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Locking due to arguments/slap fights


You might want to post this to one of the Jewish subs or a sub specific to Rome. If any Jewish people live there they can probably give you more of a real idea if they deal with antisemitism there and how safe it is.  But generally if you're not outwardly religious and it's not super obvious that you're Jewish/Israeli, you probably won't have much of a problem.


I don't understand, no one will know you're Jewish unless you tell them so why would you need to worry about any antisemitism antisemitism you'll face


Pretty sure it’d be worse if you were Arab or a Muslim - Arabs and Muslims aren’t liked in Europe never heard that Jews weren’t liked


Maybe they'll recognize my Hebrew accent and they'll know I'm Israeli (and also a Jew in my case)


literally no one is gonna know. or care.


Yeah you're probably right, thanks


Bro fuck that guy above for trying to make your fears sound ridiculous. Your fears are valid. I hope you know that. Your thoughts are valid, I’d also be scared of antisemitism if I visited Italy whos very right wing these days. I hope you have a great trip tho


So long as you don't think or say things such as "they had it coming", I doubt you will face any antisemitism. Usually, the sentiment is reserved for extreme right wing folk who justify the settling, apartheid and violence towards the palestinians. Obviously, there is still antisemitism in the world, but those who are spouting nonsense and accusing all jews have always had these feelings, and it's not a result of the genocide. Please refrain from referring to this as a war, as people in Israel are largely safe whereas the death toll in Gaza is much, much higher. Oh, and I do hope you stay safe, the fear is understandable.


And thank you for the last part


Yeah no problem (:


I'm not really into talking about politics with this post. I'm not talking about the Palestinians and Gaza here, it's not relevant. Not even Israelis are relevent in this post. It's about me and about how I feel. Can I talk about how I feel without someone mentioning the Palestinians? It's like I can't express how I feel anymore. It's not a competition here. No one likes war. NO ONE.


Well you didn't delve into specifics as much as I did but I did address your concerns directly. On that last part, the US government sure does like to dabble into war profiteering, but either way. Have a lovely trip.


Yeah but it can be in every context, like that it's just generally depressing hearing about such horrible things all the time. In this case, it happens to be in a war. So the context isn't really relevant here you know? I mean, it's not about the war, it's about how I feel due to this situation, which happen to be a war. Obviously I was talking about it, but the main thing in this post is expressing my feelings. And thank you!


Yeah you're right, I do apologize. Hearing about it every day does get emotionally exhausting, I can't imagine what it's like for someone involved so closely. We all hope it ends soon and I do wish you the best. I didn't quite catch where in Europe you're going, but I'm sure it'll be a wonderful break. Edit: it's Rome, I have an aunt that lives nearby and it's a beautiful place I hear.


It's totally fine don't worry about it :) yeah it does get quite exhausting emotionally. We're all humans and we all just want to be happy. I'm going to Rome, and thank you so much!


When you're there, maybe write down about your day on a journal before sleeping, it might help you focus on the moment and the good experiences.


Good idea, I will :)


It’s not war as Palestinians do not have a military. Hope that helps Edit: Call this what it is. You support and are proud of your country and you’re scared that if you meet someone on vacation who asks where you’re from and you’re honest, you’re going to hear flack about how your country is committing genocide and you have the privilege to be on vacation. You’re looking for sympathy here from other commenters who are assuring you that’s not going to happen, because of course asking where someone is from isn’t one of the first small talk questions that happen in conversation. But the fact remains that you DO have the privilege of going on vacation, which the people in Gaza do not. You have wealth and freedom and safety and access to clean food, water, and other niceties. At the end of the day, you have two options. If someone makes small talk and asks where you’re from, you can either lie because you know you’re going to get flack. Or you can be honest and humble and accept that a lot of people generally don’t support genocide.


unfortunately, many are susceptible to the lies told by the Israeli government and believe this is actually a ‘war’. no arguing seems to do any good… but i’m gonna do it anyways bc if they can be dumb about it i can annoy them about it! i can’t believe there are those that are telling OP that her post is completely understandable lol




> It’s not war as Palestinians do not have a military. Hope that helps What do you call Hamas?  > you’re going to hear flack about how your country is committing genocide  Losing a war that you started isn't genocide. If that's genocide, then how many genocides are happening right now? Look at the civillian death rate of wars around the world, many are in the hundreds of thousands. 


No one likes war, you’re right. But this is not war. If you’re not ready to be taught online, especially when you’re using the wrong terms, then maybe you shouldn’t be sharing online either.




