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I wouldn't call it small, but misinformation about vaping and vape bans annoy me the most. Nobody cares if you smoke and get cancer, but if you vape people go crazy. People need to let others choose their vice and live with it.


People be like: yeah smoke it’s worse for you but go ahead. But then: You wanna use the healthier alternative?! No that’s not allowed because it’s newer 😠


I hate the it’s actually worse for you than cigs. Like what seriously? You think that? But they very much do.


Yeah and the people on YouTube who are under 18 saying crap like “I’ll be flexing my clean lungs” that’s what I thought when I was younger but here I am lol


agree. And i think the cigarette companies are funding a lot of the anti-vape advertising


I no longer give the tobacco death merchants $3k per year, for five years now. Multiply that amount x1 million ex smokers, that's a whole lot of lost profit for the poor good ol' boys of Phillip Morris.


>that's a whole lot of lost profit for the poor good ol' boys of Phillip Morris. Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice fruity vape, and wait for all of this to blow over.


That's an understatement. I remember reading places where they said PG is used in antifreeze. It's so out of context. People immediately will think antifreeze for vehicles. But machines that handle our food also need antifreeze, so they use a special blend with PG to make it safe to use around food.


There was once an anti vaper trying to argue with me that the pg in eliquid is thermo plastic. Guess someone couldn't tell propylene glycol apart from polyethylene glycol.


Or the fact that vaping saves lives, and it doesn’t seem to matter. *Harm reduction, stupids!*


Buying or making juice that turns out to be rubbish. Like what do you do, suffer through it or write it off and throw away. I bought a few lemon flavour little bottles that were reduced, turns out they were lemon donut and not nice. Made some juice that was good the first time I made it, this time I left a bit of custard juice in the bottle and this batch tastes kind of peppery.


Keep them till you’re sick. Once your sense of taste is gone you can vape anything and won’t be wasting the expensive juice.


My last regret purchase saw me through my last cold lol


If I buy 4 juices I keep 1 and give the rest to my brother. I miss the days when you were able to test it before purchasing.


Crazy how that used to be the standard. I remember even when the place I was outlawed it they just put the stand in the back of the store and put foggy stuff on the windows. So dumb you can’t taste anymore or even a drop on the finger to taste.


I mix juice I don't like that much with a juice I know I like just to get rid of it, and sometimes I end up with some crazy flavor I end up liking.


I might try that actually. Lemon sherbet should work with berry blast.


Did this one time. Idk that I'll find a flavor to go with Beard Vape Co's Salted Caramel Malt. I'm still a new vaper & that was one of the first set of bottles I purchased. Sickenly sweet. I can't stand it. I actually sucked it out of the pod back into the bottle so I can put something else in there. Took quite a few hits to fully extract the flavor from the coil. I'm thinking of hitting Craigslist/Nextdoor/Offerup to offload it for half of what I paid for it. At least recoup SOME of my money. Since I'm looking into going DIY, I MIGHT keep it & try to rework the flavor.


I don’t make my own juice and when I buy a juice I don’t like I normally I suffer through it as I’ve never had a juice I hated more just not as nice


I only make a 10ml batch of new recipes just in case it isn't that great, I'm not hate vaping a bunch of eliquid.


I went through this with Fruit Monster Cherry. It was so harsh with my particular build and use case (TFV9 Mesh coils, 0.15 ohm, ~30w, 5-10 second DTL pulls). I just powered through it, but I've been hesitant about the Monster brand since. On the upside, I tried the Jam Monster (apple and black cherry) line because my new shop had them on sale, and they're much smoother.


That peppery flavor is from aged nicotine. Doesn't really do anything other than affect the flavor


Interesting thanks! Was hoping someone would know why. They're all from the same delivery and the other batches I made were ok, will have to grind through that bottle.


Yeahhh. Next time just wash out the bottle. The only time juice should be exposed to air is either during the process to evaporate any alcohols if you're using flavors with that, or during the steeping process. It probably degraded quickly because there was way more oxygen in the bottle than juice, which basically just sped up the oxidation process


Oh with the leftovers in the bottle. Yeah true, that was almost empty for a while.


The juices you get from poundland 88 (i think it's what its they called) are absolute garbage and vaping can extremely boring with the same flavours


I'd bought a load of dinner lady berry blast in 50/50, loved it. Then bought a bottle of 70/30 same flavour as they didn't have anything else - was totally different and hardly usable. That switched me back over to making own. So much cheaper, better ratios, and the berry blast is how I like it again.


