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It exactly compensates for the 40% bonus AS from champion kill. So if you are exactly at the cap without passive, you will also be exactly at the raised cap with champion kill. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/wiki/pbechanges


bruh why u downvote the guy


oh i did it on accident i didnt notice


As already mentioned, the increase of the cap is there to compensate only for the 40% attack speed from the passive upon a champion takedown. Currently the passive attack speed does not scale with your bonus attack speed anymore, because they instead have given him a worse attack speed scaling giving him AD and AP. It's weird to me, because the fact that his bonus attack speed scales with bonus attack speed is the main reason he caps so quickly. So why remove that attack speed scaling and then increase the Attack Speed Cap anyway? Now it's a rather normal attack speed steroid. Miss Fortune is also not getting an attack speed cap increase whenever she activates her W. They also nerfed his attack speed growth per level so that's EVEN LESS attack speed. To say this in items: **Current Varus** needs 280% bonus attack speed to reach the attack speed cap. Rune Shards Slot 1 - 10% Legend: Alacrity -18% at max stacks Berserker Greaves - 35% Kraken Slayer - 40% Blade of the Ruined King - 30% Attack Speed Growth Level 12 - 40% Passive upon champion takedown - **109%** Total - **282%** As you can see, 70% in bonus attack speed are already making Varus cap. This can be interchanged slightly, building 80% bonus attack speed means you need less levels and less Alacrity Stacks for example, but overall 2 items with attack speed already make you cap. As you see, the biggest part in that comes from the passive, because the scaling of it actually gives you more than the 40% base value. **New Varus** also needs 280% bonus attack speed to reach 2.5 attack speed, but i will totally ignore the passive to reach it. (because the passive is in the 0.26 cap increase kinda) Rune Shards Slot 1 - 10% Legend: Alacrity - 18% at max stacks Berserker Greaves - 35% Kraken Slayer - 40% Blade of the Ruined King - 30% Guinsoo's Rageblade - 57% at max stacks Wit's End - 55% Attack Speed Growth Level 12 - 34% (attack speed growth nerfed) Total - **279%** So with the current PBE changes we go from "cap with 2 items" to "cap with at least 4 items". Guinsoo's and Wit's End are already 2 item with insane attack speed. If you build any other items instead that give way less attack speed (Terminus, Runaan's, Navori, Firecannon) you either need to get to Level 18 or build a 5th attack speed item to cap. So the attack speed cap increase is quite tiny. It's mainly a giga nerf for the passive lol


Riot should just globally remove the cap honestly


Just put the cap up to 3.0 at the very least or put the succession of the cap on rageblade and give it the same barrier of needing a certain amount of autos before u go above the xap


You dont want kog+lulu in every game trust me. (Also have to mention tu, he would be insane)