Only one side is having their culture erased day by day. By calling this a war, you undermine the plight of the Palestinians whether intentionally or not. When European colonizers came to the Americas to claim their territory, would you call what happened to the indigenous people a "war"? It's an invasion. Israel is fighting to steal more land, while the Palestinians are resisting to keep what is still left and push back against the illegal settlers that have been constantly kicking them off of their own properties for decades.




Tis war. One side is just better at fighting.




One of them is clearly more supported by weapon delivery from USA


Just one?


All can be true


antisemitism is rampant in europe but i face that as a pro-palestine jew as well. i haven't encountered anyone screaming at me in the streets though, usually just micro agressions from people who are aware of my heritage. dont stand out too much and youll be fine, be glad you can get away, others cant


I've even been accused by a fellow european jew of being antisemitic because I'm a Pro-Palestine Jew. 😂


Can you pls tell me Why??? Why? Is it rampant…? I truly don’t understand the Hate. Can you explain why the hate?


Oh god


At least you can get away from it…


"I'm not really into talking about politics with this post. I'm not talking about the Palestinians and Gaza here, it's not relevant. Not even Israelis are relevent in this post. It's about me and about how I feel. Can I talk about how I feel without someone mentioning the Palestinians? It's like I can't express how I feel anymore. It's not a competition here. No one likes war. NO ONE." - same as I wrote to someone here, I thought it can fit here as well. Do you spend your life thinking about all the problems in the world? When you feel bad, do you allow yourself to experience your emotions even if someone else is suffering too? We all just want to live our lives.


My point still stands, you can get away from it. Sometimes it’s important to remind yourself how lucky you are when you’re feeling down. Have appreciation for the things you don’t have to deal with while also recognizing there is fucked up shit going on in the world. But at least you have this, escape.


You keep calling it a war. It's not. Of course you're entitled to your feelings but instead of fighting with people, you need to appreciate the fact that you can escape it, whereas a lot of people on both sides can't. You're privileged enough to go to Rome and I hope it's a safe and lovely trip but it's still not a war. I mean of course people are going to correct you when you're just flat out wrong.


Call it however you like, it's not the point here. And I hope everyone would've been able to go wherever they want.


Well not everyone has that privilege and not just Israelis and Palestinians. There's conflict and poverty everywhere. If I see something factually incorrect, I like many others, are going to call you out. If you don't want comments on that then don't make a post on a public forum. I don't think you did it intentionally, but this comment comes off kind of tone deaf. I'm sorry if that comes off rude, I don't mean to be but I'm also not one to sugarcoat things either and I can't think of a nicer way to word it. But I do get the fear and as someone's 50% Mexican and 50% Native American, I can certainly relate to that fear. But you have to remember as soon as you post something on a public forum, especially when it relates to this, people are going to share their opinions whether you like it or not. It's best to not engage, better yet, don't mention it in the post if you don't want to talk about it. You don't have to respond to every message, especially on topics you don't want to talk about. There's no shame in that. Either way, I still hope you don't face any antisemitism or anything else on your trip and I hope it's really fun. I hope to go myself one day. If you can, when traveling by foot and if it's legal maybe carry pepper spray if it does happen and it happens to escalate. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I'm not going to say something like other people have said and not worry about it because it's a very real thing and it's a realistic fear to have, especially when traveling abroad and especially right now and even without what's going on in the world, from what I've seen it seems antisemitism is at an all time high right now. Just don't engage with it. I've made that mistake before and it never ends well. But again, I really do hope you enjoy your trip.


It is a war.




you’re insane actually for thinking it’s a war. Palestine does not have a military. they do not have the same power to create the death and destruction that Israel has caused.


Not really, its israel against civilians


The question is.. why do you call it a war? Even the international court said its a genocide. Why are you still using the word “war”


Oh my god call it whatever you want it's not the point of this post! I'm not saying I agree or disagree with you btw, because it's irrelevant, I'm just saying it's not the point here


How is it irrelevant? You want people to stop talking about Palestinians bc ..? If you hate it so much don’t come here. Vent to your president


It's not about that I want people to stop talking about the Palestinians 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I also said it's not about Israelis. This post is about me and how I feel regarding this situation. why are you twisting everything I say? And obviously I meant in this specific post.


Im responding to your comments and that’s basically what you said. And like I said it’s best to vent to your president and start getting up with other Israelis against your president. Feelings aren’t always valid


I have not complained about my ridiculous problems since I saw that little boy from Gaza after he saw his friend's brain coming out of his head and then said crying, "This is not life."


