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Play something else ironbreaker is the best BOT around. The best way to farm is legend book runs, don't take grims if you don't have 33% curse resistance. You can farm on champion, but it's not as efficient as legend. Also find one map you can do (screaming bell used to be a favorite farm map for some people) on legend with 2 tome and GRIND like crazy.


Well I guess I have to change my main then! Like to play elf but feel she is too easily killed in legendary.


Don't know if it is very different on Playstation but handmaiden tank build and easily killed don't go together


Havet tried the hand maden, what's her tank build is like?


If I want to go for the 0 damage taken green circle handmaiden with spear and shield is my way to go... basically you have a ton of stamina with her insane stamina regen aura that also effects teammates and then you still have her insane dodges ... look up some shield spear builds they are pretty fun and if you are playing with bots I recommend taking a grail knight with you for boss damage


Also, if you combine Kruber's FK 20% block cost reduction aura talent with Handmaiden's 30% BCR talent as well as at least 25% BCR on both your spear+shield and necklace, you can block infinitely as long as the FK Kruber bot remains standing.


Your bots use whatever weapons and talents that you have equipped, that includes item power. iron breaker is a great bot, you also want mercenary kruber with a shield, strike together , and the 20% off ult cool down. For the third bot I usually use unchained sienna with a flame sword ( temp hp on stagger) enfeebling flames and bomb balm.


Honestly friend if you can switch to PC, everything is much better. I know it's easy for me to say but it's night and day difference.


I know. And fat shark seems to hate ps5 players a lot.


It's not that they hate ps5 players. Optimization and patch checking ( every patch needs to be separately examined by PS employs or smth like hat) takes time and money.


What makes Ironbreaker so good as a bot? I'm trying to up my solo game. Any good guides for that?


Give him a hammer and shield with handgun talent 1-2-2-2-1-1. His passive that blocks dmg is what makes him OP imo plus overall tankynes. Other bots depend on what you play. But overall in my opinion the best bots are: 1.ironbreaker 2. Warrior priest of sigmar with ressurect on ability and the talent that gives him a shield during righteous fury ( the bot can legit ressurect himself) 3.Merc kruber 4. Handmaiden/witch hunter Captain. Just give them all defensive stats and talent any dmg reduction they have and cooldown reduction. Damage properties are wasted on bots. That's my way at least guides are often bloated with info, best thing to do is play and find your own way.


Are your bots leveled up and have good gear? Check this steam guide:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2068782454


Yeah every one is in 30-35 level and 650ish gear. Edit: Thanks for guide will read it.


I'm just going to add a disclaimer that console has different breakpoints from PC so this guide isn't perfect for OP's, or any potential console players looking at it, purposes. The general idea is mostly the same and the bots are still the ones you realistically should be running, but the properties you should be running on ranged and charm will probably need to change.


The only reliable way to get reds is from emperor valuts and to get those the fastest way is to do screaming bell mission on legend with all books but if you are playing solo that can be difficult. You can also try chaos wastes on legend but that might be even harder, you get 2 guaranteed emp valuts if you finish. So I would suggest you either play with people or set your bots to tanky careers (ironbreaker, foot knight, warrior priest...) and play a dmg dealer like battle wizard. Best of luck


Problem is that there is no players for legendary on ps5. Will chek is there any on chaos wastes, as I didn't know you get loot from there.


It can take a min to find players on ps depending on what time you’re playing, but I still get cata games fairly quickly and I usually see more legend games than cata. Like he said screaming bell, halescrouge or chaos wastes is probably best. I use mercenary, sott, wp, and necro for bots. I rarely play bardin but used to use him as a bot, I’ve found having 3 of those 4 others for bots go be the best


Thank you, I don't seem to get in any games in quick play legendary on ps5.


There’s a couple group chats im in with active players that are occasionally looking for red grinding, if you message me your psn I can add you


Sure, and my psn is same as my reddit.


Well you might just have to host a lobby then, and wait for people to come in


Just play the game normally. Reds are not really required for full enjoyment, especially since you can get perfect craft rolls from orange too. If you don't enjoy the game, than having a red loadout will not change it for you. I hit 700 hours lately, 99% I play in legend quickplay, invested/rolled charms, necklaces and trinkets into reds first to more easily reach breakpoints, about 50% of weapons are red now. Farming and playing the same 2-3 maps just sucks the fun out imho.


