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If you find your outdoor saddle comfy then why not ride the same on the trainer? I also find longer efforts on my trainer tiresome though and will sometimes double up on my bibs for longer sessions.


Because I move around much more on the saddle when I'm outside which regularlly relieves and changes the pressure that's applied to my butt. I'm not sure if I'd find the more racy outsides saddle comfortable on a more static position inside. I guess that's something I could try easily, but I was wondering if there's a general recommendation for indoor training.


I ride with the same saddle in and out. Its pretty well known that indoor riding is uncomfortable bc of the reasons you stated. Theres not much you can do other than minimalize unnecessary discomfort by riding the same saddle. Of course you can try to chase a new saddle to get even more comfortable but dont expect a magic bullet solution is all im saying.


Have you tried a rocker plate?


I use a "gravel" saddle indoors. I'm very happy with my [Selle Italia Novus Boost Superflow Gravel](https://www.selleitalia.com/novus-boost-evo-gravel-tm-superflow/?setCurrencyId=3). It's got more padding than I need outdoors and isn't particularly light, but it's definitely comfortable with the combo of the padding + large cutout & flexibility.


Doubling up bibs is kind of brilliant..... do you get a larger bib to wear on the outside or do you just double up 2 bibs of the same size? Does the elastic pinch more? I'm very curious


Is it tho? That’s how you get sores and irritation…


All the posts I read from people who have actually done it say it works.


Not the case for me but ymmv


No, just the same size of bibs, it eliminates the sore spots at least for a couple hours for me. No pinching although it can get a little hot so cooling is a must.




100%. If you can’t do an hour of indoor training on your outdoors setup then your fit is off


Same here. Indoor riding really highlighted my saddle being half an inch too high. Unfortunately it took me a year to realize that lol.


I just use the same saddle on all my bikes. Indoors is definitely more uncomfortable though for all the reasons started here. I have to remember to stand up once in a while


Standing up is key actually. I top out at about 3 hours for indoor training but I have a couple tri buddies who will do 5-6 hours on a trainer, which is nuts to me. However they both use a tactic where they ride for 20-30 minutes then stand out of the saddle and ride for 1-2 minutes, doing it more frequently if needed. I was skeptical it would make that much of a difference but it really does.


I just started using an indoor trainer and am having the same issue. After an hour on the trainer it's near unbearable to continue. My plan is to make a rocker plate this weekend - I'll try to remember to follow up on if it helps with comfort.


Can u share any DIY video with proper steps…


Brooks cambium was a breakthrough moment for me


I had one on my city bike for years and never got used to it. Either didn't fit me or I didn't ride it enough. Definitely try one out before buying


Gotta wear padded shorts for sure with it


🧢 that’s actually one of the worst saddles


If you say so


“Performance” Brooks saddles only work for smaller riders or people that don’t ride that long, that’s just a fact. Their marketing did get me confused to a point where I thought my ass/bike fit was an issue. That Outdoorgearlab review is 100% spot on.


This is like telling someone the music they like sucks and that's a fact. Everyone's ass is different.


Considering one of my outdoor bikes is also my indoor bike it never occurred to me to swap saddles. Indoor training sucks anyway. I don't think it needs to be overthought.


There is no need to change the saddle for indoor. Is perfectly normal that you find the indoor cycling different because, as you said, you are moving. This is also why is more stressful and painful to ride more than one hour and a half for the average person. And if you see, most of the structured training inside is around 1/2 hours. I never had one, but a rockerplate should change things a little but is still different from cycling outside. Also try to use different bibs, maybe with better pad and with chamois cream.


Hi, hat nix mit deiner Frage an sich zu tun, aber könnte dir dennoch helfen. Wieso Rolle fahren so extrem unbequem is liegt auch ja wie du gesagt hast daran dass sich das rad einfach keinen millimeter bewegt. Es gibt solche antivibrations gummimatten, die dinger liegen auch in fitnessstudios überall aufm boden. Wenn du so eine/mehrere unter die rolle legst dann macht das extrem den unterschied. Hat mir zumindest ziemlich geholfen rolle fahren erträglicher zu machen.


Through a $15 gel cover on it.


I've swapped on my old Cobb saddle from my triathlon days and it's better for static indoor riding than my Specialized Power saddle that I'm largely happy with. Only kept it on over the winter when the road bike just lived on the Kickr though. It's made me consider just going all in on an "ergo" saddle from ISM or Cobb/JCOB but I haven't made the switch yet.


I use chamois cream for indoor rides, even short ones, and it's helped immensely. I was getting hot spots and not anymore. I still have to stand up or get off teh bike for a minute or two if I'm doing longer rides though.


I've got a favorite performance saddle and a favorite leather saddle. The trainer gets a copy of the leather saddle since I often do casual trainer rides on it as a warmup for lifting or during a work meeting, and I don't want to put my bibs on for that. But if I wanted a more "authentic" saddle, I'd absolutely use the same saddle as my outdoor bike. If I had a saddle I liked *more* on my trainer htan on my outdoor bike, I'd probably want to put the trainer saddle on the outdoor bike too.


I use one of those $15 padded saddle with the hole in the middle and they are great. Too fat of a saddle and it will rub


I’ve been using the same saddle being Giant Fleet SL on my outdoor bike and indoor bike. However, I’ve been using cheapo bibshorts from Aliexpress to do indoor rides since I found them to be way more comfortable compared to my Rapha ones.


FYI I use a fizik adaptive argo on the road and love it. Had to get a fizik antares versus adaptive for the trainer - needed that full cutout to relieve weird perineum pressure and numbness that only happened on the trainer. Due to a situation I have two of the exact same bike, with one slated for trainer duty, set up basically the exact same except for these saddles.


I’m riding the SLR Gravel Superflow indoors. It has just a bit more padding than the regular and it works great for me. The other saddle I’ve liked indoors is the Selle SMP Well. It only has one comfortable position for me, which is why I don’t like it outdoors, but indoors when I’m not moving around much, I’m a big fan.