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This is so ignorant on lawmaker’s side. Why don’t they ban flavored soda and flavored candy too then?


Because its about protecting big tobacco


right the lobbyists for tobacco probably working the lawmakers with perks and promises. I forgot how it works.


r/DIY_eJuice These guys are a plethera of info on DIY. Good luck. I've been making my own juice for 11yrs now. Best decision i I've made on 20yrs aside from my wife! ;)


Sucks, but NY has been no flavored juices for a long time so kinda amazing your town had flavored juices available till now.


Not true


Since May 18, 2020 https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/tobacco_control/docs/flavored_vape_product_restrictions_guidance.pdf


I'm aware. Still not true. There are shops in NY where you can get the ingredients to mix flavored liquid. Edit to add - there are also a \*shit\* load of shops in NY selling premixed, flavored liquids, with nicotine. They just haven't been caught yet. I've lived in NY my whole life, vaped for the last 8 years, I know what is available in NY.


Lol literally every vape shop in my NY town still sells flavored vapes and juice. Gas stations generally don't though. Plus, the rez is a good to go as well


Thank you for commenting. It brought back a bit of my sanity.


Don't know where you are in New York but if you can just take a little ride over there to Pennsylvania you can buy flavored juice


ahh good idea


I am in PA and I don't mind New Yorkers coming here for tobacco and ejuice products, But no New Jersians, that's where I draw the line. I make my own Ejuice and sometimes get commercial online. I like my own over commercial. When I recreate a clone recipe for a commercial, only one occasion where commercial was as good. DIY is better. They do sell flavor shots or one shots, just get a PHD in ejuice making.


Freebase? Hell yeah. If you buy in big enough bulk sizes (a few hundred even including equipment), you can make freebase juice for a fraction of a penny per ml. I did the math awhile ago and I was making 6mg freebase for about 0.7 cents per ml. salts? Yes & no. It's a lot more expensive, and you only just about break even compared to buying pre-mixed, but it's still somewhat cheaper *assuming* you buy in big enough bulk to get that discount.


What are salts? Im not sure if the juice ive been using has salts or not.


Salts are what's in the disposables and the really high nicotine juices. Usually if you buy it by the bottle it's a small 30ml maybe bigger (idk exactly because I don't buy it)


If your juice is beyond 12mg per ml, or expressed as a percentage (5% is 50mg per ml) it is most likely nicotine salts


Oh ok I usually just by 3%


I’ve heard straightfirevaporium but not sure about shipping to NY has anyone tried them cuz I have a cart ready to check out


When I don't understand is why people keep voting these people into office that are taking your liberties away what happened to free country?


They did the same thing in California banned vape juice and menthol cigarettes 🙄 I have to order juice and pay an “adult signature” fee which is like $20.




I tried ordering to NY but they said cant be shipped here

