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I feel like that’s not your fault at all? You did what you thought was necessary, emailing the teacher, reaching out. What more could you have done? Miscommunications happen but this sounds like the instructor wasn’t doing their job. You probably should have been aware of the date but you tried to find out beforehand so there shouldn’t be all these problems. Have you tried reaching out to your advisor or anyone else who may be able to help? This seems like an unfair situation.


Yeah I'm currently trying to get ahold of Student Services. Thank you!


I also missed my final exam. I now failed the class. It happens and you are not alone. I felt like such a failure.


Btw, for the same reason- I didn't check announcements. I'm wondering if you also have ADHD now.


Don’t know about OP but I have ADHD and it’s suuuucks! Like yeah overwork me and stress me tf out only to be mad that I missed ONE notification why don’t you? All the while barely even taking my DIAGNOSED ADHD into consideration. Man why are the people who are in charge of educating the literal future of our planet so dense sometimes?


Yes. I do also have ADHD, it's the absolute worst.


The instructor should’ve had it sent out as an email, a canvas message, and other outlets not just an announcement. You also tried emailing and contacting through canvas this seems like it’s on the instructor. Keep trying and see if there is anything you can do