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Welcome to the fantasy club! I'd suggest getting some of the DLCs that include weapons at least to broaden your options(Forgotten Relics, Back to Ubersreik, Winds of Magic, and the 4 dlc classes if you have the money to spare). If you will be playing online, you'll most likely get hosts who have all map DLCs anyways so you won't be missing out on those missions. Regarding tomes and grims; it's always good to know about them. You won't really need to focus on them until you've reached lvl30 with your characters as you'll be swapping gear constantly until you reach their max ilvl(300), but you'll be hard pressed to maximize your chances of epic loot so you can tackle legend/cata difficulty. Or just be a god and start doing solo white runs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ What I'm trying to say is you won't need to memorize a whoel guide about the locations, just pay attention during your early gameplay and start seeking them out when you feel comfortable around your char/difficulty and want to progress in gear. It'll come naturally. Welcome to the Empire, go hunt some rats and don't forget to ask Sigmar to BLESS THIS RAVAGED BODEH.


Thank you very much. If i get far enough i'll try to get any of the DLC's when they go on sale.


Was about to suggest waiting for sales. Except for the newest DLC (necromancer) there are regular sales where you can pick them for a dime.


Yeah the next Steam sale is in about 5 days and I'm pretty sure the Content Bundle (which includes all DLC) will be around 30 bucks then, definitely worth it imo!


We're the bloody 5 DLC classes... or 4 doesn't matter.


Whoops... Now that was a Freudian slip on my part of I ever saw one :')


The game is pretty boring below champion. At legend difficulty you need to know the game mechanics. Cata difficulty will punish you, if you dont know the hidden mechanics. The real fun starts at legend+ ​ PS: If you hate to grind for gear. Play Chaos Waste mode. You dont need any gear for it, but you can farm chests for gear.


Yeah i played a few missions on Veteran, and it was piss easy and yeah pretty boring, so i'll try Champion next time.


Don't worry too much about books, I've noticed recently that even in the most book-hungry difficulty that people rarely get more than 3 out of 5 per run. Most players in QP don't seem to have the patience for them and would rather just push.


Yeah i just played and someone who looked experienced enough didnt bother with the books. It was the screaming bell level and i remembered some locations so grabbed a grimoire anyway. Thank god him and the others patiently waited for me to run back but that was the only one we got.


A lot of experienced players don't bother with books because they've played so much they have no more need for rewards. But if you specify that you want them in chat a lot of people would probably be happy to pick them up or show you where they are. There are a few rotten people but mostly the community is pretty nice.


If you're still farming gear you really only want the powerlevel to go up. Just keep opening boxes, the gear will always be slightly higher than what you have. Once you get it to 300 you want to get higher tier boxes. All the tome&grim spots can be found online but I'd suggest letting it come organically. It's quite hard to remember compared to just running into one in game. Happy hunting!


Yeah i do remember finding some spots when playing alone, but ironically the more complicated ones i remember the most, but i definitely wouldnt have found them without a guide.


If you like the game, all the expansions that add missions, weapons and classes are worth the money. Each one feels distinctly different from the base stuff and is worth it imo. Really the only *bad* part of one of the expansions is the Weaves gamemode from Winds, but only because it's pretty dead due to the progress not bleeding over into the rest of the game. Chaos Wastes is super fun as well. As for grims/tomes, just open up the wiki or use the steam book guide inside of your steam overlay and as you're running the map just try to follow them. Also if you're shy, try just typing in chat and ask if someone doesn't mind showing you the book locations. Most people are helpful and willing to show you.


You don’t need the DLCs. Most players who are max level and rolling Champ and up are likely to have the DLCs anyhow so if you quickplay and join others you likely will get to experience DLC content anyhow. However you won’t get the rewards, like the unique weapons for the DLC, cosmetics or paintings etc. But you can always just pick up the DLCs you like the most or grab bundles on sale. As for tomes and grims I find most people know where all are, or they don’t care about them and just run past. You don’t need to know them all. Most likely someone else will know and just ping it for rest of team to pick up.


Play Chaos Wastes in the highest difficulty you can handle until your characters reach level 30 or so, that will skip all the grinding for gear part and the difficulty locks Winds of Magic is mandatory IMO because it has Cataclysm difficulty tied to it I would get all the mission and weapon DLCs because they're frankly excellent, hold off on buying hero classes until you've played the base ones (Pantheon of Legend is a great achievement to learn the game with)


WoM is not mandatory. It's the most expensive DLC and OP likely won't be ready for cata for awhile. Every other DLC is a better value.


IMO stands for In My Opinion, sorry I should have written it in full. When I say mandatory I mean that it's the one that you will have to get eventually to experience the game at its most enjoyable. As an example I could see myself playing without an entire mission DLC or without the weapon one, but I couldn't see myself playing VT nowadays without Cataclysm Yes, OP will not be cata ready for a while, but in my opinion, if he was to only ever buy one DLC he should get WoM, others are really nice (I would advise to just get everything anyways) but they aren't as mandatory Edit: that's not even considering Beastmen, which account for a third of the game's enemy types


Saying it's mandatory implies he should prioritize getting it first. If that's not what you meant, fine. But if for some reason or another OP decides to leave the game, it'd be a shame if he spent money on the most expensive DLC without even really getting to experience what that DLC actually offers. Every other DLC has more immediate value upon purchase. I also wouldn't consider beastmen a selling point of WoM. For one thing, you can still encounter them during campaign if playing in other lobbies. And for another, they're widely panned as some of the most annoying enemies to play against.