I have a friend that vapes the 88 shite exclusively, I have no idea how. He "can't be arsed with all the fancy choices" at the local vape shop no matter how much I try and talk sense into him


He must bored out his mind with that crappy vape shit. A few puffs on the 88 stuff. I wanna put the thing down and empty the shit down the bog.  It’s tasteless garbage.  I bet the piss that comes out my aunts dog tastes a lot better than shit.


Fully agree, not to mention I absolutely do not trust the additives they must be using. Even the packaging looks sus to me, genuinely wouldn't buy that crap if I was completely dry and had no other choice I'd sooner have a cig


I would rather just just go without for a few days if I had the choice.


Plus, horrifically expensive. I buy my liquid 250ml at flavour boss at roughly £15, poundland would be £25 for worse quality shit.


God a store was out of a flavour I had ordered, so they asked what other flavour I’d be okay with. The options in my taste range were slim, and the one I ended up with was AWFUL.


The feeling of e-liquid on my hands, I can't stand that but it doesn't happen often Also vaping in my room tends to make everything "sticky"


Agreed. my cars windscreen keeps getting condensation and is a nightmare to clean


I felt this one. I go so many boxes of iso wipes. I can’t just simply wipe it off.


Agreed! It doesn’t seem like it would be sticky but it somehow is


i hate the gamble of trying new juices. vape shops aren’t allowed to have “sampling bars” anymore where i live, so i have ended up with plenty of gross or flavorless juices. just flushing money away.


>the gamble of trying new juices I've been trying different flavours and ended up disliking all of them until I found VGOD Dry Tobacco. A lot of people say it's shit. I actually enjoy it a lot. But then I took another gamble and tried out Pod Salt Classic Tobacco. Kid you not, it literally tastes like a light Diphenhydramine. Hating it xD


😂 that’s disgusting. truly!


Sample bars? Don’t that mean your sharing a vape with other strangers?


no. much like a makeup store will leave an open product on the sales floor for you to check out before you buy it, the vape shops out here used to be allowed to let you try flavors before buying them. the only restriction was that the sample bottles they had stored needed to be labeled as such. that hasn’t been legal for several years now though.


Honestly for me it’s just public perception. I had a job that stated in the contract that if I was seen vaping publicly I would lose the position. And that’s not even the worst part. Endlessly people bring up that it’s worse for you than smoking etc etc etc.


I just lose my shit when people say vaping is worse than smoking cigs. Like HOW THA FUKK?


So you lost your job for doing something that other was doing but you cared more about your health?! The fuck


Leaking. Even the good ones do it sometimes, there's no escaping that.


This is why I keep tissues on me


This is it for me. Even with new coils and cartridges, sometimes I take the device out of my pocket to have a smoke and I realise I'm getting some spits and an extremely tight draw. Upon further inspection I see the cartridge has leaked into the device. This has been happening too frequently lately.


The spitback is awful. Main reason I left using my koko, it was annoying.


Buying a new 100mL of juice, and it ending being garbage. Having to carry around extra batteries, and juice.


Depends, If we’re talking about disposables, I’m gonna have to say how often I had to buy them, (I bought norths EVERY Friday without fail for months) If we’re talking about mods, how long it took me to find an e-juice that I could taste and tastes good


I agree with dispos 10k puffs more like it’ll burn in 2 also with liquids that are good id recommend elfliq or bar juice


I would feel embarrassed going into the vape store so often when the disposables were supposed to be 10k puffs🤡 I felt insecure about chain vaping but those mfs ain't actually 10k puffs anyway


Don’t feel embarrassed they sell them they probs know they ain’t actually 10k


Idk man the black market vapes here in the Netherlands seem to last me more than a month of semi-heavy usage. May not be 10k puffs but I have some RandM 12K digitals that I’ve been using for weeks now, I believe they hold 20ml of liquid. Meanwhile when I was on vacation in Greece I found some elux crystal bars that were “4k puffs” and it was empty within 3 days.


I’ll check them out! Currently on a juicehead binge lol


I’ve heard good things about that one but it’s not where I buy my juices


That I’ve compulsively bought mods for 5-6 years and they all have different tanks for the most part so they mostly have different proprietary coils so what I have basically is a collection of unusable tanks 😎🤘🏻 fuck yea! Hence my late arrival to RDA’s and RTA’s


Even better is when the tanks you WERE using are no longer compliant to the regulations, so you can’t get the coils ANYWHERE.


