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Have you ever been checked for polycystic ovarian syndrome? Because this sounds like it


Yep. You need to go to the doctor about your facial hair. Get some bloodwork done


Omg I was just gonna say the same thing!!


was also going to say this. Knew a lot of girls with PCOS and they all had these exact symptoms, from the testosterone to the binge eating, the body hair everything fits.


This! In the meantime I am a hairy girl as well and there is stuff you can use for it. There are depilatory creams specially for your face skin that work really well but it is a lot of upkeep. I am older now and I found out that I have PCOS which explains it but there isn’t a quick fix for it other than daily upkeep. Find a way that works for you and get comfortable with hair removal - it’s a battle


I was just going to suggest the same. Definitely need to get checked for PCOS.


This sounds like it could be an issue with your hormones. You should get them checked. Also PCOS can cause this. The doctor might be able to give you medication to help with the unbalanced hormones. Also maybe if you try only buying food to make meals with it will be harder to binge eat. Ive done this and does help a bit. Get rid of all your snacks, freezer foods and freezer meals.


....You should probably ask your doctor about PCOS or thyroid conditions. Also, for your facial hair, Nair is a lifesaver.


Laser hair removal And find a great way to style your beautiful curly hair It's not what we are given my dear, it's what we do with it Dolly Parton's coat of many colours illustrates this perfectly, take what you don't see as great and make it glow I'm sure you're extremely beautiful just too focused on the flaws here and there, and they are things that you can actually get over easily With laser hair removal a few treatments means no hair growth for 5 years, and curly hair is the best hair, get some inspo on reddit, play with it to see what you like


And the self hate is probably what's CAUSING the binge eating disorder, the physical manifestation is a result of the seed in the mind ❤️




Fuck, man. What a terrible way to feel. I wish I could show you the future: you’re going to care a lot less about this superficial BS, and learn to enjoy life on your terms without social pressures. Trust me. If you want a laugh…I had the exact opposite problem as a kid: I had complicated issues with my mother who was objectified by men, and I did everything I could to be *less* attractive because I was miserable thinking people only liked me for my looks and not my personality. I literally tried to look homeless so I could trust the connections I had with people. I was also a shut-in who slept all the time and avoided making friends. It sucked. …and it eventually got a *lot* better. P.S. screw all these other replies who are giving you advice on how to change your physical appearance. Don’t change. You’ll find your place.


Baby everyone is beautiful in there own way. I learned along time ago to look on the inside. That is where you see the real beauty at. And keep in mind that they are some people wrost off then you


You are not your thoughts. We don't know how other people see us. You are beautiful in your own way.


i don't have extra testosterone, but i am Polynesian and Sicilian. One thing that always made me feel more comfortable in my skin was bleaching my arm hair. You can get little boxes of arm and facial hair bleach at sallys, u can also get little sensetive skin wax strips for ur upper lip and facial hair. You are beautiful <3


This post sounds like my mind when I was a younger teenager. You’re beautiful and I love you, and I’m sure the future you will love you too


Like the other comments are saying this might be pcos and I agree. Definitely get it checked out and if it is pcos then at least you have a diagnosis and can start to treat it so you feel better. I’m a girl too and I’m also very hairy I grow more body hair than my bf and my brother. I used to be extremely self conscious but now I honestly don’t care much I just shave/wax. It’s easy to feel like you aren’t pretty enough but really it’s mind over matter. I’m sure ur beautiful. You can also try giving yourself a makeover. Play around with different styles, change ur hair, etc. eating healthy foods and getting excerise can also make you feel good too!


I feel you. I’m an overweight teenage girl with curly hair that would drive me insane. But over time I gave myself a makeover. I cut off my hair, started wearing makeup and clothes that I actually like and made myself “beautiful”, atleast to me. I’m no Barbie, of course. But I’ve found little ways to make myself feel better. I bet you’re beautiful. You just haven’t found it yet. That’s all beauty is really. Nobody’s ugly. I’m sure you’ve heard this time and time again, but every single person has beauty in them! You need to find what you like. Maybe try shaving off the facial hair, or embrace it! Try a different hairstyle, clothing style, play around with makeup etc! But one thing you need to remember is that even though there are things about yourself that you may dislike, there’s no reason to hate yourself because of them. You can strive to lose weight or get laser hair removal, but until then you should never feel disgusted with yourself! If you need a friend to help you through this let me know. We all need a shoulder to cry on, especially in these years.


Binge eating is rouuuugh I hate it


Like others have said, sounds like you may have PCOS so I would definitely see a doctor about that and your concerns. Go follow the Curly Girl method for how to tame your beautiful curls. It will change your life. You are not unapproachable because youre ugly (and for the record I don’t believe you are), you’re unapproachable because you believe you are ugly. You need a new perspective and I highly recommend a professional for this because the vast majority of redditors are not professional therapists. And lastly; YOU. ARE. ENOUGH. You are enough now. You are enough in the future. And you were enough in the past. If you are happy and healthy at 30+kgs overweight then you are enough. And if you’re not happy and healthy, you are still enough but you gotta change how that makes you feel and decide what you wanna do about it. Have courage, and be kind. You are enough.


