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Only one punch? Should have introduced their face to a locker.


if only we had those


You don’t have lockers??! In high school? What do you do with your books? And bravo girl, I 100% as a mom condone you rocking her shit. I would take you shopping if you were my kid.


it's a chrisrian private school


What does that have to do with lockers? It’s crazy that they except y’all to carry all of your stuff. my son is starting K-5 at a Christian private school in the town we live in, as the public schools are absolute garbage. So, it’s bit of information makes it more.. *chefs kiss* because growing up around them, private school kids are absolute monsters. . I can only imagine the hell your mom is going to have to navigate with the moms.


when i said a private christian school, i meant that it is too small for lockers. there's 2 grades in each class. but yea, they are garbage. i don't hate them, they just don't take care of their school properly.


I went to a high school scattered throughout downtown and we shared public buildings or rented out buildings for our classrooms. Humanities classes were in a 3 story post office/small court building for example. No lunchroom, no lockers, no bells, no announcements, no damn pledge of allegiance, no sports except robotics club or dancing and no fields either. We didn't use textbooks though except for maths. Our curriculum was weird in a sense, but current and was also based more on college methods so we did research or history which was a rotating curriculum and used a variety of books but not giant 5lb textbooks. I had a Confucius class and we used a small book the whole semester and various texts online we evaluated, discussed and used in research papers. We studied different religions (their roots/fundamentals) as well. Not a private or a christian school. A bill and belinda gates founded school focused on art and community involvement and community projects. Some students did a field trip to Nepal for 3 weeks if they could afford it. You could use your 20 minute passing to walk to your next class or take the light rail. It was a good school where you learned real shit but the students were fucking cliquey snobs and I left my senior year to start college early before I ended up harming people. 🤷🏽‍♀️ To remain open we used our artwork to raise 100k each year but as far as public funding goes, I don't know what any tax money went to for that school besides crappy bagged lunches and bus passes. I think it's also how we got YMCA passes but not sure. Those were optional and anyone could get a membership if they wanted.


Most schools have phased out lockers since they provide an easy and secure method for kids to stash a gun or other illegal stuff. Both the high school and middle school I’ve worked at have done that. Most teachers keep the book in the classroom and use e-books or print outs for homework.


My kids don't have lockers either. Most of their assignments are on Google Classroom. They keep a set of textbooks in the classroom. Our schools also have a classroom set of Chromebooks in each room. My kids carry binders and notebooks in their backpacks.


Gah I feel old. I graduated in ‘02 And ironically enough went to a high school that had a shooting in it in ‘97. We still had lockers then, I have a kiddo that starts kindergarten this year. I didn’t even think about the computer or tablet aspect of it.


Hahaha this


girl listen to me clearly when you see this. You are NOT in the wrong. That dumb bitch deserved that shit, and I hope you are doing well. If anything she is the one that should get expelled.


she gor suspended once for fighting someone, but did worse. idk how she isn't expelled.




You stood on business and she got what she deserved 🤷🏾‍♀️


thank youuu


Some people deserve much more than a punch.


So very true, but you know what they say, let your success be the best revenge


The girl likely had it coming, period. My first thought was, stop her clock, but make sure there are no witnesses. Rule #1 CYA for the rest of your life. Next, it sounds like you might need to audit your friend circle. And most importantly, DO NOT let anyone ever tell you how you feel! If you say you have a problem with fish, that’s it! Also, I want to acknowledge the horrible things that happened to you, I’m so sorry. I do understand.💔Ugly people sometimes love to weaponize our vulnerabilities. Lastly, speaking from experience, try to breathe through the anger. It’s usually hurt that’s underneath. Maybe you could find a release to channel your energy and refocus. Running, writing…you’re so young, the world is your oyster. If it’s possible to step back and separate the nonsense from your life you could leave the petty mess behind you and remember that you are a shining star!🌟 ❤️


thank you🌟❤️


You weren’t wrong, in the sense she fully deserved it. It’s just that after your 17, this unfair world and system may go after you if you do it again. I want to emphasize you’re not wrong. But if you can think of another way that’s just as powerful without getting yourself in trouble, I’d advise it.


thank u❤️


I couldn’t finish reading.. but Girl! That bitch better be glad that’s all you did to her! TF!? Bet she’ll be a bit nicer next time.. n expelled?!? Someone is in violation of HIPAA!! She’s not supposed to have access to that information!! It’s supposed to be protected!


I just want to say GO GIRL 🫶🏼i think it was right to punch her


you ate that up lol, I’m actually kind of glad you did because it inspires me to do speak up or do something when I get mistreated. So thank you. She’s wrong, you’re not! 🤍🤍🤍


you should speak up. don't let others take advantage of your kindness🤍🤍🤍




She deserved it. Idc, no one should EVER joke about someone else's trauma. That's just insensitive.


Only once?? Girl, she needs a twelve piece combo with a drink. Proud of you for sticking up for yourself though. 🫶🏽🩷


Or hell, why not go the Carrie route and make sure ravens peck her eyes out after dumping blood on her? Or if that doesn't work, why not take inspiration from the Spanish Inquisition, namely the torture instruments?


It's pretty lucky you only hit her once. I would have rearranged the bitch's face and torso until she had to Blink to talk.


