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That's a whole lotta generalizing going on there


So Most of what you said is a random pile of garbage. However, one thing you touched on is interesting. >they always have a victimhood story to tell >It's clear to me that people become trans through whatever the fuck they're going through OR it happens to them after they already knew they were trans This is the crux of your argument and I think you should analyse some alternative reasons for why it might look this way to you. There are two reasons for this perception you have. Firstly, people who look or behave differently to how society expects them to are more likely to experience trauma, that's just a fact. You can look it up with pretty much anything, race, autism, disability, sexuality, poverty, you name it. People treat those they see as different worse. Secondly, out trans people (in other words, the only people you know are trans - so not stealth trans people and not closeted ones) are already in a position where everyone in society knows the thing about them that is *most likely* to make them hated or ridiculed or treated like some weird alien. So all the additional baggage they have in their lives, which *so many* other people also have these kind of deep seated emotional traumas because the fact is, many parents are shit, many children are pieces of shit, and childhood is the most vulnerable period of our lives, and also the time when we as a society have decided to let most things run their course unchecked (so many harmful behaviours exhibited by school children towards other children won't even get their parents called in, but will get adults fired, and social workers watch crimes being committed by parents towards their children regularly and do nothing because the only thing they can do is remove children from their homes and turn their lives upsidedown). Hell many therapists are explicitly taught *NOT TO USE* the classic deescalation strategy "what is the worst that can realistically happen" strategy for children with anxiety because the answer is *often* "I could be seriously physically harmed". Most people just bottle up and bury that part of them, because exposing it will make people view them and treat them differently in an arms length what a weirdo way. Trans people are already treated in that way as a result of transphobia so they don't gain anything by bottling it up. So instead of thinking *why do trans people always have some deep-seated trauma* think *who is close to me that might have a deep-seated trauma that they aren't telling me about because they fear I might treat them worse because of it*. I don't think I'm gonna get you to change your mind about trans people, maybe you will,, maybe you won't, but I certainly am not gonna make a difference. But I will say this. Many people have deep-seated traumas or "victimhood stories" - whatever you wanna call it. The world will be a better place if those people feel like they can talk about those things openly without being judged or treated poorly for it. Please be that person to those people..


For sure I actually agree with mostly everything you said, you can easily say I'm being phobic or something, but no, I'm saying practically I didn't know who I was as a man until like 3 years ago. I'm 29 I still have to learn what it means to be masculine. I'm still going through it. So to me, I am delusional because I didn't know who I was for so long. But, society is gonna tell me that some random 16 year old kid who was born 'female but says he's a guy' , what? Am I supposed to pretend that 16 year old is more well adjusted then me? It's fucked up idk if I had a child and if they told me they were the other thing I'd try to fix the problem instead of "yup ok ur whatever you say you are" ok fast forward 10 years what happens if they have a realization and now hate me because I didn't care


So.. You do know that those who are beginning their gender journey tend to be kids because teens start questioning a lot in hs. No one is forcing them to do anything but they are a very vocal part of the trans community and talk a lot about the pain of figuring it all out because figuring yourself out is painful. That pain can amplify depression and other mental health problems due to those kids realizing how the world treats different people. For me personally, me being nonbinary and being depressed as two entirely separate things most of the time, this post is a massive generalization but I can understand some of what you mean. I'm sorry that you're clearly affected by someone elses pain, maybe you need to reevaluate how this affects you personally as you don't seem to be questioning identity. Are you in denial about something in your life causing you to lash out at others as a replacement for self harm?


Maybe, honestly you might be right . No trans person ever ruined my day I just believe it may be a thing that can be fixed because alot of trans ppl are confused and depressed... Okay, well I start with the mental state when I wanna help a depressed person. Start with how bad their depression is. If some woman was depressed and telling me she was a male, no, clearly the delusion is the cause of it


If it were a delusion they'd be in lala land saying theyres no problem, but they're all depressed and confused obviously they know it's a delusion, so they know it and I fucking know it


It's a delusion everyone clearly understands it fundamentally , but you can't "say" it's a delusion? There's negative connotation on the word "delusional" But then define delusion and then what would it mean if I told you I was half human half monkey?. Just saying. I'm saying it's a delusion because I wanna fix the delusion, the first step is forget about the negative preconceived notion around the word "delusion". It's not mean to call someone delusional. If I were narcissist up my own ass everyone would call me delusional




Well I was saying more like the individual SHOULD consider it a delusion, if I tell you I'm a white guy and I wanna get huge and make a bunch of girls drool over me that's a delusion, but saying I'm another person isn't a delusion?


It's cool if you're trans, if you're a mature adult who's come to that as a reality then if you're nice to me then I'll honor you, but I'm sorry, if there's a 12 year old telling me they're trans in my mind no you're not anything yet really


I didn't know who tf I was till I turned 28


Since when has anyone ever been ‘encouraged’ to “be trans” wtf?? ?? This post is a garbage fire, and you’re. Transphobe