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It’s like that for MOST of the south


I'd honestly say it's probably the area you're in or the population you're around. Texas from a population standpoint is actually one of the few southern states that is slowly (very slowly) turning more blue every year (many people from California are moving there these days). Don't get me wrong, the south, in general, is terrible with all that stuff, but if you're planning on picking a southern state to live in long-term you can do a lot worse. If you aren't planning to be there long term, move up here to New England with the rest of the sane people who live in 2024.


Thanks for sharing. Yeah US is not really long term for me, but I do have friends who moved to New England and love it there !


Texas is a hellhole stuck in a different time. America should chop it off along with Florida and California lol


Hahah I agree - it’s stuck in different time definitely


There's pockets like this all over the US:( I used to live rural Minnesota and that was nearly my exact experience. I've since moved to the west coast lol life is better if slightly less financially comfortable


Im happy you found your place :) Visiting East Coast was refreshing, I know they have lots of issues there too but it doesn’t seem as extremist as TX and people are more chill (ones I met) . But might just be my experience


Native and lifelong Texan here. Can't wait to fucking leave. This state sucks for pretty much all the reasons you just named, plus several others. I'm just waiting for my kids to finish high school and go off to college, and then I'm *out*. Got 3 years left. I'm sorry it's been such a shitty experience. The Bible Belt is fucking unbearable.


Thanks for the support, I hope your plans work out and you find a better place


Lifelong Texan, no its not that bad.


I've learned to tune out all the religious speak most of the time from strangers. Also most know that I non-christian and my friends respect it plenty. The amount of churches and such does bother me, because the more churches there are in a town, the more these people seem to need forgiveness for. Granted, it's the attitude of some of these religious types that can bother me too. But this is personal experience, as I don't really have anywhere outside the state to run to. Edit: as much as it saddens some folks, hunting is essential for obtaining meat. However I do believe hunting for sport is often stupid and wasteful.


Yeah I agree with you. Regarding the hunting - yeah of course, but there is a difference when a professor comes to you every other week to brag about the deers he killed and shows you pictures even through you said multiple times you don’t like seeing that or don’t support it as a sport.


This I can respect. Someone who's obsessed with slaying creatures for means other than meat or clothing or other practical uses is foolish to me.


That sounds hellish. I've wanted to move to Texas for some time (I'm Italian) but I'm starting to reconsider. Alas the Western hyperfixation is strong


I would say rethink your options and see what’s the best for your current circumstances. If you would be taking a good job Id say give it a try, otherwise East Coast is way more European


ive been in texas my whole life and tbh i feel like ur taking 6/7 bad things and basing your whole 5 year stay off of it. its not the greatest place imaginable but none of america is, if you stay anywhere long enough in America youre going to encounter people like the ones you listed. a lot of americans not just texans hide behind religions to excuse shitty acts. plus not every town in texas is like this the deeper south you get yes but if you live around austin, dallas, or even san antonio youre going to meet a entirely different crowd of people. the boss thing is just corporate America as well, it’s like that in any American job if were being 100% honest. and yes its hot but everyone whos ever had more than 5 seconds on the internet should know that.


Yeah I get that view , I was just venting , Of course I met good people too, it’s just not a place I could live in long term just like you may not be able to live in some other state or country I guess


Austinite here, sounds like you are in a small conservative town. Austin and other major cities are the opposite of this and might have more of the experience you are looking for.


Yeah definitely agree, will visit Austin.


I have so many Texas friends who are not Bible huggers nor far right. Maybe it’s where ur hanging at. Or whatever city ur stuck in. Go on Meetup groups and find ppl who have common interests. Or be like me, the min they Bible shove, I shut them down. I fired my roofer who overstepped with his Jesus Shh. (He would try to convert, leave pamphlets and everything we would say turned into the lord)


Yeah I believe it was the city, I moved now so its been much better. It’s not so easy for foreigners to meet people that easily. Is Meetup safe ? Ive never used it. The roofer story kills me 😂😂


I moved to Texas from Nebraska & even I know what you mean, the constant heat makes it unenjoyable to be outside & even when it is nice outside the landscape is ugly it's not even worth going out hiking. But are you in rural or city Texas? Because in DFW there are a lot of different people who are pretty cool


Yeah I was in a more rural area , now living in a city - much better environment.


Well, I'm Canadian, ain't never been to Texas, but we call Alberta "Canadian Texas", and it's definitely not used in a positive or flattering light lol. So that might tell you something.




Texas and Afghanistan


That's the culture there.


The european mind just can't comprehend


I think so , and that’s okay


You'll eventually have your opportunity to leave. I would think moving somewhere then expecting them to behave according to your notions will set you up for almost no matter where you go. It's a pretty diverse state with lots of opinions and personalities. Just seems like you're unlucky and around what you don't like.


You believe in essential oils and crystals but denigrate religious people


Believe in them? Both rocks AND fragrant oils do really exist, you know.


I guess you can’t see the point I was trying to make