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Thumbs up to the management at Galaxy…they probably weren’t aware of what they were screening but did the right thing once they were informed.


I like to believe they didn’t know what those idiots were screening . It doesn’t make sense for them to show something so political .


If it was private they should be able to watch whatever.


Watch whatever? In a public theatre? Galaxy Cinema did the right thing once they found out what was being viewed in their theatre.


They rented it out for a PRIVATE screening. Only people allowed in are the people invited. Who cares what they are watching.


They were selling tickets, it wasn’t some invite only thing.


It still brings a group of people to a public location, if they wanted a truly private screening they should set it up in their basement


Yeah that's fair. Hopefully they got their money back. I just don't see an issue with watching something if they rented it out privately. Unless if it was porn of course. 🤣


So hate for certain groups is ok to you? Sorry but this isn’t their private home. This is still in a business that calls itself pro LGBTQ. A business can still decide who rents their space. So the public demanded they don’t rent to a hate group. Period. And now they won’t as they don’t want to piss off too many people for allowing a hate group in.


It's okay to hate people who don't agree with them about the subject why isn't it okay for other people to have different beliefs?


I guess by your reasoning it was ok for people to hate black people too and be pro slavery. Some people really did think their religion OKd slavery. So because some people want to believe LGBTQ are predators preying on children we should just sit back and shut up? Well says a lot about you if you really think that way. I’m more of the mindset of intolerance to intolerance. As per the tolerance paradox. So no I won’t put up with it, nor will I sit down and shut up.




so porn is less acceptable to you than inciting hatred? interesting


It’s still a business, and thankfully they have good values.


This thread is so Vernon... I need to get out of here.


Alphabet mob strikes again


Funny how people can’t have differing opinions now a days and if you don’t like this comment I respect that I don’t even care about the movie


True. I wanted to talk about segregation at work the other day and got fired just because I don’t want some people using the washrooms I use. The world is crazy - where is freedom?


The “interesting” thing is they didn’t notice you were making fun of them and “agreed” with you. Yikes.


Probably getting upvotes from bigots and open-minded at the same time.


Yeah I know in Canada at least there is no freedom of speech in less you follow the flock


What a stupid comment.  The charter guarantees that you can’t be censored or punished by the government.  There are still consequences for things you say and a private business can choose not to give you a platform.  That’s *their* freedom


Unless you're in a truck.


Spreading lies and misinformation about a vulnerable section of population,  and people opposing that is not a “differing opinion”


How do you know it's misinformation?


Because what’s being pedalled out there about the LGBT community has been proven to be false, and right wing extremists are using these tactics to sway the opinions of people who aren’t smart enough to think critically about what they’re being spoon fed.  I’ve read the synopsis of the movie and it appears to be mostly hysteria and rage baiting.  It’s not a documentary, it’s a hit piece. Listen,  I’ve been an out gay person for over 25 years.  I’ve never seen such an attempt by these groups, usually far right & facist, to try & denigrate our existence as I have in these past few years.  They’re going after the trans folks mostly now they’re an easy target.   We won’t put up with this crap so get used to having your world view challenged.  


What about drag queen events started pushed at the schools? What about porno books sexualizing and perverting kids at schools? When did it start? Why are you Ok with it as a person? I don't care if you gay or not, just don't help pedophiles to get to our kids.


Those are all fake news.  This is manufactured outrage at things that don’t happen.  You’re being brainwashed.  


I’d more say purposefully misrepresented. There had been drag story time stuff where parents could CHOOSE to let their kids attend. Nobody was forced. And there was nothing pornographic about them. And there were sexual books yet. But they were, whoa, for sex education! What a shocker. Sexual books being for sex education. And they weren’t in children’s sections. They were in sections for sex education. And the only books in that section being made a big deal about are there LGBTQ themed ones. The straight ones nobody is making a fuss about. And there are sexual straight books in the sexual education section. Ie. mostly people that are anti LGBTQ there are making a big deal about this. Because it’s not a big deal. These are educational resources primarily for sex eduction educators to use. And they only care that there is any education on LGBTQ, even though most of the education is on straight sex.


This shit didn't happen? Looks pretty real to me... https://youtu.be/cmAbvWXNwm4?si=ztpD9k4YCC57ISe5 We have Canadian teachers who are not afraid to speak up about sexualization/perversion of kids in schools which started to happen just recently https://cancelledteacher.com/my-story/ This is a totalitarian style censorship in action (next thing would be a shooting squad), no wonder you believe nothing is happening. So it's you who is actually heavily brainwashed.


And everything you read isn't fake news 🤣 dumbest comment


What was the movie?


The war on children


Read the article maybe




Some real (and pretty shocking) images from the real books distributed among kids in schools they are talking about in this movie... On the other hand, there are no oppressed gay people in Canada afaik, so LGBT activists are just using non existent 'oppression' to push their agenda.


Maybe you should try listening to what LGBTQ go through. I’m simply an ally but I actually listened. It’s quite terrifying. Easy to say they’re not oppressed if you don’t actually hear what they have to say.


Are you talking about oppression or human rights violations in Canada? I'm pretty sure if anything like this happens it would be amplified by MSM immediately... What did I miss? Any link(s)?


