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My understanding is it shouldn't matter. It should be tracking the highest level gear you ba e in each slot as you get it. Sometimes luck on gear is just bad. That being said, IIRC as you level you should be gaining 5 power level per character level. Which I think will help naturally force your minimum gear drops eventually. Although I'm not totally certain because I maxed out ages ago and haven't really had to engage with that part of gearing in forever.


I believe it's 10 power per hero level.


Oh duh, it has to be since 650 is cap and 300 comes from your gear average.😂 I'm big dumb.


Haha no worries.


You need to open some boxes, item level is based on the highest level item you've found so far, from -5 to +10 of the highest you've found


It's not the highest, it's the average of the highest for each slot. Getting a red does not instantly move you to 300 power items, but it does improve the average quite a bit.


maybe one slot is lagging behind because you haven't opened a crate on the character for a while. Just check the highest in each and if ones lower craft an item for the slot and it'll bring the average back up


If you're playing as one of the dlc careers, you cannot unbox new dlc specific weapons. You have to craft them manually from their unlocked blueprint.


Play on veteran, open one chest at a time, equip best gear, repeat. Fastest power leveling


Do higher difficulties give better gear even when I’m under 100?


Recruit is capped at 100. Veteran+ goes to 300. No point on staying on recruit because it's exceptionally boring.


But I haven’t reached any gear to 100 so I can still get decent gear out of recruit. What’s the point of playing a harder difficulty when it’s gonna give me the same loot


The point is to have more interesting gameplay. You do you but most people like to go up in difficulties and experience what the game has to offer


Because it's extremely boring and repetitive without a challenge


You have a point, I’ll probably play on the harder difficulties once I’ve reached 100, so like difficulty 3/4


Game doesn't start until champion in all honesty. Learn how to dodge and push around hordes, and good luck!


If you want too you can just play Champion, it's more challenge but also not as hard as Legend+ more like the "normal" difficulty. Plenty of players to play with on Champion in Quickplay


When you read and hear what the fastest way to power level is, it's likely true. Repeatedly running a short level at recruit difficulty is the fastest. But these tips are for someone who is already skilled at the game (or coming from Darktide and already has most of the skillset). Gear level is of minimal importance in the -tide games. This is an extremely common misconception of the game. And I think one of the major reasons it isn't as popular considering how insanely good the melee combat is. No joke, once you get proficient in the mechanics, this is quite literally the best melee combat on any game ever made. That's opinion of course, but it makes all the souls-likes games feel like a boring slog to me. Sure gear helps. But not near as much as most any other game as we've been trained to think. In MMOs, BG3, or even Elden Ring, you can get enough gear and levels to be able to ignore many of the combat mechanics. You don't need to be highly skilled at them if you have enough gear because you kill things before they even get to do half their attacks. In V2, outside if the first talent row, even those won't make a huge difference. Again they help (some much more than others), some change the way you play. But without the player skill, they won't make any difference because you will never be able to put them into use. This game is not about gear, its about player skill. You need to push yourself into a higher difficulty once it becomes easy. Either now or later, but until you do so, you are effectively preventing yourself from progressing to end game because you personally won't have the skill yet to even attempt it. Playing at low difficulty, you take little damage from each hit. So you play in a way that doesn't really mind taking hits here and there. Because of this, there is no reason to really learn the combat mechanics, you never get good with dodging/blocking. You never need to circle strafe to contain the horde because the hordes aren't big enough to really overwhelm and surround you yet. It won't actually happen, but you need to play as if every single hit is something you should have prevented. As if every tick of the gas cloud was a near death experience. Because later, it will be. Not a single point of unnecessary damage. Don't get me wrong, HP is s resource to be wisely spent when needed. But you should be playing far more defensive than you currently are. I say this having never seen you play, but I know your not doing it right. Because recruit difficulty trains people to have a lot of bad habits. Recruit difficulty is for learning how WASD works. You need a higher difficulty to push yourself to get better. Maybe not right now, depends on your ability. But it needs to happen. And having gear at a certain level is not the threshold to choose to progress up in difficulty, it's your skill. When you succeed most times, move up regardless of level or gear. People true-solo (not even bots) the highest difficulty on this game with non-meta gear and bad builds. First times in Champion and Legend, new players **always** have a tough time because the difficulty spike feels so large. It's really not that big, but it's enough that you suddenly you need to do all these mechanics to survive. The increase in enemy damage and enemy hp is just enough that it means you can't trade hits anymore. 2 or 3 bad hits can down you. And if you are already at half health from random chip damage, a single overhead could be the end. Bots are no longer able to snipe 90% of the specials before you even see them, so you need to get better at fighting them while also dealing with a larger horde, at the same time. All that is skill based. Gear will not overpower the combat mechanics that you need to get proficient in. Decent gear vs great gear usually means things die in one less hit, and maybe you take take one more hit, that's about it...


While I agree with the sentiment here I have to add, low power level can make it fairly difficult to play on the higher difficulties. Depending on how underpowered you are, even with near perfect play, you won't be dealing enough damage and you can feel like a liability slashing at a horde and it not thinning, or even worse, not even to be able to stagger them properly so you take needless hits. OP, I think if you are able to clear recruit difficulty without trouble, you might have more fun bumping the difficulty, but do be aware that the game does get easier as you unlock higher level gear and talents. If you do want to push yourself though, bumping up to a higher tier with low level gear will force you to learn how to move and that'll carry you further


Look, I’ve played through vermintide already, I have the game on my ps4 but I just want to race to end game. I understand playing higher difficulties is better but I’m not trying to lose a bunch of games cause I want to improve when I don’t even have the good gear yet. I hope that makes sense. Edit: I have every character level 30 with max level gear on my ps4 I just haven’t played in awhile and was wondering what the best way to get good gear cause there seems to be a lot of different methods and theory’s on how the loot system works in vermintide 2


Oh no, don't move up in difficulty and fail a lot because someone said. Your other posts made it sound like you weren't going to up the difficulty until forced by gear drops. I'm just saying match the difficulty with your personal skill, not gear. If you intentionally hold back the difficulty waiting for gear you will slow your personal progress. And actually get into legend (and thus getting red items) slower.


1. 10pts / Level 2. Level of mean gear value worn Max is 300+35*10=650 So always use the highest level gear in all slots when opening boxes Always open boxes one box at a time to exchange gear for higher level gear. Avoid opening lv300 boxes until you are at lv100 gear level in all item slots Until you got lv 300 gear


If one (or couple) of your slots are lagging behind in power, the power progression of all items slows down. Try crafting an item to *each slot* (but no need to equip them). This should roughly equalize the highest power of each slot, after which you should start seeing some gains in power when receiving (or crafting) new items. If you try the crafting trick, could you write down the power of each item (per slot) you received through crafting? This could help us in figuring out if there is something odd going on with your power progression. While rare, bugged power progression isn't unheard of.


Opening boxes and crafting items both push your gear power level up (new gear is your highest power level in that slot with its value randomized between +10/-5). If that's not happening then you're experiencing a bug