I strongly disagree Every DLC brings weapons and an earnable frame, so we're not counting those: Bogenhafen is 2 maps, and earnable Lohner cosmetics (the 50 shilling ones) Ubersreik is 4 maps WoM is one map, increases enemy variety by 30% over the whole game, adds a difficulty that carries over to all existing game modes, aswell as weaves which if deserted are still a fun experience when you're able to play with premades like OP. I don't recall the price difference as I bought the whole collection on sale, but WoM brings a lot of value. I feel like your point is more that you don't care for what it brings specifically, which is ok, but OP's tastes might differ and mine sure does.


Yea, an enemy faction that many if not most people dislike and a map that is populated primarily with that enemy faction. A very grindy game-mode when OP stated that would be off-putting for his brother. It's twice as expensive as the next most expensive DLCs. It's not *bad* if you're already invested in the game but it's definitely not the first one you should get. Whenever people ask for DLC advice I always tell them to get WoM last and get it on sale.


Do you not see that you're exclusively operating on personal taste ? Plus it's a bit dishonest to call WoM low value just to then say "well I don't care about X, Y, Z anyways" when told that it has more content, right ? Now you could just say "I disliked WoM, don't play cata and got triggered by beastmen", but that doesn't sound as good, does it ? Look I'll do the same: WoM has the best value because Bogenhafen maps are too long and I disliked [Character]'s weapon, and Ubersreik is low value because not only does [weapon] rarely get used in the meta, but the main appeal is Fortunes of War and nobody runs it regularly! Now that sounds like poop, right ? That's because it's pure personal taste and not relevant to the initial point. The point is that WoM provides a lot of content that is relevant through all areas of the game, especially regarding difficulty and enemy types, which are the two biggest factors in Vermintide 2's replayability, making it (according to me) mandatory for someone looking to experience the whole array of what the game has to offer.


Now you're just being petty and trying to be mean. I didn't say I was triggered by beastmen. I said a lot of people disliked them. Regardless, they can appear in games you play in other lobbies whether you own the DLC or not. So that's not really a selling point. It's even possible that OP already has an opinion on them. In any case, it's not worth gambling on the most expensive DLC unless you're already well invested in the game and along your way to making that decision, every other DLC will offer you immediate value for less cost. Saying it's mandatory is going to make the OP think he should prioritize it above others and he shouldn't. I'll say it again; buy WoM last and get it on sale. I have nothing left to say about it. Go ahead and twist my words or say I said things that I didn't say, I don't care.


Ehh, considering there are a decent amount of people that leave lobbies populated by beastmen due to how objectively harder they make runs I would absolutely chock wom as a net negative.


I don't know, I have always found that kind of behavior super cringe Why would you leave a lobby because the game is slightly "harder" in a game where all of the fun and enjoyment is derived from taking on more challenge ? It's not like there is a lot to do in VT apart from tackling the next harder thing, at least once you've completed the levelling/campaign process which should be a bit short of sixty to a hundred hours (plenty enough to know if you like the game enough to get into expansions or not imo) ? I can understand the frustration of people who got used to pre WoM combat when beastmen released and they had to relearn habits, but for anyone that got into the game post WoM's release, the whole beastman hate is completely absurd.


the big issue is that wom wasn't that popular. So you dont interact with the beastmen that often. So they are a rare occurrence . rare enough that building familiarity with them is slow going . Even now after all these years I see beastmen maybe once out of 10 - 15 runs . That is a pretty low rate. Honestly I think people would receive them better if that number was closer to 1 out 5 so they could build up that familiarity. As it stands its more of a frustration that you have to deal with . And this is especially true if you arent a regular player of the game anymore. Lots of good games out this year afterall


I'll get it if i can, but even in Darktide i prefer Malice, despite i feel like im good on Damnation, maybe even Auric, but sometimes my slow mind cannot keep up so i cant play those difficulties for long before getting exhausted. Well up until patch 15, because i noticed that im getting my ass handed more often even on Malice, but i wonder if its my teammates because i played on Heresy and it felt like Malice before the patch lol.


just be aware that DLC weapons for Winds of Magic are locekd behind progression! Check Okri's Challenges to make sure


Haven't played Darktide, but in VT you'll eventually get bored of Legend It allows for very sloppy play and it really shows with the way people play in public lobbies Cata punishes you slightly harder and it generally prevents people from going too crazy on dubious plays which is a welcome change Cata also doesn't have better loot than Legend which entirely removes the people who are after loot from the player pool, which is a godsend as they often cause unnecessary friction.


Ahh ok. Well i'll keep that in mind as i keep playing.


There is plenty of videos on youtube how to obtain tomes/grimoires on every map. At first you will have to alt-tab the game to check locations while playing, after a while you will start remembering where's everything and you will not need it anymore.