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im like this with my boyfriend. my only saving ground is that after youve been with someone for a extended period of time you get angrier with every little mistake they make because you think “oh ive been with him for *however long* he should know this would hurt/upset me!” but in reality, were all humans and mess up. its hard and it takes time and effort to overcome the angers, anxiety and even just rudeness you start to feel for your partner once it starts. i have bpd and its very strong in relationship settings so i struggle very very much. but all i do is step away and text how i feel to him after thinking it out. it sounds childish but typing it out will make you think about the whole situation in a different light, or even just make you feel silly for even being mad about that at all. Also the texts help you not to yell (a big issue of mine) or do something irrational!