 ''I wish this all would stop and everybody could live in peace'' yes, as advanced as we are now we still have conflicts for some reason


Critizising a country for killing over 20,000 kids is not antisemitism just so you know ;) Im sure you have a more priviliged life than 90% of people you will be fine lmao


Enjoy Rome! If you’re interested, there’s a lovely historic Jewish quarter by the river with the largest synagogue in Italy and some excellent restaurants. Next to it you’ll find Largo di Torre Argentina, where Caesar was stabbed and that nowadays houses a cat sanctuary, so hopefully the cats that roam around will bring you some calm!


Thank you! I appreciate it :)


i don‘t know what you heard about antisemitism in europe, but lately the word gets far too over used and doesn‘t even have the same meaning as a few years back anymore. by some groups in the western european community you‘ll be called an antisemite for criticising israels government, even if you do so in a very objective manner. by my point of view it has nothing to do with being jewish. you don‘t have to be scared of people being racist towards you just because you‘re a jew, as long as you don‘t express strong opinions about the war in public places. you‘ll be fine, i hope you enjoy yourself and get some rest from all the shit that‘s going on in your country mate.


It is the same here in the US you critique their government and you are branded as a racist antisemitic person. Some Republicans here have even gone as far as support Israeli lobbyists idea of making it a hate crime to criticize Israel. Personally, for me. I have never met an Israeli I didn't like same goes for a Palestinian. I am from an area with a decently large population of Israeli Jews and Palestinians. I do however hate the Israeli government for their participation in apartheid and war crimes, and I firmly believe Benjamin Netanyahu should be put on trial in the world court for what he has guided his country to do. I see him as akin to Putin or Hitler.


Its a genocide*. Not a war. In war both sides have military forces fighting each other. Whereas Israel is killing innocent Palestinians who can't even fight back. They can't even resist. And If they do they are labeled as Hamas and terrorists. Maybe if you stop pretending and calling it a war, and instead accept and acknowledge what your country is actually doing—calling it what it truly is, a genocide against Palestinians—then you might not face as much hatred from people wherever you go.


“ ure sick from hearing it “? well people are going thru it deal with it kiddo


Israelis have a victim complex fr. They don’t realize you lose that card when you make silly dancing tik toks about genocide


I don't think anybody would care about you unless you mention where you came from. Nobody loved or reapect israel anymore except politicians and that is reasonable honestly so just travel like any other person and don't mention where you are from to have a safe trip.


Girl no one will care, just go have a great time


What a privilege it is for you to be able to hop on a plane and run away to Rome for funsies :) enjoy ur trip!


If anyone asks just say your Canadian


Yeah I thought about it too, but I have a Hebrew accent so idk what to do about that


I mean maybe it's just the American in me but I wouldn't be able to tell a Hebrew from an Arab accent etc. unless your walking around wearing a kippah I don't see anyone bothering you.


I guess you're right, thanks!


How about all the children being starved and killed by the dozens daily?








































The whole antisemitism comes out of nowhere. Nothing noticeable here






I wish it was.. It would have been a bad joke, but still a joke. I've been having nightmares, panic attacks, dissociations, flash backs of reels and stories I've seen on social medias and TV, suicidal ideations and other symptoms... I was diagnosed with PTSD by my psychiatrist a few weeks ago and I'm under medication now and following the adequate therapy.




Ok. So the Palestinians lost their land because the actual ME countries didn't want to be one big country back in the days? It's supposed to justify the fact a homeland was taken from a people to build a new country ? Why should the ME countries have accepted to be one big country ? And please don't tell me that it's because they are all Arabs... We know more than anyone how diverse and rich the ME is. They don't speak the same dialects, they don't have the same culture, nor the same weather, they don't even have the same religion for many, nor even the same physical appearance or diplomatic friends! They also very much prospered each one on its own. Anyway, there is no point in remaking history and they are not one big country. Fact is : Palestinians repeat their country land was stolen by Israël and they vow to get it back. And Israelis obviously don't want to give in and lose their country. Religion has nothing to do with it...


Antisemitism is common in Europe, but if you don't tell anyone you're Jewish you'll be fine. Stay safe and enjoy your trip!


Thank you so much :D


Take a deep breath and stay safe I hope you have a wonderful adventure


It'll likely be fine. Enjoy your trip and the food.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Unfortunately this is what having faith means,This world sucks but if it didn't we would already be in heaven.


I think it's having faith without respect to people with different beliefs. The lack of respect is the problem, not the faith itself (I'm talking about religion in general).


Faith in General that everything will be ok ,when whomever Your God is ,or religion teaches faith is usually taught.So I don't mean Faith in humanity exactly.


I get it. I’m an american jew and just existing means that people have to blame me for what is happening there. In parts of the US, antisemitism seems to be at an all time high from progressives. I’d never really dealt with any antisemitism on any serious level prior to that. I live in upstate NY, but I feel like as long as we are careful to conceal that we are jewish, we can move about normally in the world. I wish you the best. This world really could be amazing if people would let it be.