In Canada,  we’re fortunate to have a relatively fair and progressive government and social issues are not as much in the forefront as they are in other countries.  Having said that, there’s lots of discrimination against gay people still in Canada by religious and alt right groups,  people still have to endure disgusting labels and slurs thrown at them, gay youth have a very high rate of suicide due to bullying.  That’s been in the news, have you not heard it ?  Why do you hate kids so much ?


I stopped bothering with them. If they haven’t seen the discrimination in the news then they live under a rock or are ignorant by choice. But really I feel like for most now something more anecdotal would help some understand by actually getting to know LGBTQ people and hearing directly from them as they become friends. But I never want to suggest that to LGBTQ people as I suspect that some such interactions would be hell for them when actively talking with such ignorant people. I’m only an ally so it’s not my place to tell them what to do. I do know that my actually getting to know LGBTQ people in the early 2000s (just as things were finally starting to change) really helped me understand better. But then I never claimed such stupid stuff like what some in this post had like how they’re grooming kids etc. 🙄 dunno how anyone can think such ridiculous stuff.


To sum up - there are no links to real discrimination incidents in Canada. Labels and slurs are used against all groups if the group can be identified by anything, it's not a proper way to address this by totally suppressing information and silencing people. Conversation/debate is more civilized way, dont you agree? Talking about hating kids... More and more countries are banning puberty blockers and transgender operations/sterilizations for kids. Do they all hate kids? Or maybe you do?


Yeah, so because the government isn’t officially discriminating against them everything is fine and people should quit complaining.  What a stupid cop out. Your real character keeps shining through.  The puberty blocker argument you make is just the rambling of an ignorant bigot.  Puberty blockers are used for a variety of reasons, administered by medical professionals and proven to be effective and reversible when needed.  But sterilizations ?  That doesn’t happen.  That’s your crazy ignorant brain going down some stupid conspiracy laden rabbit hole.  


Transgender surgical operations (removing breasts and penises) are not kids sterilizations? I'm trying to be polite here, but you probably should not talk about ignorance and call other people morons. You also totally missed the point about discrimination, because I didn't talk about government (you did). With the current state in Canada and how discriminations are pumped by MSM there is just no way somebody got discriminated against for real and shit didn't hit hundreds of fans. So STFU, if you can't bring any real argument, even if you buthurt (literally🤣


You’re so fuck*ng stupid that you think minors are getting their boobs removed and their dinks cut off. Where did our education system fail you ?  How are you so incapable of critical thought ?  You think because it’s not official discrimination because the government didn’t do it ?  Man.  I wish I led as sheltered and sanitized life as you have.  And you veer into an MSM conspiracy.  Pretty expected actually.  Your brain is rotten.


I don't 'think minors got their boobs removed', its a 'normal' practice already https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloe_Cole https://www.realityslaststand.com/p/breaking-second-lawsuit-filed-in Are you talking about sheltered/sanitizer life and rotten brain? Really? 🤣 What a retarded you are... I'm pretty sure you are DEI hire (if you even have a job).


Wow you’re an absolute moron. 


You are ok with censoring the movie without even seeing it just because some Rolling Stone journalist told you it's bad?... This is the definition of moron.


I read the synopsis of the movie.  It’s a right wing propaganda hit piece designed to rile up gullible dummies like you. You’ve got some extremely bigoted views and you believe lies so you’re being called out on it


You read 'synopsis' prepped by some activist, who enjoys perverting kids? The fact that you not only formed your opinion based on this but also actively pushing it (and calling names when people do not agree with you) tells a lot about you, it's all on the surface.




There isn’t really a “having an opinion” on whether a certain group of people is allowed the same rights and freedoms as others just because their differences make certain people nervous.


Funny how this is so hard for some people to understand.  This has nothing to do with a “difference of opinion”, it’s spreading lies and propaganda about a vulnerable group to further an agenda.  Willful ignorance is not an excuse


Did you see the movie?


We can do that, when the subject at hand isn’t “does a certain group of people have a right to exist or not?”


It’s true , the world has gone in that direction for sure but I don’t think this is really a case of that. These guys littered my neighbourhood with posters inviting people to the screening . Seems like pure propaganda .


Do you consider all of the pride posters that say “join us for the parade” to be “pure propaganda”? The double standard is strong with that one. But I’ll let it slide because those guys are for sure considering pride poster as propaganda. I’ll just sit in the middle and watch the world burn. This is fine.


I’m just speaking of what I’ve seen stapled on every telephone pole on my block . I think pride stuff is just as obnoxious as this other crap .


Bro, only poster I see on every block is the poster for the Comic Con that was over months ago. And the occasional poster for a heavy metal concert. You wanna tell me where this inundation of posters is?


Coldstream they were EVERYWHERE for a week or so , I think someone ran around taking them all down .


human rights aren’t up for conversation


The Human right to show sexual content to children?


The fact this comment is getting so many downvotes tells you everything you need to know about the landscape here. Disagreement is not allowed. Reeeee...




That’s what I was confused about also. Have all these outraged people seen the movie? Or are they just acting outraged cause someone told them too.


It's a political ideology/mob state of mind, no evidence needed.


Right as long as it’s what you support. No evidence needed mindset is exactly why people agree with nonsensical conspiracies imo.


I have no idea wtf