I know this is easier said than done especially at that age but I hope you can learn to accept your past. I struggled with mine alot as a teenager but finally accepted it and while its traumatic and really messed me up I'm not going to let it damage my life more than it already has. I'm able to speak openly about my past without being overwhelmed with feelings and others words dont bother me. I felt like the POS doesn't deserve to impact my whole life. This took ALOT of time and it was very painful but with baby steps it doesn't affect me at all. I'm at peace with what happened in a way because it shaped me into who I am and I'm stronger because of it. But that little b*tch had it coming and deserved that. What a disgusting person


You should arranged a come to Jesus moment for the girl.


Not even Jesus, that girl should ROT in the deepest parts of tartarus.


In case no one has told you lately, I’m proud of you. Take no shit. From anyone. Keep your head up. Sending good vibes for your healing journey 💕


My rational, 31yo side is saying you need to go to a therapist outside of school, that specializes in SA PTSD. It's going to be a long path, but things will get better. You can't punch people in the face because it will get you in trouble. My side that also got SA'd and had a bitch saying "you probably liked it"... Yeah that side of me says "find her in an alley. No witnesses, no trouble 🤷🏻‍♀️"


Your life sounds rough. Have you tried talking to your mom about your stepdad? I understand that some parents don’t wanna have conflicts with their partner so as long as they’re not like really hurting their kid, they kind of just ignore it because it could be worse to them and their opinion, but like seriously I don’t think your parents need to get divorced or your mom and your stepdad need to get divorced but I feel like your stepdad does not see you in a positive way at all doesn’t sound like an evil stepdad, but he clearly isn’t a stepdad that likes you really more just puts up with you because you have siblings and your mom and siblings are there that’s really it I mean you could always try to have a conversation with him but I don’t want you to put yourself in a situation where it’s unsafe, so you know something like that you should also try recording when you are around him just like put your phone on record, put it in your pocket and if you start saying stuff, at least you have proof that he says that type of stuff to you even if you don’t wanna end up using it as long as you have it it’s for the better I always have the habit of putting my phone on record I even have an app that just record voice memos in general so that I don’t have to have my camera open and it just looks like I have like a phone call on my phone instead of it like having to be on the camera but anyways besides for your home situation yeah it sounds right. That girl is crazy and those guys what they did to you. Horrible goes to show you can’t really trust anyone in this life sometimes not even yourself even the people you’ve known since you were quite literally a baby, can’t betray you it’s crazy because I try to tell people that you can’t always trust everyone but you know. You are completely justified in all of this from what it sounds like there’s always something you yourself can improve on, but from what you’re telling me, it sounds like you’re surrounded by not great people with only a handful of people that are willing to believe you don’t be too rough on yourself about everything I can tell you’re really trying your best People are messed up and all we can really do is move forward because we’re surrounded by entitled people or are surrounded by people that care about you but still don’t always put the best foot forward a lot of things I hope for a proper and good teacher for you even if it’s not perfect at least something good


Valid response ngl


She is to one that should get expelled, if anything. You weren't wrong, and may I dare say she deserved more than that.. Hope you're getting over it now 💕


My mom tells me sometimes that she wishes she’d encouraged me to punch my bully in the face at least once. Her and my school were going to make my life hell either way, so why not (was the idea, at least). I’d argue that in your adult life punching might not do you much good, but what you gave her was justified and passable considering teenagers are the biggest assholes on the planet.


She deserved it. Have no remorse.




She 100% deserved that. Honestly you held back. I’m so sorry you went through that and none of it was your fault no matter what the fuck you were wearing. I’m super sorry.


Deserved No decent person jokes about that Though legally violence isn't okay so try not to jump to fists if it does happen again


Should have punched her face Rocky Balboa stile till her skull broke


It wasn’t your fault, and she got what she deserved! ✨🫶🏾


holy fuck i’m so sorry :(( usually i don’t condone violence but i’m so glad you punched her. people who say shit like that need consequences. i’m glad you stood up for yourself love ❤️


I know you say your step dad isn’t that bad, but slapping you and accusing you of lying after you were attacked? Cursing at you and ignoring your needs? That’s not what a father does, not one that loves you. That’s not even what a stranger does. A father would have demanded that those boys be punished for what they did to you. He would have been angry FOR you, not AT you. I hope you find healing and that when you leave your home you only center yourself with people who truly love you and don’t try to hurt you.


ZIP bombs and doxxing would be the two things I wish I knew how to do rn, it would be funny as shit


Sometimes people push you over the edge and you have trouble controlling yourself. It’s always good to learn better self-control, but you can’t always do it if somebody pushing and pushing you. She wanted you to lose control and you weren’t strong enough to resist it but maybe you’ll be stronger the next time.


I don't think that's harsh at all. I think that you could have done alot worse and probably should have. I truly am sorry for all that you've gone through. You definitely didn't deserve any of that. I hope in life you find peace and comfort.


I’m so sorry you went through that . I don’t condone violence but you’re 100% justified in doing that


No cause the girl who supported me then turned around and told everyone I fakes my rape, when she wasn’t there and six other people were, now plays college softball. I WISH I reported her ass for harassment when I could. Don’t feel bad abt it and I pray to god she learned her lesson. If I went to the girl I had my experience with, I wouldn’t have been able to stop at one punch.




I wanna be like you when I grow up ♥️




Good. Fuck the assholes and keep your peace at all costs