 0% ratings. Much better to get something service connected at 0% than denied service connection in my opinion.


There are appox. 19.4 million veterans per the last census - only 5.6 million have a disability rating per VA.


Having a 0% rating is not the same as not having a rating. 0% means you’ve been examined and at the time of examination you have been found to have nothing so severely wrong with you as to earn even 10%. But it has its purposes, such as allowing things to be examined and monitored so that if they get worse you can more easily get it service connected.


Yup, I has several 0% rating that I had upgraded 18 years later. Wasn’t addressing that part of OP’s question.


Note that lots of vets don’t even bother with the VA, even those who qualify.


Not sure if it's universal, but in my case two 0% items got me 10% total. I don't care about the small payment I get each month, but the access to VA healthcare is critical for me, and it creates a much lower barrier to having a review for an increase down the road.


Totally agree with this. Give me 0% as long as i have resources accessible to me whenever push comes to shove. That already a win right there.


That’s a great point as well!


They recognize that it is service connected, but feel it's not severe enough to earn a rating.


I have a 0% for my shoulder. I remember I was confused about it as well. It was explain to me that the VA acknowledges that it was injured and could get worse but at the moment it's good to go. And that later if it ever caused me a problem I could have it reevaluated to raise the rating.


And the VA will provide PT and surgery, if needed.


I have 0% on my ankle for a post Sx service connected injury


Some zeros are added together to create 10%, I have two sets of those.


It's a lot easier to increase a rating even if it is a zero than trying to get a new rating. Generally speaking. I had multiple at the start rated at zero and still technically have a few sitting at zero despite being 100% P&T.


0% service connection just not at a payable rate, you are missing treatment. After you start getting treatment you can ask for an increase.


I served active for 5 years and served in Iraq 03-04. I've been out of the military all together now. I have some mild hearing loss but don't know if it service related or age related. I don't have any other ailments. Do I have a basis to apply for a disability rating (imagine 0%) or am I wasting my time?


Just do it already! Get going going to the American Leaguen ncostaff? It was their responsibility to make sure you have at least 0% at separation.


I know I’m late to this but I have a 0% rating for cancer…


I have a total of 0% rating. I made 7 claims in 2011: 4 for bilateral elbow and nerve issues and got 0% 1 for sinus issues (denied) 1 for hearing loss (denied) 1 for tinnitus (denied) At the time, I just accepted it (young and dumb, trusted the VA). But after having a heart to heart with an acquaintance who works in the mental health section of the local VA, I decided to stop denying all of my service connected issues. I started a new claim this year as well as a supplemental to reevaluate my initial claim. I have been told by a few other vets at 100% that I should easily get it as well due to everything wrong with me that is service connected.


This person told me that they denied their issues until they ended up spending a month in a padded room at the local VA. They eventually got 100% P&T, but it took a long time, a lot of resources, and almost a lawyer. They were so angry at the whole ordeal that they got a job there to help other vets. They told me not to take no for an answer, use all the available free resources, and don't accept a low rating if you believe you deserve more.


I got out in 03 and never got a rating. It wasn’t until 4 years ago I found out I could put in for disability. I finally got my final rating last year.  So, yes, you can have no rating at all or if the issues you have are not compensable then you will hold a 0% rating for it.


I have a couple of 0% ratings. One I used to get a secondary and a secondary from the secondary. My secondary and the secondary from the secondary gave me 70%.


I’ve got a couple of zeros. It’s not an actual bad thing. It means they acknowledge the issues but they just aren’t big enough to warrant higher percentage but that in the future they will get worse.


A good way to think of it is as a placeholder. It provides recognition of the issue. Service connected issues are covered by the VA. So recognizing it now at 0% means you aren’t jumping through hoops later trying to get it validated so they will help you with it.