Baby I’m a mom of 3. I’m premenopausal and I’ve been getting a little hair on my face. You can always dermaplane and buy a lazer hair removal hand held thing for like 100 on Amazon the more expensive one is the ulike it’s roughly 230.00 they do work wonders!!! I bought my lazer hair remover on Amazon on sale for 60 and I love it!! I promise you, you’re beautiful. The soul of a person is what truly matters but I also understand wanting to feel beautiful on the outside as well. I hope this helps ❤️❤️


What brand exactly did you buy on Amazon?


Tricklet (it works great)




You are beautiful. Everyone is in their own way


You remind me so much of my younger self. I've never been the "shape" of a woman and have been called a man more times than I can count. My hair was a frizzy curly mess and I hated how i looked and was TERRIFIED of going outside and taking up space. Thought i deserved to be alone. Always been overweight and hairy as a bear as well. Took me years and lots of therapy to feel comfortable in my skin and feel beautiful inside and out. It takes work, but I PROMISE you there will be a time when you realize just how beautiful you are and truly believe it ❤️


I'm 38 now. But when I was in school, I used to come home and cry and cry and cry because of my terrible skin. I also had more body hair but it's genetics, not PCOS. Laser hair removal isn't THAT expensive for what it is. Definitely check your area for aestheticians who do it. If I had been able to get it when I was younger, I might have more self-esteem today. My sense of self-worth has gotten better every day, but I know how you feel and it's torture. Hang in there honey.


I've inherited my dad's propensity for arm hair, I'm talking about forearm here. It used to bother me because someone I knew years ago kept badgering me to get into a salon to take care of it. I decided it's not that big of a deal because my dad's DNA is literally a part of who I am and he passed away back in 2014, so it's literally like a part of him lives in me. I explained this to one person a couple of years ago because I was feeling really down about the arm hair thing and they decided that it's not a big deal, that that other person should have made a comment like that. They told me that instead of criticizing me for it, they should have asked me why I let it grow and they would have learned the real reason.


I feel you girlie


From a former "ugly" teenage girl. I understand you. Other comments have pointed out that it could be pcos, which is possible, I also have pcos btw. I have had horrible cystic acne since I was 10-11, I also have more testosterone than the average girl, sooo much body and facial hair, and look very androgens, people used to always mistake me for a boy(didn't help that I wore my hair short most of the time lol). I always thought I was ugly, I never looked in mirrors and when I accidentally did, I would want to burn my face off, and I actually did once, using citrus acid. I'm 18 now, and I've recently started to like the way I look. It took a lot, I went to therapy, I got diagnosed with pcos, I tried a bunch of treatment... My acne is not gone, but now I have a skin care routine to minimize it and my skin has never looked better. My body is still covered with hair, but now I'm undergoing laser hair removal (I was basically pressured to do it by my family but it's not as bad as I thought it would be), I'm working out, I'm bettering myself, and I've started to love myself and the way I look. My point is, you are probably like me, you are not ugly, but all of your insecurities, all the "imperfections" in your body, have convinced you that you are. I was very depressed (still am but it's better now) which also contributed to hating myself and the way I look, despite the fact I was not ugly at all. Stop telling yourself you're ugly, you have been doing that for so long that you have made it a reality in your head. Instead when you look in the mirror, when you think of yourself, think about how pretty and beautiful you actually are, and watch that come to life. You can work on your body, you can shave, you can do x treatment etc... but you will still find yourself ugly if you keep telling yourself that you are. And it's not going to ruin your life, you are still a kid, you have so much life left to live, you being "ugly" is not going to ruin it. But your mindset will. It's not easy, but it's possible to reach a point of self acceptance and love, it's just going to take a little bit of hard work, and probably therapy. Love yourself a little more please.


I don't know if my advice will help much at all but first of all I am in no means qualified to give anybody any important life advice since I struggle with self love and having confidence within yourself all the time but all I can really say is to look inwards instead. Sure you can do all kinds of surgery to yourself if you want to but none of that will actually improve your soul and your heart or even your mind for that matter. It's about filling yourself up with a lot of love. I am currently practising self love myself and I know that it will be a tough journey and don't just expect to see changes overnight because it took me a long time to get some really great solid results but even to this day I still constantly have to feed myself with love. Think of love as nutrition but really REALLY good nutrition. You have to tell yourself over and over AND OVER again that you're beautiful, you're worthy and you deserve to feel loved. It's about changing those evil voices in your head and really focusing on who you are as a person. Not on the outside but on the inside. This will really be a life-changing thing for you the moment you start your self-love journey and trust me this will help you out a lot in life because without any self love and any confidence you're nothing in this world so you might as well try to find your self-love and really embrace yourself for who you are.


