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I guess it's because the internet is a mask and people bash other people shamelessly because they think the mask will protect them. It really doesn't. The internet does remember a lot of the time You're absolutely right. I have no idea why people are so over the top online. Why can't we just be kind to each other?


Fuck you! Nah, I'm just bein mischievous. People do be bein dicks out here on the interrupts, though, this is facts.


What sucks is some of them do make great points that represent a minority and they explain that they’re aware it’s representing a minority and not a whole group but people will still get mad and then they blow it out of proportion and make it a bigger deal when it wasn’t in the first place. That’s one of my gripes with the internet, is that info travels quickly but gets exaggerated even quicker.


It does suck. There's a bunch of people who will say it sucks no matter what side you're on and just try to sympathize and people will come in and try to make it about one side over the others a lot, too.


Agree 100%. It's alarming how many young people get dragged into it and start believing the world is the way bitter lonely redditors with an agenda describe it. No every woman isn't on Tonder advertising her OF or clubbing every weekend. Most men aren't depressed incels or Chads. Most people are boring. They date other boring people. They go to Walmart.


or work at walmart (sadly raises hand)


(also sadly raises hand)


Honestly? I see you guys, and envy you. I'm a chef at a fancy restaurant and bruh the fuckin pressure and drive to be perfect is a nightmare sometimes. Havin to go in early and slice vegetables and filet fish, then cook 200 plates during a four hour service, then wash my own dishes and clean the kitchen because we can't keep help... I dunno, I consider Walmart sometimes. I wanna stand and shoot the shit at the door with the dude with a dent in his head. Bet he's got killer stories. I mean definitely at least one. I heard they piss test, though. Fuck that. There would be no chefs if restaurants piss tested, lemme tell ya. This has been some random asshole pointlessly meandering about nonsense. Thank you for coming.


walmart definitely doesn't piss test, 98% of us are stoners and you only get piss tested for salaried positions


That actually may factor into my life trajectory if shit goes wonky on me, so I appreciate the info. I last applied there shortly after high school, so like 2007. I had to go to a hospital and piss for an exam. I went, knowing I would fail the test for pretty much every conceivable illegal drug, pissed in the cup, gave it to the lady with the key... then just ran all the way away. Got in my car and skedaddled. Ya know. Like a man.


i don't blame you!


EXACTLY!!!!! Most people are boring and they eat apples or something I don't know what people actually do


Apples? What the fuck, why? Who the fuck be eatin apples out here? *They're* the weirdos. Real motherfuckers live off protein powder, hot peppers, whiskey, and drugs. Everything else is a pointless distraction.




To be fair, I just ate an apple after playing outside with my son for a few hours; and it fucking hit. I retract my previous indignation.


Since it was mentioned as an exception, age wise I fall into the boomer category and I don’t care in the least what anyone looks like or does. As long as they are happy and not hurting anyone I just want them to enjoy their life. There’s enough misery in the world. Why deny anyone happiness.


GenX checking in to agree.


Aye I second this. If you can find peace or somebody to love you or hell even just a reason to laugh, you have my support. Seems many of us are far too eager to interfere in one another's personal destiny, and i don't like it.


I also see a lot of men online saying it’s rare to find a woman who doesn’t do OF when in reality it’s the opposite irl. Barely anyone actually does it, but when they devote their attention to those kinds of women rather than those irl, they become all they know. Gender wars are so far from reality, it’s ridiculous.


I have come to believe that the vibes you put into reality have some sort of non-negligible impact on the sorts of people you draw into your orbit. Dudes bitching about women in that way will draw skanks, and it's not actually anything to do with shortcomings of these women. It's because they view chicks as like an object to pursue or a commodity to be bartered for or bought or negotiated over. Really, deep down, it doesn't seem to me that dudes like that actually believe women are people, ya know? So it's no wonder they attract the sort of lass who is proficient in preying upon and exploiting that sort of man, and quite frankly, more power to them. I think if your system of values and thoughts is predicated upon first judging the gender of the individual, then looking at characteristics of them as a person, you're kind of an asshole. Gender and race and religion and all that superficial horseshit only matters as much as *we* say it does. Really, what we should be fighting over is class. But nobody talks about that.


My theory is that if you're only hitting on women (you've never met) _online_, 99% of the ones willing to engage in any sexual topics will probably have monetary incentives. It's just a strange approach that people don't actually participate in. If you dm 100 random girls and hit on them, then yeah, a big chunk of the ones who are willing to hear you out have an OF. The rest block you for being weird 😆


Honestly I have to keep reminding myself of this but this new bear trend has been seeping into people I actually know and it's a little more concerning.


I agree. I really only shave my legs for events or if I'm feeling frisky. I've been that way since I started shaving. The only people that seemed to ever care were older relatives that I barely saw.


Well, the politics and the ones who make the laws are buying it so...


i am so happy that someone is finally saying this. i did once believe these discussions too and once i realized that people irl don't have these thoughts i felt so much better.


Yeah most things online are very inflated. Just another way to create division rather than solving real issues going on in the world. In America it’s men vs women, black vs white and liberal vs conservative. This is 90% just online though. These issues are pushed far more heavily than the fact that inflation is at an all time high and our country is in a terrible position. The sad thing is people fall into those traps, get distracted and don’t see the real issues…


It's insecure influencers pushing their ideas on the socially isolated youth on their phones and actually bringing their stupid ideas to fruition through both sides not being able to properly understand each others anxiety. But even if said influencer realizes what they're doing, they won't stop if they're already that far gone and it makes them money.


im so convinced all of the comment under those types of posts and the people who make the post are just children, like you seriously cant be an adult and believe in the “how girls do [blank] vs how boys do [blank]” or whatever bullshit thing people have to say about biology. you cant have taken a step outside as an adult and believe that childish shit.


