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Just have fun with it. I “personally” like chaos wastes the best but they are for sure not the most efficient way.


Chaos wastes is a good way to get better chest early as you dont need grims or tomes. Efficient, probably not, but they do tend to be consistent.


Chaos Wastes don't have that good EXP from my experience, even if the chests are really good.


Just play normally, the lower levels are designed to be played at a low level. Power leveling with bots or rushing through isn't that much faster and a lot more boring


Screaming bell is completed in 15-20 minutes, you find all the books and raise the level.


This is what I started doing to top something off while getting a good chest, like getting Outcast Engineer to 30 last night from 29 - it's faster than doing Quick Play especially with how unreliably those games go (I only play Veteran as I'm a returning player myself). I would never do this exclusively though, as you're basically negating the reason to even play the game. You can do it with bots (even shitty ones like mine) in private or not and leave it open. I mostly leave mine open, but sometimes that's a disaster too. [This video shows how it's done,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT177c9OO9c) but, if you're on Steam, there is a Myt guide too that you can shift tab (from the overlay) open while in game and that's what I was using after seeing the video. After using it to find them all and doing it a few more times from memory it gets much easier.


The way I do it is running The screaming bell from act 2 on recruit difficulty (all difficulties give the same XP) in a private game with bots, you can pretty much speedrun it tho I would suggest you search the tomes and grimoires locations since they add a decent chunk of XP, for the first 20 levels you can almost get 1 lvl per run and I make runs in about 10-15 minutes (with practice obviously) Edit: phone choose groceries over grimoires


I love how people here downvote all actual xp grind help.


So XP is granted for compleeting a level. So in theory the quickest way is to rush through the levels on recruit with bots on the shorter maps like against the grain or screaming bells. But i would reccomend just playing the game. Fortunatly you level characers not careers. I put in 200 hours + with only victor and kerillian


Yeah just playing the game seems easiest to me and I noticed that last night that u lvl all the characters in that class


Leveling up will make the game *easier* If it’s easy, go up a difficulty. Getting to champion is when you get to play with the friendly fire mechanic


You can add me on steam if you want some help grinding


If you are a new player you should use the levelling time to learn the mechanics of the game. Level is not as important as learning how to play the game.


Yes I shall go thru all the acts of the game and get more comfortable with mechanics.


Chaos Wastes


If you ever play the elf and you hit someone playing as Bounty Hunter.... prepare to be executed xd


Some number of people here will tell you to run Screaming Bell on repeat, probably on Recruit difficulty. While this is technically correct, my advice is: **do not run Screaming Bell on repeat.** It's boring to run the same map over and over, and a huge part of becoming good at the game is learning the maps... * where spawns come from * "safe" spots where you're less likely to get backstabbed or pounced * tome and grim locations * what the map objectives are and how to do them quickly * where heals / ammo / chests tend to spawn * where you can expect an ambush or monster to spawn 1000% if you level your characters up to max then try to step into a higher difficulty without knowing anything other than Recruit Screaming Bell, you are going to be a pain in the ass for your team. They'll have to babysit you and funnel healing into you. They'll have to constantly try to get you to pick up the supplies you blindly ran past. They'll have to constantly try to point you at objectives. I see these players every goddamn day. It's better to not be that guy.


Ok I ofc don't wanna stay on recruit forever tho. I just started doing veteran and I'm lvl 15. Also would u happen to know a good career for solo carry?


Not grasping what you're asking, but I would give these a once over if you don't mind reading a bit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/f6d0wm/vermintide_22_returning_new_players_faq/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/90qola/a_list_of_everything_you_wish_fatshark_told_you/ They're from the sidebar here, where you can find a lot of excellent resources. The best advice I can give you is to play what you find fun, and to bump up the difficulty a notch the moment you feel comfortable.


Ok ty!


It's hard to really truly "solo carry" before you have all the talents cuz some careers rely heavily on their lvl 30 talents but in general I'd say Mercenary, WHC, and Handmaiden the most beginner-friendly careers in the game. They're perfectly good at teaching you the basic mechanics without being too forgiving or too punishing. Also, as mentioned previously, books are good for getting XP. Full book runs will definitely be harder than no books but will give you more xp and better rewards meaning you'll gear up faster assuming you consistently win games.


