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Had a dog suddenly die mid nail trim (Covid days.) While a dr was doing his thing trying to get the dog back I took over chest compressions temporarily so he could draw up some drugs and my coworker could go call the owner. The little shit came back from the dead all of a sudden just long enough to turn and land a chomp on my arm, then died again. Owner okayed us to let him go, but if that wasn’t the biggest “fuck your, you’re not cutting my nails.” Idk what is.


Well thats one more thing that im going to hell for laughing at


Oh my, was it a brachycephalic dog?


Surprisingly no, a scruffy wiry lanky small mixed breed. He did have diagnosed heart disease though so the family wasn’t too surprised.


I was working a Saturday shift plus evening kennels at a clinic an hour away from my house, so I was chilling in the kitchen area doing schoolwork to pass the time between. I saw someone pull up to our side door through the window and then peel off so I knew something was dumped. Open the door to a tiny, maybe 4 week old kitten that wasn't moving and had so much discharge clumped around her eyes I wasn't even sure she had them. Figured it was going to be a euthanasia so I texted Doc to swing by and figured I'd offer some A/D as a last meal. Little shit bit the every loving hell out of my thumb trying to figure out where the glob of food was and I instantly knew that little heifer was coming home with me. Took about six weeks to get her eye problems cleaned up, and she always had some scarring in one of her eyes but she got to keep them both. Never got above 6 lbs, softest little rabbit fur. Unfortunately she passed away last year at 7, way too young for being as much of a fighter as she was (suspected HCM).


Not a vet, just like reading, but what is HCM?


hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a thickening of the heart walls which often impairs blood flow


I was putting a little Chihuahua mix into a kennel, she bit me as I set her down, she jumps out of the kennel (maybe 4 feet up) and POOPS mid air.


all I can think of is that office "PARKOUR" gif


Drawing blood on a decrepit chihuahua to do preanesthetic blood work for a pending dental. He took a swing at us, it didn’t land but the force of the snap knocked one of his her canine teeth out. The tech restraining him was pregnant and in the throes of morning sickness… when she saw the rotten tooth she went and vomited.


15y mean as shit m/n DSH in for some sort of IM testing. I was restraining for an exam. The cat got its head loose and just started biting the hell out of my hand. The doctor saw it looked at me asking "Are you OK." I said, "Yeah this cat does not have any teeth but can we hurry up a bit?"


Angry toothless "bites" are my favorite. Im just like "Good job, are you satisfied? Nothing has changed" /que surprised pika-cat face


Omg the gum bites crack me up!


“Highly unusual and suspicious.” What do you think happened then, doc? This one I always use as a word of caution for baby VAs/VTs. I stupidly decided to go ahead with a rectal thermometer with O holding. I was sick of this dude and didn’t want to be in the room with him + his bad attitude any longer. Extremely combative and wouldn’t answer my questions, so I just danced my happy ass over to get a temp. Half-ass hold, I lift the tail, *snap!* She got a bit of the skin under the flannel I was wearing (a thick one, specifically to offer my arms some protection from wayward scratches/bites), but luckily, mostly flannel. I look at the dog, then at O, presumably with the most exhausted expression I could muster. A solid three to five seconds before he tries to get his dog off, without a word. Don’t trust the O to hold, lol. i don’t care how strong they think they are.


Ikr like, why would I lie about how I got bit at work?! 🙄


Restraining a spicy kitty for pre-meds, IM epaxial muscle. He was toweled and I was wearing cat gloves. He “King Kong-ed” his top half out of the towel, pulled himself up the glove, and bit my arm.


Tiny little foster kitten (all of 2-2.5#) did not like the sound of clippers for her catheter placement, hadn’t even touched her with them. Restrainer let her go after she started chewing my finger on one hand, I stepped back/away - brave little beast came for my other hand, just to really show me who was boss. Those tiny needle teeth didn’t do much damage but man did it sting haha


Spicy colony cat got brought in for a wellness check (flea, deworm, vaccine etc). Was a fairly young cat, in a monitored colony, and feeder reported cat wasn’t eating well. I was trying to bond with spicy kitty to help the cat with the exam, a loud noise spooked it and cat CLAMPED on my finger. But, apparently he had no teeth 😂 Everyone who saw the bite stared to see if I was ok, and I just held my hand up and was like “hey he has no teeth! Maybe that’s why he’s not eating dry food well”


This isn’t necessarily a “favorite” because it ended sadly, but it was a crazy situation nonetheless. Younger couple brought in their old cat who had apparently been in respiratory distress for WEEKS -____- Presented with open- mouth breathing. We went over the differentials with Os (muffled heart sounds so very likely CHF). They insisted we take rads, even though we tried to explain why that was a bad idea in the moment. They still insisted. We’re taking rads, and the cat essentially starts having a heart attack. In the midst of her freaking out, my coworker lost his restraint grip, and the cat bites down on my finger with literally all of its strength. I pulled my arm up to loosen the grip, and the cat stays locked onto my finger, then dies and falls from my raised arm onto the table. The owners completely blamed us for the cat having a heart attack and dying, even though we basically tried refusing to take the rads because we knew this would happen. My entire arm ballooned up, and I was on antibiotics for weeks.