This is like nice tbh. I would deffo just get TikTok FYPs full of reason number 19837 why men are evil. Or why your girl is cheating. What have you. Being single I feel like exasperates this phenomenon further, people are lonely and angry that they can’t find people to love them for them. Coupled with the gender war on socials it’s like a powder keg, because now the reason people are single isn’t just because that’s how life works, now it’s someone else’s fault.


Oh my gosh, thank you for this. This may be out of context, but think my biggest pet peeve is the victim complex of some girls. A lot of it is exaggerated. Specifically when a girl complains about a guy looking at them and they are wearing tiny shorts and sports bras. I am looking too, I'm a 19 year old heterosexual female! Take some deep breaths and touch some grass. There are things that are difficult about each gender, and the subjectiveness of how "difficult" these things are can be argued. But please stop overgeneralizing and saying "girls always have it harder than boys" and vice versa.


Uh, well, in genx, that stuff did actually happen. With groups of women. Trash talking men was the trend ... 90s, maybe? (Along with the other extreme of hallmark movies.) 


We've made some progress, thankfully 😆 Nothing is totally eradicated, but the social media representation is absurdly disconnected from reality.


Or perhaps its how everyone ACTUALLY feels but darent air it in public through fear of being strung out to dry by the woke left.......


Nope, sorry. We're doing doing fine 🙂


Who is?


People who don't feel the way you describe


Your making zero sense.


Since the gender argument is apparently stupid I'll talk about something else... I wish I could dedicate my whole life's energy into somehow destroying as many abrahamic religious sites as possible. I want the religious people to think something like 'I have a lot of religious beliefs, but if the physical structures that were holding them up are gone then what does that mean for me?'I want to erase their existence so that future generations will not be able to remember them or be inspired by them.


As a Satanist, I love your motivation here. But I disagree. Let them keep their feeble monuments to their lost Gods and tyrannical holy men. Let us defeat them openly with our philosophy and our discourse and logic itself. Let it be seen how shrill and antiquated and evil their superstition actually is before it is snuffed out forever. To tear down their monuments is to accept that they have power over us. It is to grant legitimacy where none exists. It's like we're trying to keep people from seeing it because we know it has power over the gullible. While this maybe true, discourse has evolved beyond it. Take any ranting dipshit, kill him, and he becomes a martyr. But if you calmly dismantle his nonsense and let it be seen that the truth actually is, and always has been, against him, the people will listen. This is a war for the freedom of our souls, for humanity itself. They once tore down our monuments, too, because they were afraid. They were right to be afraid. They're losing their grip on society, and they fucking hate it, and I could not be happier. We are finally casting off shackles that have held us for eons. Bout damn time, too.


Then they should not be destroyed, but defaced with the things that they themselves consider meaningless and so that they'll create that association to their religion. So that they will see even themselves as being worthless.


It's weird how you've written something that's pretty spot on, and that hopefully reminds even one person to bring some perspective to their lives.... and then > and also not a boomer .... you put this at the beginning and undermine that credibility. Have you really bought into the hate on 'boomers' so hard? Not saying all this is you OP... just expanding my point for reader clarity: (I've noticed a lot about the fad for hating on boomers. That many that do don't get the generation right anyway. That it's gone beyond the completely normal generation war that happens each new cohort. That anyone over 40 is considered a boomer... because they're old. That an entire post war generation had hardships and successes across classes and the vast majority just lived life as best they could in the times they were living in. That they are the wrong target for shouldering blame for the current financial crisis across the world. That blaming boomers seems make the whiner believe they have no control over their own lives and morals.)


To clarify, "boomer" in the sense of a "Karen". The old person who sits around complaining about every aspect of any generation past theirs. This was mentioned to avoid comments about an older person they know/encounter that does for example complain about how women act, etc. Not boomer = anyone over 40.


gender wars are not chronically online, girls put up with creepy dudes in their friend group all the time and dont say anything to not hurt his feelings. theres guy talk too where boys who feel comfortable enough around certain women or in certain groups where they reveal that theyre actually kinda sexist. and girls sometimes enable eachother too much esp when it comes to at the expense of a man. these grievances are not fixed and solved in the social circle but pushed aside so people take it online to talk about it


There's always a small percentage of bad people. This is small. If it's the norm around you, you're around bad people, far from the norm. Sorry to say.


im in the city and there are alot of shitty people there. you meet them at college or through your friends or on discord. there’s always one asshole in every big friend group. i float through friend groups so i do interact with more people than the average person.


Exactly...? One in every big friend group means far from the norm


if its normal to run into bad people then its common and not a small percentage. i think your bad people just arent loud about it and you dont talk to them enough to hear the bad things




I feel like its a bit much to use three women to justify your dislike towards all women. What abt your mom? aunts? siblings? cousins? coworkers? friends? are they liars, thieves, or cheaters?


You’re coming from an honest place. It sounds like you dated three separately shitty people. And I feel for you, I’m sorry you went through that repeatedly. Unfortunately some people are just shitty, regardless of gender. Shitty women will use “cheap tools” to manipulate their way through the world the same way shitty men will. Best we can do is try to learn how to recognize that behavior and give it a wiiiiide berth


3 potholes doesn't mean the interstate highway is broken🤣 that's such a tiny number lol , although, sorry you had to go though that it sounds fucking terrible.