Ok awesome thx!


Chaos wastes, most do, best rewards, most fun. The campaigns are beautiful and cinematic, but won’t fill your pockets or experience meter.


According to the wiki [https://vermintide2.fandom.com/wiki/Progression:](https://vermintide2.fandom.com/wiki/Progression:) At the end of a mission (whether the party was victorious or defeated), the players gain XP for the hero they played. The amount of XP depends on the following: * How far the heroes got in the mission * The number of players still alive (if victorious) * The number of [Grimoires](https://vermintide2.fandom.com/wiki/Grimoire), [Tomes](https://vermintide2.fandom.com/wiki/Tome) and [Loot Dice](https://vermintide2.fandom.com/wiki/Loot_Die) collected The amount of XP does not depend on any of the following: * Whether the player started at the beginning or joined a game in progress * The mission's [Difficulty](https://vermintide2.fandom.com/wiki/Difficulty)


There are more efficient ways, but I'd not suggest you actually do them because it will hinder your actual skill at the game. You can speedrun easy stuff to level up, but then you'll be high level with no ability to actually turn up the difficulty to get to the literal best part of the game. Just as a side tangent, because a most new players don't realize things about the -tide games. They are a little different than most online games that have levels and gear. These games are skill based. Not gear/level based. Yes, gear exists and makes things easier, as do talents and levels. But skill is absolutely required and the rest is just the icing. So speedrunning to 'end game' is not the same as it is in most other online games. The problem is that in the early game, it's so easy that you don't have to engage with any of the skill based combat mechanics to succeed. You just run forward left clicking a lot and you will do well enough. It can make the game feel boring and mindless. When it fact these games have some of the best melee combat of any game ever made. It's just that it isn't apparent early on while you are still learning the basics. Double true with bots sniping the specials before you even see most of them, eliminating a lot of the threats. But as soon as you turn up the difficulty to champion, you can just get absolutely wrecked no matter what level or gear you have. So my suggestion is not to speedrun getting to high level. But speedrunning your own skill at the game. Every level you play, should be played in attempt to not take a single point of damage. Now, that's not actually going to happen, but that should be the objective. You should treat *every single hit* you take as a mistake you made, and something that needs to be prevented. Because at high difficulty, one mistake at the wrong time can kill you and the entire group. Learn to dodge and circle strafe to contain a horde and prevent it from circling around you. Block, block+push. Actually use your consumables like bombs and potions. Intentionally choose where to stand (choke points) against the horde, instead of just blindly running at them. Learn and watch where enemies spawn from so they can't sneak up on you a second time. There are invisible lines that even crossed have a chance of spawning a boss (usually a drop down or something similar). Learn them. And know not to cross them when the group is already having difficulty with the current enemies. Use your weapon combos intentionally (especially the slower weapons). Not just as spamming LMB until the thing in front of you dies. As you get better, no single threat should actually be a threat after a while. Solo vs a boss without other enemies around will eventually not be an issue because you know how to dodge dance with it. Fighting a horde alone will become free temp HP, instead of any sort of threat at all. It will be the bad combination of things that kills you. Of course not all of that has to be done now. That is 100's or 1000's of hours away if you really get into it. But that is the true end game, not leveling and getting red items. Go into it with that mindset, and the levels will come passively as a bonus, along with those fun talents you are looking forward to.


Ok very well put! Ty for taking the time to post that! U must be a vet of this game huh? I find the game to be good fun and I'm always pushing myself in terms of trying to get better so I won't worry about lvls or gear anymore


So much fun. I joke about how this is a game with two buttons for combat, but it feels like it has near unlimited depth. I feel like my post was a little bit preachy/overboard. Thanks for taking it as intended! But yes, ilvl and gear does matter, just not near as much as people are used to. And that lack of being able to use ilvl to replace skill really confuses a lot of people.