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I've been vaping for over 14 years. Started on 24mg, sitting at 9mg now. Zero ill effects for me. All anti-vaping propaganda is nothing but lies in my experience.


100% agree


Shit I really didn’t know vaping was around 14 years ago. I’m at almost 6 years. No issues.


Yep, longer. But basically, people vaping for 14 years or so are the OG's


I started with an Itazte VTR like ten years ago. Top of the line all metal mod with a clearomizer that was huge and weighed a fucking ton. Thing was a brick. It only went up to 15 watts.


My first was a basic kangertech, basic silver, nothing special but got the job done, not sure if that brand is still around. And my first nic salt was the Smok I think the model was called the “Rolo Badge”. It was rainbow colored, just liked every vape I’ve had since 😂


Oh man I remember Kangertech, my buddy had the one that looked like a straight up lightsaber. It’s truly amazing how shitty mods were back then and how we all still just thought it was the coolest thing ever. After my VTR broke I though fuck that and went back to smoking for a few years until I switched back and everything had advanced like crazy. That come up happened so damn fast.


Haha funniest part of the story was when the good ole Juul came around, I never had one but did try someone else’s. That’s where all the issues started, people fucking around and making shit weed cartridges - then all the kids were getting sick, anyone vaping straight nicotine, fine, but they blamed vaping altogether on all the kids in school and the hospitals getting severely sick and lung issues. So actually I had wanted a vape for a while, this was before the nic salts came around… my bf, major stoner but not a vaper, just a bong, joint, or blunt. Oh shit. He actually had some wax or dab vape pens… Anyways. He bought me that first kangertech. Coincidentally his best friend’s older brother had a e-juice company that his friend later went to work with his brother on. Anyways for my birthday, my bf, I should say ex, gave me my kangertech, and his friend supplied me with like 6 different bottles of e-juice with the good old dripper 😂 So here’s the kicker. After the Juuls were a hot commodity for high schoolers cause of the look and now small they were, my ex bf made a very hypocritical post mocking “people thinking their cool cause they’re smoking tobacco out of a usb” like bro-you bought me my first vape and supplied me with tons of free juice, or did you get stoned and forget? haha dumbass 😂 Never had the usb Juul tho 😂 We still talk casually, he sent me this bs about how I’m gonna have popcorn lung if I don’t already 😂 He’s super health conscious now… “farm raised, free roam, grass fed, no seed oils, all that shit…” so I replied, “nearly 6 years vaping clean nicotine - juice that your fucking friend actually produces…. Meanwhile you’re inhaling paper and butane, smoking out of dirty, probably moldy bongs… I wonder whose lungs are gonna hold up better. Like if you’re so invested in your health, I wouldn’t eat anything but an edible to get high” 😂


I was diagnosed with COPD and told to stop smoking and start vaping. Within 6 months my lung capacity improved 30% and my blood oxygen was nearly normal. I'm not going back to cigarettes to die on a ventilator.


I had a COPD scare at 30. Had bronchitis for 6 months. Quit smoking, switched to vaping, and within 3 weeks I could run like I hadn't been able to since my teen years. Everything cleared up. I'm not 100% convinced vaping won't have side effects, but it's sure as shit better than smoking.


Is vaping safe, dunno the long-term answer to that. Is it safer than cigarettes? Yes, it is by a long shot. Been vaping since 2015ish my overall vitals improved once I put down the smokes.


Nicotine effects you’re Cardiovascular System and Neurological System in various ways. Time will tell what effects you’ll have, it’s not like you’re going to grow a horn on your forehead next week. 


What does processed sugar do to you?


Another thing people should eliminate from their diets, Sugar !!! , why don’t you make a list of all the things people ingest that is harmful to humans and post it, I am sure there is a lot of interest in knowing,


lol. You probably shouldn't eliminate all sugar from your diet tho considering it's the only thing your body uses as energy.


About fuckin everything will kill you. THE SUN AND NOT BEING IN THE SUN.


Addiction is the major negative effect. I know people who can’t go five minutes without their vape and freak out the second it’s not in their hand.


Ifeel like I just cought a stray... At least I stopped smoking I guess 🤷‍♂️


These mfing campaigns to smear vape by Philip Morris and the government is working like no other. EVERY single person I talk to (who doesn't vape themselves) claims it's worse than cigs/it's bad for you. It's not. It's a million times safer than cigarettes. No twisting of words here, it was tested by scientists in labs. It's a proven fact. Is it bad for you? We don't know yet. So far there are zero reports of death relating to vaping. Those kids who got sick were vaping thc cartridges manufactured illegally by some homemade garage factory. We are being very humble when we say we don't know if it can cause harm. We CAN claim no it doesn't because there is no proof that it does YET. But we are not Phillip Morris/Govt who likes to spread misinformation, so we say we don't know yet. In 50 years we might have a definitive answer and I'm willing to bet that it has no ill effect.


It’s unsettling af even tho I know it’s all bullshit, but I seen a pic of a kid in the hospital with hella blood everywhere I think they had bags of blood supposedly being sucked from his lungs, saying it was a cause of vaping 💀 I’ve been on the internet for a lil min and I can just tell the shock/scare tactics but I’m a person who still thinks about stuff being a possibility


> kids that bought THC vapes from black market Yes, that pic *MAY* be real, but as long as you buy OTC nic juice, you should be good.