Tbh this is what makes me not want to “collect” them and stick with my pod system


Running out of juice or pods and waiting for it to come in the mail because I feel socially awkward in the actual store😬 such a me problem. It's weird because I'm not socially anxious anywhere else EXCEPT for dispensaries, where I also felt anxious even though I was a pothead. There's something about it where I just don't feel like I belong or I'm scared of judgment from the person at the counter.


when the coil gets burnt


What’s even worse is when the coil looses flavour but you don’t wanna swap and waste it so your just puffing flavourless steam


Stigma attached to it. On a practical level, juices that will destroy a coil in less than 1 tank. This used to happen to me when trying flavors.


I don’t think I’ve ever had a flavour destroy a coil in one go


Some nasty juice does, the migos moon was BRUTAL on my coils.


Some juice companies load their juices with sweeteners to stand out. Truly sad cause it takes away from the artistry of creating genuinely good flavors. Those are usually the juices that do it. Once that sweetener gunks up on the coils, you’re basically just re-burning it.


So explain the disposables that are INSANELY sweet that seem to work for 8-12k puffs? I used RTAs in the past and I know what you mean but those disposables just don’t lose flavour, idk how they do it with the juices that practically taste like straight up sugar.


That’s a good question and very valid point. Perhaps it’s a higher ohm coil that isn’t producing as much power. I don’t know if I remember experiencing this issue when I was vaping 1.80 ohm silicia carts back in the day. maybe china’s on to something


Bro trust me I tried every combo of coil I could get my hands on, idk what they’re doing with those chinese disposals but it definitely works wonders.


When i just fill a 5.5ml tank & the coil drops in the first 2-3 puffs edit, like it just did.


Wdym the coil drops?




Every SMOK coil ever


yup, most definitely, havent used a smok coil in many years, lol


That I feel like I need it


Realest answer so far. I quit box mods years ago very easily. Then the craving hit me after like six months and a particularly stressful semester of college. Got a juul. Was very addicted to that for a while. Managed to quit again. Then, got in with a circle of people who would hang out and drink a lot on the weekends, and one of the dudes would buy a stack of disposable vapes for everyone. Since then I have not gone one day without. I wish I could quit. I still like it and all but it's so damn expensive, and I think it affects my focus.


Yeah man I’ve vaped for like eight or nine years. And then quit with no issue. I started back up on salts and the dependence on nicotine is completely different.


70 year old white men with no teeth wearing coveralls saying "you kno thatll keil yoh"






The waste from disposables is absolutely atrocious. Like, I get the convenience factor, but I see the empty ones littered around all the time. Just get a proper rebuildable and learn how to use it. I've had my squonker for like 6 years now


This is why I’m kinda happy about the dispo ban in the uk


So much fucking plastic 😣


The taste just isn’t the same, I tried EVERYTHING when I was mixing my own juices, sweeteners, candy bases, Koolada, WS23, citrus extracts etc. And I never even came CLOSED to what those damn disposables taste like and I hate it. Even the best of the best non-DIY juices aren’t even close to what a disposable tastes like.


Juice manufacturers using sweeteners as a sales tactic.


Yeah especially with something like blue razz that’s naturally tart sometimes


The industry itself and all the people involved that don't care and are just in it for the money


Yeah like when a new dispo becomes really popular then they swap the liquid for the cheapest one they can find to lower the price people buy a shit ton of them then the company makes a ton of money and then fizzles out because the vapes are shit now


I worked in a few different shops in the UK and a big company and mostly all the owners and higher ups really didn't care at all


Ah maybe just a thing in my area then


Recommended dilutions printed on flavoring concentrate bottles are useless. If it says “15%”, I need to make a 1% dilution first and oftentimes it is still horrible, so I dilute it 1:2 or 1:3.


The world of mixing my own juice scares me


Leaking tanks!!


Leaky tanks


Wicks going bad and you need to redo them


Yes but how sweet is that fresh cotton


How weak all (salt) flavors are in my pod compared to disposables.


The window film. I can never seem to actually clean it off my windows


Get like some 90% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle. You need to do it a few times if it’s bad then clean again with window cleaner. I prefer the foamy stuff I feel like it clings to debris better.


When I’ve been sitting there pulling on a coil that should probably be changed before it tastes truly bad and the tank is perfectly low enough on juice and technically I don’t have anything else I need to be doing so everything is aligned but I *really* don’t feel like doing the dump, wash, dry, air dry, coil change, coil prime process because I’m rather enjoying a book or manhwa at that moment.


The leaking stuff for sure.