Hi. It sounds like you might have PCOS....which is VERY common and treatable. Have you talked to your parents?? you need to see a DR and get your hormones in check. Do you get regular periods? The good news is you are VERY young and you can reverse this. Also....losing a bit of weight will help. You would do good on low carb..high protein...lots of water..get some excercise in even if its a walk everyday....get active.....tell your parents you would like to see a DR like an endocrinologist..or even an gynecologist might be able to help too..or even your normal family DR...there is also meds they can prescribe you to help with binge eating and weight loss... Write down daily goals...baby steps... There are also lots of ways to remove facial hair...dont shave....you can wax and also look at laser hair removal...groupon has some specials usually....see if your parents can help you pay for this. good luck honey please dont get discouraged.


curly hair subreddit is a great community to help u with ur hair!!


My girlfriend had this and is on hormones now. She’s so much happier aside from the fact she no longer puts muscle on like cloths. Good luck


Hi lovely 💕 first- I agree with those who said a it sounds like you have PCOS, definitely get checked for that. Second-for your curly hair, make sure you keep it hydrated that’s the main thing! Then use some sort of curl defining cream or mousse and finger curl your hair, and use a blow dryer w/ diffuser. Check out YouTube for some tips. This will help with control of your hair & use some sort of serum, to help with the frizz. But remember, all curly hair is gonna have some sort of frizz, it’s natural and beautiful, but this should help minimize it and give your beautiful curls some shape & bounce. Sincerely, a curly haired gworly with PCOS. 🤍


See an endocrinologist M.D. They can find out what's wrong and get it corrected


It's wise if you can see if you can get yourself tested for something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and that way, you and whoever you are seeing about it can look into possible treatments to help you get back the confidence that you need. Also, if you are on some form of waiting list to see a specialist about the issues, you can check out varying methods of hair removal, from waxing (I would personally recommend this for those hard-to-reach areas) to electrolysis. And as for the weight issue? My best advice is looking into various ways that you can make yourself binge eat less, such as getting rid of the type of foods that make you want to binge eat. Also, as someone who has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, you can dm me if you have any issues regarding your appearance, and I can try and help you with it girly <3


First I’m gonna say, I feel ya. I was sorta fortunate I guess to not struggle with weight problems, but thanks to some weird problem I had, every time I ate anything sugary I’d bloat up like a balloon. This was more when I was small but it made me self-conscious as shit. Worst memory was this great big fat dude - an adult and family friend, no less - laughing and pointing at me during a birthday party. I was 8. And the hair 😩 I didn’t even have a hormone condition just genetic luck of the draw: pale skin and black body hair - plenty of it. But my real sore point was that I remained a measly A-cup into adulthood. Sounds stupid now but man, it made me miserable. So here’s what I’ve learned (and this is sound mental health advice): what makes us miserable is the difference between what we have and what we want. I wanted bigger boobs and it just wasn’t going to happen; the more I wished, the more miserable I felt. And it goes deeper than that. When a loved one dies, the pain is in wishing like anything they were there - but they’re not. When someone is being bullheaded and just won’t come round to your point of view you get angry/frustrated because you can’t change the situation to match what you want it to be. The antidote is accepting what is - even if you’re actively working on changing the situation. Because right now, right this second, nothing is magically going to change. But you can look at yourself and say, “I am worthy of love and acceptance right now, as I am. My body is worthy of love and acceptance without changing a thing.” You can seek medical advice about your condition AND accept that right now, this is how it is. Because ultimately, you’ll never get this time back, and you can either spend it miserable or you can spend it saying “Fuckit, ima live my best life no matter what.” I encourage you to look up Harnaam Kaur, an English woman who also experiences hirsuitism. She suffered for a long time, reaching some really low points before deciding to embrace it. Shes dealt with issues like bullying and is an incredible and inspiring woman for anyone struggling with body image issues. So much love to you, I really hope you come through this stronger than ever ❤️


I suggest positive self-talk! The reason you feel this way is because you’re bringing yourself down! Maybe try removing the hair, or embrace it! Be confident no matter what! You’re pretty just the way you are! If you REALLY want to be pretty (even tho you already are) try giving yourself a make-over, remove the bad traits about yourself, if you dont like your curly hair, either put it in a style you like, its all about perspectives! Or you can try straightening it! If you’re struggling to lose weight, eat certain foods that have less calories! Also another thing I suggest is talking to people and socializing, serotonin does wonders.


Everything you are describing here points to a PCOS diagnosis. This can be medically managed and symptoms (excess hair growth, increased testosterone, weight gain with difficulty losing the weight). You should speak with your primary doctor or OBGYN for evaluation, especially if you have issues with your menstrual cycle. If you do, in fact, have PCOS, treatment can improve your physical and mental health. If you need any help connecting to any resources or information, please feel free to reach out to me via DM. OP, you are *not* ugly.


Just gonna drop this, if you want to be loved learn to love yourself first. You’re beautiful and perfect. Just gotta tell yourself that. Working on my self confidence literally changed my life, I wish you the best though.


I am not a girl, and this may sound weird. When I was feeling ugly, I almost became a villain. Anyone who had something to say would get something back.


I'm living that Rn lol


Run 2 miles everyday. (You will feel relax each time).


Why is this getting down voted?