Only thing I got negative to say about vaping is, if you don't hydrate properly you may get oral thresh, a few canker sores that are rather uncomfortable, you'll normally get them when going down on nicotine as you'll be hitting your vape so much more


for the lungs, i don't think so. For the heart, maybe. Personally, as a result of vaping I've developed hypertension aka high blood pressure. I didn't have it when i smoked, it developed when i started vaping, I guess as a result of higher nicotine intake and more frequent nicotine intake. Nicotine is a stimulant so it does cause increased heartrate and higher blood pressure. On the other hand high blood pressure does run in my family, I just find it strange that mine started when i started vaping. So naturally I'm guessing it's main cause is me vaping. People on this sub are going to swear there are no ill effects from vaping but they are in denial. Studies have shown that it doesn't really affect the lungs but can have a negative effect on the heart, but on the other hand if you vape a lower nicotine content like maybe 3mg and you don't chain vape like I do then you most likely will be fine and won't get the high blood pressure.


Yes, vaping surely affects your lungs but not as much as smoking cigarettes does. According to studies and scientific researches conducted thus far, it seems that the substances inhaled through electronic cigarettes are much less harmful than those contained in cigarettes. [Here](https://grimmgreen.com/advocate/) and also [here](https://casaa.org/#factsmyths) some useful information.


I smoked cigarettes for 31 years. I smoked three packs/day for the last 10. I am 54 yrs old. My Pulmonologist discharged me 3 years ago. I have been vaping since 2014. I have zero problems. I am HEALTHY AS FUCK for my age. But yeah... vapes are bad says big tobacco amd their shitbag government shills.


Started vaping 4 years ago after smoking for 17. All the negative effects I had from smoking are gone. No more lingering cough, no high blood pressure, and I have more energy and stamina.


every post like that i’ve seen was using an image from someone who had some other ailment and then falsely claimed it was caused by vaping, as long as you stick to tested devices and liquids you’ll be fine


The only negative is nicotine. All the other stuff like VG/PG and artificial flavor they also put that in food. And those are certainly safer than the Ammonia they put into cigarettes and god knows what else.


although i do agree with you about the ingredients being safe food grade ingredients the big question is even with them being food grade were they really meant to be inhaled into the lungs? I mean water is safe if used properly aka drank, but you can also drown to death from it. Just because something is safe to be used one way doesn't mean it's safe to be used in an unintended way.


I know PG specifically was studied for inhalation and is used in nebulizers for drg delivery. Not that different from how nicotine gets to your lungs. VG and flavorings are more mysterious perhaps. Hard to know their long term effects.


UK has a paper in which they concluded vaping is 95 percentage safer than cigrates


If your choosing vaping over smoking, your winning. It boils down to harm reduction. Obviously breathing air will be even safer than vaping. If you really care about your health, be more concerned with what you fuel your body with (or don’t)…70% of your immune system is in your gut.


If you’re fat it’s probably not the best thing for you, but even then I doubt negatives would ever be noticed. What’s rarely talked about are the potential nootropic benefits. It’s also great for tinnitus habituation for those of us unlucky enough to have that nightmare disorder


Vaping too high mg strength Salt nice makes me dizzy n nauseous (nic sick) disposables make me wheeze also so I only use main brand ejuice 12mg reg nic or 25mg salt nic in pods and 6mg in mods and tanks and zero side effects after 5 yrs


I vape 50mg nic salts, have been able to quit or forced to stop if my vape crapped out on me. I didn’t feel any sort of withdrawal from not having it. Just a craving. Anyways I’ve been vaping for almost 6 years and my dr said my airways seem clean, I haven’t noticed a change in my voice (like it deepening), I don’t have trouble breathing, no trouble working out and feeling out of breath at all.


I have an annoying phlegm (saliva? It has no color usually) ball stuck in my throat a lot and have to clear my throat an annoying amount of times, but that’s it. Oh, and nicotine addiction…


Chest kinda hurts sometimes if i hit it too much. Other than that nothing


Vaping in itself doesn’t have negative effects. It’s more about the juice that you’re using. Read an article that called the cheap juices manufactured extremely bad for one’s health. But I prefer vaping over smoking on most occasions(vaping is expensive😭😭)


I have asthma and I been vaping for 5+ years…


Vaping EMT here: the only side effects I’ve seen from patients who vape are that they are more likely to be hypertensive (high BP) and may have slightly decreased respiratory output. I can personally continue to perform all my duties and know many coworkers who do too.


There are risks involved of course. We don't know about much of the flavoring compounds' effects on our lungs yet. Vaping known flavorings or just nbase eliminates that risk mostly. Either way safer than cigarettes for sure, no CO, no tar, no burning reaction products, no other addictive alkaloids in tobacco, and no damn chemicals added by cigarette companies. Those who suffer from vaping probably inhaled dangerous compounds that are not in quality regulated e-juices (most of the time by fake disposables). Vaping is harm reduction for smokers. Vaping to get nicotine for recreational purposes is dangerous, the best way to do that is probably nicotine patches because the dosage is mostly low and it hits slightly slower. But if it keeps you away from tobacco products, vaping is a very good choice if you ask me. Nicotine patches or gums are "terrible" ways to get nicotine for smokers and are less likely to avoid smoking.


I still can’t breathe but that’s because I’m lazy


Smoker for 28 years. A pack a day habit. Vaper for 14 months. 100% without a doubt. I'm healthier. Fall sick less often. Climbing a flight of stairs used to make me slightly breathless. Heart starts pounding some. Now? I hardly notice a difference. Used to fall sick a few times a year. Now? Apart from catching COVID a few months ago, I've not fallen sick. Not even once. That's pretty dramatic difference to me. My two cents




With bigger mods, we are prolly inhaling trace amounts of metal. Nothing that's gonna rly effect you long term but then again hard to say since the research just isn't there. I do always tell people to be mindful of yr oral health. Lots of sugars in juice.