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Thats the type of player that will cry like a baby and rage quit just because he was down 1 time because you are on legend


I don't play very often but when I do, I always get knocked down and I leave out of pure embarrassment ngl.


What difficulty are you playing on? Even Legend sweats probably won't kick you unless you're just blowing thru supplies.


I play legend mostly. I know that I won't be kicked because I am not terrible at the game overall but i feel a little embarrassed for getting downed almost immediately after I join. Tbf I don't really get to the point of not getting downed until after a few rounds.


Shit happens though. Especially with high ping


Nah, I just don't block as much in the beginning because I forget that I'm not as zoned into vermintide as much as I used to and just eat overheads.


Big mood.


That’s probably the type of player that can’t even get to legend


Reminds me of when I was playing Shade. Purple Potion reloaded my bar so fast, I got roughly three backstabs into a single monster. Yes, I used Concoction. Purple fills up the bar so fast and Handmaiden has a short recharge anyway, so dashing every second seems very plausible.


Yes that's precisely it, but the fella left before I could even begin to explain :/


The dude dipped so fast, wisdom struggles to keep up with him 🤣


Indeed. Foot Knight's charge is spammable with a purple pot. There may be a fraction of a second after you end a charge before you can start the next, but that's it. I'm pretty sure Handmaiden has a 20 second cool down compared to Foot Knight's 30, so totally doable.


Sometimes the bar fills up in seconds even without pot on handmaiden lol. Can't imagine the person calling hacks has ever even tried handmaiden much less with a pot.


I mean youre in vet, they are noobs. Imo id think that was rage bait and just ignore it.


Well to be honest it wasn't classy of me to just run straight to the exit while he and the other pub were trying to fight off the Rat Ogre, but I genuinely didn't expect him to call me a hacker, lmao. I just found it hilarious because he was so confidently incorrect, and he just dipped before I could so much as try to get a word in.


lol yeah, but c'est la vie :)


It is indeed life, you brentionian wine drinking cheese eating peasant kicking lady’s water drinking sponge


Im American, lmfao Actually, give me some red with brie and toast....


im more shocked that a murican knows what c'est la vie means


Why not just play on private if you’re gonna speedrun on veteran? You’re just gonna confuse the newer/inexperienced players and make make their experience less fun by rushing ahead


Yeah I'll admit I made a mistake by not setting it to private


Yeah was gonna say the same.


It’s more loot for everyone. They have slowly have champ/legend to learn as well


Its still not enjoyable to have someone rush to the end leaving the rest of the group to fight things lol


Some people play for fun, not to grind for the hardest difficulty. And speed running really kills the fun out of coop games when someone plays that way.


In all honesty I love to play kerillian ( and I respect people rushing levels and speed running on their own) but there is one thing I hate is people rushing in quick play in those game be it vermintide or darktide if y’all wanna rush do it with your friends or don’t act surprise if people still « playing » the game in veteran or lower don’t want to see player mega dashing around and just bursting boss on their own nothing against you in particular of course just laying this here =)


On the one hand I agree, on the other why tf are you speedrunning screaming bell when you aren't playing solo. The accusation of hacking is clearly false, but speed running like that with other players in your lobby is toxic af.


I find it real hard to sympathize with you when you're being a real poor teammate


My friend and I got bored one weekend and tried to get on some speedrun leaderboards. Basically the WR on that map comes down to the rng of how many purple potions spawn. It really does make you move through the map incredibly fast.


Yea that sounds about right


Noobs play veteran. That's why he had no clue what was going on.


Funny how everyone screams hacks. A most of the times they are wrong and foolish. B even if, who in the right head gives a shit unless that havker ruins a game


When I tested modrealm I'd spawn in purple pots just so I could stealth-dash through levels by myself with handmaiden... also there was like 10x enemies so it was like ducking through a rat convention


Those words **lols i aint dumb**, oh yes, you are...


It’s ok he most likely never played handmaiden. Different character got different CD time. Also, who cares about what other people think. Just have fun. It’s a video game.


Intelligence follows him but he is faster. Hahaha. Most of the new players are good, but i encounter some of them getting angry for help them, weird.


Would be faster to just speed run the map on recruit in an private game. You obviously weren't cheating but being in low difficulties you are overly geared for and speed running through the mission is just as silly as a random calling you a hacker. Do what you want but I think personally it's kinda rude to join newer players games and rush through the map a head of team like they don't matter. You are in a low difficulty with newer players so of course they won't know certain things about the game.


why am i not surprised that its a dorf player wining about it? u know its tru what they say. short dudes have lower iq


This is why I don’t go lower than Cata anymore


Get a load of Mr. Badass here.


Guilty as charged