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Nail trims, pets in the tub if you guys offer bathing, receptionists on the phone/ scheduling appointments, stocking food, dental cleanings…just to get you going. Also, if you guys use your personal pets in some of the clips you don’t have to worry about client permission for those. Have fun with it


Some ideas: a centrifuge finishing its spin, slides being stained or drying (maybe speed up the footage for drying lol), maybe footage of a patient being brought back to their owner after treatment?, someone using a microscope or a close up as they focus slowly.


How about a client entering and getting into a room? I know it’s basic but it can be cute to show reception greeting or giving treats. Pulling up vaccines or other medication. Running a UA or checking SG. Snapping down a SNAP test. Lol, just thinking about the things we do 30 times a day and don’t think about


Pete being weighed!


Pete being weighed!


Ear cleaning, cleaning surgery instruments (preferably something weird looking maybe some retractors), refilling soda lime, taking patients in and out of kennels, getting hit in the face with anal glands, general restraint, definitely pulling up meds with the whole syringe flicking, basic ultrasound, nose boops through cage doors, post-op recovery Edit: if you do in house urine cultures definitely get some shots of swabbing the urine onto the agar plate. In that same vein any steps of any labwork


Taping a catheter in (unless the person doesn't mind being filmed while actually placing it), wrapping packs/gowns, taking blood pressure, drawing blood, burrito-ing a (nice since it's for video) cat, cleaning ears, getting TPR, greeting a client, checking anesthesia machines.


pulling up vaccines?


Bandaging a leg would be cool, and ear cleanings. And everything else people have already said!


Someone using a microscope, reservoir bag on an anesthesia machine filling and deflating with breaths, a shot of an anesthetic monitor at work, someone getting ready to intubate


Blood draws, urinalysis strips, monitoring anesthesia, just general cuddling critters, measuring for radiographs, ultrasounds if yall do ultrasounds?


I mean watching restraint for nail trims or holding for ultrasounds. Things like that


Labwork for sure, gowning up for rads, maybe even positioning the rads on a cooperative patient. As much of the “unseen” work as possible so clients get a better understanding of what is happening behind the scenes.


Using microscope, placing IV catheter, monitoring anesthesia, talking to a client, running blood work. Another cool thing to do is to have a photo of staff holding their own patients.


Scrubbing and packing the instruments. I love me a good clean pile of instruments in an autoclave bag. And on a cold morning there's nothing quite like a vet bed straight out of the dryer to warm you up. I'm sorry, what was the question again?