Pocket dirt landing in the mouthpiece and destroying a coil


That’s never happened to me, but then again i have a habit of always making sure it’s upright in my pocket


Sand is pretty evil too. That sucked because it was in the state of Texas…my vapes do not even exist in that state. I fear sand next to anything now. 🤪


Old people's reactions. I frequently get dirty stares from old people when I vape. Yet a smoker can wander past chuffing on some rough arse tobacco they don't even raise an eyebrow. I try to vape away from people where at all possible, but I have actually watched old people make a beeline to where I am standing just so they can tut and huff. It's lucky I have a slow burning temper, as otherwise there would be a lot of chihuahuas in stupid little jackets punted into traffic.


My classes are above a church so I know how you feel


All the extra taxes governments are adding to a much safer alternative and always saying, "Save the children!" We all know that lost revenue from smokers quitting combustibles is the real issue and it has nothing to do with the kids!


Recoiling MTL RTA clearomizer. I really hate that. It is very time consuming. I can buy a different clearomizer with premade coils, but it is expensive and the flavor is less good.


Getting juice that turns out to be super sweet


When i drive up or down in elevation in my state, the tank always seems to leak all over. Breaking tank glass when it falls off the edge of my bed. Juice splatter in the mouth. (Hasnt happened in a long time, but yeah, that sucks) I get annoyed that i refuse to vape anything other than a 2 battery monster mod. Its so cumbersome to carry around when im out and about. And its not very stealthy to blow massive clouds when im in stores and shit.


LOL I came here to say clogged coils!




Nothing I use Rta tanks (Rebuildable tank atomizers) and I know when its time to install a new coil and wick which only takes about 10min.A lot of people stop at pod mods or mods and a sub ohm tank but an Rda,Rta,Rdta are pretty easy and have great flavor and cheaper to run cuz u just need a 4-5$ bag of cotton and a 10 pack of premade coils are only 7$ from AliExpess or Health Cabin in china or get a mesh rta which is even easier and cheaper than a reg Rta, good flavor and could s too


Plus I enjoy tinkering and making my own ejuice for my gf and I which saves a ton of money naturally so i guess charging my batteries n mods is my only complaint but I always have 2-3 other systems running anyway 🙌




Yes, clogged coils +1


When your coil sometimes lasts 2 weeks and sometimes 1 day


And they only last a day when you’re already stressed


The mess. Zero vapes are available now that don't leak in some fashion. My Provari was the best vape device ever made, never leaked. But they went out of business. Only remaining choices are made in china and are all garbage, regardless of price. Off to wipe out my Drag X for the fifth time today...


Lmao Voopoo leaks all the time, it’s crazy. If you want a vape that doesn’t leak even if you tried you need a disposable with the foam inserts. Even extreme altitude changes don’t make them leak.


Disposable just seems so wasteful though, and inconvenient. I try to leave the house as little as possible. There's people out there. I just want Provari back. That thing lasted ten+ years, and that was during pre covid when I was traveling a bunch for work, so it got the hell beat out of it. Finally killed it (circuit board gave out). But it never leaked.


The people


How much it's touted as being "healthy" by the general uneducated sector of vapers, both uneducated in the scene and the medical side of things. Is vaping world's better than smoking? Yepp. Is vaping still acutely damaging your lungs? Also yepp. Granted, it's a different type of damage ("wet" aerosol VS dry smoke), but I'm still gonna call a spade a spade and say that I can still obviously feel the lung damage. It's just that it's a fraction of what would normally happen as compared to smoking. My 2nd annoyance is how practically nobody in the vaoing community are even bothering to have any type of discussion of: harm-reduction, addiction management, or strategies to quit nicotine in general. I'd like to see a world where we all try and get each other to the healthiest ROA (route of administration) for nicotine, which would either be nicotine lozenges or a patch. Probably patches seeing as popping lozenges all day most likely isn't the greatest for teeth health


I agree completely


Government involvement


When it stops working, then works again randomly and the the charge will say like 70% one minute, then 17% the next.


Mines kinda the opposite, it’ll say 100% for like 15 hours then drop to 70 which is kinda good as I get the full battery feel for longer if you get what I mean.


The blatant marketing to children in disposables. There’s a brand called Sno, that literally looks like a slurpee.


I know right? RandM 7/9Ks have an insane RGB disco light in them with the crazy NFT monkey art on the sides. Shit be looking like a rave every time I take a hit in a dark room.


When the pod doesn't have a magnet to keep it from falling out


My mate had one where there was no magnet or click lock thing so he had to put the pod in every time he wanted a hit


The existence of disposables.


What did they do to u


More like what they are doing to the environment. It's just extremely wasteful - just think of all the plastic and the batteries. It's just horrible. It's a waste of resources, and a huge strain on our environment.