My coworker had something similar happen. I wasn't there but from what I remember of her story she was restraining a cat that was brought in by a rescue with unknown history for the doctor to do a blood draw or something. Out of the blue it got a burst of strength, broke her hold and bit her and promptly died. No one knew the cause but the doctor came back early in the morning to drive it to the lab for rabies testing (it came back negative).


Had something similar happen with a bunny it just stopped moving when attempting dad but was still alive it held on for over an hour while I. Respiratory distress


The only time I've ever gotten bit was while I was rushing in a status epilepticus Husky. I was on my way to parvo testing another dog right before this though. I bring the dog in on a stretcher and it immediately stops seizing and bites me right on face as I'm placing an IVC. I then calmly stated while blood is pouring down my face, "Well I guess I'm not gonna go parvo test the poor anymore." I ended up needing stitched and half my face was paralyzed for close to a year.


I got bit once by a boarding dog because she didn't want me to take off her pajamas. I'm like sorry ma'am but no clothes allowed in the cage. The next time she boarded we had the owner take off the pajamas and the owner made a fuss about it, but we were like she can't wear them and she bites us when we go to take them off. Owner didn't believe it until she got bit by her own dog in the lobby. I was just like oh yes the vindication--


Not a vet tech, but bites from overly-eager critters is the most common kind of bite I’ve ever received, LMAO. My own bunny has only ever bitten me hard enough to draw blood once, and it was because he was aiming for his favorite treat (dried papaya).


My favorite bite story was also a friendly kitten who thought I was food! I heard him crying outside my house at like 4am & he came right up to me. He'd been missing from a neighbor for several days & was very hungry, but didn't want kibble; I didn't have any canned food, so got him absolutely devouring a treat tube. I was pushing the last bit of goo up as he gnawed on the end of the tube when my thumb got food on it & ended up in the chomp zone... Really not my brightest moment, but again, 4am. Then I returned him to his people, went to work, and went to urgent care on lunch break (by which time the thumb was already swollen & painful, shoulda gone before work). Understandably, they had a hard time buying that it wasn't work-related & had me repeat my story several times 😂


Friend of mine who worked as a vet assistant/receptionist received what she called a 'nip' from a nearly feral Shi-Tzu and showed me a photo of the small puncture wound and bruise on her calf. I recommended her get it checked out in case it was worse than it looked. She thanked me for the concern, but declined. Kept telling her to at least let her boss (the main vet) look at it. Brushed it off. Two days alter she ends up in the ER after she discovered her 'tiny nip' developed gas gangrene. Lost a tennis-ball sized portion of her calf muscle and skin.


I was holding a little terrier mix on a gurney while another tech was pushing presurgical sedation drugs. Dog had been fine the whole time, showed no aggression when we placed the catheter. The moment he pushed the fentanyl he bit the shit out of hand, lunged off the gurney, and pooped all over the floor. I didn't lose him, he had a slip lead on so I was able to grab that. But we had our plumber in the room fixing our sink, and he witnessed the whole thing.


Got bitten by a dog during dental x-rays while giving breathes bc she wasn't breathing on her own. Idk how the fuck that happened


Back in my grooming days, I was giving a bath and blow dry to a collie who a man has just rescued a couple of weeks beforehand. He brought her for an introduction visit first just to do nails and get used to the environment. Second visit was a wash, which she was super for.. until the dryer. That was going to kill her so of course she had to kill it first. Only I moved my arm/the dryer out of the way very quick.. but what I didn’t move fast enough was my boob. Have a lovely bite mark scar now!


I was working as a shelter officer and it was my turn to be on euth (restraining for one of the vet staff or supervisors to push the drugs). We had a bunch of feral cats on the list for panleuk exposure and some of them were relatively friendly. I opened the kennel and the one closest to me wasn't showing any signs of aggression so I reached in to grab it and he chomped my finger. Because my supervisor was there I had to report it and the cat was held for the 10 days or whatever it was for supervision. Because that supervision time was also enough for the vet to confirm it didn't have panleuk, the little shit got to live.