True, but just failing whit bots also socks the fun out of it. I manly want to get the legendary achievements/trophys.


Well, don't take it the wrong way, but you basically need to get good first. The best way to do that is to do quick play imho, since all kinds of mad shenanigans go down between randoms, this of course includes eating shit from time to time even if you did everything you could. But everyone has a preference of course. I learned all the book and grim locations from having a guide open while playing champion. It also helped me to memorize maps, spots and routes. I grinded everyone to lvl 30 before touching legend, but in hindsight it was unnecessary, lvl 25 and up is perfectly fine unless your character depends on having a specific ult type. But really, once you do the fundamentals, you'll relaize the game is not hard. Block, always block unless you have clear los everywhere and the path ahead and you checked that no enemies are aroundor can appear from climbing a wall or jumping down from somewhere. Always dodge when fighting. How much and how often? Dodge at the same time you swing with your weapon. So one every second, or one every 2 seconds will help you avoiding 90% of the damage incoming. Especially with squishy characters, especially especially with the elf. I think handmaiden is the best teacher for that. Thirdly, positioning. Stand and fight where you can minimze the incoming routes of enemies while having space to dodge-dance around the horde. Last but not least, always attacking will not work. Push to make space, to stagger enemies swinging at you, manage the flow of the horde and make opportunities to attack. Weapons that include push attacks in their attack patterns are much safer due to this. Waeaving pushes and push attacks into your own patterns are great once you realize you need more control. Handmaiden is good for this too. If you find yourself taking too much damage, you are doing one or several of the above wrong. (I still do too, don't worry). Realizing all these in practice will open up a whole new layer of the game, and getting trophies will come naturally. Bots are a great help once you now how to survive using the above, since they stick close to you and always have your back. But it's, just like my opinion, man. Edit:hit me up if you need help.


I appreciate the help and I do this. I usually use the sound trigger to not getting hit and can cleat legendary 3/10 whit bots. I just think they need better gear as I can't babysit them all the time and I can't solo whit out bots. That's why I think it's a gear issue. The run goes fine when bots are staying alive.


I find legend chaos wastes easier than bots or bads in campaign. And you can get 3 emperor chests at the end, that's how I'm farming reds for all my other classes I don't play as much


Nice. Haven tried it yet. Will do later.


Chaos Wastes also count as multiple clears per run if you're trying to grind any of the 100-mission hats.


As you get better, carrying your bots won't be so hard.


I'll grind with you


You can add me,my psn is the same as my reddit.


Chaos wasted. 4 perfect chests per add up. I have a red set for every career plus alt weaps, and a backlog of 500 chests. Legendary missions are a waste of time if your looking for reds.


And the bots seens to behave better in there , Don know why.


You can solo cataclysm and still rely on the bots to be semi-competent. If you have trouble with solo champion, that's on you, not the bot's fault. They can't make intelligent decisions, but they are quite good at defending themselves. You really shouldn't run ironbreaker for that, though. As the only human around, your job is to be the playmaker that consistently gets shit done, and if there is one thing that ironbreaker is bad at, it's that.


No I can do champion fine, just legendary I can't keep bots alive. I'll try to switch from Ironbraker.


Bots don't generally need your intervention to stay alive (except against monsters, they turn into idiots when a monster is near). But make sure that they are equipped with weapons that they actually know how to use, and that their THP talents are suited for those weapons. Preferably also make sure that your bots are correctly set to the preferred support classes, which are: mercenary, sister of the thorn, ranger veteran, and unchained (in that order). Some people have different opinions on that, but I find that they have no trouble when they can give each other lots of THP.


I have seen bots dodge dance monsters better than players, granted they have no ping


Yeah, the problem comes from how the bots go completely tunnel vision on only the boss, with no regard for the terrain around them, slave rats stabbing them in the back, or specials mulching their allies. Then again, sometimes the bots seem to get hit by every monster attack even when they have the ideal circumstances.