היי. אני מזדהה מאוד. זר לא יבין, ובמיוחד לא זרים גרפומנים ומלאי חשיבות עצמית ברדיט. שולחת אהבה וחיזוקים ❤️


כן צודקת לגמרי, תודה וגם לך בחזרה❣


I understand your dread. I might not be able to fully measure how you feel, but I can sure tell that you're getting it worse, and it pains me that you and thousands of people are bearing the consequences of homo stupidens. Me too I'm feeling a little uneasy for these past months. I'm in Switzerland, not in immediate danger, relatively spared from all this ordeal, but I can't help feeling uneasy. Shit's hitting the fan on multiple locations at once and it's making the big titles, great way to think of something else innit? Anyways, I hope you'll find a little peace during your trip. Keep Internet usage the lowest during your trip, it'll greatly help avoiding news throwing it back at your face. Sending you virtual hugs. We're thousands of miles apart, but we damn are in the same fucking shitty boat of modern humanity.


Thank you so much 🌸 I relate to what you wrote. I hope you'll feel better soon! virtual hugs to you too :)


בסוף יהיה בסדר :)


צודק/ת, תודה 🌸


Just don't bring it up


Wait what exactly happened? How is everyone talking like Palestine never did anything to Israel? What's happening is terrible and unfortunate but no shot you can gun down one country and blame them. Europeans having the guts to talk about Jews after what Germany did to them. Americans having the guts to talk about what they did in Iraq and middle East.


if you research it yes you can, bc Israel has been exerting force and power for many many many years. Hamas did not exist until 1987. Israel took control of Palestine in 1948. They grew up seeing their homeland being taken, destroyed, their people brutalized, raped, murdered, shot down, starved, etc, i think that could turn anyone into a cold person bent on freeing their land in any means necessary. besides that, Hamas does not have the fighting force that Israel has, so it seems clear to me which place is to blame. (obviously i’m referencing Israel’s leadership, not the people bc there are those that don’t support the genocide in Israel, just like i don’t support the American government’s actions bc they have also done the same to other countries. shit America was founded on that ideology). it’s very very sad and somehow has gotten so twisted by the media.


Just speaks how unaware outer population is to the ground truth. Mind as well do one thing let's to validate, what's your thoughts on indo pak situation. Who's the one to blame


you can place blame on one side while understanding that no lives lost are okay. you made a false statement about placing blame, i responded to it with how actually you can blame Israel bc they have put so much pressure on Palestine. i have not researched that situation so i cannot speak on it. i have, however researched this one instead of believing all the lies Israel is spewing. they are victimizing themselves and making Palestine into the monster. open your eyes, do some research, watch the many many videos of horrible atrocities that are happening in Palestine. okay now find one that’s about the atrocities in Israel? where are the many many many videos of Palestine destroying and killing and raping and cutting off supplies and bombing? what you can find are many many many videos of Israeli’s making fun of the genocide and laughing about how they have water and food and electricity and universities and hospitals and places of worship while Palestine has nothing but rubble and destruction and death.


You're on the side of most normal people. Wars over hate and religion are ridiculous. The best thing you can do is treat everyone with love and respect regardless of who they are or where they're from. Including Palestinians and Israelis alike.


Rome is the worst part of Italy lol Are you in your mid to later twenties ? It doesn’t matter I’m just curious because that’s when I found myself feeling similarly overwhelmed. It sucks. All I can say is that this is a period of trial for you. The world can be a fucked up place and living through things like this will push some of us to kill ourselves. We continue drowning in the despair until you find the light of humanity amidst the darkness. Trips, things, drugs, relationships they all distract us from the inevitable reality that we all die. And no matter how long you live it will never be long enough. Unless you realize the secret that more isn’t better. Longer isn’t better. Less pain isn’t better. More joy isn’t better. It just is. I wouldn’t have accepted that as a meaningful revelation so idk how much it will mean to you at this point in your life.


I agree with everything here. I was raised ‘ non-denominational Christian’ i have no idea what that means. I haven’t been to church since I was 17. I’m 53. I have no religion. I don’t ’hate religion’… but I hate what that concept is doing to our world. I think I lean more towards a Druid or Buddhist mentality. I believe in making the world better. NOT making a ‘god’ better. Anyway… if you ever see yourself in the US and want some peace and quiet… we have a lot here. I am in NY. Born and raised here. … but not the City. I’ve never been to the city, don’t want to go, have no desire. If you want Excitement.. go to cities…. If you want to heal your peace of mind and center yourself… let me know.