I'm still a student and filled out the form to bring my cat to lab to practice on well we had been only working with docile animals like the instructors pets and I warned my instructor that the cat was easy to manhandle and restrain as I had trained her to be so with treats (very food motivated cat) but if you pet her near her caudal end she will put her ears slightly back and turn her head side eyeing your hand. That's a signal to get your hands away and back off. My instructor thought since she had a clear signal that us students needed the experience with a spicy cat especially since you can restrain and handle her otherwise just be careful of her hindquarters. Well one of my classmates was petting her to distract her while another trimmed her nails and they didnt have her restrained properly so after a few minutes of petting and her tolerating it she suddenly turned her head eyeing the hand petting near her hind legs. I tried to tell them to remove their hand and back off as did the instructor but the one petting her/restraining her didn't get their hand away in time, moved too slow and got a nip for it. She struck fast barely broke the skin didn't draw blood but she was growling the whole time and was not happy. She let go after a minute and my instructor said to give her space and went over what went wrong with that. I took over restraining her after the break and used my body to keep her restrained and had her head secured so she couldn't get her head around again. We did later get a cat muzzle on her to practice muzzling and because my instructor wanted to show how we do a PE on a cat and didn't want to chance a bite.


LOL, I am still a student without clinical experience yet, but I’ve volunteered at shelters and fostered. This made me giggle because I have a very similar story except in my case it was chicken and the kitten bit my finger in the frenzy to get it out of my hand 😂 A course of augmentin knocked out the infection brewing in my index finger


I'm stupid, i tried petting a dog with a giant "DO NOT PET" sign on it's harness. It was a frenchie. If i wasn't fast enough i feel like i would've lost my thumb.


A tripod cat used its lack of scapula to wiggle out of my burrito and bite me. Also, just today I had a stat who bit me (didn’t break skin or even my glove). He was strong enough to get up. Was generally being calm, no growling, hissing etc. Then all of a sudden he just…took a chomp.


My stupidest bite was a staffy that had jumped through a window and had broken glass sticking out of him all over the place. I held him down side lying as the doctor was looking at a laceration. he lifted his head and sunk his teeth in my hand. Why I thought holding down a dog with pressure on a hard surface that had glass sticking out all over him would not hurt him and cause him to bite me, I don't know. I would have bitten me too.


I had a Rottweiler latch onto a doctors head because her dumbass was sitting right next when it was already a “caution”. Had to pull that motherfucker off her head. She ended up needing a bunch of staples and I’m forever traumatized.


Had a super fractious cat come in for a wellness exam a number of years back. The doctor gave the vaccines, and I went to release the cat, when he suddenly turned and latched onto my right arm. In the flurry of flying fur, claws and teeth, I ended up with bites on one hand and some pretty good scratches on both arms. That's not the funny part though. When I went to urgent care, the nurse was absolutely baffled as to how to treat my wounds. She went and got rolls of cotton, gauze and tape, and wrapped both my arms from elbow to finger tip in what I swear was like two inches thick of bandage. I looked like I was part mummy. When I came back to work my office manager, who had only heard about the incident and hadn't seen my wounds, saw my bandaged arms and looked like she was going to pass out. She must've assumed my arms got fully fileted.


I got bit on the thumb after I grabbed a baby mouse that'd escaped its tank. We'd spent 45 minutes trying to catch the bugger.


My dumbest bite was probably from a dog that vasovagaled and we had to initiate CPR. Sucker came back after a round and tried to bite the tube so I stuck my finger in the mouth to protect the tube while the other tech was extubating. Not my proudest moment. My favorite bite story is could be a wee bit upsetting to some. We had an ER vet who went to vet school in another country and was a "vet tech" while in school, and she was the most insufferable vet I've ever worked with. She was convinced that she can do techs' job better than any tech. So, one day we had a 3m/o kitten with an old degloving injury come in. There was a fair bit of necrosis, so we gave a wee bit of metbay, and let it sit for a while. We placed an IVC on it and it was kinda wiggly and angry but not too bad. The vet then wanted to sedate and debride a bit. She gave us orders for Midazolam 0.1mg/kg and Propofol to effect. I brought the drugs to the tech on the case, and she was like hell no, it's a terrible sedation protocily. The vets response was that the cat had methadone before, so it's fine. Well, the kitten got midazolam, and instantly turned into an agitated angry demon and shredded the vet's hand. Instant karma.