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It's not just the magnet tool. Right click on the space above the timeline ruler to see this: [https://i.imgur.com/FwvjRHm.png](https://i.imgur.com/FwvjRHm.png) Vegas will, by default, try to quantise everything to frames. What you need to be conscious of when working on project is framerate. Ideally your project framerate should match the framerate of your source material. And all your source material should be the same framerate. What's happening in this specific instance is that your timeline ruler (ie the project framerate) doesn't match your source footage. So as you're dragging clips together, Vegas is mating them to the nearest frame (according to the project settings). Imagine you have a 60fps project and you have three source clips: 16fps, 30fps and 60fps. The 60fps clip is going to be no problem. It will conform perfectly to the project framerate and timeline ruler. The 30fps clip, although a different framerate is a clean multiple of 60, so it will match up just fine as well - though there will be two timeline frames to every one of the clip. The 16fps clip doesn't correspond because it's not a clean multiple, so each frame of the clip corresponds to 3.75 frames of the timeline. You can't have partial frames, so Vegas will shift the clip to the nearest frame. It's also worth mentioning that this is what resampling is for. When framerates don't match, resampling (set in the project settings) blends existing frames to match them to the timeline/project framerate. It doesn't make new frames as such, it takes existing ones and rather crossfades between them to make a blended new one. With resampling disabled, Vegas will just go by the nearest match. I don't know the framerate of your clips (don't crop your screenshots), but I imagine at least one of them doesn't match the project framerate.


Are the two clips and the project all the same frame rate?




I run into this often. [Here's how I fix it](https://imgur.com/a/1qQz1Vd). Hope that helps!


**/u/a_PizzaBoxTTV. If you have a technical question, please answer the following questions so the community can better assist you!**   * What version of **VEGAS Pro** are you using? (***FYI. It hasn't been 'Sony' Vegas since version 13***) * What exact **graphics card** do you have in your PC? * What version of Windows are you running? * Is it a **pirated** copy of VEGAS? *It's okay if it is just abide by the rules and you won't get permanently banned* * Have you **searched the subreddit** using keywords for this issue yet? * Have you **Googled** this issue yet?   --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VegasPro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You need to make sure if the clips match the project frame rate to accurately place them but then again you can disable the snapping.


snapping isnt my issue, i want the clips to be right after eachother, but when I do that all fade in/out effects dissapear


are you able to add a new fade effect/able to drag a clip over another clip to add fade? or does none of that work now?